- ' . The Commoner JANUARY, 1915 ID THE NAZAKENE'S PROGRAM ' (Continued from page 15) from henceforth sin no more." It may have been the first kind word, and thG first expression of faith in her, that the woman ever heard. She went away stunned with kindness. The look of love that shone from the eyes of Jesus was the only look of holy love that had ever been cast in her direction. She went home be wildered. She cohld not rid herself of that face and those eyes, and what was more she would have felt lost if they had suddenly vanished from her mind. Her throat was parched, her eyes were dry, her heart peat wildly, she flung herself upon her face. But listen! outside was the tramping of many feet. Sho arose and went to the door; she flung it open and stood as she had often done, before the gaze of the crowd. One of the passersby was saying that the Nazarene was on bis way to dine with Simon the Pharisee. Then Jesus himself drew near. H looked at her, not a look of reproach, but an appeal to the best there was in her. She turned away overwhelmed with the consciousness of her sin and shame. Longing to know more of the life to which Jesus had opened the door, she despised the orna ments and gay dress with which she was attired. She removed the ear rings, the finger-rings, the gold ank lets, tearinc off thft head-band she let her long hair flow free, and re moving every possible mark of shame she took up a box of precious oint ment, which she had purchased for herself, and started for the house of the Pharisee. The guests had al ready taken their positions about the table, reclining in Oriental fashion upon the couches. The woman en tered and going directly to the Naz arene she made ready to ' pour the precious ointment upon his feet, but before she could open the flask, her heart melted, her eyes, so long dry, rained tears upon the Nazarene's feet, with her long hair sho tried to wipe the tears away, while she fairly cov ered his feet with her kisses. And then, feeling unworthy to anoint his jiead, she poured the oiiitmor'. upon his feet, and the fragrance of it filled the house. The Pharisee was saying within himself, "If this man were a prophet ho would know that this woman is a sinful woman, and would not have allowed her to touch him." But Jesus declared that while the Pharisee had given him no water for his feet, had given him no kiss, and had not anointed his head, this wo man had washed his feot with her tears, covered them with kisses, and anointed them with oil. Sh0 loved much because she had been forgiven mtffth. BAD DREAMS CnuNcil By Coffee "I have been a coffee drinker, more or less, ever since I can remember, until a few months ago I became more and more nervous and irritaoie, and finally I could not sleep at night for I was horribly disturbed by dreams of all sorts and a species of distressing nightmare. "Finally, after hearing the expert-, ence of numbe i of friends who had quit coffee and wero drinking Pos tum, and learning of the great ben efits they had derived, I concluded coffee must be the cause of my trou ble, so I got some Postum and had it made strictly according to direc tions. . "I was astonished at the flavour and taste. It entirely took the place of coffee, and to my very great satisrac tion, I began to sleep peacefully and sweetly. My nerves improved, and I wish I could wean? every man, woman and child from the unwholesome drug-drink Coffee. "People do not really appreciate or realize what a powerful drug it is and what terrible effect it nas on iu human system. If they did, hardly a pound of coffee would be sold, l would never think of going back to coffee again. I would almost as soon think of putting my hand in a fire after I had once been burned, lours for health." Postum comes in two forms: Regular Postum must be well boiled. 15c and 25c packages. Instant Postum is a soluble pow der. A teaspoonful dissolves quickly in a cup of hot water and, with cream and sugar, makes a delicious beverage instantly. 30c and 50c tins. The cost per cup of both kinds is about the same. "There's a Reason" for Postum, sold by Grocers. The universal Fatherhood of God can mean nothing other than the universal brotherhood of man. In primitive society there is the division into tribes. Those of a tribe are of one blood, one language, one land, and one god. Within the tribe they are neighbors, friends, brothers. The tribal god frowns upon injustice be tween members of the same tribe. But those of another tribe, who wor ship another god, are without the pale of justice. They may bo robbed, reduced to servitude, or killed, with impunity. The love for fellow He brew and, hate for alien gentile was the narrowing influence that dwarfed the soul of the Jew. The author of the book of Jonah portrays the nar row exclusiveness of his people in the man wtio refused to carry the warn ing to Nineveh because he was afraid God would spare the city. Some of the prophets had caught a vision of a universal Father, but Judaism at the time of Christ had settled down to a nnrrnw exclusiveness which made ilifim incanable of being a missionary people. Jesus removed all tribal and racial boundaries. The parable of the good Samaritan was his answer to the lawyer's question, "Who is my neighbor?" The Nazarene revealed God as the universal Father of a common humanity, a revelatioi&which makes all mankind a brotherhood. There is yet the rising of nation against nation, -class against class, creed against creed. But when the Nazarene is given a universal near ing, mankind will unite as one fam ily, bound together by ties that are closer than the ties of blood. The golden rule of the Christ, put into operation the world over, will work a mighty transformation in the social order. The Nazarene had a world pro gram. That program was to be car red out, not by royal mandate, not by the force of arms, but by the matchless power of love. A king and o irfntrinm whifih nut love in the plare of force was as incomprehen sible to the Jews as it was to the Greeks and Romans. But love is no airy sentiment. It is the power that will rule the world. The recognition of the brotherhood of man will one .I.,,, v o trvnnt&r nnwer than all the armament of all the nations of the earth. The common people who bear the load, and who are called upon to kill their fellow men in time of war, will rise against war. As sure as truth is truth, and God is God, the world is moving, even today, toward universal peace, universal co-operation, and universal brotherhood. rv, n r.iitnn. durinc a recent fam ine Dr. Cochran, a Protestant of pre eminent ability, was selected by com- nnnant in toad in the relief work. But within a few weeks Dr. Corhran was striCKen wiui mo iu ine fever, typhus. Everywhere prayer was made for his recovery. Father Perrin. a Catholic, sent telegrams to two hundred priests calling- upon 7. - .i v..tr. nnnatitllAnCV Of fifty I thousand Catholics to pray for the recovery of Dr. Cochran. Thon Fa ther Perrin was stricken with the same terrible fever. lie asked to bo carried to Dr. Cochran's, hospital, and lapsed Into unconsciousness. When ho opened his eyes in the hospital two nurses, one on either oldo of tho bed, a Catholic and a Protestant, wore watching him. Ho reached up and clasped their hands across the bed, and putting his hand upon their hands, ho said, "My children, I moss you. Love one another." Then he lior.nrrirt unnntiRctntiM. Whnn ho onen- ed his eyes again the nurses werej standing as bofore, still watching him. Again ho placed their hands together, and with his hand upon theirs ho said, "My children, I pray that you all may be one even as tho Father and Christ are one." And then tho end came. Jepthah required th0 fleeing Epli raimites when they came to the ford at the Jordan to pronounce "Shib oloth," and when they said, "Sibo leth," they wore put to death. We require passwords today before wo will recognize a man as our brother, but tho day is coming when all the world will have a common password, and that tho nam0 of'tho Nazarene. Tho teutons entered into a coven ant with one another by spilling com mon blood in tho dust and each party to the covenant treading In it. Th day is coming when all tho peoples of tho earth will enter into a covenant by recognizing a common interest In tho blood that was spillod by the Nazarono. Primitive tribes hav0 thoir totem poles, each tribe gathorlng about it totem pole, and recognizing all those of that circlo as friondfl. The day is coming when all tho pooplen ofth earth will meet In a common brother hood, not about a totem pole, but nround tho cross on which tho Naz arono was nailed. Tho Nazarene came to free men from traditions, to teach men to And the abundant Hfo by losing themselves in service, and to give as a motive for sorvico a love which considers no sacriflco too great when human need requires it. That ChrlBt is conquer ing tho world. our Xl Shhc Bofc, contain 1B7 IBIS inwtlc, 1iwb number or old church tun? XM ! In nJImtiiltntilnd In, sac oach.a.00icr dozen, portPd. " 1&J& Echooluupcnnicnncuw nnuuinitcm, nuv.--- pla copy, petpnl. Addrcva Tho Tckeri' Mwlc FnMiM8 Co., HJm, M. C. jOiAistion. Jfepu On easy terms on free trial You need not wait until you are ready to pay $500, or $200, or $100 for a Columbia Grafonola. Invest $25 $5 at a time in this COLUMBIA Eclipse $25 which plays the same records as the higher priced models, and plays them right. . -it Any Columbia dealer will gladly demonstrate the "Eclipse" in his store, or send it out to your home on trial. If you do not easily locate a Columbia dealer, write us. COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE CO., Woolworth Bldg. New York A Sewing Machine Offer We want to put a SINGER Sewing Machine into your home for a free, fair, full trial. We want every woman to see for herself why the Singer is recognized as the, best in the world. Send a postal for our free booklet. Select from it the type of machine you would like to have sent to your home for free trial, all charges paid. If you decide to buy it, terms will be made to please you. If you dont want it, it will be taken back at our expense. Write for the booklet now. 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