The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, January 01, 1915, Page 11, Image 11

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The Commoner
public life. . The race feeling is giving way, as
it should. There should be no classin America
to whom any office in the gift of the nation-is
closed, when a representative of -that class is
the best man- for the place."
An unusual situation, created by adherence lo
a belief in the dangers of nepotism, is told in a
dispatch from Chicago and printed in the New
York Herald; as follows :-
"By winning Helen James, daughter of Ed
ward Janes James, president of the University-of
Illinois, as a bride, George Enfield Frazer, con
troller of the university and professor of public
accounting, has lost his position. He has extend
ed his resignation and it has been ncceptod by
Professor James, who has frequently stated that
he is opposed to having any relatives: of his serve
on a faculty with him.
" It Is my decided opinion,' said President
James, 'based on long experience as high school
principal, college professor and university pres
ident, that boards of trustees and public school
boards in general should be prohibited by law
from appointing to .positions within their gift any
person connected by blood or marriage to the
fourth degreo with any member- of the- teaching,
or admini&traiivestaff.
" In my jjudgmenij. the appointment and pro
motion of relatives of influential persons on the
staff to positions in the university is one of the
serious defects of American college and univer
sity administration.
" 'Nepotism is in its quality a more subtle and
more corrupting influence than either politics or
religion directed, to the same end, bad as these
" 'The Vettefwirthschaft or system of cousin
age in appointment, believed by many to be
widespread in' German universities, is certainly
one of the cancerous growths on that otherwise
admirable system.' "
A "chauvinist is termed as a ranter on the
subject of patriotism, and a "jingo" as a ranter
on the subject of war. The qualities of a chau
vinist are set forth by a writer in the Columbus
(0.) Journal, as follows:
"Chauvinism what is it? was asked of a class
of teachers at Chicago, and was not answered.
The term is used much these days, because there
is much of it around. "We hear it every day and
see columns about it in the newspapers. It
means an exaggerated patriotism a feeling that
we are the chosen people and all others are gen
tiles and outcasts. It is a -poor sort of patriotism.
It is grand for a man to love his country, but his
love is. a very poor kind if it does not include
more than himself and his family.
"One sees many chauvinists these days. It is
not a wholesome sight. It is a deformed patriot
Win. To be a true American one needs to be
under the sway of a broad spirit which recog
nizes the virtues of others as well as his own.
To be always boasting of one's merits, celebrat
ing one's exploits and challenging others vir
tues and achievements belittles one's life, both
as an individual and a citizen. Because we love
our country is no reason why we should not love
other countries. In fact, if we limit our love to
our own country it is a poor quality of love. Let
us not be chauvinists. Let us ennoble ourselves
by being world-wide friends.",
A warning of moral decadence if the spirit of
lawlessness in all American communities goes
unchecked was voiced by Governor Charles 3.
Whitman of New York in his inaugural address
at Albany, January 1. Declaring that the in
crease of crime deserved the thoughtful atten
tion of the legislature, Governor Whitman said:
."Disregard of law, impatience with legal and
moral restraints, contempt for the judicial ana
executive ministers of justice are phenomena ob
servable in all American cpmmunities ana an
classes," he said. "No material prosperity, no
abounding wealth, ho progress in the sconces
can save us from moral decadence and ultimate
decay if this sipirt of lawlessness and contempt
for legal authority continues.
"There is but one way of meeting the danger,
and that is through the creation of a dominant
and pervading public sentiment in support of Hie
enforcement of the law. Where that sentiment
Is wanting no devices of the law can make up
tor it.."
The Work of the President's Cabinet
Reports received from 290 shipping points in
16 principal late-onion producing states, show
that approximately 18,934 carloads of onions
were shipped from these stations in 1913. Of
this number about 12,239 cars were moved dur
, ing harvest time and-6,695 carloads were held
in storage at those points for later sale. From
these reports the estimated commercial onion
crop for the year 1914 at the same points is 21,
623 carloads, and the estimated quantity going
into storage at those points 7,879 carloads.
These 16 states produce about 75 per cent of the
annual crop.
Reports received from 328 shipping points in
10 principal late-cabbage producing states show
that approximately 18,694 carloads of cabbage
were shipped from these stations in 1913. Of
this number, about 14,465 were moved during
harvest time and 4,229 carloads were held in
storage at those points for later sale. From
' these' reports the estimated, commercial! cabbage;
crop- fonrtheyear 1914 atAhesasapaintaisf-2?,: '
390' carloads, -.of which number. arcHBAlSZ'4fc''
cars are being moved during harvest and about
4,645 cars put into storage. These 10 states
produce about two-thirds of the annual crop.
Since the publication of various orders modi
fying the federal quarantines declared on ac
count of the foot and mouth disease, the author
ities here have received numerous inquiries
with regard to the exact meaning of the regu-
lations now in force.
The quarantines which were declared at the
beginning of the outbreak prohibited the ship
ment of cattle, sheep, other ruminants and swine
into the quarantined area for any purpose save
that of immediate slaughter, and prohibited ab
solutely the shipment of such stock out of the
quarantined area. Since then the quarantines in
parts of some states, notably Michigan, Illinois,
Ohio, Indiana, New York, Pennsylvania, Ken
tucky, Iowa, and Wisconsin, have been modified
that they now permit the shipment of live
stock into these areas for all purposes and the
shipment of live stock out for immediate slaugh
ter at place where the federal meat inspection
service is maintained.
Certain counties, however, have been exempt
ed in each of these states from the privileges
granted by the modified quarantine. Into these
counties no stock can be shipped for feeding
purposes, but in some of them stock can be ship
ped out after a preliminary inspection and cer
tification by the federal authorities. In the
areas under modified quarantine various restric
tions governing the shipment of carcasses, hides,
bay, straw, etc., have also been removed.
The editor of the department's division of pub
lications has announced in his annual report
tbat 1.152 new publications were issued during
the fiscal year ended Juno 30, 1914. The total
number of copies of these publications was 26,-
In addition to these new publications, 11,494, '
700 copies df publications issued in Previous
years were reprinted, making a grand total of
38 186,392 copies published during the year.
An important change in the department's pub
lications was the abolishing of the series of bul
letins nd circulars issued by the various bureaus
of the department. The bureau series of bul
letiw and circulars were superseded by a series
CaliesVe th depart-
ment now publishes four series of publications
S Slace of the more than 40 series formerly is
sued The four series are: Department bul
letin periodical publications, annual reports,
and farmers' bulletins.
A new periodical publication was established,
.v i .V. t-i nr Agricultural Research, In
?hteh are published the results of the strictly
ntific and technical investigations of the de-
PaTSedecisions, notices of judgment, and orders
formerly Issued in separate form, have been
Sought together in monthly service and regu
latory announcements for each bureau or board
charged with the enforcement of regulatory
The output tor the year of all kinds of print
ed matter including publications, blanks, blank
books, bound volumes, and mimeographed no
tlcos for tho press reachod a grand total of 84,
650,458 copies.
Tho demand for tho department's publications
was so great that in addition to tho vast number
distributed free, tho superintendent of docu
ments sold 231,821 copies for $21,708.76.
The demand for farmers' bulletins continued
to Increase, so that tho number distributed was
44 per cent greater than In any previous year.
During tho year, 55 new farmers' bulletins wore
Issued editions totaling 4,730,000 copies; 284
of the earlier numbers wore reprinted to the
total number of 10,230,000 copies, making an
aggregato of 14,960,000 copies issued during the
year. Of these, 8,309,659 copies woro distrib
uted on tho orders of sonators, representatives,
and delegates.
Several new lines of work for tho benefit of
VJl.o public,, aad, especially ot-
feaHwer&;insiUKueatdfdriagtkeyer.' Othrs
recently begun have been extended into portions
of the country where the growing importance of
agricultural pursuits have made them of in
creased value.
A special sorvice given f.o orchardlsts and
raisers of tobacco, oranges, cranberries, and ccr
jliin other crops has been rendered by means
of frost warnings issued in spring and autumn.
Closo attention Is paid by tho forecasters to the
needs of these crops at critical periods, and the
growers are kopt fully advised as to tho dangers
of frost and are warned of tho necessity of re
sorting to measures of protection through arti
ficial heating and smudging, or flooding the bogs
in the case ot cranborrles.
The establishment of a "cattle region service,"
through which bulletins containing statements
of weather conditions over the stock ranges of
the Texas panhandle and adjacent regions are
issued, constitutes a new feature of the bureau's
work. This has been particularly effective as
affecting the cattle industry of the great south
west, having proved of such material value as to
create a demand for its continuance throughout
the entire year, instead of from April to October
as at present.
Satisfactory progress in the standardization of
grain has been made In the past year, according
to the annual report of the bureau of plant in
dustry, recently Issued.
Tentative grades for corn were first published
by tho department in August, 1913. With some
changes, these tentative grades wore promul
gated In 1914 as "grades for commercial corn."
The various states and commercial organizations
which have independent grain inspection depart
ments have either adopted these grades, or de
clared their intention of so doing. Their great
Virtue' is that they will enable the shipper to as
certain for himself what grade his corn will re
ceive at the inspection point, and at the same
Itlmo permit tho buyer to discover whether or
not he has received the grade he ordered. Hith
erto all corn delivered at country stations has
been bought at practically the same price regard
less of its water content or soundness.
For other grains commercial grades will be
fixed as Soon as possible, and the work will be
pressed vigorously, especially in the case of
wheat. Preparation of official co'tton grades has
also been continued, and good progress made,
Spinning tests of the official grades have also
been carried out.
During tho past few months, a general com
prehensive survey has been made by tho bureau
of corporations of the whole industrial field,
with a view to .having immediately available to
the new federal trade commission, If needed, the
general 'facts of the processes of manufacture,
organization, and dominant financial control In
any line of industry. A large card Index system,
showing the directors of the principal industrial,
railroad and public utility corporations, insur
ance companies, and banks, has also been com
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