The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, December 01, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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The Commoner
VOL. 14, NO. 12
i a
. J
The Commoner
.'(Entered at tlio Postofllco at Lincoln,- Nebraska.
R Bocond-claHs matter.
Kdltor ii ml Proprietor Aw-odato Kdltor nnil PubllMicr
KrtltnrJal Ilocmifl and Uunlucw Offlco, Suito .107, Vies Building
One Year 91.00
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more, per year... .75
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Siiifdc Copy 10
Samplo Copies Free.
Foreign Po6t. 25o Extra.
SUnsciUFTlONS can bo sent direct td Tho Com
moner. They can also bo acnt through newspapers
which havo advertised a clubbing rate, or through
ideal agents, whero such agents havo been ap
pointed. All remittances should bo sent by post
office money order, express order, or by bank draft
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checks, stamps or currency.
IlISNIQWALS Tho date on your wrapper shows
Iho tlmo to which your subscription is paid. Thus
January 14 means that payment has been re
ceived to and including tho Issue of January. 1914.
CHANT; 13 OF ADDRESS Subscribers requesting
a chango of address must give old as well as new
'ADVERTISING Rates will be furnished upon
Address all communications to
THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb.
(By a Tonderheart.)
(A little tot, who had just lost a nickel, which
she intended to squander on a "movie," stood
crying on an Omaha street corner one day re
cently. Many persons laughed at her outward
grief, but flnallyj.ono big-hoarted fellow in
quired the oauso and brought back the smile
with a dime. It, was a little act, but it quieted
the Bob in tho heart of a child.")
I've hoard the low moan of the man on the field
who was shattered and torn by the ball;
!'ve heard tho keen anquish that came with the
groan of the boy in his tottering fall.
When tho swift bullets sang in the thick under
growth of a Philippine island morass;
I've listened to pleadings through lips that were
thick, whore the wounded sank down in the
Of tho sound of all pains, whethor human or
strange; maybe uttered in voice that is wild,
Tho ono that strikes me as the pain of all pains
is tho sob in tho heart of a child.
Wo none of us know, and never can know the
little tot's burden of woe;
It may be a wail or the lips may be dumb, there
may bo but little to show.
When the heart still is young and untutored and
crude in the ways of the unfeeling throng.
We're apt to forget the young of the race, un
noticed the hush of their song.
But their burden of grief is as heavy as yours,
though the big things of live havo beguiled;
And we're apt to forget that the saddest of grief
is the sob in the heart of a child.
. Omaha Nebraskan.
A day will conieV.when the only battlefield will
be, the market open to commerce and the mind
opening to now ideas. A day will come when
bullets and bombshells will be replaced by votes,
by the universal suffrage of nation, by the ven
erable arbitration of a great Sovereign Senate,
which will be to Europe what the Parliament is
to England, what the Diet is to Germany, what
the Legislative Assembly is to France. A day
will come when a cannon will bo exhibited in
public museums, just as an instrument of tor
ture is now, and people will be astonidhed how
such a thing could have been. A day will come
when these two immense groupB, the United
States of America and the United States of
Europe, shall be seen placed in presence of each
other, extending the hand of fellowship across
tho ocean. Victor Hugo.
Western railroads announce their intention
of increasing their passenger rates to the old
level, on tho plea that they need the money to
make a proper interest return. Miglit it not bo
a proper as well as a wise precaution, before
doing so, to ask permission of some body au
thorized to allow changes? Nebraska has a two
cent law that evidence in the courts has justi
fied as not being excessive or confiscatory. In
fact, under its operations, taken in connection
'with the prohibition of passes, the railroads re
ceive more per mile than, they did before in cash
returns. It "would bo interesting to know on
what theory of right or justice they would justify
a three cent fate.
Burdens Borne by Neutral
On another page will be found Ambassador
Naon's views on the burden borne by neutral
nations. Ambassador Naon is the representa
tive of Argentine, recently raised to the rank
of Ambassador.
He offered a resolution which was adopted by
unanimous vote and the address given was de
livered by him in support of his resolution. The
resolution reads:
"The governing board of the Pan-American
Union declares;
"That the magnitude of the present European
war presents new problems of international law,
the solution of which is of equal interest to the '
entire world.
"That the form in which the operations of '
the belligerents are developing they redound to
the injury of the neutrals.
"That the principal cause for this result is
that the respective rights of the belligerents and
of the neutrals are not clearly defined, notwith
standing that such definition is demanded both
by general convenience as by the spirit of justice
which doubtlessly animates thj belligerents, with
respect to the interests of the neutrals.
"That considerations of every character call
for a definition of such rights as promptly as
possible upon the principle that liberty of com
merce should not be restricted beyond the point
indispensable for military operations.
"On these grounds the gov.erning board of
the pan-American Union resolves:
"A special commission of the same is hereby
appointed, to consist of nine members, of which
the secretary of state of the United States shall
form parN;, acting as chairman thereof, ex officio.
"This commission shall study the problems
presented by the present European war, and
shall submit to the governing board the sugges
tions it may deem of common interest. In the
study of questions of a technical character this
commission will be able to consult tho board of
"Each government may submit to this com
mittee such nlans or BUggeBted resolutions as .
may be deemed convenient, on the different sub
jects that circumstances suggest."
In accordance with the resolution the com
mittee appointed is as follows:
The Secretary of State, chairman, ex-officfo.
The Ambassador from Brazil, Senor Da Gama
The Ambassador from Argentine, Senor Naon
The Ambassador from Chile, Senor Saurez
The Minister from Peru, Senor Pezet
The Minister from Uruguay, Senor de Pena
The Minister from Ecuador, Senor Cordova
The Minister from Honduras, Senor Memreno
The Minister from Cuba, Senor Dr. de Ces
pedea. It will be the duty of the committee, as set
forth in tho resolution, to examine and study
the suggestions made with a view to relieving
neutrals as far as possible from the burdens
thrown upon them by war between other na
tions. The action taken uhows the drawing to
. gether of American countries in a common in
terest. Having committed themselves to a peace
program among themselves, they are seeking
to secure changes in international regulations
as will assure to the nations at peace the un
disturbed enjoyment of their commerce and the
uninterrupted advance of their progress and
prosperity. W. j-. BRYAN.
Editor Commoner:
Months ago I signed one of your pledg cards
for 25 of your congressional campaign club
cards. Just at this time I experienced a crisis
m my affliction (locomotor ataxia) that put me
in my bed and incapacitated me for perform
ing, practically, service of any character. Re
cently I regained enough strength and vigor to
justify me in making an effort, through my desk
Phone at my bedside, to complete the work I
haLbeen comPQlled to so long defer.
The several days in which I was engaKert in
securing the club, I frequently found ft neces
sary, after relaxation, to indulge in some hours
rest before resuming, but I was so pleased wUh
the generous response and the almost unani-
liability of your monthly Commoner, that I was
encouraged to proceed, alternately resting and
phoning, until I herewith have the profound
pleasure of presenting to you a list of 57 sub
scribers and remittance to cover the same.
You will observe the women In the list of
subscribers cover nearly one-third of the total
number. These women are some of the most
active, energetic, wide-awake, up-and-doiiig
leaders in women's club work, officially and
otherwise, particularly the furtherance of the
cause of securing the full privileges of the bal
lot, and complete citizenship; this long defer
red justice seems at hand as soon as the pres
ent session of the legislature grants a vote for a
constitutional amendment, which will, inevit
ably give them a voice that will elevate the
morals of our citizenship, purify and keep clean
our statutes and materially assist in the execu
tion of the penalties provided for the violation
of just laws, without fear or favor to the of
fender. In presenting the club proposition to a num
ber, I found that they agreed with me that the
Commoner stood, today, the highest class, most
reliable, eloquently crisp, condensed and cul
tured periodical printed in the English language,
whose columns are devoted to the moral, social,
economic and political questions of the day.
I can not deny that I agree with many who
insist that its editor is, today, the world's great
est statesman, diplomat, and publicist, with no
superior, and very few equals. ,
With a little more nerve and vitality I could
proceed and procure many more subscribers,
but my vigilant wife and nurse protest against
my further effort at this time, and well, you
know, a ''good soldier obeys orders."
My compensation for the work I have done is
the unalloyed pleasure of knowing that I have
rendered a service to the individual, and in
directly, in a public way. I believe the most,
complete satisfaction and joy that can be reap
ed from life's experiences comes from a knowl
edge of service rendered. No investment in life
pays larger dividends.
'J. T. DUKE,
Oct. 14, 1914. GalCsburg, Illinois.
John Barleycorn has been routed again. It
is increasingly difficult for one who drinks to
find employment in any responsible position.
The railroads can not afford to entrust a train
or a track to a befuddled brain; the steamship
companies dare not put a tippler in charge of a
vessel; and the factories and stores must have
clear-headed men for managers. In the arts of
peace total abstinence has become more and
more the order of the day; and now we find that
alcohol' is losing its grip on the soldier. If in
toxicating liquor does not help a fighter to whom,
pray, can it be useful? It is the fruitful cause
of rows and assaults, as the police record will
prove; even animals have been cited to prove
that it inspires physical courage. Have we not
been told of whiskey that will make a jackrab
bit spit in a bulldog's face, and of champagne
that will encourage a mouse to challenge a cat?
But, behold, the war departments of the world
are turning against intoxicants. The use of
liquor being forbidden in the army and the gov
ernments are so pleased with the results that
the movement is spreading. Let the good work
go on.
Do you know, of any man who is conspiring
against the welfare of society who favors wo
man's suffrage? If he is making money by his
attacks upon the home and upon society, and is
afraid to allow women to vote, why should the
friends of the home and of society join him in
his assault upon woman's suffrage? If he can
advance his business the business of debauch
ing and destroying the youth of the land by
preventing woman's suffrage, how can well
meaning' and country-loving people join him in
using the ballot to withhold suffrage from
women? w. J. BRYAN.
Mme De Witte Schlumburger, the leader of
the suffragist cause in France, declares that the
movement is receiving the" support of the most
enlightened and cultured people of that coun
try. It will be but a few years until in America
the test of real enlightment and culture in Amer
ica will be whether a man believes that women
are entitled to the ballot,
a i