5ptt"V",!r ' ' K17 rjjff I)EGEMBER,;i9H The Commoner 3 ELECTION OF POSTMASTERS The plan of selecting postmasters at a primary election, as devised and Is being carried out by Congressman Dan Stephens of the Third Ne braska district, is attracting considerable atten tion throughout the country. Following the in auguration of President Wilson, Congressman Stephens announced that he would direct that primaries be held in the various tflwns for the selection of postmasters and the candidates for the ofllce receiving the highest .number of votes in their respective towns would be endorsed by the congressman to the postoffice department at Washington for appointment as postmasters. At some towns in JVIr. Stephens' district where the democrats preferred it, t;!ie voting for the seiec tion of postmaster was confined to democratic patrons of the office only. At other places in the district the plan was tried of permitting all pa trons of the office to express their choice for postmaster, Inasmuch, however, as the postoffice. appointments are made by the president and as -the administration is democratic and the ap-. pointments are political, Mr. Stephens rules provided that only democrats of standing' in their respective communities could file as candi dates for postmaster. The plan of selecting postmasters. whether the voting was confined to democrats or to all patrons of the office caused Mr. Stephens, to be censured by local democratic leaders who felt that they .were entitled to the office without submitting their candidacies to the public. Opposition to Mr. Stephens was not only carried into his campaign for renomination but one or more democratic papers of his district and a number of local democratic leaders bolted Mr. Stephens' nomination on account of their opposition to his postoffice primary plan, and opposed his re-election during the campaign. It has been said by some of the Nebraska opponents of the plan of electing postmasters at primaries that the re-election of 'Congressman Stephens, by double the majority that he received two years ago, was not an endorsement of his plan of selecting postmasters by popular vote, but that his re-election by an increased majority should be attributed to his good record at Wash ington. ... Although "Mr. Stephens made a splendid record at Washington, the attributing of his re-election to his good recor I at Washington would, if carried to its logical conclusion, give the impression that, other prominent Nebraska congressmen, who were defeated at the recent election, were defeated on account of their fail ure to inake a good record at Washington. The Commoner knows of no one who would criticise the splendid record made by tlie democratic con-, gressman from Nebraska who was defeated at the recent election and therefore agrees with Congressman Stephens that the ' decrease in his majority from 4,000 tw years ago to 8,500 in the recent election must be 'construed as a splendid vindication of the plan of permit ting the people to . rule in the selection of post masters. In announcing the rules for the con duct of postoffice primary elections in eight ad ditional towns in his district, Congressman Stephens is quoted in press dispatches from Washington under date of December 11, as follows: "I will never hold an other primary in which democrats only are per mitted to vote Such primaries have caused me trouble. All patrons may vote. I am con vinced of the wisdom of this method of selecting postmasters." A further trial of Congressman Stephens' plan will be watched by all who are interested in the progress that has been made during the past few years in bringing the gov ernment closer to the people. In the publication of Mr. Bryan's lecture en titled, "The Making of a Man," in the November issue of The Commoner, omissidn was made of the fact that the lecture was copyrighted by the Fleming H. Revell Co., publishers, New York City. The Revell Co. is publishing the lecture in pamphlet form for sale, and all requests for copies of the lecture or for permission to re print should be directed to the Fleming H. Revell Co., New York 'City. THE VOTE IN ILLINOIS The following figures, which are taken from The Commoner, plainly shpw that near demo crats are not popular in Illfnois: For president 1896, Bryan, 464,632; 1900, Bryan, 503,061, 1904 Parker, 327,606; 19.08; Bryan, 450,795 1912, Wilson, 405,048. For senator ' 1J" Sullivan, 372,005. The Jeffersonian, Los An geles, Cal. Boys, Will You Sign the Pledge With Me? On another pago will be found the Detroit Times' description of tho Ann Arbor, Michigan, meeting, of November 28th. The pledge of total abstinence is being signed by a host of boys !u Michigan why not the boys of other states as well? A book will bo opened at The Commoner office, wherein will bo entered tho namps and addresses of those who sign this pledge witn me. Cut out the pledge, pasto it on a pieco of paper and sign it. Lay the pledge away that you may hav6 it as a, reminder of the decision you have made, but send a poatal card to The Commonor, stating that you have nlgned It, and giving yournge aud address. If you do not care to state your age liso the word "adult," instead , of giving the number of yoara. Receipt of these pledges will bo acknowledged by publication In The Commoner In which only the name and ad dress will bo given. Auk others to clgn with you -secure as many signatures as possible and thus bo the means of spreading the influence of tho pledge. Thooo who abstain from, drink do good not only to ihom&olvcn, but to those also who nre encouraged by their example W. J. BRYAN. : r:-:l:7y& : '4-fatl, 1 . . .ft: t ' V r ,?; ' Qui fcXt-W-. & j, J .:- ,t .,La ,. sLii : - XrcOx "T -u. W Gz 9 U AjLC& ui tz- toir.ZP ?. M6L n J0 x jU.4: 2s - 7 . - r a $sta-. 4 f.t. ' irtrA.n4k. ... r .ui 1 - , . :, Xi.6&& (This is the temperance pledge In Mr. Bryan's own handwriting. thaUio presented, to 5,00.0 t..- 4. tA ii,'ft Ifrnlll 1,. Mrmilntarl nil nvflr thn Htfttfi bv bOVB Ot'tllG Y.-M. C. A. Mr. Bryan believes that' G0,000. Michigan boyd will sign with. him. Detroit (Michigan) Times.)., c TOTAL ABSTINENCE PAYS "Panama Col. Geothals has signed an order placing all persons engaged in canal transporta tion on a strict temperance basis ' "The order provides that 'all persons employ ed on the canal who have marine licenses must abstain absolutely from liquor.' "This Includes pilots taking ships through the canal, the captains of tugboats, mates and others." The above order is another evidence that total abstinence pays. No man can afford to employ a man who drinks even the moderate use ot alcohol impairs one's usefulness, and you never know when tlie moderate drinker is going to drink to excess. All the drunkards como from the ranks of the moderate drinkers. Some one has described the difference between the mod erate drinker and the .drunkard as the differ ence between the' pig and the hog the hog is older than the pig. If a man can not afford to employ one who drinks, can he afford to drink hiniself? If a man who drinks can not be trusted to conduct a boat through a canal, can he .be trusted to look after the welfare of a wife or pilot a' family? The temperance movement s growing. Every good force in society s aiding it; are you? w- J- BRYAN- MR. BRYAN CRITICISED It is not creditable to the New York World, a paper that has never supported Mr. Bryan in any of his campaigns as the democratic nominee for the presidency, and has done what It could to embarrass him and obstruct his ad ministration of the affairs of secretary of state, Sat it should heckle him at every turn and even refuse to give him credit for good inten tions of which Mr.. Bryan admittedly has enough to pave tho streets of Lincoln. The World's ire appears to have been stirred narticularly on account of the fact that the World has not been admitted into the full con fidence of the state department. Occasionally, as it deyelops, Mr. Bryan has failed to give out for publicity matters, as it afterwards develop ed of no particular consequence. There is no denying the fact that every de partment of tho national government has car ried caution to tho oxtromlty of socretiveness during the lost few months. But there hafi been occasion for this. Tho United States has occupied a difficult and trying position. In say ing little Mr. Bryan has done credit to his posi tion. In saying nothing concerning tho war sit uation .he has exemplified the ideal of strict neu trality and preserved the' government from the possibility of misunderstanding and misinter pretation. Nashville (Tenn.) Banner. Those who kept accurate track of the matter say that not one newspaper paragrapher in ten failed- to state that the recent outbreak of the foot-and-mouth disease at certain public markets was very mild compared to. what would happen at each of the state capitals where the state legislators are soon to meet. LEAD LrS AGAIN Father, our hopes are bivouacked in our hearts, Our fears and prayers are all-a-wing to Theot Stretch out Thy holy hand, we humbly ask. And lead us with Thy clear, all-solving light Out of the desolate darkness of our time, As Thou didst in the bleak, black ages gone. Gvo .us again the Sight that we may see; Once more set spinning all the looms of peace; Rekindle the reason, faith, good-will on cartti. Lord, Thy almighty arm alone can quench -The fire that girdles all the world with woe. ' Drench Thou the pyre of flesh and bone and blood Whose glare reflects the stubborn pride of kings And shows the fellowship of man at end! The flow'r of sturdy nations withers fast, And fruits of mellowed genius rot apace In shell-swept trench of many battlefields; Babes sleep unmothered in their cradle nests, While orphaned children weep in wakeful dreams, And women robbed of father, husband, son, Trudge' troubled through the dustclouds of the ploy. Christ did not die upon the Cross for this New York Sun. "fj j 4 m- ', -.