The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, December 01, 1914, Page 27, Image 27

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    rr "w-wantf rr - ""w-iij
The Commoner
DATEilTQ Watson E. Coleman,
rll CIV I ill l'itcnt Lawyor.Wuflblnglon,
n r Du Advice nnd books free
TUtot) reasonable. IXIehcet references. Beat service?)
Poultry Catalog FREE
Illustrates ami trlves prices uM? vnrlotlro
lnnd and water fowls and ckjjs. This book
should bo in tho hnuds of every perron
interested In noultry Tor pro'lt. Address
8. a. miin;u no. ui, uti.F.rour, ill.
VIRGINIA FARMS; Small and largo,
$15 an aero and up. Easy payments,
in lid clliim'-c. lerlllo soil. Ideal or rritit. twc or
soneral liirm'njr. On rull-rivls with blar markots
nearby. WrUo for list, rnnpg. nto. A lliiumc,
lcr'1 Act. .V Yf. Kr., JIO N. X W. Itldf., KUA.N'UKE, VA.
conclusions were reached through ; tho death rato is vory small except
tho results of numerous trials and ' among tho young, the symptoms fado
detailed observation and wero pre- nway in from ton to twenty days or
sented by Professor Call at tho meet- so, except whan complicating lo.'al
ing of the Great Plains Co-operative secondary infections delay rezovory,
bxpcrimental association at Hays but there arc alao bo vera forniH with
last July, and also recently at the nxtcnsivn Inftlnn nf iu & 2KKJ!;c2rJ'll"7:r,'5?fj; Mlr,,"B7.Tr.
meeting of tho American Society of , tract and Knatrn-inrniini i.fl,mmin WA3,e' wwu,w 337L "-""' -w
, Uihf tarn $30 to ftfft f try rrk dniwttiraOiM(f
luia xi M!c"i ANtamu hmU'Inu
I.IMn and raiUoK Jtttk, W lr HttrUbit, M
'Imder, I'oa t 4 Htanp PatWr, Tlrn TlthimtT, I-'
Mair,Vfr,Vli,lleii(,Wieil,e. OpfrauMM
rtatwallr. Ila powrr aHltatn. (Joaraatwlferltfr.
t!fro Urns or trtfittnl ti. jtrmofirKr
I"in'' OedltjcUeM.KrluforfjwiMi arenry
Agronomy in Washington.
Tho professor in charge of auto
mobiles and other motors at tho Ne-
WonWl THnoc wniefrMMor Tnventions'hraska Collego of Agriculture offers'
it timvt Avivcu wanted. $1,000,001) In prize til
ofTered lor Invention OUr
lour books scut free. PAtcnt secured or feo returned.
Victor J. Evans & Co., 122 0th, Washington, D.C
AttioluUlr Wind. Hue and Duit Proof. Rami 15
liour on one filllnfr, conta lie per hour, made to
itandliartl knocki. Farmeri. livery lianifi.panijtM,
watchmen, atore keepers, eterr one. lmy at sight.
eaiy, iurt, eTery ftotna a proipcct nie vuitn.
lifers. Oasollna Llghtf, every description, for crery purpote.
A fine farm near Lincoln 1C0 acres.
New buildings, complete: modern, up-to-date
Improvements f or - a horse,
cattle or hog farm; Z miles of heavy
woven wire fence with steel posts.
Splendid new batn and 'shed; new hog
houses; new poultry house; unlimited
amount of pure water; new silo. Farm
includes alfalfa, upland hay, pasture
and plow land. Entire farm fenced
.and crossed fenced with hop-tight and
mule-proof fencing. Located 21. miles
from street car line. Immediate pos
session can be given. Any one desir
ing to move near Lincoln or, to pur
chase a highly improved farm at a
reasonable price, address.
Llncolii, Neb.
Su6$riBcr$' Hfivcrrtsinci Itept.
n lr11rl?f I r, rv nniyrnnttntln . n ! I ..
1 uiu 1UUU1111J5 mibo'-oi-'UiiD IV5UIUU15
the care of automobile tires.
The largo percentage of tire trou
.blo is due to lack of sufllcient air
' pressure. Pressure should bo main
1 tained at 20 pounds per Inch
!of tiro diameter. Thus, a four-inch
tire should have a pressure of 80
pounds. The boating of tho tiro
when in use. should not be dopondod
upon to increase tho air pressure
sufficiently if it is much less than
that required rt tin time of starting.
There is little danger of having
too high a' pressure un a new tire, as
every averaged sized tiro is te3tcd to
200 pounds before Doing sold.
.. If tires are old, Judgment must bo
used in maintaining tho normal
pressure. If two strands of tho fab
ric are loft, however, the pressure of
20 pounds per inch of diameter may
bo maintained.
Tires should always bo kept from
Uio direct rays of the sun when pos
sible. Every effort should bo made
to' fceep moisture from the fabric of
the rubbeiv Tiro dough is useful in
keeping moisture out of the cracks
and is not very expensive.
This department Ih for the benefit of
Commoner subscribers, and a special
rato of six cents a word per Insertion
tho lowest rate has been made for
them. Address all "communications to
The Commoner, Lincoln, Nebraska.
BROTHER Accidentally discovered
root cures tobacco habit and indi
gestion. Gladly sent particulars. J.
W. Stokes, Mohawk, Pla.
lion which frequently ond in suddon
death. " .
"Tho cauce of tho dlEoaso is pres-'
ent in tho contentu cf the voaicles,
tho discharges from th0 ulcers, the;
saliva, tho milk, &c, but as a rule
not after tho tonth day. it is stated ;
that animals having had tho disease!
may carry tho viruo for months. Any
susceptiblo species may infect anyj
other susceptible species. i
"Contamination of fodder, of
stalls, of feeding and drinking
doughs, of milk and milk products
and of tho hands and "clothes of
drovers serv0 t' spread the disease,
which often travels over wide1
stretches of country .with remark-j
able rapidity, as shown by tho pres-1
ent outbreak. j
"Tho disease may effect human j
beings, especially chlldron, being
transmitted by milk from diseased i
cows (experimentally verified) and!
by butter and cheese mado from such
milk as well as through wounds and
In other ways. "While tho course
usually is favorable an opedemic do-
scribed by Siegel had a mortality of
8 per cent. Tho manifestations aro
fever, digestive disturbances
vesicular eruption on tho lips,
oropharyngeal lining."
- cure
2MA SPECIFIC Will absolutely
eczema, salt rheum, barbers
Itch and other skin diseases. Sent by
mail. ?1.50. Send for recommendations.
Almklov's Pharmacy, Cooperstown,
North Dakota.
INDIAN LANDS The United States
A government will sell four hundred
thousand acres, all within the rain belt
and In tho coal region; near railroads
and good towns; suitablo for farms.truck
gardens, or investment; in tracts from
forty to six hundred acres. Sales begin
November 10 and end December 2, 1914.
My knowledgo of these lands enables
mo to render purchasers valuablo ser
vices.' H Write mo for full Information.
N. B. Ainsworth, McAlester, Oklahoma.
WANTED TO HEAR of good farm or
w unimproved land for sale. Send
description and price. Northwestern
Business Agency, Minneapolis, Minn.
1720 Colorado
Denver, Colo.
Foot and mouth disease, the epi
demic of Avhicli in many parts-of the
United States has caused such a sen
sation in the last' few weeks, is thus
described in tho Journal of the
American Medical Association:
"It is an acute, highly infectious
disease, which occur; chiefly In cat
tle, sheep, goats and swine, though
other animals such as the horse and i
dog, as well as certain wild animals,
are attacked also, and it may affect
human beings. In animals it is
characterized especially by tho erup
tion of vesicles in tho mouth and
on tho feet.
"In cattle the incubation period
averages from three to five days,
whereupon a moderate fever with
loss of appetite and other general
symptoms sets in. In two or three
days small bljsters appear on the lin
ing of the mouth, and now tho fever
usually subsides. At the same time
one or more feet may show tender
ness and swelling of the skin, soon
vescicles foVn here also and tho ani
mal goes lame.
"Usually the milk is altered and
reduced in quantity; blisters and ul
cers may form on tho udder. There
ib marked loss of weight, as tho ani
mals do not eat because of the pain.
In this, the ordinary form, In which
If new stock Is needed in the
spring, now is the best time to buy.
Birds that will be largo enough In
tho spring to make satisfactory
lirnnflnrR nm Riifflelpnllv rlovplnnorl
now to show their nualitv. and there
are several good reasons for early
buying. The majority of breeders
prefer to mayo out their surplus
stock as early as possible, in oi'der to
give their own stock more room.
They make better prices on good
stuff now than they can afford to
make later in the season. Having
tho birds In your possession, you can
give them the winter care that Is es
sential to their best development, and
can rest assured that you are breed
ing from healthy stock.
Roots of all kinds can bo fed
cooked or raw, but they should be
chopped fine.
A light morning feed for the flock
is best because it keeps them hustl
ing through tho day.
That hens must be fed and fed
liberally if one expects eggs in large
quantities, especially winter eggs.
The Hicks Almanac for 1915
you 5to Commoner and Word and Work both for one full year each, and
ono conv of Rev. Irl R. Hicks' Almanac for 1015.
Never has tho great Hicks Almanac been more valuablo or moro needed
by all classes Smn tho 1915 Almanac will be. For over a quarter of a
?eyntury Tno Hicks" Almanac has predicted HffnJi;'el
waves, cold waves with wonderful accuracy. Tho 1915 "cks Almanac con
tains 160 pages with a cover printed in colors. J'8 Jiffi1-" w"
usual number of .halftone engravings, wood-cuts and i othci aJf- TX
mm Works Is a high-class homo monthly nwsazlno -for all ! the ' "5f-jgjj
tains Rev. Hicks famous, monthly weather forecasts. . iotal regular prico
.11 i o rr. r fn nn v XI .111. II llOW V. ttwuoui tuvi wvr vim-. ,-.-..
cation: your present expiration data ?!ll be extended for ono year,
your order today.
If you expect success in dairying,
follow tho methods of successful
dairymen. The question of good and
successful winter feeding and man
agement of milk cows has been set
tled to tho satisfaction of all dairy
raeji and farmers, who have experi
mented In many ways to learn what
is the best thing to do to produce milk
rich in butter fat, in the greatest
quantity, and at the lowest cost
price. This end has been reached
only when all. the conditions, viz:
good cows, comfortable stabling,
food in tho proper quantity and the
right variety, some exercise in fair
and pleasant weather in open clean
lots, and an abundance of drinking
water at regular intervals.
Eight millipn members in 'twenty
seven states, indicates Hh'e twelve
years' growth of the Farmers' Educa
tional and Co-operativo union in the
United States. At its eleventh an
nual meeting at Fort Worth, , Texas,
two-thirds of the states In the union
were represented.
START 1915
which every man of family
fchould make Ih to lay by a cer
tain additional portion of IiIh
oarnlngfc, ensuring In tho future
tho comfort; of life to IiIh wife,
and an education for hlfj child
ren. Equally so it Ih tho duty
of tho young man and woman to
acquire tho habit of raving, It
discounts tho troublcH of the fu
ture. A SAVlNttS ACCOUNT added
to at regular IntervalH In tho
bpHt way of conserving your Idle
muuiH, drawing Inten'Ht at four
per cent per annum, compounded
Heir.r-annually, it accumulatcH
rapidly, and Its
pobltod In a bank whoso depos
it n aro
UUARANTEEP under tho Ok
lahoma Cuaranty Law.
RE1IE.UHER that tho Okla
homa law has been In operation
nearly eight yenre, that In that
llmo no depositor han ever IohI
a cent, and that Oklahoma ban
taken (ho lead ami divorced It
banking department entirely
from' politic.
pays especial attention to ItH
foreign accouutH, and refern with
prido to Kutliiflcd cuntomcru In
thirty htatcii.
FREE HOOKM2T on Banking
by Mall and copy of tho guaranty
law. furnished on application.
Write for uaino today and open
an account on
M. G. HASKELL, President.
A Schmollcr & Mueller Piano
guaranteed for 25 years, at a sav
ing of $100 to $200.
We will ship you at our own ex
pense, freight paid, any Piano or
88-note Player Piano you select
from our handscTiely illustrated
Art Catalog and let you try it
We do not ask one penny in ad
vance. If the piano satisfies we
will give you a long time to pay
If it does not satisfy you, send it
back at our expense. You take
no risk. We guarantee satisfac
tion. Our Catalog and Plan tells
all. Write today.
Schsefier & Muelkr Ffeao Co.
Est. 18S. Capital aa4 Surplw l,e$.8
Pept. C H 45 Omaha. Neb.
ScbraoiJer ft Kaelter Plana Co.
Omaha, Nek
Scud Be your Bit (Piano) (Player) Offec.
Uttnt. ............ ......... ............. ..
: r