NIQtW Wfc . imrr - '"amu'i :H"VWffl s 'W The Commoner DECEMBEK, 1914 21' situation as far as the democratic party is concerned as to make its im mediate future extremely dubious." The liquor business itself is one of the three or four greatest special in terests whose influence is felt in American politics. Even were a war on this predatory interest to give the others a temporary respite, the war might be justified. It would be hard to prove that any other interest or combination of interests has a hard er grip on the throat of the American people than have the liquor interests. If they must be dealt with one at a time, there is much to be said for taking up the case of the brewers and distillers first. We do not know how it is in Penn sylvania, where Congressman Bailey of the Johnstown Democrat lives. In Nebraska the liquor interest has planted itself squarely across the path. It does not interest itself in liquor matters only, but obtrudes its influence wherever it thinks its inter ests may indirectly and remotely be- affected. If we try to deal with any other special interest, we have always the brewers to beat along with the rest. Study the position of the so called special interests' in the recent election in Nebraska and you will find .them standing together. Fight one, you fight all. Congressman Bqiley is an advocate of the initiative and referendum and of all means of- extending popular control of gpvernment. The initiative and referendum says not a word abou liquor or the liquor question. But whom did Nebraska have to beat to get the initiative and referendum? It took an all winter fight with the brewers to get a workable act sub mitted by the legislature. Nebraska has been trying to get an amenable constitution by means of a' majority vote amendment to its amending clause. There is not a word about saloons or .the liquor business in this measure. It has no direct relation to them at all, B.ut analyze the vote against the majority rule amendment in the last legislature and you find it it following the wet and dry line with almost complete fidelity. The brewers are preventing Nebraska from amend ing its constitution by a safe and rational method. Nebraska has come to a point where there is nothing to do but take a year or two off for the purpose of putting the liquor business out of politics. It is that or stop. The liquor phalanx is drawn across the progressive line of march. Nebraska must either fight the brewers or retreat. These other monopolistic issues which Congress man Bailey thinks will be delighted at such a' policy are for the most part behind and beyond the brewers here in Nebraska. You will find the same legislators for the most part furnishing the votes for all in the coming session. The brewers are the guards and tackles. The others make up the backfield. How would Con gressman Bailey have us get at these other interests without tackling the brewers? With aeroplanes? Mr. Bailey is thinking primarily of national issues, but he points out that the democrats of Pennsylvana lost a governor, a senator and six congress men by failure to get the liquor vote. So it is plain that the issue can not be confined to the states. Apparently Mr. Bailey thinks the country can ob tain a free hand with its other ex ploiters by giving itself over bodily to the brewers. He will find his mis take. As surely as birds of a feather flock together, he will find no such division possible la the ranks of the special interests. The most he can hope for from such- a plan is to be beautifully double crossed. Nebraska1 State Journal. The Housewives' league, of which Mrs. Julian Heath is president, has a membership of over 750,000. ., IT'S A BITTER DAY IN THE TRENCHES II "" JZ ffSP s-"VY ( vHATS GOOD I ' And There's Very Iiittle Warmth in a FJro like Ttila. , , Prom Richmond (Va.) Tlmea-Dispatcbi- "MUSIC HATH CHARMS' Emma Calve is singing in-France to wounded soldiers. That is her Red Cross duty. In the. hospitals, where the suffering lie on hard beds, she sings lullabies to soothe and send them to sleep. And then, when they have recovered and stand in line facing the grim officer whose sword has just been polished for fresh encounter, she sings them war songs, to stir their patriotism and battle-lust as they go back to the trenches. What a pity this woman with the marvelous gift can not go out there where the bleeding and dying strug gle to raise their guns for one more shot, and with her voice still the machinery of war and charm the gods of battle Into slumber as she does the wounded in the hospitals! If she could only put them to sleep and keep them asleep, and never sing a war song to arouse them, all the Nobel prizes in history could not buy enough laurels t6 properly smother her. Richmond (Va.) Times-DJs- patch. AN IMPORTANT DECISION In Massachusetts some months ago an accident occurred In one of the industrial concerns and the blame was justly laid upon a drunken em ployee. Suit for damages was brought by the wife of one of the workmen injured, and the case was carried through the lower courts to the supreme court where lower de cisions were sustained giving the plaintiff judgment for $20,000 against the owners of the plant where the accident occurred. And the follow ing significant language was used in the supreme court decision: "A drunken employee is a human parallel to the fragment of physical equipment which may he classed as defective material, and cause injury to "workmen. If one' workman is in jured through a drunken workman, the employee's responsibility does not lessen because of the intoxica tion. The employer whose defective equipment is th j cause of the injury is responsible. The employer whose drunken workman causes injury to fellow workmen Is also responsible." Thus a precedent is established which will be assistance in further ing the cause of prohibition. Every employer of workmen and the work men themselves, will learn that there is no wisdom in permitting the sale of drugs whether the "drug" Ib booze or morphine that can make a man Incapable of being trust worthy. Nor will the decision affect only industrial concerns. The time is not far distant when any employer who keeps in his service an employee who is addicted to drink; or any liquor using professional man who is de pended upon for service must expect to be discountenanced and to load out In the business world. The pub lie wants reliability above every thing. Exchange. 'W ) . .& a"