-arrfliflWJrW' n 9 The Commoner SEPTEMBER, 1914 President Wilson will need a Democratic Congress during the coming two years. The Peace Treaties It may not be out of placo to recall to the readers of The Commoner two editorials which appeared in February, 1905 nine years ago. The first was published on the 17th of February, 1905, and reads as follows: "TIME FOR MEDIATION "It is time for the leading nations to join together in proferring their good offices for tn. settlement of the war in the east. There nuirft be mediation some time, why not now? Russia can not hope to retake Port Arthur in years, if at all, and Japan will find war more expensive and more hazardous the farther her army march es inland. There has been killing enough on both sides to satisfy that absurd sense of honor which requires bloodshed. There never was a time when the Christian nations were under a more imperative duty to throw their influence on the side of peace, and the United States can well afford to take the lead because our relations with both. Russia and Japan are such as to re- lieve us of any suspicion of selfish interest. And when peaco Is restored our nation should take the initiative in promoting a system of arbitra tion so comprehensive that all differences will be submitted to the arbitration court, reserving to each nation the right to refuse to accept the finding if it believes that its affects its honor or integrity. Such a system would make war a re mote possibility." Here will be found the germ of the plan which has since been accepted by thirty-four na tions, and which has been embodied in twenty six treaties. The system as proposed, was to provide for the investigation of ALL cases, the contracting nations reserving the right to refuse to accept the findings. The second editorial appeared on February 24th, 1905, a week later, and presented the idea more at length: "It is possible to provide for the impartial in vestigation of any international dispute, leaving the final submission to arbitration to be a mat ter of treaty. The president might be author ized to enter into an agreement to submit any and every international dispute to The Hague court for investigation. When the court reports upon the facts and presents the real issue be tween the parties, then the parties can decide intelligently whether it involves a proper ques tion for arbitration or affects the integrity and honor of either nation. Such an investigation would, in most cases, remove the misunderstand ing and bring about a reconciliation, and public opinion would exert a powerful influence in har monizing any differences which might be bound to exist. If such a' plan had been in operation the Russian-Japanese war might have been prevented. It is quite certain that a prelim inary investigation by an impartial board would have prevented most of the international wars of the last half century, and would be still more effective in the future." In-the fall of 1905 at a banquet in Tokyo Mr. Bryan presented the plan in a speech. He later secured an endorsement of the plan at a' peace cdnference held in London in July, 1906. It was afterwards endorsed at a peace congress in New York, and still later at a peace meeting ' in Edinburgh, Scotland,. It was then parti ally embodied In the peace treaties proposed by President Taft, and this clause of the treaties was approved by.the senate, but objection was made to other provisions which limited the right of the senate to decide what questions should be submitted to arbitration. The plan has grown until it is now an accept ed fact, and is likely to be adopted by other na tions in their dealings with each other. The idea of investigation was suggested by the methods employed for the settlement of In dustrial disputes. Investigation is usually suc cessful in bringing the parties into agreement, and it was an easy step from the industrial dis pute to the international controversy. If investi gation will, as a rule, bring about an adjust ment of differences between employers and em ployees, why should not investigation bo em ployed to bring about an adjustment of inter national disputes? That it can bo so employed is now universally admitted, and twenty-six na tions have agreed with the United States that It shall be employed In disputes between them and this country. How simple the truth is and how easily un derstood! It only needs to bo stated clearly to be accepted, for it appeals to common sense and to the common conscience. The speech of Mr. Bryan at the London peaco congress will be found on another page. SENATOR NEWLANDS In the candidacy of Senator Newlanda for re election the people of Nevada have a rare oppor tunity to demonstrate their desire to support the administration, their loyalty to democratic principles, often tried and never found wanting, and their disposition to recognize long and able service. The public work of Mr. Newlands forms a record of which the party is justly proud. . He was a leader in the campaign for the na tional control of Irrigation development in the west and author of the law bearing his name. Ho has always been an earnest and consistent friend of the settlers under the reclamation projects. Senator Newlands has recently added to his record a signal achievement in carrying out a part of the administration's program for the regulation of trusts. Always a progressive, ho has been a leader of thought on this subject, , upon the soundest lines. The federal trade com mission act recently passed by congress contains every essential feature of a bill introduced by him more than three years ago. It is a singu larly happy circumstance that the chairman of the senate committee entrusted with this im portant legislation should be the man who had been the pioneer in that field of thought. In conducting this legislation Mr. Newlands showed ability of the very highest order. His committee brought out a bill which was a model of well considered, carefully-drawn legislation; and ho piloted it safely through much opposition In the senate, andsecured its passage in a form not weakened, but strengthened and Improved. The passage of this act is one of the most important achievements of President Wilson's administra tion, and the work of the commission is expected to mark a new epoch in the effective regulation of trusts. Mr. Newlands was a pioneer in advocating the formation of a reserve board system for the re form of our banking laws. In this he anticipated the national monetary commission. He was the first democrat in congress to bring out a definite proposal for a democratic program of banking reform in opposition to the Aldrich plan. The work of framing this important legislation fell to other hands, but this does not alter the fact that he anticipated, in the main, the most important features.of the legislation which was finally passed. Senator Newlands is a consistent friend of the working man, and has an unbroken record of having supported all the reasonable demands of organized labor. He was active and effective In the legislation for the eight-hour law, for the benefit of railroad telegraphers, for automatic couplers and other safety-appliances on rail roads, for the employer's liability bill, and other similar legislation. His most valuable contribution to the cause of Industrial peace was last year, when, as chair man of the senate committee on Interstate com merce, he introduced and expedited the passage of a bill in time to prevent a most disastrous railroad strike on the lines east of the Missis sippi river. This legislation, generally known as the "Newland's Arbitration Act," Is the most important step which has been taken in this country for the peaceful adjustment of labor disputes.. It has already prevented many rail road strikes, the most rocent instance of which is tho arbitration of tho threatened strike of Southern Pacific employees a mattor in which the people of Nevada arc deoply and directly In terested. Senator Newlands is entitled to bo considered a benefactor of the whole country for his efficient services in this mattor. The most recent sorvlco to tho cause of free labor performed by Senator Newlands was the favorable reporting by his committee of a bill to limit the interstate character of goods made by convict labor. The effect of this legislation, when passed, will bo to reduce tho competition of such goods with the products of free labor. Mr. Newlands belongs to that class of men who, having imagination and the constructive faculty largely developed, are often in advance of their times; but he has had tho good fortune to see many of his Ideas enacted into law and others on the highroad to enaclmcnt, thus prov ing his claim to practical constructive states manship. He has been an earnest advocate of a legislative program, to bo formulated at tho beginning of each session, to put the work of Congress upon a more orderly footing, and thus reduce the length of its sessions. He is a leader in tho propaganda for the scientific co-ordination of the work of river regulation and flood reduc tion, by putting tho work upon a' national, in stead of a local, footing. His efforts along this lino, long continued under tho most discouraging circumstancos, have recently received tho ap proval of the secretaries of war, interior, agri culture, and commerce, and have been adopted by the administration as a' part of its program for the near future. He is a believer in tho up building of a well-proportioned navy, by tho con struction of auxiliary ships in proportion to tho battleship fleet, so that In case of war wo will not be dependent upon the buying of boats for scouting and other similar duty. This plan has the approval of the present secretary of the navy. Senator Newlands has long been a national figure, but it is only since tho democratic party came into power that ho Is beginning to see tho ideas for which ho has so long contended car ried into effect. He Is popular in Washington, and occupies a position of power and influence there. The fact that he had no opposition at tho primaries for the democratic nomination for sen ator is a cause for congratulation. That Nevada should send anyone else to tho senate now, after the services which Mr. Newlands has rendered to the state, the party, and the country, is un thinkable. The Commoner earnestly commends Senator Newlands, not only to all the democrats of Nevada, but to members of all parties. The nation can not afford to lose the services of such a public servant. W. J. BRYAN. The fact that in every state from which re ports have come, the democratic campaign man agers propose to make national Issues and the support of the national administration the basis of their fight, is excellent proof of the strength of President Wilson with the masses. The ad ditional fact that most of tho republican cam paign managers in these states want to shift the campaign to state issues is the best possible, proof of the fact. 0 A MAN AT THE HELM Fortunately, we have at the head of the government at this critical time a man in whose calmness and judgment we have as great a confidence as we have in his patriotism. He will, we are euro, make no mistake, nor will he permit any to be made if he can prevent it. The American people must do every- thing in their power to help the president They should be aa neutral as their gov- ernment is, and ai it must remain. New York Herald. Q 0 (3 0 f