T W "T '--irf-(rv fnr t ,-.,- 'w,jwiijra?5;jBi-);if "1V. The Commoner SEPTEMBER, 1914 21 M"W,!7 -' ' f or says: "The hope that Servia would , she let it be known that "as an ally keep its word has not been fulfilled. , of Austria she could not interfere in The flame of hatred for myself and ; any way with Austria's freedom of my house has blazed always higher, j action." The design to tear from us by force A Berlin cablegram, dated July 28, inseparaoie portions ol Austria-Hun- states: gary has been manifested with ever- "The German government at Ber lessening disguise." 'lin Tuesday returned an unfavorable The manifesto then dwells on "crim- reply to the British proposal for a inal propaganda which has extended conference of the ambassadors in over the frontier, aiming at the de-: London of the European powers in struction of the foundations of order j an endeavor to bring about a settle and loyalty in the southeastern portiment of the Austro-Servian difficulty, of the monarchy and the leading In its communication Germany de astray of growing youth and inciting Clares that it considers the sugges it to deeds of madness and high i tion of Sir'Edward Grey, the British treason." It concludes: "A series of ( foreign secretary, as well meant and murderous attacks in an organized ! good in principle but not feasible in and well-carried-out conspiracy, , practice and impossible to carry out. whose fruitful successes wounded me "The communication says it can- EUROPEAN VV xtlIv Jt JL -j-ttLO and my loyal people to the heart forms the visible and bloody track of those secret machinations which were operated direct in Servia." Declaring that a stop must be put to these intblerable provocations, the honor and dignity of the monarchy protected and its political, military and economic developments guarded from continuous shocks, he says: "In vain did my government make a last attempt to induce Servia to de sist. Servia rejected the just and moderate demands of my government and refused to conform to the obliga tions forming the natural founda tions of peace in the life of peoples and states. I must therefore proceed by force of arms to secure those in dispensable pledges which alone can insure tranquility to new states with in and lasting peace without. "In this solemn hour I am fully conscious of the whole significance of my resolve and my responsibility before the Almighty. I have exam ined .and weighed everything and with serene conscience I set out on the path that duty points. I trust in my peoples who throughout every storm have always rallied in united loyalty around my throne and have always been prepared for the severest sac- rifices for the honor, greatness and might of the fatherland. "I trust in Austria-Hungary's brave and de voted forces and in the Almighty to give victory to my arms." The emperor's manifesto is ad dressed to all "his people. GERMANY .ISSUES NOTE Following is a cablegram, dated Berlin, July 24: "Germany will take no steps to prevent war between Austria and Servia. Announcement tg this effect was made today in a note issued by the foreign office. The German gov ernment is displeased because the Austrian government sent a note to Servia without first consulting Em peror William. The note issued by the German government follows: " 'Austria, having drafted a note to Servia without consulting Ger many, this government will do every thing possible to localize the strife, should war follow, but will not in terfere until some other power inter venes, and then it will only fulfill its duty to its citizens and as implied by ita treaties " BRITISH PEACE PLAN A London cablegram, dated July 27, states that Sir Edward Grey, British secretary of state for foreign affairs, who arranged the ambassa dorial conference during the Balkan war submitted proposals to the Ger man, French and Italian govern ments for a similar conference to me diate between Austria and Russia, and invited the governments of Aus tria, Servia and Russia to suspend military activity pending the result of the proposed conference. France and Italy communicated their will ingness to accept the proposal, which also was agreed to "in principle" by Germany. "While Germany accepted tha idea of mediation in principle not be expected that a great power having a dispute with a smaller neighbor will submit the matter to the decision of a Eurpoean areopa gus. Far less can it be hoped that two great powers will submit to be summoned in the role of accused be fore such a tribunal. "Germany makes the counter sug gestion that negotiations for peace be conducted between the cabinets instead of by a conference. Germany, however, is prepared to welcome any further suggestion to localize the conflict as far as they are consistent with her duty to her ally." A SIGNIFICANT STATEMENT A special cable dispatch from St. Petersburg, dated July 29 says: The following significant statement was made tonight by M. Goremykine, president of the council: "Russia is determined not to allow Servia to be crushed, and will fulfil its duty toward the small kingdom, which already has suffered so much at Austria's hands. Russia will not be frightened by any threats Austria may address to her. She knows her obligations to her Slav brethren in the Balkans and will not consent to Servia being turned into an Austrian vassal. European equilibrium de mands that the Slav kingdom retain its independence, and Russia will up hold it to the end. She will take all the measures the gravity of the situa tion requires So as to be able suc cessfully to offset Austria's in trigues." STATEMENT OF GERMAN FOR EIGN OFFICE A special cabe dispatch from Stockholm, July 29, says: The Ger man foreign office yesterday author ized the Berlin correspondent of the Stockholm Dagblad to publish the following statement: "No mobilization has taken place in Germany, but when we do mobil ize we shall strike. An attack by Russia upon Austria will provide the casus foederis. We do not believe Russia desires to fight against two great powers. France Is certainly under obligation to assist Russia, but she probably U disinclined to do so. A general European conflagra tion as the outcome of Austria's righteous punishment of Servla's dis loyalty would be madness. Probably Russian diplomacy already had de cided to favor peace, though the crisis may last for some time." Germany's declaration of war against Russia was delivered at St. Petersburg, August 1, following a last extreme move for peace by the kaisers government when it tele graphed a preemptory demand for an unqualified explanation of Russia's "menacing mobilization" along the German and Austrian frontiers. Rus sia had been given to understand that unless these movements were abandoned forthwith Germany would respond in kind. CZAR ISSUES MANIFESTO A St. Petersburg special cable dis patch, dated August 3, says: Emper- WMM$mmMM?$Mm-- tw ":---rJ II MRHKHBHHHGiBnBBIw iite-y, vs,vM-m-m TTm m-vmmss':'-mjmM-m-Xsym rmx'i .?. fessSMSssjS-ii ill maicmmttMmmmmm4mmmmmim i tKHdmnttiktu Fully Illustrated LARGE ifiPS IlrnuHfiilly Colored lBV" ' The World Europe Germany Great Britain Russia France Italy Belgium Austria Servia IMcturcN of NhvIcn and ArmfcN Portrait of the IlHlern of NhIIobs tit War War Strength of each Country, Army, lVa,vy hhcI ijaaMmwuiMMMMKj Acriai irnii Printed In fivo colors. Slzo llxlC Inchon At tho request of hundreds of readerH The Commoner linn Hccured a finely Illustrated Atlas of tho present European War. This Atlas will provo of immenso valuo for reference purposes while the terrible war Is being fought. It Is complcto in every detail, and we hayo contracted for several thousand copies exclusively for our readers, but we anticipate a bigger demand than wo can supply. Wo urge every reader to send his order In at tho earliest possiblo moment. HOW TO GET THIS ATLAS WITHOUT COST Send us $1.10 and wo will send you one of these Atlases, prepaid to your address direct from tho bindery, credit you with a year's subscription to The Commoner, and also send you The American IfomcHteuil for one year. Tho regular cost of Tho Commoner and The Homestead for one year Is $1.25. This offer gives you both papers at the special club rate and the Atlas without any cost. Sign blank below: I Tho Commoner, Lincoln, Neb. I accept tho above offer, for which I enclose $1.10. Name Address. Make $1200 To $3600 Par Year SALESMEN, GENERAL AGENTS, MANAGERS I want 200 additional representative to begin work atones fn their home conn AGENTS WANTED J?A tlea to introduce my now compress arid vacnurn waihlnsr machine to every home tn tbe country. consider una machine too most brilliant inventive aenteve ment of tho ago In household aecesciUes. 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