The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, September 01, 1914, Page 17, Image 17

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    "T"S " -i"imK5'T'TS' lf"('7 fwfifjpifWIJJ'IB'1' '
The Commoner
ttny -y -"" pyisRtg?TBf yyWH"iywiii;,l.1"' 'y -rr
the delicate flavor. Vegetables should
be cooked In as little water as pos
sible to keep from burning, and many
vegetables are better for being steam
ed. Cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels
sprouts, and other vegetables of the
cabbage family need plenty of water,
salted barely to taste, brought quick
ly to a boil and cooked uncovered un
til tender. Any scum which arises
should be dipped off.
If vegetables are old, or over
grown, they will need longer cook
ing than those that are young and
tender, and should not be cooked sep
arately. If not enough of the one
kind, put the older vegetables to boil
some time before adding the more
tender ones. This caution should be
observed with peas, string beans,
summer squash, okra, "shell beans,"
and like varieties. Potatoes should
be s'orted, the different sizes being
cooked separately, in order in insure
all being tender alike. If this sort
ing of vegetables is n,ot practiced
there will be some of them overdone
while others are underdone. Even
those of one size and stage of tender
ness should not be overcooked.
During the severe drouth, such as
we have been going through the past
several seasons, many vegetables will
grow slowly and be tough and taste
less. There is no way to remedy this
in cooking, though the careful cook
may be able to render them palat
able. Vegetable fibre, after it begins
to wilt, is never so palatable as when
cooked while fresh. While It is well
to freshen some kinds of vegetables
in water, it will not do to let them lie
long in the water, as more or less de
cay sets in under such circumstances.
Pouring boiling water. over veget
ables when prepared for cooking is
recommended; the boiling water
should be poured off immediately,
and a dash of cold water should fol
low. This is called blanching, and
is' claimed to improve the flavor and
remove taints.
quires 2H yards of 30 Inch material
ami yard of 18 Inch goods, for tho
H-ia r;irU' Drr Two matorlals aro
Jtsed In making thlH dress. .Tho dress
closes at tho back and can bo mado
with either tho long or short slcovws,
Tho two gored Hklrt linn a long tunic.
Tho pattern. 0-182, Is cut In sizes 8 to
14 yearn. Ago 8 yearn requires
yards of 44 inch plain goods and 1A
yardn of 30 Inch plaid goods.
iWW2 Children' lire. Thin pretty
Wo havo made arrangements to supply our readers with high grade, perfect lit t lo dress Is made with tho long waist
fitting, scam allowing and easy to use patterns, designed by a leading firm of effect and a slclo front closing. I-ong
Now York fashion publishers. Full descriptions accompany each pattern as sleeves aro used and they aro set In a
well as a chart showing How to cut your material with tho least poslblo regulation armholc. Tho pattern, 0802,
amount of waste. Any pattern will 'jo sent postage p.upald upon receipt of Is cut In sizes 2, 4 and 0 years. Ago
ten cents. Wo will also Issuo a ew fashion book nuarterly. Soring. Summer. 4 requires 2Vi yards of JIG Inch ma-
Autumn and winter, illustrating hundreds or now styles Autumn numncr
now ready. Wo will send this book for two cents postage prepaid If ordered
at tho samo tlmo that a pattern Is ordered, or for flvo cents, postage prepaid
If ordered without a pattern. Besides Illustrating hundreds of patterns, this
fashion book will toll you how to be your own dressmaker. When ordering
patterns pleaso glvo pattern number and size desired. Address all orders
Fanhloa Department, Tho Commoner, Lincoln. Nebraska.
Query Box
M. M. If the meat has a "close"
smell, without being tainted, it may
be freshened by washing well in
strong soda and water, rubbing it
well into every fold; then wash it
over with fresh cold water the cold
er the better; leave in a weak salted
water for half an hour, wash again
with fresh water and wipe with a dry
clean cloth. It should be cooked at
orice after this process.
Mrs. L. S. asks how to fry gr.een
tomatoes. The tomato should be
well grown enough to be good flavor
ed, but not ripe; they should be solid.
Select smooth, solid fruit, and re
member that if they are already turn
ing red or yellow they have a
disagreeable acid flavor. Cut into
rather thick slices, dash boiling water
over the slices, then spread on a cloth
to dry; dip each slice in beaten egg,
then corn meal or cracker crumbs,
and drop into enough boiling fat to
keep them from sticking to the pan.
Lift before they become soft. ,The
fat must be hot, but must not scorch.
Egg plant may be treated in the same
Mrs. K. C. When cucumbers be
gin to get old, they can be used in
many ways, as in catsup, pickles,
sweet or sour, or they may be cooked
and made into a cream salad. If you
will write to the Department of Agri
culture atid ask for printed matter
on the subject asked about, you will
get a lot of good information. If
you save these bulletins, they will
form a valuable library in time. Send
your name on a postal, and the name
of the subject on which you want in
formation. E e. A foundation for water ices
is made by boiling together two cup
fuls of water and one of sugar until
a, thin syrup results; then -beat until
it is cold; which will whiten it some-
ffJk .-SW Jsmksm WCm ,-vl,.:v.
'NU 9Hnts-t3n,"S' I III I I 1 I ' I 1 1 ml Hg'-'
YJfiP ySst hmH Wmm 8. ill
W$i Wm mm Lu XJ
Xlf WW " h 'N H Vl J 'W
froJwrlK. l !' r mP to , HwWMnLteTnifflt 1
11 ;i ktl WM C Bra
tWfflmiH ' Vtf n fl W n ft Juimm
Mi-mri ' IM 1 8 fl m l ' 1 IGtmOT
MmMil ii Mi i , r ,1 tffijf
nWm liiflf 1 " rwfciw
terlal and yard of 27 Inch contrast
ing goods for thif collar and cuffs.
S(.5 Ladles Apron This apron Is
Just the thing for tho busy housewlfo
a It covers the entire dress. It closes
at tho back and Is made with short
sleeves and a V shaped nrelc. Tho pat
tern, 08GB, Is cut in sizes a I to 4 I Inches
bust measure. Medium slzo requires $14
yards of .10 Inch material and 2 yards
of banding.
CH:i7 1,111110' Skirt . Two materials
aro used for making this skirt. Tho
skirt Is cut in two gores and Is mado
with a yoke. Tho skirt also has a
tunic and Is mado with tho slightly
raised waistline. Tho pattern, 0837 Is
out In sizes 22 to 32 Inches waist meas
ure. Medium slzo requires 1 yards of
4-1 Inch plain material and 2 yards of
30 Inch .striped goods.
isnn rnrilrN' Dress This dress closes
at tho front and can bo mado with
either thn long or short sleeves. Tho
skirt Is cut In threo gores and can bo
(Continued on noxt Pago)
Wl.-.iA TfLnn Write, f r .r of Invention
YruilllAi lUlrta Wanted, fl.000,000 In prize
' onVrod for Invent Ions. Our
four booklets fer. Patent Miiirvri or fen returned.
VIo or J. KvniiH & Co., iwjIIi, WashliiKton, D.O
We Will Pay You $120.00
to (llKlrllnito rcllKloii llter&tuic In your community.
CO days work. ICxnrrlcucn not romKred. Aran or
woman. Opportunity tor promotion, b'pxrc lime may lie uted.
International Bible Press, 180 Winston Bg, Philadelphia
Still Hrir-NliatprnFiifj SJfJEjtJiuS
Moro money mndo tliuu ounny other hoiiH.h.Id nc-cpH-lty.
A xltiRlo rail MiMlelcnt. Don't tail to wrlto
for iinrtlculHr. Hainplo pair Me pntiald.
J. 12. IUtOM'X tJO., Jlox HO, Illicit, .V. V.
T will gladly solid any niieiitnatlsm un"crfar a
Simple Iferli Itcclpo AbKOlutely Krce that wJH
Conquer ItliriiimntlBm to a ponitlve certainty. I
iiavoirh't'iilttoinanymiflrerorfl who bclloved thoJr
cao liopolewi, yet they found rellof from their
nufTcrlneby Uklnjr tbcio Mlmplo herlta. It cured
meofaaovoio attack of muscular and luflammn
tory Ilhcumatlflm. It alto subdues Sciatica and
NeuralcJa and purlflos the blood. I know you wilt
conHldorttaOod-Hend after you have put ft to tho
test. Thcro 1 nothing Injurious contained In It,
and you can eee for yourself exactly what you arc
taking. I will Kindly gend thts RcceIpe-aloluteIy
t rc to any MifTcrcr who will send name and ad
drew. If convenient, enclose a two-cent stamp.
W. O. SUTTON, X5X Orchard Avenue,
l,os Ausroles, Calf lornfn
rifinR t ndies' DresslBK Sack Any of sections In one. Tho collar can bo used
flTrS Irene materials can bo used or not, as preferred; Tho pattern, 0841,
Jl!eJKr th! lressYng sack. Tho sack Is cut In sizes 34 to 44 inches bust
f S with tho bo dy and sleeves in measure. Medium slzo requires 0
is mado witn i uuuy vn.,ia nf At tnnu material and Ak yards
S' aThotPern. 68C8.PisU cut in sizes of ribbon for niching and belt,
size requires 3 yards of 30 '"ch figured Ladles Shirt-Waist This
M to 44 inches bust measure. .Medium 8n.wa,8t is mado with tho' latest
giods and yard of 30 Inch plain ma- t arfry collar Tho body and
terial. , sleeves are cut In one piece and there
i4i Ladle' NKlIge This design. Js, a tuck over each shoulder. Tho.
nan hVlised as a negligee or a kimono, pattern,. 0830, Is cut In,izes 3.4 to .44
U is made with tho body and sleeve Inches bustrTtte;asure. Med urn size re-
As well as the delicious flavor
Make it doubly
acceptable at this
hckhoh of tbc year
for Biapley cakes,
Ice, dainties, des
cierta mad candles.
Ii BillS I
SSanaaaWvA. .
1-ez. Bottle, 20c j
2-oz 35c.
or write
Crescent Mfg. Ge.
Send 2c Stamp for Recipe Book