The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, September 01, 1914, Page 16, Image 16

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    '"SSCfV-"- "V, "?TBPH -i
The Commoner
VOL. 14, -NO.-9
Wnr and tlio Women
' Don't you KNOW it will pay the town
to consider the comfort or tho iarm
(In an official proclamation, Pre- j crs, famlly eveu tll0Ugh the farmer
mior Vivian! asked the French women
to save the harvest, in these words:
"The wheat stands unreaped and the
tirao of the vintage approaches. I
appeal to your hardihood and to that
of your children, whoso age alone,
not their courage, withholds them
from the lighting line. I ask you to
maintain the lives of our fields, to
finish this year's harvest and prepare
for that of next year. You cannot
rondor a greater service to your coun
try. ) i.ti.
himself does not seem to care
Women of the community should get
together and demand this recogni
tion of their rights to be decently
treated when they bring you their
produce. The village wives should
recognize this" right without being
urged. What would they think, if,
on going to the country, the farm
wife should be satisfied to see them
sit out by the roadside, trying to
cook their meal, if they went to the
farm with the children and lunch
basket to buy the produce?
Some villages do recognize this,
and many have acted upon the sug
gestion; but not as many as should
do so. What do you think of the
Over the farm lands, plowed and
Our men so tramping off to war:
Who will reap, when the grain is picture, brother merchants?
Why wo: We've reaped before!
Reaped? Why, yes; see, our hands
are worn,
r i
Stato Fair School
At the Missouri state fair, held at
Sedalia, Mp., there is being carried
r i.-l. l, J. ..- ,. VI. .11.
wur uuukb ur-i uuui. uui iuch uuu, , 0i,i v. !,, Th flt.f Ort00-
Our men, you see, are bound ere born, ;o which WftS helJd 'at th fair last
To keep the armies full.
So, water the stock and till the land;
Feed tho children our men begot;
Wait for tho time-expired band
That is tho women's lot.
But now tho dread we always know
Has Bickenod all the land with
The young, tho strong, the old must
Ruin and death draws near.
Our lands a,re stripped of all our
men ;
The war kings call the conscripts
What for? Gof. knows; not we. But
Who are we, to doubt?
Blood will stain all our rivers" brown,
Red flames will leap across the
Pillage will waste our thin crops
'All at tho kings' command.
Our driven men, with last caress
Go tramping off to war. For what?
Their children will be fatherless
' That is the peasants' lot.
Gerald B, Breitigam.
year. The attendance was gratifying,
I and the state board of agriculture is
i very anxious to make the school a
! permanent feature of the gathering.
Sleeping tents, provided with cots
and mattresses, and a lecture tent,
also meals served, are features of the
innovation. It is to be hoped every
county in the state will be represent
ed, and it is hoped to make it of great
profit to .the growing generation
from the farm. One of the great
needs of country fife is , the social
gathering whore the young and old
may become acquainted with each
other. In eliminating the harmful
features that once were so much in
evidence, there should be other and
beneficial entertainments provided.
The fairs should be schools in the
best sense, where one may profit by
being thrown with the best.
dust, are very foul, and need clean
ing out before tho fall rains set in.
Dust, dirt from the roadways, insects,
debris carried by the wind, droppings
from birds on the roofs, are all or
ganic matter which will wash down
into the cistern. Wells are frequently
contaminated through the soil drains,
and springs are also frequently poi
soned by washes and drains from
higher grounds not always of the
cleanest and the water from barn
yards, outhouses, e"c, may filter un
observed through tho earth for quite
a distance. Guard the drinking water
carefully to prevent sickness. Get
the cistern in good shape for the
Odds and Ends
Where furniture needs only a good
rubbing," first wash off lightly with a
soft cloth, castile soap and warm
water, then rinso in clear water
and dry; do t e work quickly.
Mix equal parts of linseed oil, tur
pentine and vinegar, shake well, then
rub the furniture with a very little
of this on a cloth, finishing with a
good, hard rubbing with a bit of old
silk. The effect should be as good as
a varnish, if the rubbing is well done.
If your' cellar is damp and bad
smelling, put several lumps of fresh
lime in boxes or pans and set about
in the damp places; this will dry and
sweeten, and is very cheap.
Some Reminders
Here is a pictur that may suggest
something to you. It is not a rare
picture, but one runs across it very
often in the outlying rural districts.
"If you go to the village almost any
day, but especially on Saturday, you
will see men sitting about on boxes
discussing the merits of some blind
mare with a bob-tail, while their
wives are hunting around the yard
for a few splinters with which to cook
& cup of coffee, possibly for them
selves, but surely for these men; the
sun may shine down pn them hotly,
and the wagon yard be dusty and
dirty smeljing; but the loafers enjoy
tho boxes ,and watch for the dinner
"without batting their eyes over the
troubles of their wives." What is
the matter with having a rest-room
fbr these wives and mothers, where
they can cook coffee or tea and warm
up their lunch without so much dirty,
disagreeable work? Don't you think
the town owes them this concession?
Don't you think the husbands owe it
to them to refuse to trade in a town
where there are no provisions made
for the comfort of wives who like
-to be clean and comely when they go
to the village to do their trading?
That Rest Room
What have you done about it?
Have you one established jn your
business center? Have your business
men realized the need of this comfort
for .the mothers and daughters who
come to trade with them?
Every farm wife and mother will
tell you that smh a rest room would
be a blessing to th i when they come
to the town, bringing the children
and young people with them,' as many
of them are compelled to do, or stay
at home. Aside from tho rest in the
cool room with plenty of water for the
thirsty little ones, and a cup of coffee
or tea for the mothers, the social fea
tures are important. Neighbor will
meet neighbor, and the young peoRle
can get acquainted, and many a life
will be brightened by the hour of so
cial Litercourse where neighbor can
hear of neighbor, and the community
spirit be foster m. Let us know about
the rest room. What are you doing
about it?
Looking to tho Water Supply
Health officers tell us that the ty
phoid fever season is from August to
October generally, though, of courso
cases may occur at any time, and one
should ' be careful about the water
supply. Many cases which develop
in individuals after return from a va
cation in the country are credited to
the water supply of such localities, as
country people are not as careful of
their wells, springs, and even cisterns
as they should be. Many cisterns,
' With Qui Readers
The complaint, is so general in re
gard to shortage in fruits and veg
etables, and now the extreme price
of sugar, that one hardly knows
whether to give the usual seasonable
pickle, preserving or jellying recipes.
But where there is canning to be
done, or vegetables and fruits to can.
.much can be done without sugar, and
tne preserving and jellying done later
on, when sugar comes down to the
normal again. Thi product may not
be so good, but it can be done.
Where there are nuts' of any kind,
those living in the vicinity should
get their share; but it can only be
done by getting to work and fore
stalling the active little four-footed
harvesters. The latter part of Octo
ber is full time for gathering, as, if
one waits for the frost to loosen their
hold, or-burst their burs, the harvest
will be on for the little woods folks.
Many nuts should be gathered early
and spread in a dry, airy place to
dry in their burs or hulls. If you
have some particularly fine speci
mens, muni, mem oefore they dry
this fall, and they will be ready to
grow next spring.
iS n,G6lect t0 'Provide yourself
with the bonfire basket in which to
throw and burn all manner of trash
especially waste paper, that would
otherwise blow about the grounds
and perhaps cause bad fires. Got a
Piece of poultry or fence-wire net
ting about five feet long and four
fe-et high; roll into a holfow cylinder
catching the ends together; have an!
K J So n,fiy Yep..th0 t0P and
many women are seeking something
to take its place; but there is no food
now that is cheap, exdept relatively
or comparatively. Many recipes are
offered for dishes that will answer, so
far as health is concerned, but the
ingredients are usually about as ex
pensive as the meat, and often not
half go digestible. Nuts, eggs, milk,
are all on the "high" list, and with a
large percentage of the people are
not digestible, producing much de
rangement of the digestive organs,
eruptions of the skin, and in some
cases, are supposed to cause worms in
children. Besides, inexperienced
housewives find it very hard to make
these dishes so they will be palatable.
In many of these recipes, much is
made of the legumes, such as beans,
peas, lentils. While these, when cook
ed with a small piece- of meat to
flavor, are very much liked for them
selves by most people, it is a distress
ing fact that many people cannot eat
them because of the 4,bad effect',' they
have on their health and comfort.
We have lived on meats so long
thousands of generations, that it
will take some generations of ab
stainers to "get the habit" of doing
without, with any satisfaction.
Sonsiblo Advice, IF
One of our correspondents advises
that "every family should have a fish
pond, a poultry yard, a cow or two,
a few pigs, a few sheep, and keep the
calves to fatten for beef. In this way,
the gateway to general good living
wHl be opened, and a good living in
sured." This correspondent lives "far
from the maddening crowd," un
doubtedly, and where the stock can
be pastured and feed grown. But
what of the millions who never see
the fields, who live in "rooms" or
flats, with never a smell of clover
fields or cow pastures; who know
nothing of fish except as they are
offered on blocks-of ice 'in. the shops,
and who never have heard the bleat
of calf or sheep, crow of rooster, or
cackle of hen?
into this nvl'nrlm ,. -.11
-"---,'""" i'ut "u your paner
light trash, and anything you want to
burn and it will be held untU con
sumed One never can be too care
ful of fire in any form. In burnlnir
refuse from the hens' nesta th
excellent, and whole coCLVS Sin
sects can. thus be destroyed.
Substitutes for Meat
. 'Now that meats havo , ,
as tney suoum oe. luany cisterns, so verv hichthnt mnl " ut i,rice
after the loftg summer drouth andK&t with ?car S'TA,"1
For tho Coolc Lady
In cooking vegetables, too much
salt toughens the fibres and spoils
Proper Fuotl Put jHm Right.
The food .experience of a physician
in his own case when worn and weak
from sickness' and when needing
nourishment the worst way is valu
able: "An attack of grip, sp severe it
came near making an end of me, left
my stomach in such condition I could
not retain any ordinary food. I knew
of course that I must have food nour
ishment or I could never recover.
"I began to-take four teaspoonfuls
of Grape-Nuts and cream three times
a day and for 2 weeks this was al
most my only food. It tasted so de
licious that I enjoyed it immensely
and my stomach handled it perfectly
from the first mouthful. It was so
nourishing I was quickly built back
to normal health and strength.
"Grape-Nuts is of great value as
food to sustain life during serious at
tacks in which the stomach is so de
ranged it cannot digest and assimi
late other foods.
"I am convinced that were Grape
Nuts more widely used by physicians,
it would save many lives that are
otherwise lost from lack of nourish
ment." Name given by Postum Co.,
Battle Creek, Mich.
The most perfect food in the
world. Trial of Grape-Nuts and
cream lp days proves. "There's a
Look in pkgs. for the little book,
"The Road to Wellville."
Ever read the above letter? A
new one appears from- time to time.
They nrd genuine,- true, and full of
human interest.