The Commoner SEPTEMBER, 1914 13 "Watchful Waiting" Wins in Mexico A VICTORY OF PEACE Addressing congress on the Mexi ean question on the 27th of August last, the president closed his remarks with theso words: "The steady pressure of moral force will before many days break the barriers of pride and prejudice down, and we shall triumph as Mex ico's friends sooner than we could triumph as her enemies and how much more handsomely, and with how much higher and finer satisfac tions of conscience and honor! Jingoism pretended to stand aghast at this sentiment, which put an end to hopes of aggression on our part, but time has established its truth. If we had gone to war with Mexico & year ago the problem south of the Rio Grande would not have been so near its true solution today as it now is. Many bloody battles would have been fought. We should be in pos session of a hostile country. An army of not less than a quarter of a mil lion would be doing garrison duty. We should be mourning the loss of thousands of bravo men and our ex penditures and debt would be increas ing by hundreds of millions. Even so, our neighbors would not be pacified, and the bitterness cre ated by our intervention would every where be stifling the aims of enlight ened Mexicans in the direction of peace and progress. By exercising patience and self-restraint, we have done more than save ourselves the cost of unnecessary war. We have given a great country an opportunity to rehabilitate itself. Instead of as sisting in the destruction of a nation, we have played an important part in Its regeneration. The venom of Huerta's valedictory "was to have been expected, and ig norance and misrepresentations will no doubt predjudice many Mexicans against us for years to come: but as President Wilson finely said in the ad dress referred to, " we shall have many an occasion in happier times to show that our friendship is genuine and disinterested." Long after the economic and poli tical issues of the day shall have been forgotten, Wilson and Bryan, the peacemakers and republic-builders, will be remembered and honored throughout the two Americas. New York World. THE PRESIDENT'S TRIUMPH At the present moment the critics of the Mexican policy of President Wilson stand on the defensive. It is just as well that they should real ize that this is th case and prepare to answer some searching questions. They have not kept silent as to their doubts and fears. These gentlemen have been as audible as the town crier. They have filled the earth with their clamors, and, in their cam paign of deprecation, have compassed sea and land to make one proselyte. They should not be spared in this day of the harvest of the policy they have been ridiculing. Look at the situation! Huerta, the butcher, is out. He went out in good order. Not a rifle cracked. Not a barricade was thrown up. Not a drop of blood, native or foreign, was shed. He did not even imprison a congress man. The dictator resigned in form; his successor was regularly appoint ed. The capital felt no excitement. Nor is this all. The promise of the future is very different from what it was when Diaz fled. Then there was no leadership to fall back on. Today the City of Mexico calmly ex pects the arrival of the leader of an army which has won brilliant vlc- Seldom I as a specific state policy been crowned with snch complete success as has the president's Mexican pol- icy. So exalted were his 2 ideals, and so far-flung his appeals to tho human con- science, that many who syni- pathized with his purpose questioned his judgment, and few of his most ardent admir- crs expected to see such sig- mil success. To have failed would have cost him the re- spoct of no reasonable person, for all accorded him honesty of purpose; but to succeed, and succeed in such measure, is to raise international rcla- tions to a new plane. The Public, Chicago. 0 tories, developed generals of genuine strategic sense and pacified northern Mexico. The constitutionalists have a policy and an organization. Still the tale is not told. There is no fear of outrages on citizens of the United States, for our citizens are not there. They have withdrawn from the area of disturbance. How much has the Wilson policy had to do with all this? With respect to the last point there can be no question. The President caused American citizens to withdraw from Mexico while yet there was time. With respect to Huerta's abdica tion, we may say perhaps trust Huer ta himself. He expressly attributes his downfall to the attitude of our government. Never was a' demise more gently accomplished. We have not declared war; with tho exception of the Vera-Cruz custom-house, we have not occupied Mexican territory. The Tampico incident has been peace fully adjusted. Wo have shown that a usurper and a tyrant could be forced to lay down that which he had wrongfully siezed by the passive re sistance of a powerful neighbor. Non recognition and nonintercourse are the mild but effective means the pres ident has employed. With respect to the constitution alists, the fruits of the Wilson policy are no less marked. By refraining from forcible intervention we have left the constitutionalists to pursue, unvexed by us, their conquest of Mex ico. It has taken time to consolidate their government, to find leaders of force, to discipline their army, to sub stitute an organization for a mob. The Wilson policy in Mexico supplied the necessary time. It gave the forces of growth in the north a chfcnce. In the face of this peaceful abdi cation, this instinctive turning of the Mexican capital to the strong men of the north, what further vindication by the event could the Wilson policy demand? Everything that its author anticipated from it has, thus far, re sulted. What would his critics have had? Do they wish we had an army of occupation in Mexico today, and faced, on the eve of the opening of the Panama canal, a Latin-American blaze of resentment and wrath from Jaurez to Cape Horn? Is it not time to confess that the president pursued the only policy that a rational view of the whole sit uation warranted, and that his critics and contemners were simply indulg ing the luxury of unlimited talk, without either clear ideas as to an alternative policy or exact and care ful appraisement of the passing event as tidings of it transpired? St. Loui3 Republic. WILSON AND MEXICO The abdication of President Huerta Is a triumph for President WilBon. Even the most scornful critics of tho president's foreign policy will have to admit that fact. The policy that was never going to get anywhoro has got somewhere not to tho ultimate goal by a' long way, but to a wayside oasis which gives promise of at least temporary peace and a chance that it may bo made permanent. President Wilson was determined that Huerla must go, and Huerta has gone. President Wilson was deter mined that tho United States should not offer forcible intervention oxcopt as a last resort. The United States walked right to the edge of interven tion and oven leaned ovor a bit, but the culmination did not come. Presi dent Wilson adopted a policy of watchful waiting In tho hope that the Mexicans would work out a solution of their own. Tho Mexicans havo worked out a solution at least fin experiment by way of solution. The consequences of the experiment, what ever they may be, can hardly bo more disastrous than tho consequences of tho Huerta experiment. It was President Wilson's first idea to conciliate the differences between tho Mexican factions. When this proved impractical the president had to place his reliance on either Huerta or Carranza'. He chose Carranza, who stood, nominally at least for the prin ciples of constitutional liberty for which the president had declared early in his administration. After tho moral Bupport of the United States was thrown to the constitutionalists physical suppoYt was given them in the liberation of arms and ammuni tion shipments, without which they could not have conquered. Instead of a provisional government represent ing both sides, ther will bo a mil itary provisional government in the hands of the constitutionalists. If this government should live up to its opportunities even measurably, Pres ident Wilson will have no reason to regret his share in bringing it about. Should the constitutonallsts' ex periment prove a failure, soon or late, the last chance for avoiding American possibly pan-American Interven tion will be swept away. If, as it not at all unlikely, there should be trou ble between Carranza and Villa, and perhaps other leaders, resulting in further revolutionary disturbances. all' possible plans short of outside su pervision have been tried. Should American intervention then be com pelled it will be plain at home and abroad that it was in fact a last re sort, left untried until the emptiness of all other solutions had been dem onstrated. Sioux City (la.) Journal. countries havo joined with tho ruling clnssos In that country to exploit tb many, but now thero is indication of. bottor conditions with respoct to tk rights of tho masses, for with tat aid of this country, whose efforts are for poaco and rlghtoous rule, it Is now possible for tho speedy end of hostil ities and the inauguration of an or derly government that will offer pro tection to lifo and property and pre serve tho rights of citizens of all classes. While Mexico still has a rtiggod road before It In sotting up an order ly government and recovering from tho terrible effects of war, tho way has boon oponod by tho friendly hand of this country through an adminis tration of poaco and progress, and now to those who scoffod at and rid iculed Presldont Wilson for his policy of poaco thero is nothing for them to do but to confess that, "peace hath hor victories no less ronownod than war." Nashville Tcnnessean. WILSON'S PEACE POLICY TRI UMPHING With the passing of Huerta comes increased evidence of the wisdom of President Wilson's peace pol icy as relates to the Mexican trouble, for now the vexed problems of government in Mexico are nearing solution, and it is confi dently expected, with the Insolent dictator and usurper out, that the friendly offices of the United States will be effective in bringing order out of chaos by aiding the people of that benighted and oppressed country in setting up a stable constitutional government. The masses of the people of Mexico have long suffered, both in times of peace, under the rule of adventurers and despots and in periods of revo lution when their efforts through ig norance have been misdirected and ineffective. Investors in Mexican mines and industries living in other WILSON'S TRIUMPH IN MEXICO Tho President's Mexican policy, concerning which thero have been many misgivings, has triumphed. Tho Dictator has resigned. A constitu tional government is to bo establish ed. There will ovontually bo poaco at home and poaco with tho United States. When General Huerta on tho 18th of February, 1913, telegraphed to President Tnft, "I havo overthrown this government and tho forces aro with me," ho had no thought of tho man who in two weoks was to bo tho president of the United StateB, or of tho forces that that man would array against the Mexican usurpation. One week after Mr. Wilson's Inau guration ho gave duo warning to General Huerta and all other Latin American chieftains who gain office by intrigue and assassination when ho said: "We can have no sympathy with those who seize tho power of govern ment to advance their own personal interests and ambitions." Huerta laughed at this avowal, and not a few citizens of the United States pro nounced it visionary and fantastic. Yet the new Amorlcan doctrine that usurpation is not to be recog nized on this hemisphere has been established in the one country whore its success seemed most doubtful. Against Huerta's airy "assumption Wilson arrayed adamantine con science. In opposition to the tyrant's armed forces Wilson marshalled tho forces of liberty and justice. It has taken somo hard fighting In Mexico to overthrow tho man who overthrow the government, but moral courage of a higher order has been needed to enable tho administration at Washington to hold true to its principles. The triumph Is ours as well as Mexico's. The honor of vic tories won In the r.c-.lms of morals, is no less than that of battles gained on bloody fields. Thanks to Woodrow Wilson, a great country and an oppressed peo ple aro upon tho threshold of a new epoch. New York World. THE GREAT ACHIEVEMENT There is occasion for rejoicing that in President Wilson and Secretary Bryan this nation in the Mexican crisis was governed by decision of what was right, and steadfastly ad hered to its convictions; that in the president and secretary of state we have two men who shrink instinctive ly from war as from a plague and yet who properly protect the nation's honor. There is reason to rejoice also, that they had patience in infinite de gree, that when others lost their heads they kept theirs, that when the nation called for war they la bored the harder for peace. It is all as clear as the printed page now. It could not be clearer i a i J j jn i 4 i 4 4 I 9. t I i i t