The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, September 01, 1914, Page 12, Image 12

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The Commoner
VOL. 14, NO. 9
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Mr. Bryan's Speech Before the Inter
parliamentary Union
Mr. Aryan's speech before the Inter-parlia-montary
Union at London, July 2G, 1906, was as
Mr. President and Gentlemen of the Inter
parliamentary Union: I regret that I can not
spoak to you In tho language which Is usually
employed In this body, but I only know one
language tho language of my own country, and
you will pardon me if 1 use that. I desire in
tho first placo to express my appreciation of tho
courtesy shown mo by Lord Weardalo, our presi
dent, and by Baron von Plener, tho chairman of
tho committoo which framed the model treaty.
Tho lattor has Tramcd this substitute embodying
both of tho ideas (investigation and mediation)
which wero presented yesterday. I appreciate the
superior wisdom and tho greater experience of
this learned committee which has united the two
propositions and I thank this body also for the
opportunity to say just a word in defonse of my
part of tho resolution. I can not say that it is a
now idea, for since it was presented yesterday I
havo loarned that tho same idea in substance was
prosontod last year at Brussels by Mr. Bartholdt,
of my own country, who has been so conspicuous
in his efforts to promote peace, and I am very
glad that 1 can follow in his footsteps in the urg
ing of this amendment. I may add also that it
is in lino with tho suggestion made by the hon
orable prime minister of Great Britain, Sir Henry
Campboll-Bannerman, in that memorable and
epoch-making speech o2 yesterday, in that speech
which contained several sentences anyone of
which would have justified tho assembling of this
Intor-parliamontary Union any one of which
would have compensated us all for coming here.
In that splendid speech he expressed the hope
that tho scopo of arbitration treaties may be
enlargod. Ho said:
"Gentlemen, I fervently trust that before
long tho principle of arbitration may win
such confidence as to justify its extension to
a wider field of international differences. We
havo already seen how questions arousing
passion and excitement have' attained a solu
tion, not necessarily by means of arbitration
in tho strict sense of the word, but by refer
ring them to such a tribunal as that which
reported on tho North Sea incident; and I
would ask you whether it may, not be worth
while carefully to consider, before the next
congress meets at The ""Iugue, tho various
forms in which differences might bo submit
ted, with a view to opening the door as wide
as possible to every means which might in
any dogreo contribute to moderate or com
pose such differences."
This amendment Is in harmony with this
suggestion. The resolution is in the form of a
postscript to tho treaty, but like the postscripts
of some letters it contains a very vital subject
Jn fact, J am not sure but tho postscript in this
case is as important as the letter itself, for it
deals with those questions which havo defied ar
bitration. Certain questions affecting the honor
or integrity of a nation are considered outside of
tho jurisdiction of a court of arbitration, and
those aro tho questions which have given trouble.
Passion is not often aroused by questions that do
not affect a nation's integrity or honor, but for
fear these questions may arise arbitration is not
always employed where it might bo. The first
advantage, thon, of this resolution is that it se
cures an investigation of tho facts, and if you
can but separate the facts from the question of
honor, tho chances aro 100 to 1 that you can set
tle both the fact and tho question of honor with
out war. There Is, therefore, a1 great advantage
in an investigation that brings out' the facts, for
disputed facts between nations, as between
friends, are the cause of most disagreements.
The second advantage of this investigation
is that it gives time for calm consideration. That
has already been well presented by the gentleman
who has preceded me, Baron von Plener, I need
not say to you that man excited is a very differ
ent animal from man calm, and that questions
ought to bo settled not by passion, but by delib
eration, If this resolution would do nothing else
but give time for reflection and deliberation,
there would be sufficient reason for its adoption.
If we can but stay the hand of war until con
science can assert itself, war will be made more
remote. When men are mad they swagger around
and tell what tney can uo; wnen iney are cwui
chey consider what they ought to do.
Tho third advantage of this investigation is
that it gives opportunity to mobolizo public opin
ion for the compelling of a' peaceful settlement
and that is an advantage not to be overlooked.
Public opinion is coming to be more and more
a power in the world. One of the greatest states
men of my country Thomas Jefferson, and if it
would not offend I would say I believe him to be
the greatest statesmen the world has produced
said that if he had to choose between a govern
ment without newspapers and newspapers with
out a government he would rather risk the news
papers without a government. You may call it
an extravagant statement, and yet it presents
an idea, and that idea Is that public opinion is
a controlling force. I am glad that the time is
coming when the world will insist that nations
more powerful; glad that the time is coming
when tho moral sentiment of one nation will
influence the action of other nations; glad that
the time is coming when the world will realize
that a war between two nations affects others
than the nations Involved; glad that the time is
coming when he world will insist that nations
settle their differences by some peaceful means.
If time is given for the marshalling of the force
of public opinion peace will be promoted. This
resolution is presented, therefore, for the reasons
that it gives an opportunity to investigate the
facts, and to separate them from the question of
honor, that it gives time for the calming of pas
sion and that it gives time for the formation of
a controlling public sentiment.
I will not disguise the fact that I consider
this resolution a long step in the direction of
peace, nor will I disguise the fact that I am here
because I want this lnter-parliamentary Union to
take just as long a step as possible in the direc
tion of universal peace. We meet in a famous
hall, and looking down upon us from these walls
aro pictures that illustrate not only the glory
that is to be won in war, but the horrors that
follow war. There is a picture of one of the
great figures in English history, (pointing to
the frescoe by Maclise of the death of Nelson).
Lord Nelson Is represented as dying, and around
him are the mangled forms of others. I under
stand that war brings out certain virtues. I am
aware that it gives opportunity for the display
of great patriotism; I am aware that the example
pf men who give their lives for their country
is inspiring; but I venture to say there is as
much inspiration in a noble life as there is in
a heroic death, and I trust that one of the results
of this Inter-parliamentary Union will be to em
phasize the doctrine that a life devoted to the
public, and ever flowing, like a spring, with good
exerts an influence upon the human race and
upon the destiny of the world as great as any
death in war. And if -you will permit me to men
tion one whose career I watched with interest
and whose name I revere, I will say that in my
humble judgment, the sixty-four years of ipotless
public service of William Ewart Gladstone will
1SJST C' be reSarded as rich an orna
ment to the history of this nation as the life of
any man who poured out his blood upon a battle-
AH movements in the interest of peace havo
back of them the idea of brotherhood If peS
is to come in this world, It will come becaule
people more and more clearly recognize th
dissoluble tie that binds each hTman bemg to
every other. If we are to build permanent neacS
it must be on the foundation of the brotherhood
f m?n t p,oet has described how in the civil
war that divided our country into two hoSile
camps a generation ago in one battle a soldi!?
n one line thrust his bayonet through a solder
in the opposing line, and how, when he stooped
to draw it out, he recognized in tho face of the
fallen one, the face of his brother. And then tht
poet describes the feeling of horror that over
whelmed the survivor when he realized thit im
had taken the life of one who was the child of
the same parents and the companion of his bov
I100 J!8 a Pathetic story, but is it too much
to hope that as years go by we will begin to un
derstand that the whole human race is hn n
larger family? uc a
It is not too much to hope that as years eo
by human sympathy will expand until this feel
ing of unity will not be confined to .the members
of a family or to the members of a clan or of
a community or state but shall be world-wide.
It is not too much to hope that we, in this as
sembly, possibly by this resolution, may hasten
the day when we shall feel so appalled at the
thought of the taking of any human life that we
shall strive to raise all questions td a level where
the settlement will be by reason and not by
At the conclusion of Mr. Bryan's speech the
amended resolution was unanimously adopted.
It read as follows:
"Jf a disagreement should arise between
the contracting parties which is not one to
be submitted to arbitration, they shall not
resort to any act of hostility before they,
separately or jointly, invite, as the case may
necessitate, the formation of an internation
al commission, of inquiry or the mediation
of one or more friendly powers. This re
quisition will take place, if necessary, ac
cording to Article VIIT. of Tho Hague con
vention for the peaceful settlement of inter
national conflicts."
Following is a press dispatch to the Washing
ton Post:
Mexico City, Aug. 20. General Venustiano
Carranza, the supreme chief of the Mexican rev
olution and from today provisional president of
the republic, entered the capital at noon. He
was given an enthusiastic reception by the
crowds on tho street.
It is estimated that more than- 150,000 per
sons crowded the line of march of the new pres
ident and his following which extended from the
village of Atzcapotzalco to the national palace, a
distance of six miles. There was. .not the slight
est disorder as General Carranza and his staff
passed through the cheering crowds, which show
ered them with flowers and confetti, and from
which came cries of "long live Carranza! Long
live the constitutionalist government!"
At dawn today the constitutionalist troops
began forming at close intervals in a double line
along the entire distance over which -the victori
ous constitutional leader was to pass. Back of
the troops were ranged the sightseers and every
roof and balcony also held spectators.
It was noon when General Carranza, mounted
on a superb horse and accompanied by his staff
and the generals of the northwest, the central,
and northeast divisions of the constitutionalist
army, left Atzcapotzalco, escorted by a squad
ron of cavalry, and the Fourth onora batallion
of infantry, which acted as the guard of honor.
On reaching the city limits the column was met
by the mayor and the city council of the capital,
who delivered to General Carranza the keys of
the city.
AifteLthls ceremony the cavalcade proceeded
to the historic Chapultepec castle where two bat
teries of artillery fired a salute in honor of the
nW ?i!ef , oytty- Here the parade turned
down the beautiful Paso de la Iteforma avenue,
which was designed by the unfortunate Empress
Carlotta, and which leads from the castle to the
national palace.
,Jn? 1this18e(;tion of the line of march were
grouped hundreds of school children dressed in
white, each carrying a bouquet and a1 Mexican
Zln 5 Carranza passed they sang a hymn
Libert?" occasion, entitled "Union and
ThS ithi? ,Pp?c.eBBlon rached the National
ult J? i1 halt?d in order that tfle chief execu
owSlle the hands of a delegation
Sn? ?Vhe flas whIch President Madero
nf nw ih?Llery spot on the fateful ninth
uprising ' ' the date of the Huerta-Diaz
ra$llle dn the Avenida San Francisco the
rnSve tne new President a continuous ova
li PTm8ven leads t0 the historic Plaza de
muSSSi I ? the catnedral and the national
SSSS? fiPoJacel forminS s pides. Here an
mcX? ?ns ?,ad been thered since early
o!'iand cerously cheered General Car-
thrnti8onalPpaXde.tllrOUgh entraDCe f
rw6 moments aer he entered President
ertv hSf app,eaed on tfle balcony under the lib
SS In nd addressea the crowd, promising a
SSnno of real constitutional government. The
Po?Xn then Passed in review before the new ex-
mSSLV" batld of 200 PIeces massed in the
square meanwhile playing national airs.
inPRq JJtl as a noliday, and all places of bus
iness were closed.