;! The Commoner VOIir-14, NO. 9 ,10 t i' m 72 k U ; I . The Work of the President's Cabinet '., DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE where lliolr liberation could possibly add to the ' natural damage. OUTBREAK OF STA BLE FLY The moths are already showing t JemsolveB in . . ,, , , , , , Virginia and in Maryland, and the departments ' The stockmen of north Texas, Oklahoma and fl are catching specimens at Portsmouth tho grain belt to the north have been confronted cliarlottesville In Virginia, and Hagerstown with conditions favorable to a serious outbreak . Maryland The agents at Portsmouth are ap- of the stable fly, and the department has been . d gtain t0 one wing of eacn specimen recommending methods of control for this pest lht tl at Charlottesville a" black or yel- during the past month. In to&-Blng lowbstaln; and thoBe at Hagerstown, a violet section it has B0 th l color. Then the moths are left to follow the after threshing Is by far the most Important , th ,d h pursued. The stop. Oat s raw and rice straw are preferred by depaptmont,8 agQni east of Mississippi have been the fly for its breeding although in tho absence p t ftSX TERRITORY RELEASED FROM QUARANTINE largo numbers of them. The Secretary of Agriculture has issued an TiAnnnAnq viot atf q.hoitr law order to take effect September 1, lifting the quar- RAILROADS VIOLA Tb .S-1IOUR LAW anUne Qn account Qf Texag fever oi cattle from For tho confinement of cattle for more tnun CGrtain portions of South, Carolina, Georgia, Ala- 28 hours without unloading for feed, watered bama Mississippi, and Louisiana. This action is rest, 37 prosecutions have been reported to the taken aB a regult of further progress made in the bureau of animal industry or the department eradlcation Df cattie ticks by co-operation be- during the month of June. Tiie lines for those tween sate and federal authorities. The -area total nearly $5,000. The railroads who were released am0Unts to 6,801 square miles. This defendants in tho prosecutions and the fines brings tne total territory leleased from quaran- whicli were imposed on them are as follows: tine slnce the beginning of the work in ld06 up Number to 222,709- square miles, which 'is .nearly one- of Cases Defendant Fine, third of the total area infested with ticks at-the 0 Chicago, Rock Island & Pac. R. Co. $712.90 time the work of eradication was begun. 4 Mobile & Ohio It. R. Co. . . 460.20 UTAH FREED FR0M QUARANTINE FOR lChesnpeake & Ohio Ry. Co 118.50 gHBBp SCABIES 2 Chicago & Alton R. R. Co 235.60 ..,.. 12 -Atchison, Topeka& Santa Fe R. R. 1,859.60 The department has given notice that mas- 3 Kansas City Mexico & Orient R. R. 352.50 mucn as the counties of Carbon, Emery, and 1 Northern Pacific Ry. Co 204.09 Grand, in the state of Utah, ere now free from 1 Chicago & Northwestern Ry. Co... 215.11 the disease known as scabies among sheep, the lCieveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. quarantine against these counties has been lifted, Louis 113.61 effective August 24, 1914. This frees the entire v 1 St. LouisVsan Francisco R. R. Co. 116.70 state of utah from the quarantine for sheep 2 Louisville & Nashville R. R. Co... 227.16 scabies. The only territory remaining under , ,vChicago Great Western R. R. Co. . . 120.80 .federal quarantine for this disease consists of . 1 , Iowa Central R. R. Co 119.40 the western portion of California, the. soiith- 1 Missouri Pacific Ry. Co 115.90 eastern portion of Colorado, and the entire state , of Texas. ' ' ,37 Total $4,972.07 The result in Utah has been accomplished by poati irx-wnTq cjTTTnviivp rnisjvirT PAMpq an effe?tive state law passed by the 'Utah legist ROAD LXPER1S SiUDYING CONVICT CAMPS lature ln 1913 for the eradication of live stock A joint arrangement has been perfected be- diseases, and through active co-operation under tween tho department's office of public roads and that law on the" part of the state board of sheep tho public health service for the study of con- commissioners with the department. For over vict camps and of the utilization of convict la- twelve years prior to the passage of the law the bor in the construction of roads and the prepar- state and federal authorities had been working ation of road materials. There is a constantly to eradicate sheep scab from Utah, but with un- increasing tendency on the part of state govern- satisfactory results. montB to use convict labor in works of public im- QUARANTINE FOR ILLINOIS CATTLE provement, such as road construction, rather ... ... . wulLllJ than in the manufacture of articles which com- .. A.n cattle in five counties in northeastern II- pete with tho product of free labor. Jino.ls n be un,der a" federal quarantine for The purpose of the joint study is to determine go S5 Sf? n??t0m V 19,14-;,,,Th,e tho conditions and methods by which most sat- e or and the samta ry officials of Illinois isfactory results are obtained and the lines along JJ " Sfjif? ' Xf L Y Unh f?e feierff autlr" which improvements may be inaugurated. Col- J. " in quarantine effective The orado, Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, Oregon, and Wash- Jup ni? rlir ' McHenry' Kane' ington are states where visits will first be mane. TTmw Jiw 'a r t Later on the studies will extend to Michigan, 11- 0MZJ?hil WUie no cattle linois, New York. New Jersey, Virginia, North llMMLn ?Ve cunties for dairv and South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Oklahoma, Jf?" ?ZwoL thf? ar5 aC(?om- Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico. STJ1 flatef f? that they have been subjected to the tuberculin test and found BULLETIN ON ARSENICAL CATTLE DIPS free from disease. These certificates must be is- The department has issued a 16-page Farmers' fiUe(1 by an employe of the bureau of animal in- Bulletin .(No. 603) on methods of preparation dustry, United States department of agriculture. and directions for the use of arsenical cattle dips. These are the dips which are effective DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE against the Texas fever tick. r-4- . Tho bulletin gives farmers and stock raisers INVESTIGATE RISE IN PRICES explicit practical directions for the making and Instructions have been sent by Secretary Red use of boiled and self-boiled dips. The measures fleld to field agents of tho bureau in New York prescribed for the safe handling of these poison- Boston, San Francisco, Seattle, Chicago, Atlanta' ous substances should be read attentively by and New Orleans to inquire immediately and every farmer who wishes to dip his own cattle, carefully whether there has been a recent riso Tho bulletin will be sent free to any one who in retail prices in those -localities and if so on will send a postcard to the Editor and Chief, what articles and to what extent, special atten- Division of Publications, U. S. Department of tion being given to foodstuffs and articles of 'Agriculture, clothing and other necessaries. They are to ARMY-WORM MOT WITH ONE COLORED SnSSSS:? V&'s g7 if To determine the habits of the troublesome & TLffS. army worm, the department's entomologists are facts will bo noted. The reasons given for , catching army-worm moths where they are plen- advance that may have occurred Uu y tiful, coloring one wing of each, and then liber- certalned and inquiry is to be made SarticuKHv ating them n the same territory so that they as to whether such reasons ate the Si? n may determine whether thefee moths fly direct Special care will be exerciBPd in TJ?1 ?n,es' west, or north, and how quickly and far they if there harbLranv Llvanni ,?0 t determining will spread. A better knowledge of the habits either on the of this pest should enable the department to temporarV llay in oceln transit w ?? the control its spread. No moths are to bo let loose &7stocM that may have been ndyanced and whether the facts shp.w a purpose to'use the. war situation to isecure undue extra profits by tincreased prices will bo considered. ( An effort wjill.bo made to learn if any com bination exists for the advance of prices under existing conditions. As soon, as the facts shall have been deter mined sufficiently to give a clear idea of the gen eral situation, reports will be made to. the chief of the bureau of foreign" and domestic commerce and the inquiry continued subject to his instruc tions. EXTENDING EXPORT TRADE In view of the importance not only of main taining but of extending export trade under ex isting conditions, and in practical appreciation of. the opportunity afforded to do so in South -America through the proffered cooperation in mutual trade cqming from both official and pri vate, sources, the department of commerce is undertaking the establishment of . both a per manent and traveling force in South America. This force .will consist of men familiar with the language, customs and business methods of Latin America, who have had practical experi ence in various lines of business carried on with Latin-American countries. Four of the department officers will be com mercial attaches for which provision was made by recent legislation. They will be assigned, respectively to Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, Santiago, and Lima. It is hoped. to have these officials at their posts before the first of October. In addition to these, six traveling commercial agents will be promptly dispatched to South America and will, in their travels, cover all the commercial areas of that continent. These will include specialists in hardware, textiles, lumber and other industries, and arrangements will be made also for a general study of any commercial and industrial opportunities that may be open in favor of American interests. Although American trade is well established in Argentina, Brazil; Chile, and Peru and is growing despite of the lack of direct banking fa cilities, steamship 'a'cdommodations, etc., Amer ican banks are imperatively heede'd1 ih South America" as-a dependable resotfrcef in the- 'c'a'm paign for greater trade. This is the conclusion of E. N. Hurley, President of the Illinois Manu facturers' Association, who has submitted to the department a report on banking and credit in South America, based upon a careful investiga tion .of that field. Mr. Hurley was assigned to this special task by Secretary Redfield, who is making a strenuous effort to increase the sale of American products in South America and was instrumental, in securing an appropriation from congress for this particular purpose. Foreign and native banking houses reasonably well accommodate the ordinary routine of Amer ican trade, Mr, Hurley states, but they naturally withhold the full measure of interest and solicit ous support accorded to enterprises of their own nationality. Moreover, many valuable collateral benefits arising from the financing of over-sea trade are lost through American reliance upon London banking mediation, while the compul sory use of European materials in many South American enterprises financed in Europe is steadily restricting the potential market for American goods. American salesman and trad ing houses also lack the support given by foreign banks to their national trade seekers. Mr. Hurley's study of the problem of banking and credit in. South America was made from the point of view of the manufacturer. It is not a technical banking report; rather it deals with the financial environment qf American trade in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Peru, its disad vantages and examples from the experience of other nations that have considered over-sea banking operations essential to their conquest of foreign trade. As to the feasibility of establishing banks in South America Mr. Hurley summarizes the meth ods as branches of American national banks, organized solely for American business in South America, purchase of an interest in ex isting South American banks, and banks for in vestment and Industrial development. Mr. Hur ley states that various kinds of banking must bo carried on by an institution adapted to assist American trade, for its business like that of jMiropean banks in South America, can not be limited to strictly commercial banking. Bank ing services there are intimately connected with . oans to governmepts and cities, with industrial investments, etc., which would not come under the operation of the United States federal re-