-1? The Commoner S JULY, 1914 19 14 The 'Psychological" Depression of Business Nothing that any of tho papers say on the trust legislation, nor, indeed, all that they say taken together, has as much significance, perhaps, as tho address made hy Frank A. Vandorlip, president of the National City bank of New York, before the New York state bankers' association, June 11, and the action taken as a result Mr. Vanderlip did not speak directly on the trust legislation, but apparently the spirit of that legislation was the moving cause of his remarks. His appeal was to the bankers and busi ness men to get in closer touch with tho economic and political tendencies of the day and to direct their ener gies more to guiding and informing it and less to obstructing it. We can no longer forecast the course of busi ness, he said, by means of business and financial statistics. It is almost startling to note how important has become tho "adventitious factor ot legislation." Not the prospect of now crops but the prospect of new laws is now tho factor to bo most taken into consideration. Referring to a recent statement by President Wilson to the effect that business depression today is mainly psychological, Mr. Vander lip said that in a sense that seems to him to be true. The depression has its roots in a state of mind rather than in the actual data of business. With such facts and figures as we can show today, we would have been justified ten years ago in predicting U ESTEY NEW YORK on the name board of a' piano is equivalent to sterling on silver ware. Durability and sweet lasting tone quality is assured, while the price is no more than is often paid for instruments of inferior quality. Different designs of grands, uprights and players at various prices but the quality is always the same, ESTEY success has been supreme for over sixty-eight years. Fo? sale by prominent deal ers throughout tho world. Esiey Piano Co. New Yerk City MJ a period of great and immediate ex pansion. Tho obstacles in tho way are intangible, but not on that ac count unreal. They lie in tho de mand for legislative restriction and control of business. APPEALS TO BANKERS So far from regarding this demand as baseless, Mr. Vandorlip believes it to bo in largo moasure. based on sound economic facts. Ho says: "Tho development of industrialism within our lifetime has been of such a revolutionary character as natural ly and rightly to create a demand for a body of controlling laws such as were never dreamed of by our fathers. I deny that those laws have been made necessary by unfairness or by wicked practices on tho part of the men who have conducted largo affairs, although instances of unfair ness and wicked practices may bo pointed out. They havo their sound basis in the revolutionary changes in industrial life, and if we could only generalize upon the principles in volved, instead of anathematizing in dividuals who havo been almost in voluntary factors In this revolution ary movement, our chances for teach ing sound legislative principles would bo much better." What wo should all bo striving for, he went on to say, is legislation "In accordance with sound economic principles, formulated with justice and sincere human sympathy." Wo shall never got it by sitting back and railing at Washington. Tho cause of this flood of new legislation lies farther back than congress and far ther back than the president. Nor does it lie in a public opinion gono wrong and bent upon plundering tho successful. The fact is, as Mr. Vanderlip sees it, "we have como to tho recognition of ethical principles, of hitherto un perceived principles, that men had never thought uppji, much less under stood." And ifvtuo critics of busi ness management would only appre ciate the task of business men in con forming to tho kaleidoscopic changes which the now order has mado neces sary within our lifetime, thoy would see that it is not against individuals that they, should direct their blows. There are grasping and dishonest men, as there always have been and always will be; but "wo now have finer business ethics than ever be fore, a broader human spirit in busi ness life, a more just apprehension of social relations and obligations, and higher standards of integrity." Mr. Vanderlip went on to say: "I believe if business men will get themselves into a state of mind where they view conditions broadly, with a historical and social sense, rather than only from their individ ual point of view, they will appre hend better the direction in which tho whole current of political thought is flowing, and will feel less im patience with this legislative move ment and vastly less pessimism con cerning its results. "You can believe that a perma nent democracy is possible only if you also believe that public opinion can be led by clear thinking, sound judgment, ripe experience. Instead of acting on th:.t theory, business men seem largely to have abandoned the franchise, resigned their sov ereign rights, and taken an attitude crouchingly awaiting the onslaught of a hostile public opinion, a public opinion usually half informed as to facts which is largely the fault of the business man himself." As a result of Mr. Vanderlip's plea, a publicity committee of five was ap pointed by the unanimous action of the association. J's business will bo to enlighten and direct public senti ment rather than contend with It Current Opinion. WK'VK AMi FISI.T THAT WAY AM) LIVED ' " " ' ' ". ' " ' n rTr m" 1i " - HONE&T-TV GOODKE&S aocr , MY HEART ,' TOO -VTeAK TO. TAWD THE 8HOCKJ 1 " f , , , M Z i.r i Hn'Tifi'i iFtV i.r i i trfT P . i i -.. i . i i . a in mi .rji.iii i Den MoIncM IteKlfltcr artd Leader. TiMnr Mm no waiting or irucssinir at every bouse cash buslneas at 20O per aant rroflt to you. 'I he blRReat opportunity ever of ercd. I want hustlers men and womea - who want to make money quick and fast. No large investment needed Business supplies turn capital. No Experience Required Just follow Instructions. Failure faiDosslble. Success assured. Frank Greene sold 45 drat three days profit A US. Mrs. L. C. Marriek maf $90 V lA ALaa uaaIa fa ama Al.. . iwfc ww wvwvaaa aci aa portal bOTW akaala. .1 IT rir.rllar.1 fnnl IB Am firni fhrt hrmrm. Na jULtfntv Himia tCa mmn- Jntt nlinwr ft fHa trlt let vaom A w-.t- ""- -"" -- w., ., VWa - right on the spot. f Af atBsflP? 2sV5r 'jmw- $m hD r-aaWSr- T H "w iF' r ' wmmmm -c.mrjr gr as. jFmr JaFtf raaaaJ SPSk - .SBBBBBBBBaaF w m Hcmer - " -MWk R flCWNj XdP5Vf AArilYf 111 A HIT Til Mak $1200 HULK I d If Hil I LU l3 SALESMEN, GENERAL AGENTS. MANAGERS I want 200 additional representatives to begin work at once in their home coun ties to introduce my new compress nnu racuum wtuminir machine to every noma in tuo country, i consider this machine the most uriuiant inventive achieve ment or the age in household necessities. It Is selling foster than anything nnyo crer ncnru 01 going iiko wiiunro. squiris net water ana auaa Utrougti tna ciowee, driving via dirt right aut. Profits Start First Day xno price or only i.w makes a sua 200 PROFIT ----. &.I ..i .. .. Jr Lack araarantce. A chHd aM Hsa It. Abolishes labor of waafa day. Women discard JIB and M machine let it. MailYourAppiotioiiToday Ban's otafay. Get roar county wwler contract. Ha ehrm for territory. T Write i wait means to lose. letter a postal card today. If you are honest mn wining to wotk i wiu ffiva fo& trie poMtien. 0a net fat aawiaawa atsa gat tm Afcaaal fyou. AVOW IMITATIONS. Write today-tbea yea will have iasa rmet part, mm tt rfewt atw. Aarfrasa H. F. WENDELL, frag., WanaleH Vacuum WaaftarCan, 37 QakU Laak, fSMm H.S.ROBINSON wxsiman 236 Vattce St. Toledo, 0. WaHrvll!,OHt.,Cftfa $60 A WEEK and Expenses That's lbs money yoa shoold jet this year. I tntan It I want Cotmty Eil Maaftw aatefc. men or women who MUtrte in tne fiatro atm, woo win go into ptnntrtmp wun te. na perlanea needed. Mr folding Uath Tub ha taken tbt conatry by storm. olf s the thlf problem. Ho plumblof , no water works repaired, fall lenctb bith In any room, TM aa cnallroll. bandy a an umbrella, 1 1 II yoa It's ereatl OKEAT1 ftiralf f 190 bath roots, Hon lift en I 1 want IOU toluadla yoor eonntf. I'lilornUb deraonttraUns tab ca liberal f!&a. I'm poiitlre aUolaUIy certain yort can ct bifttrmonef la. a wet k with mo than 7011 ever mad la a month before I sTWOW IT1 Two Smimm m Day $300 m WkmtM That's what yoa abonld set every month. Heeded la every smsm, tadly wanted, ttrlf bcnichL Modern bathlnr facilities for all A people. Take the orders rltht and left. Quick sales, laainentajwsAtf, Look at these men. Hmllh, Ohio, tot IS otitn &n week j surer, Vtlac., SrO profit nrrt month 1 Titntnn. CallornU. 90 la (krMeW. Tou abooM do as well. 3MUSA PAT MrUlTH 1300 A KOXTW. Tfce .wotkjavfry easy, fteauat, jpenaaow, faKinaUof. It aa a iatiBtM ot yoa ewa. BttitL I craatcx- "ilt KJa ysa eat ItMfc ytt aja Baa't ttmU Boa't lutlUto Jwa't UU kaW- Jm caaaot Im. Mf br mm saw l4bV aUMshaUM sstAJsiSr BaJsaaaaBBlaBksW ssa aaaUa. ajBBBBBl ' aBac anBaataV m&tiWB9w aweaj aaaawa WaV rm hick, was WW WUfrBT. MH 4 lor ftaa Mb ar.' K sftaf W JmS'Z. BSBBWwyPsPSBaBaaBBBBBBBBBBaaBBT bbbbbbW a-aafsBaWsBBBalaBBBBBWi ''jfosJc4&.4f60K5&r', -flHMasMaWlWaaalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafaBBaar a isaisaTfBsaaaaaaaaaaP- let thaai aaaayoH - EMON .S7MTMM TU1 FettUMXEB y VJMta rjaiftal ? 'L' ?$' f if ij;1 'v-: m t..' ;;; F '.-.A