wpfrpjpnra The Commoner VOL'. 14, NO. 6 "is. ,w fr r m: n ' iVi. 11 II I R1V Mia HM Bll i ij: i If' ,ie:tU'3 " 1A' , $300.00 MONTHLY FOR YOU Want to Pay This Big balary to YUU! I want squaro men to act as my Special Sales represent atives In every county. I want hustling, energetic, ambi tious fellows, anxious to make big money, who are willing to work with me. I want to show you and every other honest man who believes in fair play and a square deal how to innlco $300 profit and expenses every month. I want to show you how to make more money, easier, quicker, more suro and certain than you ever did before in all your life. I want you to advertise, sell, and appoint local agents for tho most sensational seller in fifty years tho startling invention that has set the entire country ogog i T Tho Robinson Folding Bath Tub Hero's an absolutely new invention" Nothing else like: it. Has taken tho entire country by stormt Solves the ' bathing problem. Gives every home a modern, up-to-date bathroom in any part of the house. No plumbing, no waterworks needed. Take full length baths in ;any room; upstairs, downstairs, bed room, sick room, parlor, kitchen, any room in tho house. Tho Robinson Tub folds in small roll, handy as an umbrella. Rivals expensive bathroom. Constructed of tho wonderful "Steeline" material. I tell you it's Groat! Remember it is needed In every'home. Means modern bathing facilities for all the people. A godsend to humanity. I want you to handle your county. I'll furnish demon strating tub on a liberal basis. I'm positive, yes, I'm abso lutely certain that you can maice Digger money in a week with me than you ever made in a .month before. Hustlers, east, west, north, south, aro simply, coining money. Orders, orders, everywhere, For remember, fully 70 per cent of tho people have no bathrooms. You can take tho orders, right and left. Quick .sales and im mense profits. Two sales a day means $300' & niqnjtu profit. Stop and realize the tremendous possibilities. Look around yoi. Be amazed. Your neighbors, friends, relatives, have ho bathrooms. They are' eager or.ohe; never had the opportunity to install oi'e.v You'.step in; show the' tub. Said's made, profit sure.'- . t . No Experience NeedcjJ ,, ,. , , 'Why,'j dpnvt. car?! if you never sold anything' beforls'lh all your life, you can make good big money with me. You're honest? You're square? ' Of! jcourse you are. You've got-grit, ginger, gumption?. Of course you have. You want to make good? You want to make big money? Sure you do. Well, that's all I ask. If you are willing to do your best, backed by my co-operation and help,, you can blast out the biggest financial success of .your career. I grant credit, you know, so money can't hold ,you back. I furnish sample on liberal plan. I help-you put. and back you up. So don't let doubt drag you'. back'.'. You have nothing to lose. My other men are;,, .building homes, starting bank accounts, so can you. - ' ' . ' t SeiiHiilionul ShIch Success! What others aro doing: YOU can do. Read these records. N. T. Smith, Ohio. $!0 weekly profit. Meyers. Wis., $2G0 first month. Beaslcy. Nob.. $35 profit first 4 hours. Nowton, Calif., $60 In 3 days. Mathlas, Florida, $120 in SJ days. Corrigan. N. Y $114 In 00' hours. C. H. Tremor, Ind., $35 profit first C hours. "W. F lllncard, New Mexico, $35 in 2 days. Average men, average sal os, avorago townsT Undeniable Proof of the Big Money to bo made by hustlers everywhere. Tho Robinson Tub is badly wanted and eagerly bought. CustoinerM' Words of Praise. . ,- , . Seo how pleased these people are: "Delighted witH Tub'; wiU'rc'cbmrriend it," Mrs. Jennie Hall, Miss. "Bath Tub O. K. Just right size," Win. Bens?, Ohio. "Our Tub lias been In, dally use. Fine," Mrs. J. B. Randall, N. Yf "Have been using your Tub. Could not do without it,"' Mrs. G. CMdhey Iowa. "Robinson Tub .first class," Chas. A. Massie, Wash, ."Tub arrived. Children and all delighted," Ci R. Loucks, La. "We all took-at bath. It sure is a daisy," O. L. Morris. Ore. "After testing your Tub can say. it surely is a wonder and gives entire- satisfaction," O. P. Morgan, Qhio. , ... , Kiiiitt lUelf Remember tlilst The Koblnson Folding Halli Tub, equipped 'with our Spccl.il Out let KmptyliiK Device make the tub posi tively self emptying. How convenient . mil handy this is. Allcr the bath no fuss anil bother emptylnir the tub. Hy the time you're dressed the tub Is emptied, ready to lay away. All the conveniences o( a modern up-to-date bathroom, and yet the Folding Tub does not tabe up space or be In the way when not In use. No special room need be set aside as a bath room unless desired, Any room can be made Into a bathroom In 5 minutes time. Is It any wonder users are delighted, and agents are enthusiastic? The Koblnson Folding Hath Tub demonstrates Its value Immediately upon showing. It s tlie IdraUiathlug equipment for every home, city. Country or town, for camping, etc, as well as the one desirable tub ior the sick room, bed-room, parlor, living room or kitchen; any room can be made into a bath room In a jiffy, All this, without plumbing, waterworks or extra expense. After (he Initial cost there are no further expenses to nay. livery home, everywhere Is u$t wait ing for the Koblnson Folding Tub. m ' Qqnrnntaed Top Ten Toari I Cannot Leak t livery Koblnson Foldln Bath Tub tha leaves our factory Is guaranteed for ten years against any defect In manufacture This Is due to the remailcabte invention ''Steeline,"" the material used In the con struction of the Koblnson Folding Tub. Constructed with this material the tub can be, and Is, guaranteed for 10 years. Should It prove defective a new tub is immediately furnlshed--ln its place. This guarantee protects cyery customer for a period of ten years, Steeline makes the Tub soft and pliable, yet strong and last ing. The tub cannot spill, tip or splash. Just as strong and durable in use as the ordinary enameled tub, but in conven ience so far superior, In buying the Koblnson Tub, customers take absolute ly no risk. They are guaranteed against defects by our liberal, binding guaran tee. Families everywhere boost the Kob lnson Tub to their Wends, which .niakes the sales come fast and sure for our representative. Surely the Ideal bath ing equipment without one objectionable feature. JOIN ROBINSON'S MULTITUDE OF MONEY-MAKERS! 'Robinson. I'fi with "you5 y Ur 0t.hQr busIness "k a "hot potato," ai would' and say ei u"' r""- "" lot mo toll you of thB-nriS 9 toll you tho amazing story of "Steeline"; lot me .toll you of the v PirPcdovic maces th ub selfcemptyini? of unremitting off or? ft 511 J solf -sacrificing experimental worfc? tltf. V9?ir,s ties for ovory Vom fVhr tLWklrl? out of an ldeal! Perfect bathVg'facM tho bomfJ?tya5H& tho high, theilowlyv might have room. Let me toll you of V , 2.3 ttuF5 "'?P.Au?,irX. ? A J?! '?." LLUIV, TVlllP.h T linnann., i.Ti, " .7 . " . " ""'uonui HI VUIlllUIl UB 1U IS LOQaV. an 111 Innw fcrr"iy-.M"?v9",W. "O the greatest invention .fnrifTVn n.Arh.irh Am thb coupon bow 55SSSSni?LrL5?.'t t you all this .tv.perapnT o liUii IiET HIE TELL YOU ALL or send 1 ir Yes. Join tho many who aro making bigger monoy than they over did be foro. You don't need to quit your regular Job right now. Try the business out ovonlngs, Saturday afternoons, whenever you have a little sparo time, Soo that all I toll you is so. Then quit your job. Say good-byo to the tlmo clook; say good-byo to grinding work and meagre pay. Bid your pay-check, pals, farowoll forovor. Just for a change you bo tho boHw. You can do it. I know after ono wook of sparo timo effort you will bo eager to devoto all your timo to tho salo of tho Robinson Folding Bath Tub. You will be amazed. You will say: "My luck was surely with mo when I got acquainted with Robinson." A SURE CHANGE FOR AMBITIOUS rEOILB I wish that I might call a mooting of all ambitious people in America that 'I might talk to them and tell thorn of the tremendous possibilities in this business; show them tho sales my other representatives are making; con vince them boyond tho possibility of doubt that hero at last in tho nhnncn they have boon waiting for; the "Opportunity" that is said to knock at ovory ' man's door once. If I could only look you squarely in tho eye and toll you an uio iucvs uuuui una wuuuvriui nusuieB.s; ie 1 couiu only fay Doiore you undenlablo proof stacks of letters and orders on my desk; If I could show you onthuslastlo letters from Robinson Representatives Hesitate? Why, Special Commoner Coupon j XI. S. ROHINSON, Prcn't. '. t s HobtiiHou Cabinet Mfpr. Co., 453 FnctorieN Hltlg., Toledo, Ohio. Z m $300 a month looks good to me. Wrlto mo and toll me all about your spc- 3 olal plan and how I can make this big. money doting as your representative : ;xuih uuiib'uifo i m "u way. . mendous world-wido success I and mail tho nmmnn ....... i Name : ' " Street and No....... '.i.'.;.....;, ' 3 m XJUllHOXJfH. TfCS t wn : Tfce Ilobinoa CnblnetVIfe. Co. 4C3 Factories BWK., Toledo, Ohio you apnreolato th immtf " ar.r,Y:, Tnon vo can decide whether or not in. Yq'u win 'read ofT,mi3ri0asal51Ii.tloPof tho tousinoss I want ,you to start BlmnHM VhL .i,'ilu.n.drefl8 ?.f men in your position who wore at. first. today than over tl oulrLnr11,11880' who are makin'g tilggbr monfy toll vo hnw nL nirf,po!islbl0 In thelr most roseate day dreams, 'I will CnrVni0,M0".myous person In each community can connect with Will you do this? T TirnMi I'M lull .. V . 0,1 nnnrnYirVt??u JLno entIro story. . Then you can docido whether 6r not 0 ouslness I waoit (you to ur position w.ho wore at ho aro making bigger nr st roseate day dreamst 1 ?i ?AIOi-lil?0.PPndo.nCO. YOU will then realize, lennw nnrl nnnrAelato tho backed byconsclentinlanmoi ion cJ?mbla with 'the right proposition and imcitou ny conscientious effort aro tho only requisites to an ab'undant success. MAIL THIS COMMONER COUPON TODAY soldmoinvnn0111 now n't end m& a single ponny.- pon't and mafMhrnnnnmPW s,ond mo any remuneration at all. Juit sign T.nf n,n fii .... A; . . """ u,vu y.iu. iec mo prove every siawuipMn ---. ... tu,, ,uu .IH3 WIIOIO enthUSllltr. amh t.lnn.nwnlmnln.afftVtf n .. -r.T,.. ' ; '. . " """la 1 "vof i - a ,tro- Of course you will. Sign i0 v iiV,;" "" Biato - S