The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, May 01, 1914, Page 16, Image 16

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IK- ;
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VOL. 14 NO. 5
Iv ... The Commoner ; ''- .--
HI: - 1 ft
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Vt .IV m-nr r ,r . I IB lii MSWSrtK. V . .W ) jrzL 1
Wr. rr CVPMMBffk4 K vJ y XflBV iKlklil i. I - 1PrTft
RL zy lHa7,iB5CIclMft2Ki: liiTl f l-il-fi I 1
' & 1! VV ti!i V YMHHCTV' v -W M
v i 'i iHB-rrAjA i xn nn saw
DC V V Sill! IHIIK " iV-
Condutikd by
)tteen Watts MWe
BjBh 7
Tim irAHinn if ft Ifin
A crash, a flush, a momentary
Tho blusio-'oi' sun from out a sky
of bluo;
And Bomo ono lies, a heap o huddled
t - , garments,
With heart now still that orico
, sang bravo and true.
A blur of Smoko against tho moun
" " tainrt rugged,
Ai-buzKiird winging 'slowly through
ttho sky,
And iilje.ii, away a littlo mother
nwaitihgr .
Arid praying to the gracious God.
rs... r
A moan, a stream of life-blood ebb-
' "ihg swiftly,
' A'lialr of eyes that close in end-
i.-leso sloop;
A bullet, sharp and sudden in its
That leaves a wound so horrible
and deep.
A paper, printed, large in glowing
That" says, "Me loft a mother, next
of lcih;"
A qbhntijy.'s loud approval of a hero
i And ono small woman sobbing
. through tho din!
A fear, a tear, a pair of hands clasped.
advertisements for girls to fill, posi
tions, they should be warned that the
positions offered are not such as they
can safely take. Keep the girls at
home, for' thei'e is Unspeakable dan
ger and pitfalls awaiting the yoiing
Exterminating tho Fly
The war tp . extermination of the
filthy house-fly will also help to ex
terminate tho stable-fly, which is ac
cused of doing a great deal of disease
carrying by its bite. Both the house
fly and the stabie.-fly deposit their
eggs in filth, chiefly horse manure,
and the time required for hatching
is from ten to fourteen, days. All
accumulations of manure should be
removed at least once a week, to prer
vent this hatching. These two flies
'are so Very much alike in appearance
as to baffle any one 'but an expert in
distinguishing which is which. The
one visible difference is that the
stablej-fly is slightly larger and
lighter 'in color. Just .before a -rain,
or when from some reason the horse
fly is 'driven to tho '.ouse, or when
one is'at the barn, the fly -will bite,
and we have always said it was the
house-fly, for we did not know. of the
two kinds of' fl'es. The house-fly
does not ..bite, he does his damage by
carrying germs and filth about ' on
his legs and depositing tliP.m nn
i A mind thasdes a sturdy littlo J whatever he crawls upon. So, if a
Wb.oy,.: . ' ', ' ;' ; lily bites you, you may be sure it is
A , tiny . baby
face,- with rogViish
Ais'oWd. of laugl
;;UWish' joy. -
ghter filled with
'ii-v. f
A 'Nation's hero, dying- first with
''IpVy! ';,.:.., '
; A'mnn in spirit, though a boy in
V .iyearsK , '
A fcoidier shot in : .battle,-' fighting
-.- ; jrraV -. '' .':'.. , '
"'" A littlo"' mother smiling' ..through
' '-thY tears! ' ' ' .
Marg'tiveV E. Sangster, jr., in New
" York Tinier. - ,
AViU'iiing'ta Women and GUIs
. . The'v(omen' of .San Francisco are
Bending diit warnings, especially' to
ypi)iVg"girls, thaA. should b'e heeded by
every". one who has the welfare of
our youth at heart. It seems almost
hnthinkable that such a menace as
they describe should be allowed; but
it is reported that there are strong
influences being brought' to bear that
may insure the establishment-in some
portion of the Panama exposition
grounds of houses for immoral pur
poses; if not within the grounds, then
close, at hand. There are powerful
interests at work in this direction!
and while the women of San Fran
cisco,, will do everything in 'their
power to prevent the success'.of this
purpose, tl'iey cannot entirely guard
our young people of both sexes who
Tvill be drawn into the great city by
the lure of big wages. These women
workers urge that every paper or
magazine shall sound the warning,
and .every ono who can possibly do- so
should raise a helping hand in the
war against the spread 'of vice and
the ruin of our daughters and sons.
They especially wish the girls to be
discouraged about answering adver
tisements for workers,' for .every
place will be taken, and thedoor that
will be open to the strange girl will
be the one that leads to death, moral,
if not physical. The city has plenty"
of its own to fill every place, worth
having, and while there will be many
.the stable-fly, and he does his wprk
u.v injecting tne poison in, the blood.
If the work of extermination. s waged
mercilessly during and May,
the first flies will be killed; but' the
work must goaon "vigorously, all the
slimmer. It has been: advisefl that
you report your neighbor to the
health inspector, ,lf Jie does not join
v.. "i"M '1-5CU 111K IIIHIII13P
clean, and allow nor kind of filth or
garbage about the'place?. It is easy
o uurn -an. garbage,; or -to bury it so
the flies cannot get to it. The flies,
fleas, ibedbugs anjd a few other kinds"
that ty-e hot so plentiful, are the dis
ease carriers, and it should be as
much a. shame to feed flies as to har
bor and.feed bedbugs, flight now is
the time to exterminate the whole
poisonpus brpods, and everybody
should Moin in the war of extermina
tion. Clothes are hardly a protection
against the stable-fly's' bite, as it will
penetrate a. thin garment without
any trouble.' ' ' ' .
are fittest for canning; andpi'esery-.
iiig; but too many wait for them to.
"get cheaper," and they thus lose the
finest flavor. It ishbne too. early to
have everything prepared for putting
up whatever, is intended for winter.
Tlio First Fruits .--.."
Strawberries, cherries', currant's,
gooseberries will soon be on the mar
ket in abundance, and if you intend
putting any of these up. for. winter,
select theni while as, fresh as-possible
and do not think "any old .thing',' will
do for .canning, or for making into
janis arid .jellies. You get put of the
jar or glass pniy. wnai ypu pux, into
them and it pays to put .you
can get into ,yp,'1... glasses;"' While
commercial ''canned fruit' is often
better than;thpse'"homjo .canned' it
is usually Paving; :to the 'fact' that the
home cariner is. .careless,., arid neglects
to take pains with t'he'Worki It will
pay to have a ho'me canning outfit.
V- V ! "
Window Boxes ,
If ypu have no ground to devote
to 'flower-growing, you can s'fill have
beauty spots under your eyes. A
long, low .box placed just insidevof
the veranda railing, or on the win
dow ledge, can, '.be, made very service
able. The 'boxes should be a foot
deep and as '.wide as , your supports
will sustairi, but .remember ttiat-there quite a. freight -when, the box
is filled Hvjth soft, 'Sothe braces or
fastenings., msf'.'do gopd servipe.
They mayjie ph bo3t'eSi-.'if nothing
better. Offers, ;bu.t it is neater tp fjis'te'n
them to the railing or, window ledge.
There must . tfe gooflj drainage. The
soil must be very, rich ,'tfnd should be
kept w.Ul stirjied,, that-: the drainaee
may, not be Qlogge.d. Climbing pr
"to ,1'ictiiia, ouuju ue p.ianieq at
the front side,, to "drape- the front of
the box;; the remain deV- of t.bft hnv
may .be-Jilled ,wfth .showy,' longt.b'ldom-
is .nothing so bad for any one, and
especially for the young folks, as
having' too much idle time. Espe
cially is this true of the children in
the cities and large towns. In the
country, there is always something
to ke'e"p them busy, if one has a farm,
or other country industries. But
where the family lives In a fiat, or
apartments, or even in a cottage
without grounds, what is there for
the. boys and, girls to get interested
in? Parents should begin to plan for
these,. idle, hours, and see that the
empty hands are kept, from the work
that is always in their reach, accord
ing, to the old.. axiom. ..Don't let the
giris and Vboys" ."run"' wiid','; they
should have something to, no; they
will be doing, an. way, and-it is to
the interests of the coming .men -and
women that their doing should be
along -lines" 6f mental and moral
growth.' '' -,
"Getting Together" -
Of course, every one4 in the coun
try is busy' duriiig the -summer sea
son; there is al'wayrf.someth'ing de
manding attention, and if one allows
it, there wili ban endless chain pf
work,' with ho sort of r'ebreation for
any one. But there shouid be "off
daVs' wlien the whole1 family should
slip the leash Of work and worry, ?md
g4t. acquainted with themselves and
each.' other. If yo'are up-to-date
arid use your- sclio'ol :i room for a
"Social ceriteV," many an afternoon
cdiild be spent" there, and the social
commingling of the neighborhood
families, gro'wh. people and children,
will give zest to the; hard tasks, and
let the sunshine into the lonely lives
that are .all about' us Social -intercourse
between" friends, and getting
acquainted witnneignDprs snouiu do
takenas a duty we owe;to ourselves
and to. otheirs. . . . a . ., ,i '
7 J 'tU
IiriOfl QflrlA i (ViM
rich coloring as pssble in shade-
well watered
drainage nnisf be good.
me ssoil should bfi
every day, and the
, '-
For the POcket-Haiidkerchicf Garden
. Plant' everything' in.-'rows, and if
yoii' cannot plow. the1 tow's- use the
hoe industriously.. .. ," '.'.
If you put .a lot of .'richness" in
the form of fertilizer, or manure on
:" . mi) THRyPRK . . ' .
Grew Strong oil Righi Food.
"Early' Strawberries . i
The first strawberries, which1 ''are
now reasonably plentiful on most of
the markets, , come from far-aWay
gardens of the. South, and are usual
ly small, sour and flavorless. These
are ripeixed by artificial
means, gathered rather underripe
for shipment, and are sold for a high
price 1,0 thpse who don't know any
be tter.thanto bive it. Later on, the
delightful, ;sun-ripened berripsi from
"r nf latitudes give us the rpal
flavor, pf tho real, naturally-ripened
berries. Long-distance berr are
if 2iiUl?r ne-diatance things not
," ?atis,fact?rv t0 tne Palate, even
win oi imagination. In the
present davs. Imwovoi. !, i.r
shipping facilities, refrigerator cars
and careful .ladling doesiway with
much' of the disadvantage, and the
later berries, from the southern fields
are much better. For the best, how
ever, wo must wait for tho homl
grown. At'their best, in the height
of the season, Ts the- time whou'thdv
;-denning Mixtures'
i Before puttiig away tire winter
clothing, such. '. as suits., skirts, and
v.icaaus, ufj went as men's wear, everv.
rtF nmnt J r"-;f --v.. wuuv,ca
,': r,"1,' ,IU 10,V npes. of salsoda
dissolved in, as little water to pos
sible; shdke-rilli tiiiq' trti i -
bottle, arid let fetand a few hours-'
i2'S?e wHh;a sponge or raft rub-
" bijoisi untu piean. Keen it
well: corked ajnd always shake well
before using; 'Benzine or chloroform
may ' be Used iwlith good-effect, but
care .must bo taken not to have any
name or fire in the room Anv
Clpamng', done-'.. With nantbh Wi'w
or gasoline Should bedoiie;ont in the
.""J "er-mei spots are out, sponge
thoroughly witu a white 'soap suds
then with clear water. '
During Vacation' Days
The schopls ytorsobu'be closed for
the. Bummer, and thousands of : W,
am- g rls will be turned loose for the
par.qnt.s to lpok after for many weeks
eryr'Qne'can SP t6:the comitrT
and there are few avenues of induJl
try 6pen to the yoiing people?' ThSS
You. can't grow strong- by .merely
exercising. . Ypu"' m.usthayp Ippd ;
the kind you "can 'digest 'and assim
ilate. ' .y . ,, ' ... '
Unless the foody.ou eat is digested
it adds to the. burden the digestive
organs have haturajly to ca.rry. This
often means a nervous breakdown.
"About .a year ago," write a Massa
chusetts lady, "I had quite, a serious
nervous breakdown caused, as i be
lieved, by overwork and worry. I
also suffered untold, misery from
"'tfirst I gave up my. position, then
I tried to find a remedy .for my
troubles, somethiu that would make
me well anl strong, something to
rest my tired stomach 'and build up
my worn-out. narves and brain.
: "I tried one. kind of medicine after
another, but nothing seemed to help
"Finally a. friend suggested change
of, food and recommended Grape
iSuts. With little or no. faith in it, I
trjed . a package. That was eight
month ago and I have never been
without it since.
, ."Grape-Nuts did the work. It
helped me "grow strong and' well.
Grape-Nuts' put new life into me,
built up my whole system' and made
another woman of me!"
Name given b Postum Co., Battle
Greek, Mich. Read "The Road to
Wellville," in pkgj. "There's a
Reason." " .i.- ,
Ever rend tho above letter? A new
ono a))poai's fi'oni time t6 timo.' They
rirp genuine, triie', and fall of-'human-interest:-
"- -' " " '.