24 The Commoner iVOL. 14, NO. 4 Garter. In his famouB first inaugural formulating the democratic creed, Thomas Jefferson puts the same idea in those words, familiar to us all: "Please, commerce and honest friend ship with all nations, entangling alli ances with none." TO FIGHT FOR RIGHTS ,: Wo want war with no nation, but rather than surrender our right to our complete sovereignty over every pquare foot of our globe-encircling domain we will cheerfully and cour ageously face a world in arms. The amazing request of the presi dent for the repeal, like the peace of God, passeth all understanding. If ho has any reasons which are not utterly untenable and which impelled him to make the request, he has not vouchsafed them to us as a body or, so far as I am informed, to any mem ber of the house. If he has adequate reasons and did not deem it prudent to make them known to the world at large, ho could have communicated them to us in secret session. With all due deference to the president, it seems to me that we are entitled to those reasons before bolting a demo- 3 Books FREE you hla th KHEt-oni BUmoniV' MR. HARRIS vrtnts ond ou nia tiu iiii book nwtoryoi"TH Kinmonu, ii uiiooywt; whr and now mln.d, out nd marktUdj th other, "fait v Buo," or all tbout th Watch Baaln, Oth at-horn and abroad. Alt Oar Rla rn WATCH AMU DIAMOND BOOK. Would You Accept This 30-Day Offer? Standard of the World. Endowed by Government and Railway OJJlcials. llarrit-Uoar' enlarged Eay Credit 1'fan now enables you to own oneof these superb Elgin Watchet without mining the moniy. Writo for Free Catalog. Now, during this Special Snlo, ia tho tlmo to buy this flno 17- Jewel Elgin 17-Jowel Elcln. Thoroughly fac tory tested, fitted In a beautiful Gold Strata Caso, Fnctory Stamped nnd Guaranteed 25 years, hond-enffraved plain polished or with your own monogram, and our utartllng offer la to Bend you this 1914 model frco of chargo for your approval. 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We want no security, no inter Uecauao wc want to prove to you thnt tho great voiumo 01 our uuaincsa nctuany cn nblea ua to do better by you than any do not buy or pay one ccntuntll wo have placed tho watch right In your own nanus ror your nocioion, we want no security, no inter at. no red topefust common honesty amoneraon. Writo for onr IHa FREE WATCII AND DIAMOND BOOK today. Do it NOWl Dept. 12oO KANSAS CITY, MO. The !! That Ball Mora KJgin Watch Than Any Othr rirm In th World. HAHRIS GOAR CO. 25-Year mm. 17 Gold mB! Ruby Case JjfjJr Jewels BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBUJHHRHaBBBfaUML aaaaaaaaatiiVi?i; .'? '5 vWiflIB aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHBaayagCT flalM BaVHaaaW L3ralra&8?&y 3s Tr aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBattaaWSUi'!'''7 WmmW ay sJKM? tt aat V aaBBBBBaK'V' Get The Whole Truth Study tho present day political and social problems from all sides. LA FOLLETTE'S WEEKLY, pub lished and edited by Senator Robert M. La Follette, is the exponent of progressive ideas, standing uncom promisingly for true democracy and equal rights, opposed to special privi lege free to speak the truth and serve the people. LA FOLLETTE'S contains onnli week a signed editorial by Senator La Follette, dealing candidlv. frnnirlv nnri fearlessly with public questions, tell- Y . lllS you without reserve tho thin S4$K &xwy every loyal citizon niiniiiri v . ai m w M"w v.v. UUV Y V m Senator La Follotto SEND THIS COUPON NOW Ln Follctto's Weekly, Madison, Wisconsin. ,. . Enclosed find $1.00 for LA FOLLETTE'S one year. Enclosed find $1.25 fqr LA FOLLETTE'S WEEKLY and THE COMMONER both bno year. Alan containing interesting current news, uvuuu, uome, scnooi, humor and other departments. a : OUR OFFER a - 5 LA FOLLETTE'S WEEKLY will be : mailed to any address in tho U. S. on ". receipt of $1.00. 1 Or, LA FOLLETTE'S wraiairT.v and The Commoner one year both for uenewai subscriptions to paper accepted under $1.25. either offer. this LA Vso Coupon and Send With ltcmittaiico To Name , M.V n P.O. FOLLETTE'S WEEKLY MADISON, WISCONSIN cratic platform, which is generally considered an indefensible, ati extra hazardous performance, frequently fatal in its results. In his message one reason assigned by the president was in these words: "That exemption constitutes a mis taken economic policy from every point of view." If it is "a mistaken economic policy" now, was itsnot "a mistaken economic policy" during tne cam paign of 1912, when we all, under the lead of the president himself, in dorsed it as part of the democratic creed, on which we appealed for votes? If so, why did the president indorse it then? It cannot be that a proposition which was good before tho election can be so awfully bad after the election. But it is not "a mistaken economic policy." If so, is not our policy from the very beginning of shutting all foreign ships out of our coastwise trade also "a mistaken economic policy"? Do not our rules of charg ing foreign vessels for wharfage, dockage, pilotage, and so forth, while charging our own vessels no fees or smaller fees, also constitute "a mis taken economic policy," if the presi dent is correct? In short, if he is correct, is not anything we can do to give our own people any economic advantage whatsoever in the race for commercial supremacy "a mistaken economic policy"? FADES BEFORE FACTS Most assuredly the "mistaken-economic-policy" reason of the presi dent is untenable and fades away before the stubborn facts of our his tory. As that is a disputed point, why not amend this bill so as to continue the present law with the exemption section for two years or suspend it for two years? By amending the bill either way we control the situation. If the exemption from tolls should turn out to be "a mistaken economic policy," we can repeal or modify it; but if we pass this repeal bill, con trol over our own canal, built on our own soil with our own money, is gone from us and our heirs Forever and forever, As long as the river flows, ' As long as the heart has passions, As long as life has woes. A second reason for the repeal as signed by President Wilson is that tne exemption of our coastwise trade from the payment of tolls is "in plain contravention of the treaty with Great Britain concerning the canal, concluded on November 18, 1901." Of course, the president believed that or he would not have said it, but he was mistaken. If I believed that, I would vote with him, for I am as tender and jealous of my country's honor as lie is or as any other living man is, even as tender and jealous as the gentleman from Texas (Mr. Henry), the gentleman from Ken tucky (Mr. Sherley) and the eentlfi- man from Pennsylvania (Mr. Palmer) are, notwithstanding they are self constituted custodians of the honor of the American republic and the American people, It is painful, perhaps presumptu ous, to disagree with these three great international jurists, but it must be done. The sunramn nmirr nf the United States is supposed to Know some law. In the case of Olsen versus Smith, reported in the One hundred and ninety-fifth United States, volume 332, at page 3" 4 4 a case involving tho very point 'in volved in the exemption section of ,t he Panama tolls law, the court had the, temerity to rule cont.rn.rv t i,, opinion of my three learned friends aforesaid . , Chief. Justice White, then Mr. Jus- ' i it. tice Whilo, delivered the opinion 0f the court in these words: SUPREME COURT DECISION "Nor is there merit in the conten tion that, as the vessel in question was a British vessel, coming from a foreign port, the state laws concern, ing pilotage are iji conflict with a treaty between. Great Britain and the United States providing that 'no higher or other duties or charges shall be imposed in any part of the United States on British vessels than those, payable in the same ports by vessels of the United States.' Neither the exemption of coastwise steam vessels from pilotage resulting from the law of the United States nor any lawful exemption of coastwise vessels created by .the state law concerns vessels in the foreign trade, and therefore any such "exemptions do not operate to produce a discrimi nation against British vessels en gaged in foreign trade and in favor ESTEY NEW YORK on the name board of a piano is equivalent to sterling on silver ware. Durability and sweet lasting tone quality, is assured, while the price is no more than is often paid for instruments of inferior quality. Different designs of grands, uprights and players at various prices but the quality is always the same. ESTEY success has been supreme for over sixty-eight years. For sale by prominent denl- tlirouguout the world. ors Estey Piano Co. New Vork City INVESTIGATE TH SINGLE TAX "The SlngU Txj Whsl It U"..Georeo 'The Single Tk and (he Iltulneu Hn"..Ru$by "The SlugU Tm and the Farmer"..Sbeannaa All 3 booklets and TUB rOBMO, the paper with tho Single Tax point ol view. IS wrakt toe 25 imUi THE PUBLIC ,XgSt8k&-' fit- i vMWhoaAAa.