w . ' " wKa!RW"V The Commoner MARCH,' 1914 t . M" or Increase the price of merchandise of any com modity. "Third. To prevent competition in manufac turing, making, transporting, selling, or pur chasing of merchandise, produce, or any com modity. "Fourth. To make any agreement, enter into any arrangement, or arrive at any understand ing by which they, directly or indirectly, under take to prevent a free and unrestricted com petition among themselves or among any pur chasers or consumers in the sale, production, or transportation of any product, article or com modity. It has been strenuously contended by .somo in opposition to these provisions that they are already included within the meaning of the Sherman act. They undoubtedly are, and have been, enforced insofar as thev have been used as evidences against unlawful combinations in dissolution suits, but there is room for grave doubt as to whether or not the doing of any one of these particular things would, within itself, be indictable and punishable under the pro visions of that act. Therefore, there- have been hundreds of violations of the Sherman law by individuals, who, on account of tho broad and sweeping terms of the law, had no idea' -when they did the inhibited thing, that they were violating tho law. It is a well known principle of criminal law that indictments must be specific in terms and charge definite and particular of fenses. In justice to tho public and to those who might otherwise violate the law innocently, it is wise for criminal statutes to specify as far as possible the particular practices, transactions and acts prohibited. The purpose of section 4 is to make guilt personal, and it provides that whenever a cor poration shall be guilty of violating any of tho provisions of the ,Sherman act the offense shall be also that of the individual directors-,. officers, and agents of such corporations authorizing, ovdering, or doing any such prohibited act, and provides proper punishment therefor:. Section 5 provider that nothing contained in tho bill shall bo taken or held to limit or in any wax curtail the .meajtfng and effect of -the pro visions of the Sherman act, - ' ..-.i . Jt is tho purpose of the committee to- deal with- holding companies, iand the committee-;is now considering that: subject. The president has recommended the creation of an interstate trade commission. The bill how receiving consideration was prepared by the -subcommittee and was introduced in the house and senate. i f - j. . - BRYAN'S ATTITUDE TOWARD GRAFTERS Mr. Bryan first showed his intense antagon ism toward .Roger Sullivan of Illinois at the na tional democratic convention which nominated Pa.rker. There were .two delegations' frpm 3ht cago, one of' which was headed by Sullivan. Bryan very stubbornly resisted Sullivan's claim of recognition, and while Bryan exercised great influence in that body, yet he could not keep Sullivan out. , ,, Now Sullivan is, a candidate for the United States senate. , , Bryan is against him, just as lie. would be against Ryan or.' Murphy, or any one of their class. ' The election pf Sullivan to the senate would not help Wilson's administration, and it would add nothing to ttie strength, or respectability of that body. , ,, It is not surprising that Mr. Bryan should indicate his opposition to Sullivan, and, indeed it would-not be surprising to pee Mr. Bryan' take an active part in the campaign, for men of Sulli van's class are men Bryan has been fighting with all the strength at his command throughout all the years since 1&96, when he was first nom inated, for president He has fought them and they have fought .him. His most conspicuous triumph over them, however, was at the Balti more convention, when he challenged and put to rout tho Murphy crowd and made it possible for Wilson to be nominated on a real, democratic platform. , Machine bosses are not wanted in washing ton, especially as democrats. Nashville Tennes- Physical Valuation of Railroads eeean. i In addressing the house of representatives on the subject of physical valuation of railroads, Congressman W. A. Cullop said: "The object of this measure Is to ascertain tho physical valuation of tho railroads for tho pur-, poso of preventing impositions on tho public, in the sale of capital stock, bonds, and tho fixing of transportation charges. 'There can bo no question that thero is a de mand for such legislation. Railroad rates aro today fixed on a basis which is absolutely un j ist to tho producers, shippers and ultimata con sumers of tho country. Transportation charges are based on three items. First, to pay operat ing and improvement expenses: second, to pay interest on the bonded indebtedness, and, third, to pay a reasonable dividond on the capital stock. The first constitutes a just and proper charge. Tho second and third if both aro em ployed, as is almost universally the case con stitutes a double charge, because tho amount of the capitalization always covers the amount of the bonded indebtedness. "The money raised by tho bonds either went into the roads pr into the pockets of the promot ers as a rake-off and is, therefore, covered by the capital stock, and to levy tolls sufficient to pay both interest on the bonds and a dividend on the capital stock requires the shipping public to pay twice for one and tho same thing; and in the end falls upon the ultimate consumers who in the last analysis pay the whole thing. "It is an unquestioned fact that tho railroads as a rule are over-capitalized, that is to say, the amount represented by the capital stock is largely in excess of the actual amount invested in the roads, and to fix transportation charges so as to pay a dividend on this excess, is unjust to the public. This watered stock does not repre sent value invested, or the expenditure of money, and to require charges for transportation which will earn income to pay dividends on it Is en abling tho owners to collect something for noth ing and therefore constitutes an imposition, a hardship on tho gonoral public. . "Ono of tho most commendable features of this legislation is that it will squeeze the wator out, o. tho stock and bonds of railroads, it will eliminate tho gambling and speculation feature, and placo them on a sound financial basts, and thereby prevent great fluctuations In tho same Every share of stock and every bond will repre sent real value. Thoro will bo no Inducement to over-capitalize, and over-bond, because thero will bo. no demand for such paper on the markets. "Rates will bo adjusted to pay earnings on real value and actual Investment will represent true valuation. This measure once adopted and transportation charges fixed upon Us require ments will glvo a great impetus to our industrial onerntions, because it will benefit both tho pro ducer and consumer and will also protect the bona fido Investor in railroad properties. "Ills Investment will cam bettor returns and bin stocks will not suffer from fluctuating mar kets or bo affected by financial flurries, which aro now top frequently tho case. "Tho owner of railroad stocks will not under It feel required to give ono value for his proporty to tho tax assessor for taxation and another and altogether different value to the Interstate com merco commission for tho fixing of transporta tion rates, but can give tho samo to both, and enjoy tho confidence of the-public. It will then be an aid to Industrial operations of all kinds and Inspire development of our inexhaustibly resources, broaden our markets and assist both tho producer and consumer by a reduction. of transportation charges' TheUnited States supreme court fbas decreed that the pure fppd.law applies only, to articles that have been adulterated to an injurious ex tent. Evidently uppn., the theory.. that.;a ljttle poison now and. then-is relished by. the,, best, of men'. 1 ' summing' ui'Iresults . 11,; 1. A list of achievements of the Wilson-administration ivas issued on February G by the demo cratic national committee. It is as follows: Revision of the tariff downward. Enactment of currency reform. Elimination of lobby from the halls of con gress. Perfection and operation of the Income tax and direct election of senators. Amendments-to the constitution. Negotiations of treaties in accord with tho Bryan peace plan, thirty governments having signified their intention to accept. By public appearances at the capltol the presi dent has emphasized the ending of government by secret conferences and private arrangement. Passage of the industrial employees' arbitra tion act, which prevented a strike of eastern railway employees. "Constitution of peace" policy, resulting in voluntary breaking up of the interlocking direc torate system. Deposit by the secretary of the treasury of $50,000,000 to facilitate the moving of crops. Farm credit legislation emphasized by the president, and legislation assured. Modified sdlf-government conferred on tho Filipinos. Divorcement of the government from alliance with New York financial interests in interna tional affairs. Co-operative policy of the department of justice, resulting in voluntary dissolution by big corporations in accord with provisions of the anti-trust law. Policy of "diplomatic postponement" or "watchful waiting," backed by high moral grounds, applied to the Mexican and Japanese questions and approved by public opinion. Parcel post system developed and extended, and express rates reduced in consequence. Change jn the rules of congress, resulting in the.elimina.Uon of Cannonism. ., Extension of pure food and meat inspection acts, with resulting benefits to consumers. Scientific, method of marketing farm products with a view, t to the -elimination of waste under taken by'the department of agriculture. Armor..plate trust forced by the secretary of the-navy to reduce-its bids, at a saving to the government of more than $2,OQQ,000. Protection of the law given to Indian children , j , - .. - .t t.ftti'1 and' favoritism abollshed-by ;the cojtfiulsslonep of Indian affairs. ' ' ' '" Postoffico department ma'de self-sustaining - Extension of the special delivery system to ;tha parcel post. ' Home life of tho farmer made a subject of special study by tho department of 'agriculture- Public land policy embracing conservation of natural resources and utilization at tho same time adopted by the secretary of the intorlor; Farm extension measure carrying to the farmers the benefits of-the scientific study of ex perts passed. , Emphasis given by the president to the presi dential preference primary plan. . Leglslatlon-ls believed probable. " ' Better protection for passengers and property at sea provided by London conference In which views of delegates sent by the administration were largely adopted. Early enactment of the Alaskan railway- bill opening up Alaska promised. y Academic, vocational and technical Instruction for enlisted men in the navy provided by secret tary of the navy. Dissolution of the Southern Pacific merger and surrender of stock held -by Pennsylvania rail road in its competitor, the Baltimore & Ohio, accomplished along lines agreeable to the ad ministration. Prosecutions begun against several large trusts which have not agreed to a settlement along peaceful lines. The Public. BRYAN'S WARNING AGAINST SULLIVAN William J. Bryan has done his duty as a demo crat in denouncing the candidacy of Roger C. Sullivan. There Is not room in the same party for democrats and men of the Sullivan stripe This Mr, Bryan shows plainly. Sullivan's nom ination for United States senator by the demo cratic party would simply mean that the party has relinquished all claim to the support of true democrats, Mr. Bryan classes Sullivan with Lorinfer.. That is where he belongs. The demo cratic party of Illinois can not well afford to nominate any one of the Lorimer class, and even if it does, the state of Illinois can not well afford tb& disgrace of again sending one of that kind to the senate. Mr, Bryan deserves the com mendation, of democrats. everywhere for. making clear ..the menace of Sullivanism. The Public. (Chicago.) 1 i )