F The Commoner VOL. 14, NO. 3 WM urn M ;. MM Mi ' Phhk Iff 1 1 ill If I Ji 1 nkt v v, 5 y iSU 'i'i u i Ml ' fl' V' l!1 el wilt! 'WfPf it - ' U-M- ' i i muftf $x ,t a. nffeal. Ik Trust Legislation Ily'CoiiKrossnmii Henry I). Clayton, Clwlriiiuii of lio Committee on tlio Judiciary In vlow of tlio wldcfjproad Interest manifested throughout tlio country In (ho general Hiibject of trust legislation, and particularly In tlio ten tative 1)U1h prepared by tlio subcommittee of the committoo on tlio judiciary, composed of tlio chairman of tlio full conimltteo and Representa tlvefl Cai In and Floyd, on which public h ir ingn aro being hold in connection with all other bills rolatlng to trusts which havo been lnfo ducod and referred to tho committee, it will not bo doomed inappropriate to givo to tho public a brief outlino of tho scopo and purposo of tho proposod tentative bills. In tho-first placo those proposed bills aro ten tative, both mi to form and substance, but in thoir preparation tho underlying purposo of the subcoinmltteo was to formulato legislation tlr.it would protoct tho public against well-known practlcos and mothods of groat corporations which tho subcommittee believes tend to rro moto monopolies and aro, therefore, detrimental to tho public interest. Tho president, in his mossago to jcongross on trusts and monopolies, dolivorod January 20, 1914, uses this language: "Wo aro all agreed that 'prlvato monopoly Is imlefotiBiblo and intolerable' and our program is founded upon that conviction. It will bo a com prehensive, but not a radical or unacceptable program, and thoso aro its Items, tho changes which opinion deliberately sanctions nnd for which business waits: "It waits with acquIoBcenco, in tho first place,' for laws which will effoctually prohibit and pre vent Buch intoiiockings of tho personnel of the directorates of great corporations bunlu and railroads, industrial, commercial, and public Rorvico bodloB as in effect result in making thoso who borrow and thoso who lend practically ono and tho same, thoso who sell and thoso who buy but tho samo porsons trading with ono an othor under different names and in different combinations, and thoso who affect to compote in fact partner and masters of somo whole field of business. Sulllciont timo should bo allowed, of courso, in which to effeot thoso changes of or ganization without inconvenience or confusion.'' Tho position of tho president. on the subject of interlocking directorates is stated with such odmirablo clearness, and tho abuses that have grown up under that system aro so manifest to every person who is reasonably informed on the BUbject that wo feel that tho recommendations of tho president for legislation on this subject are fully justillod by tho sentiment of the entire country. As illustrative of tho conditions in businoss, described by tho president, in which thoso who sell and thoso who buy aro but tho samo persons trading with ono another, lot at tention bo called to a transaction which was brought out In tho investigation of another matter by tho committoo on tho judiciary in a previous congress, wherein it was disclosed that a certain person who was a director in one coal company mado an advantageous contract with himself as a director of another coal company, which contract was ratified by himself as a di rector of a railroad company, of which one of tho coal companies involved was a subsidiary corporation. When asked by a member of the committee whether he thought under the circum stances there was any possible chance for him to got tho worst of tho bargain so far as ho was personally concerned, ho frankly admitted there was not. TLis illustration and all similar trans actions show conclusively the necessity for legis lation on tho subject of interlocking directorates, not only in the interest of the general public but in tho interest of innocent stockholders in cor porations, as well as in the interest of common honesty., The purposo of tentative bill number three now under consideration by the judiciary com mittee, is to carry out tho recommendations of the president in this regard and deals with directors in three classes of corporations. As to whether the hill is so worded as to meet tho requirements in the particular cases to which it relates and to roach tho evils intended to be reached is not material, as tho bills are only tentative, and the committee is open to receive from tho public and from those particularly interested from the standpoint of their own business tho fullest in formation on the subject, in tho hopo that such information will be beneficial to the committee in tho perfection of the legislation, so as to meet tho recommendations of tho administration and tho general needs of tho country, and that, too, without serious detriment or embarrassment to any legitimate industry or enterprise. Section 1 of the bill prevents any person who is a director in an interstate railroad from being a director in a' corporation which is engaged in manufacturing or selling railroad cars or loco motives or railroad rails or structural steel, or in mining or selling coal, or in the conduct of a bank or trust company. The contractual rela tions between interstate railroad companies and tho corporations specified are so common and of such wide extent and ariety, and the dis closures of abuses growing out of interlocking directorates of other corporations with railroad companies in the past have been so flagrant, often involving millions of dollaTs to the stock holders' of the corporation whose interests were sacrificed, that it is deemed wise to prohibit interlocking directorates altogether between such affiliated corporations and the railroads. It has been suggested in the hearings with considerable force that corporations other than thoso specified, and especially those furnishing supplies to railroads, ought to be included. And tho committe,e stands ready to make that or any other modification, if on the final consideration of tho matter, it is deemed necessary and in the public intorest to do so. Section 2 prohibits broadly interlocking di rectorates between federal reserve banks, na tional banks, banking associations, or other banks and trust companies operating under fed eral authority and also between federal banking institutions and state banks or trust companies. It has been urged before the committee that the provision, as drafted, is too broad and sweeping and that there ought to be some modificatipn of it, so as to relieve the smaller banks, savings banks and trust companies from its operation. All that need be said at this time as to that criticism is that this provision is tentative, and it is the purpose of the committee to make any modification thereof which,-on final considera tion may be deemed necessary in the public in terest. But it is confidently asserted that the object sought to be accomplished by this pro vision is fundamentally sound. Section 3 prohibits interlocking directorates botween competing industrial corporations en gaged in interstate business. The necessity for such inhibition in the law is supported on the same ground and is justified by the same reason ing which calls for a prohibition of interlocking directorates in railroad and banking corpora tions. The purpose of tentative bill number one is to prevent certain discriminations in trade which have often tended to monopoly and injured the competitors of those concerns which resorted to such discriminations and unfair practices And in addition thereto to afford to injured persons further and more effective remedies than exist under the Sherman act. This bill proposes to leave intact and unaffected by any of its pro visions the full text of the Sherman law, but to supplement the same by adding thereto these ad ditional sections to be designated as sections nine, ten, eleven, twelve and thirteen. Section 9 prohibits discriminations in price between different purchasers of commodities in the same or different sections or communities with tho purpose or intent thereby to injure or destroy a competitor, either of the purchaser or ot the seller, with a proviso which clearly de fines certain exceptions. This is not a new legislative proposition, for a great number of the states have passed statutes prohibiting with in their borders differences in price for such wrongful purpose. While these states statutes differ in phraseology, the general purpose in! tended to be accomplished by each is the same This section, as drafted, follows generally the" Phraseology of the New Jersey statute dealing with the trust question passed during the Tad min istratioii of Governor Woodrow Wilson, and is the first of a series of statutes fatni i-iriv designated in New Jersey a "The Seven ffis" all relating to the trust question. It may not bo inappropriate to say, in this connection, that the promulgation of and securing the passage of this trust legislation by Governor WUson bad much to do with popularizing his candidacy for the presidency and in the end resulted in his nomination and election as president. Section 10 is intended to prohibit a very com mon evil, prohibiting any person in interstate or foreign commerce from making a sale of goods, wares, or merchandise or fixing a price charged therefor or discounting from or rebating upon such price on the condition or understanding that the purchaser thereof shall not deal in tho goods, wares, or merchandise of a competitor or competitors of the seller, and accomplishes its purpose by simply declaring That such trans action shall be deemed an attempt to monop olize within the meaning of the Sherman act and shall be punished accordingly. The president, in his message to congress al ready referred to, recommended additional legis lation to aid those who had been injured in their business or property by the operations of un lawful combinations acting in violation of the Sherman law. On that subject he had this to say: " "There is another matter in which impera tive considerations of justice and fair play sug gest thoughtful remedial action. Not only do many of the combinations effected or sought to be effected in the industrial world work an in justice upon the public in general; they also di rectly and seriously injure the individuals who are put out of business in one unfair way or an other by the many dislodging and exterminating forces of combination. I hope that we shall agree in giving private individuals who claim to have been injured by these processes the right to found their suits for redress upon the facts and judgments proved and entered in suits by the government where the government has upon its own initiative sued the combinations com plained of and won its suit, and that the statute of limitations shall be suffered to run against such litigants only from the date of the con clusion of the government's action. It is not fair that the private litigant should be obliged to set up and establish again the facts which the government has proved. He cannot afford, he has not the power to make use of such pro cesses of inquiry as the government has com mand of. Thus shall individual justice be done while the processes of busin ss are rectified a-d squared with the general conscience." ' ' Section 12 of the bill provides1 that a final judgment or decree obtained by the government for the dissolution of any unlawful combination or corporation shall constitute as against the defendant conclusive evidence of the same facts and bo conlusive as to the same issues of law in favor of any other party in any other proceeding brought under or involving any of the provisions of the Sherman act, to the full extent to which such judgment or decree would constitute in any other proceeding an estoppel between the gov ernment and such defendant in the original suit. This we think is in strict keeping with the rec ommendation of the president and we believe that the section is so drafted as to accomplish the purpose desired. Section 13 provides that any person, firm, corporation, or association, threatened or injured in his business by the unlawful acts of any cor poration or combination may have injunctive nlf!iHany C0Ur 0f the United stas having jurisdiction over the parties against threatened loss or damage by reason of a violation of any of the provisions of the Sherman act. This adds an. additional remedy for persons injured in their bus iness or threatened with injury to their SfSSt8 by unlawful combinations and is also in above fet out1 Pent's recommendation nJL sra:myl to state that very little adverse bofnvi8 ? Lh?n ,Ve,en ma(le in the ublic hearings before the judiciary committee of the provisions incorporated in sections 12 and 13 of the pro posed Din, mihSfl?1!1 numbw two prepared by the subcommittee is commonly referred tn na th MT "!" u 1,aB islS nfaSv ?hr 1S' an? ,is tlle least understood of any o the proposed bills. The purpose of It IS'Vtti? t0 na,rrow thTdXtll'e ground of the Sherman aw as to criminal S?;,"11 t0 make scific and clear St eeS tain well-known practices which tend to monop- ShS? f?tefed Int between two or more dis tinct individuals, persons, corporations or firms KonoJ6"11 aw- These we set out m tlio following paragraphs: in 'trade'orM Si 0r carry out restrictions in trade or to acquire a monopoly in anv inter state trade, business or commerce Second. To limit or reduce the production In1 II H VI N i i A;.lJKif1t . iffi IB.!1! 2H&hmHk f wi ri wmm w f v iiM.- jHkw jwSmJKKUmjmmiM