v- ""V-MSJ-WPWIff . 1 The Commoner INARCH 1914 to tho quantity of money in the community. This bill should be welcomed by the banks be cause itr'giVes them advantages enough t6 make every banker happy, but not advantage enough to enable them to make everybody elso miser able. While this law gives privileges to banks, it restricts, restrains, limits and hedges them about in such a way that they can not hurt the people. And while it gives tho banks the privilego of helping tho community it gives the people a victory such as they havo not had in forty years. This bill recognizes that the government has the sovereign right to issue money and tho plain people should build bonfires from ono coast, to the othor to celebrate the first victory they havo won since tho war on a monetary question. It not only gave the people, acting through the government, the right to issue the money but it gave the people, acting through the gov ernment, the right to control the banks. This was the point that was most attacked. They had a meeting of bankers in Boston a few months ago, and a banker from Arkansas made a speech in support of the bill; the press dispatches said that he was the only man in the convention who favored tho bill. When he asked who should control the board, the delegates shouted out with one voice, "The bankers." Nobody but a banker would ever have thought of anything so absurd as that. There is not another group of people anywhere in this country who have the audacity or impudence to suggest that they be permitted to regulate themselves, and the only reason they have is that for forty years they havo been the Joseph with a coat of many colors, the favorite child. Do the railroads demand the right to select the members of the interstate commerce com mission? Who would think of letting the rail roads pick the men who regulate them; and yet they have as much right to do it as the bankers have to ask that they be allowed to regulate themselves. Whose money is it that makes the banker rich? His own? No. If he loaned only his own money he would not go into the bank ing business. Whose money does he loan? He loans other people's money. Am I right when I say that 85 per cent .of the money that the banks loan does not belong to them? If I am mistaken, I desire to be corrected. I am informed that statistics show that 85 per cent of all the money loaned by banks belongs to depositors. Who says that the owners of 15 per cent should have entire control of the banks, and that the people who own 85 per cent should have no voice in the regulation of the banks. Wpodrow Wilson did not take that view of the subject. He was not afraid when they said that this board would be a political board if it was appointed by government officials. Do we not do everything else by political boards? Are not our judges political boards? Are not our congresses political boards? Are not our execu tive officers members of political boards? . What does a political board not do? Do not these political bodies make the laws that protect our property? Do they not make the laws that regulate marriage and divorce? Do they not enact the law's that govern the bequest and descent of property, and do not these boards these men elected by the people do they not make the laws that provide for capital punish ment? If the people, speaking through political boards, have the right to usher a man unpre pared into the presence of his God, who says they have not sense enough to regulate the banks? Woodrow Wilson was on the people's side, and you have the law as it now is, because he was not afraid to protect the rights of all the people in defiance of the demands of the few. And then this law broke the monopoly of the national banks. Ever since tho national bank was organized, it has had a monopoly of the favors of the federal government; whatever in fluence the federal government could exert for the help of a community was exerted through the national banks. More than half of our banks are state banks, and state banks have to share with the national banks the burden of. the business of the country. Why should a man be told that if he is borrowing money of a state bank he must close his account and go over and borrow of a national bank in order to get the benefit of the national treasurer's aid in a time of emergency? This law admits the state bank to participa tion with national banks. The first law of this kind wo have had since the power of the na tional bank became dominant in finance. The The Congressional Campaign Next November the people will elect a now house of representatives and one-third of tho senate, and it is of the highest importance that the democrats should be successful in this elec tion. When the now congress convenes tho presi dent will have completed the first half of his term and it would bo a severe disappointment to him to have to work with a republican con egress during the second half. Defeat for the party would not only prevent the enactment of remedial measures, but it would raiso a pre sumption against the administration and greatly weaken tho party for the presidential campaign of 191G. It behooves every democrat, therefore, to bestir himself and contribute his mite toward the winning of a victory. How can it be done? First, by tho selection of good democrats as candidates. Records should be scrutinized and the tendencies of aspirants in quired into. A distinction should be drawn be tween the man who does right under compulsion and the man who does right becauso he wants to. Tho man who has to be coerced Into tho doing of that which is right is an uncertain quantity at best and subtracts from the energy of the party, because a part of the energy of those who are reliable has to be employed in tho persuasion of those who would otherwise go astray. No man has any claim upon a public office except on the theory that he can do better than anyone else the work that the people want done, and something more than ability is re quired to do tho people's work. In this land, whero wo aro approaching more and more toward universal education, it is not likely that a public man will lack intelligence. It is much more difficult to determine a man's fundamental bias than it is to measure his in tellectual ability. "Ah a man thinketh In his heart so Is ho" tho heart needs to be examined into nioro than the head. Is tho man In sympathy with tho mass of tho people who demand protection of their rights? Or Is ho In sympathy with tho fow who clamor for privilege? And, If In syn'pathy with tho poople, Is he Incorruptible? Is he proof against tomptations tho poworful tomptatlons that ono hns to resist when he deals with large af fairs? Has ho tho moral courage to stand alone, If need be, in the defense of the right, or is ho afraid? Tho conscientious man, whose heart is on tho people's side, can bo trusted to deal with questions as they arise; no othor man should bo considered, no matUi' how well educated or brilliant ho may be. The democrats are now In power not only in tho nation but-largely throughout tho states. This dominating position can only bo retained by tho election of men who measure up to the re sponsibilities imposed by success. Let each democrat do his duty and use his influence towards tho selection of those w.lio can bo trusted. Tiie president has done his part nobly; now let tho party stand by him and uphold his hands by sending to the senate and the house of representatives those upon whom ho can rely for an Istanco In embodying democratic prin ciples into legislation. W. J. BRYAN. . first law that recognized the rights of these other institutions and put the men who deal with them upon the same footing as tho men who deal with national banks. ' But, the great advantage of this bill is that it breaks the power of Wall street, and disinte grates the money trust. Do you know what that means to this country? You do not havo to wait until the law is in operation to find out what It means. A few months ago there were indications of a stringency. There were evidences that, by concerted action, there was to be a withdrawal of circulation, a restriction of credit, and a tightening of the money market. (Concluded on page 13.) t REPEAL OP THE CANAL TOLLS LAW On another page will be found the president's plea for the repeal of the law granting American coastwise vessels exemption from tolls at the Panama canal. The law is regarded by foreign nations 'as a violation of treaty obligations and the president, being specially entrusted with the responsibility of representing the nation in its relations with the outside world, has asked for a repeal of the law. His message puts the re quest upon high grounds, and there is no doubt that tho public will support him. Our country will not mar the glory of a great enterprise by doing anything that would raise a question as to the nation's honor in its dealings with foreign countries. W. J. BRYAN. Rural credits and water power conservation are two important matters of legislation which the democratic administration will endeavor to thresh out before the adjournment of congress. Bills embodying the idea of the party leaders on these matters are now in process of being draft ed. Tho steadiness of purpose to redeem plat form pledges which marks the democratic con gressional plan of action is causing republican leaders to look worse than worried. It may be said, without danger of successful contradiction, that it was no fault of the jingo English newspapers, with their hasty and in temperate criticism of the American nation's policy in Mexico that will make it possible to celebrate the one hundredth aniversary of peace between English speaking nations. Eastern railways are discontinuing the sale of liquors on their trains, following the example of several railroads in other sections. In time the only tanks to be found on American railways will be those immediately attached to the engine. HIE ANNIVERSARY DINNER On the evening of March Gth tho cabinet gqve a dinner, to tho president and his family In cele bration of- the. first, year of their association to gether. It Is needless to say that it wasan-enjoyable occasion. Tho fellowship which has characterized the president and tho members of his official family has attracted the attention of the nation. A cabinet meeting Is an Intellectual treat to those who attend It; tho members have become ac quainted with each other and acquaintance has developed into confidence. Tho president Is a rare combination of open-mindedness and inde pendence, and his example has been a potent factor In welding the secretaries together. Ono of tho most important elements In tho successful working together of the executive and his advisers is the fact that each and every one in the group is in a position to follow his judg ment and conscience without consulting any special interest. This Is tho open secret which explains the freedom with which they confer and tho heartiness with which they cooperate. They owo allegiance to the same constituency the people and have a common purpose the pub lic welfare. TUB BAKER BILL On another page will be found a letter written by a young Hindu of Calcutta, India, who is at tending the Nebraska state university. This young man makes objections to some of the pro visions of the Baker bill, and particularly empha sizes the importance of eliminating the restric tions of tho bill imposed on Hindu students en tering the United States for the purpose of at tending our universities. The provisions of tho bill requiring a student to secure a certificate from a British officer that the student has suffi cient means to pay his expenses while attending school in the United States, this young man de clares, amounts to practically the same as ex clusion, as ho claims that it is almost impossible to get such a certificate issued. If this young Hindu's claim is true, the. change that he sug gests has some merit and could easily be accepted without affecting the Intent of the bill. Former President Taft has been "obliging" by giving his views as to the future of the re publican party. In view of the large number of states that organization carried in the 1912 elec tion, it requires an optimist of Mr. Taft's size tf figure out any sort of a future for it. ' H 'a JMMtoufcAiM tmuu