The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, March 01, 1914, Page 28, Image 28

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The Commoner
;VOL. 14, NO. 3
gardonor should draw a plan of Ills
gardon outlining the season's plant
ing. Consideration should ho given
to tho kinds of vogotables, the sea
son of planting, tho length of time
required for their maturity and tho
amounts of each. Vegetables which
will bo planted about the samo time
may bo placed In tho same or ad
jacent rows. Thoso which require
tho samo sort of culturo and have
about tho samo length of growing
season should also be placed to
gether. For the grower who wishes
to produco the greatest amount on
a given area, companion and succes
sion cropping may bo practiced. By
knowing tbo nature of tho various
vogotables the grower can get two
or Uiroe crops from the same space,
cither at the same time or follow
ing each other. In the first case,
two are selected, one of which will
mature and be removed before the
F7S RWWmr .bk. 1 Zi &. V M
l rfclTa w rkA w m r.m w
mmiM e .MlF&'m rau
My "Rupture
Lock" is devoid of
all tho uncomfort
able features found
In trusses or bo CAllcd mnhirn dnvlrpjj.
Titer r No Massaging Pads to
aggravate and cnlnrgo tho ruptured open
ing. No spring belt No elastic sweat
bands. No unsanitary leg straps to pull
the pad down on tho pubic bono.
My "Rupture Lock" ia nature's true
assistant that brings all her healing forces
into prominent play to effect a cure.
Its Adoption Means instant relief
from iiny inconvenienco you are now ex
periencing, xou can wear it witfi eusc
and comfort all tho time, no matter what
I want to send it to yon on 30 Days Free Trial
work you may be doing protects you
against every movement and strain by
keeping tho bowels in their proper place.
Wo Positively Claim to hold your
ruptures in true accord with nature's laws,
which has brought relief and cure to thou
sands of formerly ruptured people. No
truss or so called rupture appliance can
ever support your rupture perfectly.
Let me send you my Rupture Lock
to try 30 days FREE, and if it does not
prove to bo all that is claimed for it you
need not to buv 5K
Write meTO-DAY--so that I can send you ray free book, "How to Cure Rupture "
SCHUILING RUPTURE INSTITUTE 1& w. Market Si.. lMdi,n,... .'.
r "" Wmm"9
An Improved Texas Farm
I OFFER for Sale 240 acres of
land, three miles from Mission,
Texas, on the Rio Grande, 200
acres are cleared and under irriga
tion. The improvements, consist
ing of a $2500.00 house with
barns, fences, etc., have cost over
$5,000.00. Easy terms will be
given on deferred payments. I
would not care to sell to anyone
unless purchaser makes a personal
examination of the property. Ap
ply to owner for price and terms.
W. J. Bryan, Lincoln, Neb.
other needs tho space; in the second
an early crop is harvested in time to
sow a lato one. Garden planning,
if done intelligently, will mean
economy of time, labor and money
in the carrying out of tho actual
work in tho spring and summer.
Begin turning eggs in an incubator
after 24 hours and turn morning
and night until the 19th day, writes
J. E. Dougherty in a recent Cali
fornia experiment station bulletin.
Make the turning periods as near 12
hours apart as possible. Turn for
the last time the morning of the 19th
day if the eggs are not pipped,
otherwise do not turn on the 19th
day, but leave the machine closed,
and do not disturb until the hatch is
finished. In turning roll the eggs
slowly with the palms of the hands.
All that is required is that the eetrs
bo shifted around a little, so the
embryo will not stick to the shell.
The purpose of the rolling is to air
the eggs thoroughly and strengthen
tho embryos. The incubator door
should not be left open while cool
ing. In setting the eggs out to cool, do
not allow part of the tray to project
beyond the table or the incubator,
or the eggs will cool unevenly and
those in the projecting part of the
tray will become chilled by the time
the others are ready to go back into
the machine. Begin the cooling the
seventh day and cool every evening
when the eggs are turned. Cool a
little at first and gradually lengthen
the cooling period as the hatch ad
vances. A satisfactory way to tell
when the eggs are cooled sufficient
ly is to hold the small ends of a few
against the eyelid. When they feel
barely, warm the eggs are cooled
Test on the seventh and the four
teenth days, at night, because that Is
when the cooling is done. The first
test will remove all infertile and
dead germs up to that period. Every
egg m which a dark, movable black
spot little larger than a pin head,
with numerous radiating blood
vessels, is not distinctly visible,
should be discarded as worthless.
Strong eggs only will hatch vigorous
chicks. On the fourteenth day the
strong eggs will be opaque and near
ly black and if held still before the
tester, the embryo can be seen to
move. Dead germs at this time con
tain either blood rings, blood streaks
or are perfectly translucent and
Convinced of His Innocence.
Judge "Are you guilty or not
Prisoner "Not guilty, your honor
My counsel's words have entirely con
vinced me of my innocence." Penn
sylvania Punch Bowl.
liy Louis F. Port, AttUtant Sterttarv of Labor. it.
fundamentals of the Tnut auction. PrttanunlPI,?.llh,
ConcentraUon",'po,!UotTVBit.,'.'-TheT;nd "of'th. S"
'Trust and Boclallim". The Trout ond Sinaletax". Head thil
booklet nd rou will be b1 to rauee at It correct a In. -tv.. . V!
icaUUtion. frlce 16c pp. THE PUBLIC. loVEJlSSlhBldg8., CHIMM
"HEAVEN AND HELL" swdcnrE.s 4no p ce
Pastor Landenbeiwr. Windsor PUcTsuliJ" Mt0!'0"P1,d
1720 Colorado
Denver, Colo.
$Kb$crliw$' Jfgvertising Bepn
This department Is fo'rtho benefit of
Commoner subscribers, and a special
rate of six cents a word per insertion
--tho lowest rate has been made for
them. Address all communications to
rhe Commoner, Lincoln. Nebraska.
FAkSMMfedlcine Case- Save doctor!
bills. 12 remedies for 12 common
diseases. Colds, coughs, croup, cramps,
diarrhoea, fever, rheumatism, sick head
ache, sore throat, etc. 300 doses in
tabloid form. Convenient, pleasant to
take, absolutely safe. Contain no
opium, alcohol, morphine, cocaine or
similar drugs. $2.00 prepaid. Satisfac
tion guaranteed. 7nformation on re
quest. Tho Tabloid Remedies Co., P. O.
Box 1333. Denver, Col. Reference, The
Denver National Bank.
CCZEMA SPECIFIC -Will absolutely
- cure eczema, salt rheum, barbers
ai1(i other skin diseases. Sent bv
mail. $1.50. Send for recommendations.
Almklov s Pharmacy, Cooperstown,
North Dakota.
ALFALFA SEED $G. Farms for sale
r and Rent. J. Mulhall, Sioux City,
Iowa. -
"VYE will pay you $120.00 to distribuTe
religious literature in your com
munity. Sixty days' work. Experience
not required. Man or woman. - Oppor
tunity for promotion. Spare time may
be used. International Bible Press. 505
Winston BIdg., Philadelphia.
F0Rpu-Te, MaP!o Sugar or Syrup write
. wmuiwuii, jc-erryauurjy, in. i.
WRITE C. D. Baker, Fergus Falls,
rlL M'nnesta, for list and prices of
Otter Tall County, central Minnesota,
improved farms. Prices will surprise
you. Deal direct and save commission.
'Always a good title."
Tpay, p& Postage and packing.
, Bttl0 ''Hindoo OH" earache, soro
throat, pains; box adults', children's
Catarrh Remedy; vial delightful Per
?' t?11. 16.c R Fischer Company,
Mi tS street, Minneapolis,
toJLPfennsylv?nia clereyman with a
taste for garden work has made a
specialty of raising tomatoes fo? a
SAmmnLf-yGarS' With the result that
?q?Q?Vn some years as Ugh as
lllJ1 S01? a Pl0t of ground only
40x40. He has kept up this practice
during a long term of years covering
pastorates in a number of Towns
and notwithstanding the varied con!
ditions of soil in the different locall
ties, he has managed to raise a jrood
crop, selling the product i low as"
one cent per pound up to ten Tenta
per pound for the extra earlv
tomatoes.. He attributes hTs success
n producing much on little ground
to his practice of trimming and stik
ing his tomato vines. The rows for
some years past were made three
feet apart, and the plants set 18 to
20 inches apart in the rows. Fertilize
5!jtfyflan.d1 Cllltite Persistently are
points that he emphasizes. Verv few
powers ever manage to have ripe
tomatoes before September, when
the rush comes in most markets and
July and August brin5 good prices
TOCAL information and addresses are mney. Report to us In
spare tlmo and become local business
m,Dn,aBer' No capital required; no can
n , Etther sex Nu-Brite Sales
Co., Oshkosh, Wis.
PRINTING 100 XXX, 6 best quality
.Br, eloPes wi your return
hSol0c; 250', 1M Postpaid. Note
heads same price. Other printing equal
ly L,Sa?pis, freo- Adolph N. Men
zel, Oshkosh, Wis.
$375 cwh foroi acres, warranty deed.
19K in vo 800 aores- Lands only
s?afm nSfnrom ,wln CItles' Plats and
iSbarf1?. maI1& L ty cents.
vw.y. vy,,, .uf.muiem)ous, Aiinn.
S f)rVinn1 l.i - i -.-.,,.
noraa t lu,llu "I'umiig iviuiiou
forfvvnnL60 a acre cash- balance
mnn IZ- 4. Advance information and
mnmnnp?ltaff?' Jornal Publishing
company, Houston, Tex.
F0?13 9R TRADE 100 acres rich
t,' wn Improved; 80 acros
SiS Ir'Jftft 2S mlf of deeding, Okla.;
fi5h?nf!S40i0,0Sr ,Alao 40 acres smooth
PniJ la,nd ,1 miles of La Junta,
S2lirad0' all cultlvated, to trade on a
S-n1! faAm, In Ulahoma. Both farms
clear. Address Box 1?, R, 7, Lincoln,
Fu.Si":. ESS for hatching.
Sicilian Buttercup chickens; good
MyrAian? Ab,10 fr0Wl- ?2 ? o
w'csk11?? ?,IbS? Lyons,TN. T., 89 Lay
ton St., R. p. D. Kfo. 5.
Hl?,,1108' "raids, mado from
Rofr?r r5nblnS?' .rHer Mrs. Emma
oger&, Collego Station, Ark,