9 The Commoner MARCH, 1914 10 A Genuine Rupture Cure Sent On Trial To Prove It - Don't Wear A Truss Any Longer After Thirty Years Experience I Have Produced An Appliance for Men, Women u and -children 1 hat Actually Cures Rupture ARE YOU RUPTURED! If so, the BROOKS APPLIANCE is made for You; You and all other Men, Women and Children who are sufferers from this annoying and dangerous trouble. That truss you have been weiirlng one of many you have trlcd-r-chafed and irritated you and was worse than nothing. It had springs and pads and harness and straps and Ilxlngs galore and was continually getting out of shape slipping down or working up and always needing attention. Then, there were salves and washes and ointments to make the case worse and harder to bear. I want to say that you will And none of these annoyances and vexations in the BROOKS APPLI ANCE. At least they arc reduced to a minimum. Tills APPLIANCE was made with a view to eliminate, to do away with, just such trouble. I would have been foolish to work half a lifetime, thinking out and perfecting a tiling that had no advantage or was not bet ter than scores of other inventions upon the market. In my APPLIANCE you will And the old objectionable features LEFT OUT. You will find it easy to wear. You will scarcely re alize you are weai'irig it. There is no binding, drawing and slipping out of place. It does its work effectively and with comfort to the wearer. I want you to read my book in which I have taken pains to 'rive full particulars about it. Then, there are a few letters printed in it selected at random from among hundreds written by men and women who have been cured You jean write those folks and see -Jiat tney say. Ifl vero you I would' de to this matter without waiting. Y"i can put off some things without ruiv.lng much' risk, but a rupture is a dangerous proposition to neglect. A rupture is not only bad and serious of itself, but it leads to things infinitely worse. Fill out coupon and mail TODAY. Tomor row will do, but today is better. Don't Make the Child Wear a Truss Through Life I Want to Reach the FnrentH of Kvcry Ruptured Child In the Country. The TniNH In n FIcnIi Torturing Inven tion Fit Only an a Relic, of Dnrhnrlty. I WANT ' them to know about tho Automatic Air Cushion Rupture Appn anco that I make for1 children who are afllict ed in this way. My applianco can bo put on any child with perfect safety to the Ht tlo one. For growing children thcro Is nothing better to be had no matter how much you pay than my Appliance. ir 7 r. t Tie Drool i IppllkDC CnrtdlUinnplnrr. Aim ( Ii as Bound and WlioIeM If lie Hud Xetcr llcen Iluptnred. T wiint. tho narents or ntliovK who mnv hn.v e.hil- Ann r tlio(i onvA r iindnrntnnrl that thero should be no delay in getting proper help for ruptured children. Every day that the rupture is allowed to go on without the right means df correcting It Just so much harder will It bo for the child to get rid of it. Ho rpptured child can ever bo' free from tho thought of the rupturo and it is not fair to any child not to have an equal chance with other children. The above Is C. E. Brook of lUnr.nlmll, Mich., the Inventor, who xn been curing rupture-for over 30 yearn. If ruptured write him tfoiinv. wi,J t (?U havo tr,cd m(lst ovcrything else, come to me. Where others fall is whero I havo my greatest success. Send attached coupon today and I will send ipllance and were cured, no harness, I send on trial to prove what I say is true. You are the judge and once hav ing seen my illustrated book and read It you wJll be as enthusiastic as my hun dreds of patients whose letters you may also read. Fill out free coupon below and mail today. It's well worth your time whether you trykmy appliance or not rfy nu mjr luunuua-u uuuji uii rupiuru unu us cure, snowing my Ar giving you prices and names of many people who have tried it and It Is instant relief when all others fail. Remember, I use no salves no lies. ' No master what we may wish to think ruptured children do not havo an equal chance. Common trusses do not help. Thousands of men and women know that from their own experienco with such trusses. But it is not necessary for children to wear harsh, cumbersome, steel trusses any more. You may have had to wear something like this but don't make your child do It. Give the child something better. My Applianco is better and I want to provo it to you. I will make an Appliance to the child's measure, send it on TRIAL put it Into your hands to see and use and then you can say whether it Is what I claim or not. The Automatic Air Cushion conforms with every movement of the child; thero is an oven, gentle pressure which gradually binds the broken parts to gether as you would bind a broken limb and then no matter how much the child jumps, runs, rolls over or falls down the pressure is kept up just the same always drawing the parts together. Write me today and get all the In formation send the coupon. Others Failed But The Appliance Cured C. E. Brooks, Marshall, Mich. Dear Sir: Your Appliance did all you claim for the little boy and more, for It cured him sound and well. We let him wear it for about a year In all, although it cured him 3 months after he had begun to wear it. We had tried sev eral other remedies and got no relief, and I shall certainly recommend It to friends, for we surely owe it to you. Yours respectfully. WM, .FATT.fc;JKfcU. No. 717 S. Main St., Akron, O. Pennsylvania Man Thankful Mr. C. E. Brooks, Marshall, Mich. Dear Sir: uPierlmps lt wIn Interest you to know that I havo been ruptured six years and have always had trouble with It till I got your Appliance. It is very easy to wear, fits neat and snug, and Is not in the way at any time, day or night. Tn fact, at times I did not know I had it on: it Just adapted Itself to the shape of the body and seemed to be a part of the body, as it clung to the spot, no matter what position I was In. It would be a veritable God-send to the unfortunates who suffer from rup ture if all could procure the Brooks Rupture Aollance and wear it. They would certainly never regret it. My rupture is now all healed up and nothing ever did it but your Appliance. Whenever tho opportunity presents it self I will say a good word for your Appliance, and also tho honorable way in which you deal with ruptured peo ple. It Is a pleasure to recommend a good thing among your friends or strangers. I am, Yours very sincerely, nn . JAMES A. BRITTON. 80 Spring St., Bethlehem, Pa. Remember I send my Appliance on trial to prove what I say is true. You are to be the Judge. Fill out free coupon below and mail today. Ten Reasons Why You .Should Send For Ilrookn' Rupture Appliance 1. It Is absolutely the only Appli anco of tho kind on tho market today, and in it aro embodied tho principles that inventors havo sought after for years. 2. The Applianco for retaining th'o rupturo cannot bo thrown out of posi tion. 3. Being an air cushion of soft rub ber it clings closely to tho body, yet never blisters or causes irritation. 4. Unlike tho ordinary Ho-callod pads, used In other trusses, it Is not cumbersome or ungainly. 6. It Ih small, soft and pliable, arid positively cannot bo detected through tho clothing. C. Tho soft, pllablo bands holding tho Appliance do not given ono tho un pleasant sensation of wearing a har ness. 7. Thero Is nothing about it to got foul, and when it becomes soiled It can bo washed without injuring it In tho least. 8. There are no metal springs In tho Appliance to torture one by cut ting and bruising tho flesh. 9. All of the material of which tho Appliances aro made Is of tho very best that money can buy, making It a. durable and safe Appliance to wear. 10. My reputation for honesty and fair dealing is so thoroughly estab lished by an experience of over thirty years of dealing with the public, and my prices are so reasonable, my terms so fair, that there certainly should bo no hesitancy In sending free coupon IUUU. Cured at the Age of 76 Mr. C. E. Brooks, Marshall, Mich. Dear Sir: I began uhlng your Appliance for tho cure of rupture (I had a pretty bad case) I think in May, 1905. On Novem ber 20, 190B, I quit UBlng It. SInco that time I have not needed or used it. I am well of rupture and rank myself among those cured by tho Brooks Dis covery, which, considering my age, 70 years, I regard as remarkable. Very sincerely yours. xt' , t, , . , SAM A- HOOVER, High Point, N. C. Child Cured In Four Months C. E. Brooks, Dear Sir: The baby's rupture Is al together cured, thanks to your appli ance and we arc ro thankful to you. If wo could only have known of it sooner our little boy would not havo had to suffer near as much as he did. He wore your brace a little over four months and has not worn ft now fnr six weeks. Yours very truly. ANDREW EGGENBERGER.' 21 Jansen St., Dubuque, Iowa. Confederate Veteran Cured ,, Commerce, Ga., R. P. D. No. 11. Mr. C. E. Brooks, Dear Sir: I am glad to tell you that I am now sound and well and can plough or do any heavy work. I can say your Applianco has effected a per manent cure. Before getting your Ap plianco I was in a terriblo condition and had given up all hope of ever being any better. If it hadn't been for your Applianco I would never havo been cured. I am sixty-eight years old and. served threo years In Ecklo's Artillery, Oglethorpe Co. I hope God will reward you for tho good you aro doing for suffering humanity. Yours sincerely, H. D. BANKS. FREE INFORMATION COUPON C. E, IJIIOOKS, 173CA State St., Marhall, Mich. Plca 8e"d m y mall, in plain wrapper, your illustrated book and full information about your Appliance for tho cure of rupture. Name ,. ' ,.M City ft r'.F.D. state V.vl u A tl 'tac HC u.U