"TJWT .j The Commoner VOL. 14, NO 3 IB must be vory deep about as for fry ing doughnuts; lard and beef fat, equal parts, is better than lard alone, for frying the fritters. Some cooks claim that mutton fat may be added whon frying oyster fritters, as the taste of mutton fat does not seem to affect the delicacy of the bivalves, as It does other things. "Queen of Panama" . Tho most popular song1 of tho. day -a great hit. Should bo In tho homo of ovory music lover. Copleo 25 cents each. Send at onco as they aro going fast. Scnncr Publishing Co., Miami, Ariz. which to store milk. If a double bollor be used, let It be a large one, so that tho water In tho bath may rlso to a lovol of tho milk. -Medical Magazino For making vogotablo fritters, the vegetables should first be cooked in salted water until tender, then cooled bofore going Into tho batter; tho fat (not touching the frames), let dry on, then polish off with n soft cloth; it will romovo nil dirt or amoko-fllm. The scouring pnsto, sold In cakes, is vory good, and loss trouble than using whiting and ammonia. Almost anything Is bettor than soap and wator, which usually loaves streaks and smenrts. 4 li Wanted Ideas Wrlto for List of Invon- tlmiQ wnnlnil titr tnnnn. facturcrs nnil prJzeB orforcil lorln volitions. Our four books pent free. Patent secured or Fee Returned VICTOR J. EVANS & CO., Wiwhlnfjton, D. C 1 r i-; fc i or ws W- to fa it. 1 i li i I Sforlllzliig Milk Milk is storlllzod by heating to a tomncraturo of 212 dogreos Fahren heit and kooplng at that temperature for half an hour to one hour and a half, To remain storlllzod, milk must bo kopt socuro from contact with out side germs. To pastourl'o milk, put the milk Into glass fruit jnrs,. adjust the covers, but do not scrow them down; sot the jars on a rack In a steam kettle, and fill the kettle with water to the height or the milk In the jar. IIonL the wator until the thormomotor In tho wator registers 171 degrees Fahronholt. Tho tom .poraturo of the milk will bo several dogroos lower. TLo kettle must bo Ifopt covered. Now romovo the kettle to a placo whore tho wator -will 'remain at this temperature; put two 'hot stove lids under tho kettle, or ro movo to a table and throw over It a heavy comfortable, padded with cot ton, as cotton wadding Is a non-conductor of heat, and allow It to stand thus for half an hour. Now cool as quickly as possible, but begin tho .eoolfng process gradually, or tho glass jars may break. Then whon cold sot away In a cool placo. A double boiler may bo used, but a stoam kottlo Is moro convenient for tho use of tho thormometer, and the glass jars nro proper vessols In PATENT Watnon I?. Goloman, 1'ittunt Lnwyer.WnHliltiKloii D.U. Advice and Ih.oUh fret.'. Wfttofl remjpuublQ, lllgbcot nJoruncea. Ik-Htovrvicw The New Parker Jack Knife Safety Pen (XrrY tho Parker Jack Knife Safety V Pen in any pocket, in any portion vwi upijde down and it nfuttt to leak. Carry it Jn your trousers pocket along with your jack knife and keys, and it's per fectly, safe. The newest and handiest invention in fountain pens. Price $2.50 and upwards. A A. Eft kWl . VfCH' BMaM MlMza Curve? JBH i-1 611 t OVE THAT IT WONT LEAK n V"rew any Parker Lucky Curve Pen; m Teed tube with inks touch curved end to ' wxrtl wall, and imicA tht ink uoot down. , Call at the store and see the interesting WfihnaUon of why this test proves the Parker won't leak. Get a Parker on trial. We refund your ' ny if.you're not pleased. Banish your fountiin nm trouble for ennA ku n.:.. . '.fwkr Pen today. Wrlto for beautiful 52 pagq cata logue free to any intending pur chaser of a fountain pen. ' . THE PARIOGR PEN COMPANY ' Jaiiesvillo, Wis. The Shovelcrats Tho story tells how a consttuctlon camp tried to got rich by raising tho prJco of shovols. Tho samo thlnp, in a llttlo dlllc ont form, is at tempted In ovory pat tof tho United Sta caovory day. Tho story will amttso Rlnglotaxera and In struct thobQ who aro not, Priro Ton Cents, TIMBEY'S BOOK STORE, Ashtabula, Ohio "THE PICK OF THE PICKS" They are antiseptic and peppermint flavored, A delicious toothpick Let us send you a fifteen cent box for 10 cents in stamps CUTTER TOWER CO. Established 1845 184 Summer St., Boston, Mass. GRAB'S FAMOUS SPECIALTIES I f m. Y II ii:.r-i r" 'V1. K-K 3& :hW t ')HV m -ft- ''..V-H-Hr-frA nf i A. 1 Ay V M " y V.IK:,,"wA-A vl 3 I ffVl I "a ft h:r U-?ftfl75 rd 3 .kv 111 VySifaM SSTf'! : ! ' .flPESk' Mlwli fffl HI mwak vUWM fciimiv- m-mW y. ; iv .-: iucrzi v; r ; . isa ,. -s-v WfM -n ill W timffl rAA li I ' K V.V.kfiJI I 1 I . I 1 II l" I.I i - MiotiMfj :: i, i r i i MT&m$i H I I vfpl llffl E-livA EMM ' IP rils Ho-VU mivsm I I I b . f i . i"; T Vtf IM -C' Vrl "W'NII II III J .. I Kit I rll 111 IV j IUIIIK V 'IV. V ib l-k. .rrrrr i jii ii .- m .- . i . i . a .. rt. wi Hi,vmhan 'w i wh-r.i ifii "ni vr . i i v. jtm i! 'jji ii iii .- r iniw tiiii "v"x. - i tja.i 1flM(M HI I X fl Wfei! ! 1 ' CvsaajfcJSN iihvmwfl! i b ftfc y ifscssiwN MfMwMm. r vH 1 mSSSki r4fM,iV.i''& I 4 I (STfittl Over JpSiK l s III ' I vy A cwJiSSRTo3 T (fib LWJ HI fflisfi sNSl ii i i i i i xr nysww w caii' I.AROR .AVINr. . m - 4 VWi'L Vi ie YTOlF2ef Help kep the house "clean-dou't track mud, iiuy, uuii, mn inrouEU tne Iiotisc-get a Grab's Foot Scraper AUTOMATICALLY ADJUSTABLE , FjstCs to doot'step' or any place outside. .auuuuici)-cnanieieU"iooks neat-can be .uLjicu unu swept utiaer. rtie only de vice made vhlch cleans bottoms ana ves ot slioe In one opera non. Aiuomniusllj' adjust inniio any size shoe-has 10 parallel plates for scrap Inc soles and 3 still bristle brushes vhlchlean sides of shoe-a little marvel-no home should be without It. Price 'Jl, Be sure to'tfet Crab's Genuine Automatic 'FootScraper-talce nosub stltute. Send for Pree Booklet. AfjenU Yfanted. MONEY SAVING SS Yor Bljjfht Roaolutlona for 1014. Bp.,ln to Save -vVHU "Grab's Keyless Basket ! Bank" . The most nnnnhv hnr- ..t.. .1 .. ever Invented. As monev Is Hnnslf. ed, amount Ii reentered oa dial. Bank is made of best cold rolled steel, qxldlzed copper finish. Sire 2 1-2x3 1-2 In. Holds f 30 hi dimes. First dime 16cks safe, Every fiftieth dime unlocks. Has nickel ed plate on which your name will be stamped FREE) when banks uic urucieu in quantities 01 iuu or secular price. 1 eacu. more. S,fi?aa V1,1 eIthor tho hteh or regu lation waistline. Tho pattern G486 is SS lnTvrS 22 32 lnclies waist meaJ! JrincKaTeVfa?.0 re(1Ulr0S 3 yards 0o33 IimllcM' Skirt. Sorirn hrnnflJ thtaUBffrth0Jll0t ?r b? erf0tobmaa tms slcirt. Tho skirt closes at tho left ! ?i?SfthVirnt and can b0 SaS w8S orB, hiFlL?f regulation waistline, xno sitirt is cut in two pieces Thn pattern 6533 is cut in sizes 22 to 32 quires 2 yards of 44 inch material. 0B23 Ladles' Dress. Any of tho plaid materials can bo used to malm this dress. The dross closes athS ivFrh S?h02iJh0 ,f ront and can toSmiSS with either the long or short sleeves Tho slcirt is'cut in three gores and can bo made with tho high or tho rogukS. tion waistline. The pattern GB23 Is cut In sizes 34 to 44 inches bust measure inch material and 1 yards of 24 inch 0520 Boyn' Dress. This dress is for tho small boy who has not yet worn tho regulation 'trousers: Tho dress closes at tho front and is made wit ha romovablp shield. 'Linen or serge can b0 U3t0 mak0 th0 dress. The pat" 0401 Girls' Dress. Sefge chvlnr! 2i Snf? Cani,b0 used t0 male? this driss with tho collar, cuffs and' belt of enh fasting material, The drSss is'mSSd theJoS? ttaitGid Styl and closS a? vile rront. Tlid long or tihori- ninAA can be used. Tho pattern 0461 ?JSS ,i8lzeSoito 12 years- Age 8 years' rS5 $ yard it fno? U M. 0; lndy4ad y0aUinffiaid.raS-tInS 00 TIME SAVING urabs Automatic Lighter and AhfTray No Matches Rooulrad A SafoKUscful Gift ratGAtess and Sols Hfra. H V K Wf T. $i . i ' ' , r 1 VICTOR M. GRft & CO. General -Offices 1804 Ashland Block, Chicago, lit V.i - .aiigrtaiaJf