The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, March 01, 1914, Page 14, Image 14

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    rvsr' - "TFWWJWtn
The Commoner
VOL. 14, NO. 3
Mr. Brjaa declared Uaai if aay oe
rery seriously accused Roger C. Stall i
rau of feariag any qual'Scsiiofts for
a seat la tie Uaited SUtles seaaie,
Mr. Sulliraa coW readily proTe aa
Tie reply of Mr. SvlH-raa to
Bryan's blistoriag attack is rfcaracler
lstfc. It proves tie aUJW. He calls
attention to the aoey no has put
into campaigns. He hypocritically
pretends to bare beea a political sup
porter of Mr. Bryan. He attempts to
disguise himself as a martyr, aad
charges Bryaa frith attempting to
wreck the democratic party ia Illi
nois. He asks to be let aloae aad
defiantly says he will remain ia the
senatorial race despite Mr. Bryan's
oppor tion and consequences to the
party. As In the formal aanouace
ment of his candidacy he utters no
word of principle. His reply is the
insolent retort of a professional
political boss who, like Boss Murphy
of Tammany, will rule or ruin.
This makes a fine issue for Illinois
democracy Bryan on one side;
Roger Sullivan on the other. Bryan
knows whereof he speaks.
Sullivanism draws a factional line
across the whole state and through
every county and city in the state.
No man in tho democratic party in
Illinois has caused so much disten
tion as has Sullivan.
No man, as a candidate for sen
ator, could so successfully split the
party as he.
His bossism has caused chaos and
coafmsfoa aad msnaced democracy
for years.
He now seeks a seat in the na
tJoa'is highest legislative body the
United States senate but assumes
impndeatly tiat Bryan, Folk, Owen
aad democrats of other states who
are devoted to principle and con
cerned about the party's future, have
ao right to comment upon his boss
sjsa. His reply to Bryan gives added
proof, Jf mch were needed, that this
political bow is utterly lacking in
ooaeeptSoa of the importance of a
seat in the senate and of senatorial
Match with this statement of Sulli
van's denunciatory of Secretary
Brvan the estimate of Bryan by
Woodrow Wilson, who is considered
the greatest president since Lincoln.
No one knows Mr. Bryan better
than President Wilson. Writing to
a friend, the president says:
"Your reference to the secretary
of state shows how comprehensively
you have looked on during the last
few' months. Not only have Mr.
Bryan's character, his justice, his
sincerity, his transparent integrity,
his Christian principles, made a deep
impression on all with whom he has
dealt; but his tact in dealing with
men of many sorts, his capacity for
business, his mastery of the princi
ples of each matter he has been
called on to deal with, have cleared
away many a difficulty and have
given to the policy of the state de
partment a definiteness and dignity
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JJjJs Coupon Saves You $1.50
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j, -.i -.w..U.l.i;,,iijcBgO, 111. ;,., ........ ouuujfUU
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- N' advertised in Tho Commoner: 5 risk. When vm, Zu ,".0
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: : Persona clieck for exclm.iffe. ' AM 5c' to
that are very admirable. I need not
say what pleasure and profit I, my
aelf, have taken from close associa
tion with Mr. Bryan or how thor
oughly he has seemed to all of ub
who are associated with him here to
deserve not only our confidence hut
our affectionate admiration."
Roger Sullivan is Bryan's foe he
cause Bryan is a consistent foe of
privilege. Bryan's three great battles
as a presidential candidate have
brought a complete reconstruction of
the democratic party. They made
possible the triumph last year of
democracy and the many recent
triumphs for democratic principle.
The snarling bosses are opposing
Bryan now because he crushed their
combination at Baltimore . and
brought about the nomination of
Woodrow Wilson.
Bryan so completely routed the
bosses that to save their faces they
had to vote with him at Baltimore.
President Wilson knows these
things. His estimate of Secretary
Bryan quoted above needs no ampli
fication. That Boss Sullivan takes issue
with President Wilson and condemns
Bryan is quite complimentary to
them. Springfield (111.) State Register.
Washington Post: In a letter to
W. W. Prescott, editor of the Pro
testant Magazine published here,
President Wilson has denied em
phatically that his correspondence is
handled with religious prejudice by
his secretary, Joseph P. Tumulty.
The correspondence made public by
the magazine follows:
"January 15, 1914.
"The President,
"Washington, D. C.
"Sir: I learn from personal in
terviews and correspondence that
there is a' widespread feeling among
Protestants that it is practically im
possible for any communication re
lating to the activities of the Roman
Catholic church to reach you per
sonally, for the reason that all such
letters are withheld from you by
your private secretary, Mr. Tumulty.
It is unfortunate both for you and
for the country that such an impres
sion prevails, and that it seems to
have somo foundation.
"Before dealing with this subject
in this magazine, I am writing to ask
fop a statement from you which
might be of service in restoring con
fidence among some of the best citi
zens of this republic. Any reply
however brief, showing that this
letter actually reached you, would be
a source of satisfaction.
"When you were governor of New
Jersey I wrote you concerning some
criticisms of your course, in which
you were charged with showing
favoritism to the Roman Catholic
church, and your reply placed the
matter m such a light that I did not
deem it necessary to make any refer
ence to the subject. My desire is to
deal fairly with public men, and
henco thia letter.
"Thanking you for any attention
which you may give to my request,
I am, yours very truly,
The president's reply, under date
of January 10, 1914, follows:
"My Dear Sir: Allow rte to
acknowledge the receipt of your
letter of January 15, and to thank
you for your candor in writing me.
"I beg leaye to assure you that tho
impression that any part of my cor
respondenco is withheld from Jig in
any circumstances by my eecretary
on account of religious predilections
on his part is absurdly and utterly
false. I venture to say that no presi
dent ever had more frank and satis
factory relations with his secretary
than I have with mine. Mr. Tumulty
is more prompt perhaps to call my
attention to matters in which his
prejudice is supposed to he engaged
than to other matters of relative in
difference. "Of course, I need hardly add I
am not speaking from an impression,
but from knowledge of just how my
correspondence is handled. Sincerelv
With a single exception, every
member of President Wilson's cab
inet began life as a hoy in a small
country town. Making the-best use of
early opportunities, they developed
their talents by study, steadily work
ing their way through school and in
most cases through college toward
that broader experience in the af
fairs of life which ultimately fitted
them to become ''cabinet timber."
Their example should be an inspira
tion to those who being born and
raised in a' small country town, are
apt to consider their surroundings as
unfavorable. If a youth has ambi
tion and energy he will surely find
the gato of opportunity open. In no
part of the world .have their been
finer illustrations of the development
of self-reliance, prudence, concentra
tion and those other traits of char
acter than in the country town or
village. Christian Herald.
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Children can't seem to
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