The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, March 01, 1914, Page 12, Image 12

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    -"Vt"r 11W
The Commoner
VOL. 14, NO. 3
Dak., $1; D. W. Hendricks, la,, $5; J. W. Kini
kin, Ohio, 3; F. W. Miller, Okla., ', Wilber
Miller, la., $5; J. O. McDonald, la., $5; C. T.
Morebead, Ky., ; Cbas. L. Otrich, 111., t R.
U Newton, Colo., $3; C. J. Nugent, Colo., $1;
Samuel Parsons, la., $6; Win. Quinlan, la., $i;
Goo. E. Dage, Ind., $1.20; W. Smith, la., $1;
J. It. Sedgwick, Ja., ?1; Wm. Stelter, Kans., ?1;
Geo. F. Smith, Nebr., $1; Mrs. S. J. Townley,
111., $1; Jens Jensen, Wash., $3; H. E. Ireland,
111., $1; Alice S. Mitchell, Colo., $1; Gus Myers,
Colo., $2; C. A. Stone, HI., $3; L. J. Burbank, Ky.
$5; S. W. Baxter, Kans., $5; Cbas. Goodenow,
la., $5; Alfred A. Lewis, N. J., $5; R. E. Logan,
Kans., $3; Arthur M. Wallace, Ky., $3; A. J.
Dlebold, HI., $1; A. L. Moreland, la., $1; C. W.
Owen, Colo., ?1; C. T. Moorehead, Ky., ?3; J. T.
White, 111., $3; Robt. Craig, 111., $3; J. W. New
man, Kans., 11.20; J. T. Raftery, 111., $1; A. B.
Higbe, 111., $5; B. G. Carney, Kans., $3.80; J. N.
Feuersteln, Neb., $1; F. K. Klein, Nebr., $5; J.
N. Lane, Nebr., $5; Spencer F. Ball, Ind., $5;
L. A. Dasher, Nebr., $5; G. T. Reynolds, Nebr.,
0; Jacob North, Nebr., $C; S. L. Roberts, Nebr.,
$5; R. S. Duflield, 111., $10; E. R. Ridgely, Kans.,
fC; Geo. Jackson, Nebr., $1; Albert Larson, N.
Dak., $1; Prate Dolen, Nebr., $5; A. J. Turner,
Nebr., $f; LeClaire Freeman, Nebr., $5; M. Mc
Kibbln, la., $15; M. A. Montague, la., $1; M. L.
Morris, 111., $1: Johns Weehouse, Wis., $1; John
C. Stockton, Okla., $1; Andrew Ostroin, la., $1;
H. M. Radcliff, Wis., $1; Mrs. W. C. Prescott,
HI., $3; Jno. Smith, S. Dak., $1; H. G. Nittel
Htadt, la., $3; Frank Mueller, Wis., $5; W. L.
Blessing, Okla., $3; Jos. C. Graber, Kans., $3;
Felix Penner, Okla., $5; C. S. Moore, Wis., $5;
Cbas. II. Runkel, Wash., $3; Floyd Seybolt,
Nebr., $5; Wm. Daily, Nebr., $5; John H. Moller,
WiBi, $10.
That there are forces at work that will make
'government ownership a big political issue in
the near future was the declaration of Judge
J. A. Prouty, in charge of the physical valuation
'of railroads by the government, in an address
beforo the Traffic club at Baltimore, Md., re
cently. Judge Prouty is quoted by the Asso
ciated press dispatches as saying: "1 am not
forecasting or trying to influence the decision
of the rate commission, but I say most positively
thore are forces at work which will make gov
ernment ownership a big political issue in a
Bhort time. If government ownership comes it
"will bo because the railroads have not given sat
isfactory service. They cannot give satisfac
tory servico without the necessary money.
Take for argument's sake the valuation of the
railroads at $20,000,000,000. The roads de
clare they should be allowed to earn 8 per cent
on their inveatment. Most people believe 6 per
cent sufficient. That makes a difference of
1,400,000,000 the country will have to give rail
roads controlled by private interest. Will the
country be willing to pay? The thing for the
railroads to do is to create public sentiment in
their favor. The fair thing for the public to do
is to meet the railroads half way."
Are You Doing Your Part This Year?
The lines aTe being rapidly drawn for the con
test that will determine whether the present
democratic administration is to be indorsed and
sustained by the return of a democratic congress
this fall. Are you doing your part to bring
about this result? Many are following out the
suggestions recently made in The Commoner for
aiding in this work, and many are joining in
the work of helping to circulate The Commoner
as an efficient aid among the doubtful voters.
The Commoner is gratified by the generous
response to these appeals coming from all sec
tions of the country, and extends a cordial in
vitation to all democrats of every state to
spread the gospel of democratic doctrine in every
congressional district.
For this year's congressional campaign The
Commoner is making a special rate of 60 cents,
which makes it low enough to place in the hands
of a large number of voters. For those who will
assist in this work, and for those who desire to
strengthen their party's efforts in their home
districts this fall, we have arranged two pledge
blanks below. One calls for a number of spe
cial subscription cards which a worker agrees
to take and be responsible for at CO cents each.
The other pledge is arranged for those who do
not have time to go out and dispose of the sub
scription cards, but who wish to contribute a
stated amount towards placing The Commoner
in the hands of a number of doubtful voters in
a state or district which they may later desig
nate. If you believe the circulation of The Com
moner will be of material assistance in bringing
about a democratic victory this fall, kindly sign
one of the pledges at the bottom of this page
and start the work at once.
The following are some of the letters received
from enthusiastic workers in different states:
E. T. Ice, Ind. Enclosed find remittance to
pay for five yearly subscriptions to The Com
moner. Mr. Jno. G. Hardy, 111. Please find enclosed
remittance for which send The Commoner one
year to the 10 subscribers herewith. Kindly
send me ten subscription, cards and I will en
deavor to place them also. I want to help along
a good cause.
Lloyd T. Everett, Va. Enclosed find check
for which please make the following five re
newals at your special campaign rate.
R. L. Horseman, Mo. I am pleased to here
with enclose draft for which send The Commoner
to the following list of twelve yearly subscrib
ers. These subscriptions were obtained in a few
minutes canvass in the office of the secretary of
state and other departments at Jefferson City,
practically every one approached giving their
D. D. Duty, Ohio Herewith find money order
for which send The Commoner to the enclosed
list of eight yearly subscribers. I am personally
subscribing for these at my own expense.
E. D. Clark, Nebraska. Enclosed find check
to cover five yearly subscriptions to The Com
moner. I am paying for four myself.
Mr. M. B. Murphy, Kans. The five cards you
sent me received, and as I secured orders for all
of them in a few minutes I hasten to order 25
which please mail to me at once. Many of the
leading democrats here are anxious to take The
J. E. Gandolfo, S. Dak. Find herewith draft
to pay for the enclosed club of 17 yearly sub
scriptions to TheCommoner.
H. L. Smith, W. Va. I enclose remittance to
pay for the enclosed list of five yearly subscrip
tions to The Commoner. Send more blanks, and
I will place The Comomner among my friends,
this being a republican community and I want
them to see the progress of the present admin
istraticn. Eli Gerber, Ind. You will find draft to pay
for th enclosed club of three new subscribers
and four renewals. Send more blanks.
H. Y Halcomb, Mo. Draft herewith to pay
for the enclosed list of nine yearly subscriptions
to The Commoner and one for two years.
Wm. Stelter, Hoisington, Kans. Find here
with my pledge to contribute $1.00for a fund to
be used for circulating The Commoner as cam
paign literature during the coming congressional
F. N. Schrantz, Bothell, Wash. I -will do my
utmost to insure the endorsement of our worthy
president by a large democratic majority in the
next congress. Please send me 5 subscription
Victor E. Wilson, Stromsburg, Neb. I enclose
a draft for $3.00 in payment of tire enclosed club
of five yearly subscriptions 'under your special
educational offer. I enjoy your paper more as a
monthly, than as a weekly, treating- as it does
the important affairs of our national: life. The
monthly issue gives the necessary perspective to
their analysis, and busy though I am, and in re
ceipt of a score of newspapers and magazines, I
read the Commoner each month for my final de
termination of the trend of the times. I could
pick up a hundred subscribers here if I had the
time. I may be able to get some one else to do
the soliciting and will try to do so.
Mr. T. N. Slaven, Hollister, Cal. Enclosed
find list of 25 yearly subscribers to The Com
moner mostly new, but a few renewals. I take
over $35.00 worth of newspapers and magazine
literature and there are two of the lot that I
never fail to read. One of which is The Com
moner. I thought this year I would have to pass
the raising of the club of Commoner subscribers
to a younger democrat, but forgot all about it
until it was too late so here I am at it again.
I am in my 82nd year.
Publisher Commoner: Believing that the way to endorse President
Wilson's administration is to elect a democratic congress in 1914, and
believing that The Commoner placed in the hands of worthy democrats
and the independent voterB will materially assist in the election of a
democratic congress as an approval of the administration of President
Wilson, I request that you send me the subscription cards indicated
below and I pledge myself to use my utmost endeavor to sell the cards
and will remit for them at the Congressional Campaign Special Rate of
60 cents each.
' j . .'- m .f'
Box or St. No , ... ..,., ,;,, ,.;. ,,,.,, ,:..... .0
Indicate the number of cards wanted by marking X op
posite one of the numbers printed at the end of this blank.
If you are willing to a8sst The Commoner in the educational and or
ganization work to bring about a congi essional victory, fill out the abovG
coupon and mail it to THE COMMONER. Linoni w Yq
COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb.
Trls dent AVilZ?r , ,D.eSi.r "g t0 aSSiSt ln upholaiS the hands of
Commoner ai ? ? " be"eTins tnat Elating The
tricT will ItZn ,T, gn "terature in cl0Be congressional dis
domocrl tic Sd r "J br'n8lnS about tto o the
eZTtaW - aSre6 t0 eontvlbute tne mot indi
epecla! TratTof LTT US6Q 'D BenllnB Tne Commoner at the
StaV'T ? iD strict or In
. " " ueaignate later.
Name. .?-!.... ...,,..
t. No. . ..; .u-rT.t.MJnw3w.:KBWMW
P. O, .,.,v,v,w,r,i.W:.v, .State, .mu.,-
mwwS xSMnfiULi.70; are 111,nS t0 contribute by
SS bSJLfc PP08lte the flgure prInted on tt
collection of it will not be f& Ul ?5ff ,s ot gotfahle,
at once to THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb. ln the pledge
$25.00 1