-.mhijw wrii?j)CK MARCH, 19l4 The Commoner ii the first nine months of the operation of the law, has nearly been 104,000 in rouud numbers, or 17,000 less than shown for the fiscal year under review. Ninety-two thousand petitions for naturalization were heard by the various courts exercising naturalization jurisdiction, and of these 10,891, or 11.72 per cent, were denied for various causes. The secretary of labor, in the report, calls especial attention to the work of the various bureaus, and the plans for extending the work during tho coming year. Particular stress is laid on the activities of tho department in con nection with mediation work, and its efforts to bring employers and employees into closer re lations when differences arise. Working for a Congressional Victory DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE NEW SERVICE AND REGULATORY AN NOUNCEMENTS A new series of publications known as "Serv ice ami Regulatory Announcements" has been inaugurated by the department. The object is to issue periodically in convenient form full in formation as to rulings, decisions, instructions, etc., in the enforcement of tho food and drugs act, tho meat-inspection law, the insecticido and fungicide act, and the various other quarantine and regulatory provisions. Tho new announce ments will be issued separately by each bureau or board charged with law enforcement. They will be issued monthly or less frequently as occasion warrants, and each will contain a com plete statement of the regulatory activities of its bureau for the period covered by each issue. Extracts from letters establishing important precedents, all food and drug decisions, notices of seizures and notices of judgment will be printed in service and regulatory announce ments of the bureau of chemistry. The monthly service anouncements heretofore issued by the bureau of animal industry will bo changed to conform to tho new plan and will cover matters relating to the meat inspection, live-stock quarantines, and other phases of the administrative work of the bureau. Tho same procedure wil be followed in mak ing public all regulatory and service announce ments of the insecticide and fungicide board, the federal horticultural board, tho forest service, and other branches of tho department charged with quarantine or other regulatory matters. As far as possiblo the free circulation of the service and regulatory announcements will be limited to public officers, persons or firms who havo official relations with the department, and persons whose knowledge of the contents will aid in tho enforcement of the various acts. As a rule only one copy will be sent to each person. Persons not coming within the foregoing classes, or who want a large number of copies or wish to obtain notices of judgment in individual form, can subscribe for the periodicals, or purchase additional copies or large supplies from the superintendent of documents at the government printing office, Washington, D. C. NEW IDEA IN FARMERS' PUBLICATIONS The department of agriculture has taken a lesson from the commercial book publishers and hereafter will announce its publications in such a way that the public will know at once whether it is a bulletin designed for popular reading or information for professional use or of service only to a special class of manufacturers or to a specific geographical section. These publications can be obtained free on application to the di vision of publications, United States department of agriculture, Washington, D. C, as long as tho department's supply lasts. Thereafter they may be obtained from the superintendents, if the request is accompanied by the price stated. NEW PURE POOD ACT PROCEDURE On February 24th, it was announced that in those cases where the department decides not to prosecute a manufacturer after he has been cited and has appeared for alleged violation of the food and drugs act, prompt notice will be given to tho parties interested. Heretofore, those manufacturers who have been cited and appeared before the department have had no knowledge that there was to be no prosecution if such a decision was reached. The result was that many manufacturers did not know where they Btood, and experienced diffi culty in regaining the confidence of the public in their products. Under the new plan of the department the manufacturer will be notified promptly of the decision not to prosecute, The following friends havo signified their willingness to assist in tho work of helping to elect a democratic congress this fall, and have ordered subscription cards for tho purpose of disposal among voters in their districts: O. E. Whitaker, Iowa, 5; J. O. McDonald, Iowa, 5; CD. Clark, la., 5; M. B. Murphy, Kans., 5; J. D. Smith, Kans., 10; J. A. Hingley, la., 10; Sherman Pondm, Kans., 5; A. Thiol, Mont., 10; H. F. Schmidt, Kans., 25; Isaac Kerr, la., 5; C. C. Salisbury, Kans., 20; W. A. Llppincott, la., 15; G. A. Goodman, Kans., 5; CD. Bledsoe, Ky., 5; M. R. Hobson, Kans., 5; C. W. Carson, Kans., 20; T. M. Ridpath, la., 10; J. H. Polly, Ky., 10; D. H. Brinkman, la., 10; W. B. Durham, la., 10; Ed Swensrud, la., 10; M. C. Hill, 111., 25; Paul Anderson, la., 5; A. J. Kraft, 111., 10; Henry Morton, Kans., 5; Wm, A. Woodworth, Colo., 5; D. A. Abbott, 111., 5; R. E. Logan, Kans., 5; Floyd J. -Tilton, 111., 5; Jas..M. Lyle, 111., 5; C. C. Sherman, Mo., 5; W. II. Schlosser, 111., 5; J H. McDonough, la., 5; Chas. Kruska, Ind., 25; Lee W. Frazer, 111., 5; H. H. Opporman, la., 5; W. D. Branigin, Ind., 5; L. A. Mullican, la., 25; J. H. Lesk, Ind., 5; Benj. Foetor, 111., 5; R. F. Orr, la., 5; Ii. C. Whetsel, 111., 25; B. Carnahan, 111., 5; E. H. Eastman, 111., 5; B. Hathaway, la., 5; J. M. Early, Ky., 5; R. D. Beman, Mass., 5; Henry E. Watson, 111., 5; Fred A. Carner, Kans., 5; Arthur Arneson, la., 5; Gaines Groene, 111., 5; Dr. W. S. Fuhr, 111., 5; Wm. Quimloy, la., 5; R. W. Marshall, Ky., 10; Jas. S. Roberson, 111., 10; M. H. Doan, Ky., 5; J. F. Duke, 111., 25; W. G. Hunter, 111., 10; H. C. Hubbard, la., 5; Geo. L. Houghton, Wash., 5; D. M. Mickey, 111., 5; W. W. Hyatt, Ky., 10; J. A. Alexander, III., 10; J. F. Brooks, la., 5; John Hormaday, Ind., 5; H. S. Hancock, Colo., 5; J. M. Allison, III., 5; S. 'E. Wright, Ind., 5; M. E. Kratzor, la., 25; Jas. Hilton, 111., 10; David Muirhead, Kans., 10; M. D. Lomond, Ind., 10; C. W. Kirby, 111., 10; J. E. Emmons, Ind., 10; S. E. Halloway, Colo., 10; F. E. Adams, Idaho, 10; S. J. DeLan, Colo., 10; John G. Hardy, 111., 10; A. D. Overall, Ky., 5; R. A. Green, Nebr., 10; J. M. Babb, 111., 10; A. G. Weber, 111., 10; I.. J. Martin, 111., 10; J. L. B. Miller, la., 10; A. N. Fulkerson, Ind., 10; Walter J. Coppock, la., 5; Nick Quintana, Colo., 5; R. H. Arnold, 111., 15; T. H. Maguire, Minn., 15; G. H. Dellart, 111., 10; C. ,W. Snodgrass, Colo., 10; E. J. Hall, Ind., 10; G. B. Carr, Ind., 10; Jacob McDonald, Ind., 5; C. J. Nugent, Colo., 5; F. A. Wigent, Ind., 5; J. .E. Akin, la., 5; J. V. Newman, Kans., 5; W. A. White, Ariz., 5; J. IT. McGill, Ind., 10; A. J. Diebold, 111., 10; Fred W. Fecker, 111., 5; M. A. Agnes, la., 25; A. T. Land reth, 111., 10; S. P. King, Ore., 10; B. F. Kimlor, 111., 10; John Womble, Mont, 10; T. N. Mount, Ind., 5; M. M. Thompson, Ind., 5; J. P. Mollen hoff, la., 5; C. H. Wells, 111., 5; C. E. French, Colo., 5; Geo. E. Sage, Ind., 10; Chas. G. Wildt, Ind., 5; M. B. Murphy, Kans., 25; Gaines Greene, 111., 10; T. J. Hathcock, Colo., 5; Geo. P. Shan don, 111., 5; H. A. Overkamp, 111., 5; Geo. J. Hedding, Kans., 5; M. C. Johns, Ind., 5; J. F. Strothman, Kans., 5; W. A. Lucas, Ind., 5; G. L. Goodin, Tex., 5; J. H. Winterer, Nebr., 5; E. E. Braden, la., 10; T. F. Holden, Ind., 10; S. M. McCanliss, Ind., 10; Sanders Smith, Ind., 10; Henry Kubitshek, Colo., 5; D. B. Fox, Ind., 5; John Dlssman, 111., 10; T. A. Smeeten, 111., 10; II. A. Edwards, Nebr., 5; J. D. Bishop, Nebr., 5; O. J. Miller, Ind., 5; R. M. Bibb, Ky., 5; Jas. McFarland, Colo., 5; M. M. Runyan, Nebr., 5; W. D. Cook, Ind., 5; PI. F. Williams, Mo., 5; B. E. Baker, Ohio, 5; Chas. A. Jacot, Ohio, 5; Frank A. Love, Kans., 5; U. S. Bellows, Nebr., 5; G. S. Upton, Nebr., 5; W. C. Williams, Nebr., 10; J. M. Babb, 111., 10; Arthur R. Movers, Nebr., 5; Dr. Bacon, 111., 25; Will E. Estill, Nebr., 5; J. W. Lyle, 111., 10; Geo. M. Alexander, Ind., 25; J. L. Wheaton, Ohio, 5; Jacob Bentley, Ohio, 10; John Kampf, Ohio, 15; Alice M. Rower, Ohio, 5; John T. Dtinkard, Ind., 10; J. C. Jones, Kans., 10; W. A. Flatley, Wis., 5; D. M. Terry, 111., 5; L. D. Young, Nebr., 10; H. A, Rockhill, Ind., 5; O. C. Thompson, 111., 5; F. H. Burr, la., 10; Martin Olson, la., 5; M. V, B. Exum, Tenn., 5; Henry Clark, Sr., Nebr., 5; C. H. Sutphen, Ohio, 5; C. C. Chapman, Ohio, 5; Geo, Jackson, Nebr., 10; J. W. Van Matre, Nebr., 5; John A. Snyder, Ohio, 10; B. V. King, Ind., 10; W. H. Adams, Ohio, 10; C. Baughman, Ohio, 10; Noah Webber, Ohio, 15; E. C. Carrington, Ohior5; S. F. Sham- baugh, Ohio, 10; G. W. Luke, Ohio, 10; W. W. Woodflll, Ohio, 5; W. P. Mason, Ohio, 5; J. M. Garling Ohio, 5; Harry S. Robinson, Ind., 5; C. C. Fletcher, Tonn., 5; Wm. Ritchie, Jr., Nebr., 10; E. J. StevenBon, Colo., 5; Goo. A. Daugherty, 111., 10; A. P. Elder, Kans., 10; Milton Ewing, Ohio, 5; S'lns R. Meek, Ind., 5; D. Rccs, Nobr., 5; J. D. McElvaln, Nebr., 5; J. B. Dye, Ohio, 5; Jacob V. Wagtjal, Ohio, 5; A. M. Voro, Ohio, 5; J. M. Gorf, Ohio, 5; W. F. Wallace, Nebr., 5; J. o i'-,i,r'' wis., 5; C. Earnest, Kans., 5; S. R. Shanks Ohio, 5; D. C. Reams, Ky., 5; W. B. Mitchell, Okla., 5; C. F. Bigham, Ohio, 5; A. D. McDonald, Wis., 5; B. A. Rogors, So. Dak., 5; Cleveland Prowitt, Mo., 5; Arthur Nelson, So. Dak., 5; A. F. StroKz, Nobr., 5; J. S. Upton, N. Dak., 5; W. W. Wohlgemuth, Nebr., 5; F. P. McClollan, Ohio, 5; W. L. Walton, N. Dak., 10; S. II. Lowe, N. Dnk., 10; J. W. Brooks, Okla., 10: James Black, 111., 10; J. W. Berkhelmor, N. Dak, 5; W. G. Barker, N. Car., 15; H. Ching, S. Dak., 5; C. P. Mooors, Wis., 5; Frank Gilbert, Ohio, 5; D. R. Stewart, Okla., 5; A. O. Dalberg, Wis., 5; C. C. Fait, N. Dak., 5; Milton Cox, Nebr., 5; R. S. Lundo, N. Dak., 5; W. S. Gray, Ind., 10; II. J. Molir, S. Dak., 10; D. B. Teeters, Ind., 5; B. J. Buckley, Ohio, 5; Howard L. Kay, Ohio, 5; J. I-I. Borrynian, Nebr., 6; F. A. Bailey, Mo., 25; J, E. Carlson, Nobr., 15; A. J. Welty, Ohio, 10; Alex Morrison, N. Dak., 10; C. Canterbury, W. Va., 10; Wm. Howden, N. Dak., 5; A. W. Peter son, Mich., 25; W. T. Jones, N. Dak., 10; B. W. Dunkelborger, N. Dak., 10; J. H. Childs, Okla., 10; Ernest, S. Coulter, la., 10; R. F. Burba, Ky., 10; Ben G. Elliott, Wis., 10; J. E. Hall, Tenn., 25; Robt. W. Cummirs, 0., 5; M. L. Norris, Colo., 5; Jay R. Bish'j i, N. Dak., 5; Matt Mc Cormlck, Okla., 5; V 1 1. M. Peeblor, Nobr., 5; J. E. Akin, Ta., 5; Hu .1 Munro, Wash., 5; M. R. Hobson, Kans., 5; 1 iram Yockey, Ohio, 5; H. Gish. Kons., 5; J. E. Mallery, Wis., 5; Carl H. Smith, O., 5; Logan Hawkins, Okla., 5;' L. E. Colvin, Wis., 5; Geo. W. Balzer, 111., 25; G, H. Bolen, W. Va., 40; F. O. Riley, S. Dak., 2.0; F. Garvey, N. Dak., 20; John McKonzie, S. Dak., 10; Chas. II. Leavy, Wash., 10; Magnus John son, 111., 5; F. B. Wilson, Ore., 15; J. B. Shearer, N. Dak., 10; J. II. Henley, Ga., 10; A. L. Mcin tosh, N. Dak., 10; J. H. Wood, Colo., 10; A. C. Craven, S. Dak., 5; W. M. Soules, la., 5; Win. Mathews, Wash., 5; Carlton Hershey, 111,, 5; B. M. Bond, Okla., 5; John B. Beck, Okla., 5; 0. E. Reynolds, Okla., 5; W. N. Corder, Nobr., 5- II. L. Evnns, Okla., 5; F. B. Krioshlavek, Okla., 5; Richard Burke, Wis., 5; Andrew J. Berdahl, S. Dak., 5; W. E. Gadberry, Okla., G; C. L. Sawyer, Okla., 5; OF. Gale, Wis., 5; A. D. Dover, Nebr., 5; II. II. Kleser, S. Dak., 5; M, J. Warner, Wis., 5; G. W. Roll, Kans., 5; D. R. Hanawalt, Ohio, 5; J. Alva Welgle, Okla., 5; W. C. Keller, Okla., 5; Geo. H. Colby, Wash., 10; Joseph P. Brown, Okla., 5; J. F. Thomson, Wash., 15; W. W. Now, 111., 5; J. F. Eidemiller, Ohio, 10; Wm. Klopfer, S. Dak., 5; Leo Bros., la., 10; Martin McLaughlin, Dist. of Columbia, 10; Hugh Munro, Wash., 5; C. M. Brady, Okla., 5; O. W. Barnes, Nebr., 5; Ernest Bruemmer, Wash., 5; N. G. Nelson, Okla., 15; J. D. Ingra ham, Wash., 5; Charlie Myers, Ohio, 5; S. R. Comer, Wash., 5; F. Frederick, S. Dak., 10; John Nace, Ohio, 10; C. W. Bailey, Ohio, 10; S. E. Halloway, Colo., 20; C. S. Moore, Wis., 25; Geo. Lehnert, S. Dak., 10; T. H. Woldy, N. Dak., 5; E. A. Carroll, Wash., 25; John Barnett, N. Y., 5; John E. Echols, Ind., 5; P. L. Scanlan, Wis., 5; L. W. Jones, Wash., 5; J. A. Blackmore, Okla., 5; D. W. Craddock, Wash., 5; J. A. Eish, N. Dak., 5; Robt. F. Taylor, Idaho, 5; C. F. Evans, Wash., 5; B. H. Williams, Okla., 10; W. A. Hitchcock, Wash., 5; J. L. Dalton, Ohio, 10; H. Brendum, Wis., 5; F. A. Leach, Okla., 5; E. M. Taylor, Wis., 15; C. H. Herrald, Ohio, 5; 1. H. Smith, Wash., 10; C. T. Ayers, la., 10. Tho following named friends have signed t pleases and subscribed the sums opposite their names to aid in the work of placing The Com moner in the hands of doubtful voters in close congressional districts: Arthur Arneson, la., $1; M. G. Barker, N. 0., $5; L. N. Varley, Colo., $3; Paul C. Bear, 111., $3; J. A. Banto, Ind., $3; Geo. H. Colby, Wash., $3; Joe Crawford, Colo., $3; I. W. Crabb, 111., ?3; E. C. Duncan, Kans., $B; A. O. Dalbers, Wis., $5; A. Demming, Wig., $1; Will B. Estill, Nebr., $3; J. A. Henne, Ohio, $3; A. y. Huiton, la., $1; Mark Holm, Nebr., $1; J. M. Lint, Sr ywyggfywu'W ! vapMtww fytmlff1f00f rW)r Mj