'', "$(!"'' ? gM The Commoner VOL. 14, NO. 2 ""r I'' . & HV IV 1 'A The Work of the President's Cabinet TItBASUIlV DEPARTMENT Three months ago bankers throughout the country wore cither hostile or lukewarm In their attitude to the now curroncy law. Today they aro racing with each other to got within Its pro vision. Tlioro are 7,493 national banks In the United States and on February 0, the treasury department at Washington had received accep tances from 0,314 of them. That is more than 8 V) per cent of tho total number and it Is expected that before March 1 nearly or quite the full number will havo formally accepted tho provi sions of tho new federal reserve act. Ten trust companies and twelve state banks have indicated their lntentlojv-to enter the now system and with tho majority of tho formal acceptances have co mo lottors from tho heads of tho institutions expressing tho belief that the now law will prove very Iboneflcial to tho business interests of tho country. Tho 6,314 national banks accepting the pro visions of tho act havo an aggregate capital of $971,507,005 and an aggregate surplus of $G15, 233,220. Tho pa'd in capital of all the national banks in tho United States is $1,008,271,261; theroforo more than 90 per cent of the total capital of all national banks in the United States is now represented by the national banks which havo accepted tho provisions of tho new currency law. Such results as these ought to bo very reassur ing to tho country at largo and especially gratify ing to tho men at Washington who brought tho now law into existence. When President Wilson signed tho currency bill on Christmas eve, there oxistod in many sections of the country a feeling of apprehension among bankers and business men as to how tho now law would work out. Today that feeling has almost entirely disap peared. In Its place there is a pronounced feel ing of optimism and business everywhere is showing tho result. A great deal of good has been accomplished along these linos by tho tour made by Secretary of tho Treasury McAdoo and Secretary of Agri culture Houston through tho country immediate ly after tho signing of the bill. This trip was made for the purpose of locating tho federal re serve cities and to obtain information for the location of tho reserve districts. Secretary Mc Adoo was very active in the work of drafting the new law and has been able to meet tho business men of tho country face to faco and explain to them just what the now law means. Their trip through tho country has been some thing new in tho lino of official "junkets." It has boon a business trip from start to finish, with no time wasted in politics or oratory. The tour of tho country will have occupied less than thirty days and meetings w itli business men and bankers have been held in the following cities: New York, Boston, Washington, Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City, Lincoln, Denver, Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, El Paso, Austin, New Orleans, Atlanta, Cincinnati and Cleveland. On tho completion of tho trip Secretary Mc Adoo will return to Washington and no an nouncements will be mado as to the selection of federal reserve cities or districts until that time. In the treasury building at Washington a large suite of offices is being prepared for the federal reserve board, which will consist of the secretary of the treasury, the comptroller of the currency and five members to bo named by the president. When this board shall have been organized the machinery of the new law will be quickly set in motion. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Extracts from report of Secretary of the In terior Lane: U is known that there exists a feeling in the west that its affairs and needs havo not been given that consideration at the hands of the na tional government which they merit. This feel ing is not confined to speculators or exploiters It is tho sentiment of many who are without selfish motive and regard the matter wholly from the standpoint of national growth. They point to the conditions which obtain in Alaska as un paralleled among people of our aggressive and aation-building stock. So, too, thoy are unable to understand why ways have not been found by which the great bodies of coal and oil lands, and tho waters of the mountains made available for the generation of power and tho redemption of tho desert. There is one simple explanation for the exist nece of this feeling. We have adventured upon a now policy of administering our affairs and havo not developed adequate machinery. We have called a halt on methods of spoliation which existed, to the great benefit of many, but we have failed to substitute methods, sane, healthful, and progressive, by which the normal enterprise of an ambitious people can make full use of their own resources. We abruptly closed opportunities to the monopolist, but did not open them to tho developer. LAND POLICY 1 have said that wo had put into force a new land policy, which caused dismay and discontent Let me explain what I mean by this. It was, in fact, but a new application of an old policy. Congress has always been most generous as to the disposition of the national lands. One can not read our land laws without being struck with the fixed determination which they show that it was wisest to be quit of our lands as quickly as possible. It might almost be said that the gov ernment regarded its lands as a burden rather than an asset. We gave generously to our rail roads and to the states. There was land for all, and it was the government's glad function to dis tribute it and let those profit who could. There was no thought then of creatine timber barons or cattle kings, or of coal ironopoly. The sooner the land got into hands other than those of the government the better. And this generous donor was not so petty as to discriminate between kinds of lands, the uses to which they could be put, or the purposes which those might have who got them. Land is land, save when it contains minerals ; this was roughtly the broad principle adopted. To classify was a task too difficult or not worth while. The lands would classify themselves when they arrived in individual ownership. And so the door was opened for monopoly and for fraud. If the government did not appreciate the in valuable nature of its assets there were men who did. Great fortunes were laid in the vast hold ings of what had but a short time since been the property of the peop.le. There was danger that tho many still to pour intc the west would by necessity become the servitors of a fortunate and early few. On this discovery our indifference at once took flight. And so out of the abuse of the nation's generosity there came a reaction egainst a policy that was so liberal as to be dmgorojis The nation wanted homo makers, but found its lands drifting into the hands of corporations which were withdrawing them from the market awaiting a time when lands would be more scarce; it gave opportunity by many competing coal operators and iron manufacturers, but found the sources of raw material centering into a few large holdings; it wished its lands "to be cleared of forests to make way for farms, but it found hundreds of consecutive miles reserved from use by the fiat of those who appreciated their worth and many more miles of watershed despoiled of its needed covering in places where homes were not possible. A reaction was inevitable. If lands were to be withdrawn from public service, why might not the government do the withdrawing itself ? The ,ifl?fo250pliy that "land is nd" was evidently unfitted to a country where land is sometimes timber and sometimes coal; indeed, whSe land may mean waterwater for tens of thousands of needy neighboring acres. For the lS of the west differ as men do, in character and con dition and degree of usefulness. Wo had nof recognized this fact when we said "land is Ian 5 Lands fitted for dry farming and lands that m2if forever le unused without irrigation; landshat aro worthless save for their timber; lands that are rich in grasses and lands that are noor S, grasses; lands underlain with the nonpSous minerals essential to industry or agriculture lands that are invaluable for reservoir or -dam Bites-these varieties may be multiplied aJd each new variety emphasizes the fact that nnoT, kind of land has its own future i and afloitoS own opportunity for contributing te nation's So there has slowly evolved in the public mind the conception of a new policy-that land should be used for that purpose to which it is best fitted, and it should be disposed of by the government with respect to the use. To this policy I believe the west is now reconciled. Tho west no longer urges a return to the hazards of the "land is land" policy. But it does ask action. It is reconciled to the government making all proper safeguards against monopoly and against the subversion of the spirit of 11 our land laws, which is in essence that all suitable lands shall go into homes, and all other lands shall be de veloped for that purpose which shall make theiri of greatest service. But it asks 'that the ma chinery be promptly established in the law by which the lands may be used. And this demand is reasonable. Already congress has recognized in many ways the appositeness of this policy, but it is for yourself and congress to further extend this thought into our legislation. Surely this is not a task that may be adven tured upon with recklessness or without respect for the opinions of others. And the suggestions which shall be made by me are so made in the hope that they will form a basis upon which the constructive mind may work and bring forth a more efficient working plan. AS TO ALASKA The largest body of unused and neglected land in the United States is Alaska. It is now nearly half a century since we purchased this territory, and it contains today less than 40,000 white in habitants, less than 1,000 for each year it has been in our possession. The purchase was made as a means of protection against the possible aggression of a foreign nation and without the hope that it would be even self-supporting. In the intervening forty-six years we have given it little more than the most casual concern, yet its mines, fisheries, and furs alone have added to our wealth the grand sum of $500,000,000. For almost a generation it was the rich har vest field of a single company. Individual for tunes have been made in that country larger than the price paid to Russia for the whole terri tory. How rich its waters are we know, because they have been proved; but how rich its lands 0 are in gold and copper, coal and oil, iron and zinc, no one knows. The prospector -has gone far enough, however, to tell us that, no other sec tion of our land today makes so rich a mineral promise. And in agriculture the government itself has demonstrated that it will produce in abundance all that can be raised in the Scandi navian countries, the hardy cereals and vege tables, the meats and the berries off which 9,000,000 people live in Norway, Sweden, and MSaJ1 has been estimated that there are 50,000,000 acres of this land that will make homes for a people as sturdy as those of New England. Whether this is so or not, it would appear that Alaska can be made self-sustaininir agriculturally. This vast and unsurpassed asset lies almost u,n(teyeJoped A territory one-fifth the size of the United States contains less than a thousand miles of anything that can be called a wagon !n I Hi151 ew considerable stretches of oftwa? which terminate, with one exception, either in the wilderness or at a private industry. Only the richest of its mines can be worked, and one of its resources of greatest immediate value to the people its coal lands lies unworked. . ?Ue co"structive thing done by this gov ernment on behalf of Alaska in nearly half a Sti7 7H? Variation of reindeer for the Jlfit of the Eskimo on the border of the Arctic ?n2 in mS th? W man WG have do oth wTiL U-tle' ln.fact' that t0 mention what we T wl ?ie? irIor chasrIn and humiliation. linvS !iJ22U8hJ -hat. PerhaPs the scandals that J? M?V?0pe,? '? Alaska have been in some m' fnfUlti0f a fGeliri& that it was a no mans land, where the primal instincts and powers were tho only law. "ounces ana This unfortunate condition can not be ex plained on the ground of the inhospitality of the nit wf ?w A Careful study of isothermal w l l that some Gf southeastern Alaska' ?w ? matGmore temperate and more equable nor i aJ0tVWB J.V118 llluch of e greater Stockholm nr TV?8 S kindlIer clImat than btockholm or St. Petersburg Moreover our oreteeanhebvnStTd in the io SnfrTf 1 1 y the rlgors Gf a lon& wInter. The P rinan ?nriT,e which brousht them from SimPemt0 yirSnIa. and tG Massachusetts take United aS ?nana and, Sackatchewan: The land ?n MnS?nlately PG,1ed to eniT a tract of Ti AMontana for which there were 46 000 applicants for registration and only 7 000 of TCeTmo IT "t unity toVmeateaA Jneie is more railroad building 500 miles north gfc tiV LawdfeiiiCfrfl