The Commoner PJ3BBUARY, 1914 & r the minister of today no longer represents his , sovereign or his government alone. He. acts for his fellow, countrymen),. Ho must be truly reprer . sentative of his own people and lie must he familiar also, with the aspirations and ideals, the . character and commercial standards of the peo- . pie tP whom he is accredited. He must know the leading men of his- own land and he familiar with its best thought, and he must he fitted . by training, knowledge and culture, to bo on intimate terms with officials and leaders of the country to wliich he is accredited. As a graduate of an American university, familiar with our people, and sympathetic with our ideals, Viscount Chinda not only truly repre sents his. imperial majesty the emperor of Japan and the Japanese people, but he. is today, as the Japanese ambassador, performing a great serv- ice to the people of the United States. ADDRESS OF MR. BRYAN Mr. President, Distinguished Guests and. Gentle men: In accepting the invitation extended by the American-Asiatic, association, I am giving . myself a pleasure as well as performing an offi cial duty. My connection with the foreign af- . fairs of the government keeps me in touch with the expansion of American commerce and the extension of American interests throughout the world, and I gladly avail mypelf of every oppor- , tunity to hear these subjects discussed by those who take an interest in them, whether that in terest be financial or sentimental. But my com ing is not a mere formal discharge of an official duty; I come gladly because I can bear testi mony to the deep sympathy the president feels . toward all that affects the growth and develop- . ment of our influence in national and interna tional interests, and I assure you that my sym pathy, is not less strong than his. Your president, Mr. Willard Straight, speak-, ing from a wide acquaintance with conditions in the Orient has given us a most instructive ; ad dress, emphasizing, as is both natural and proper, the commercial aspect of our relations with the countries across. the Pacific.' I do not under-estimate the importance of these trade re lations, and rI commend his words to those whose attention' has been or will be turned to the sub-' jectk I appreciate also the liberality of opinion he has shown in discussing those questions upon which different conclusions may be reached by those dealing with the subject. It helps us all to recognize differences of opinion, where differ ences exist, and it is important also that we recognize the honesty of those differences. The new administration in Withdrawing approval from the Chinese loan d'd not question the good faith or good intent of those who had seen in it a means of increasing our influence, prestige and commercial power in 'China. The president be lieved that a different policy was more consistent with the American position, and-that it would, in the long run, be more advantageous to our commerce. It would not be fair to attribute a falling off in trade, to which reference has been made, to the change in policy, because the new policy has not yet had time to bear fruit, even if political conditions had been entirely favor able. - In 'his efforts to promote international peace the president is also assisting in the extension of our trade. The energies of man can find' em ployment in the arts of peace; war is the enemy of commerce and of those factors entering into the extension of trade. Mr. Straight has called attention to one step already taken which means much for American trade, viz.: the authorization of international banks. We have long needed such a law, and 'I am sure that our foreign trade will be stimu lated not only1 in the Orient but also throughout' South America by the new law which permits banks here to establish branches throughout the wofld. Mention has also, been made of the new tariff law in the promotion of foreign trade. This in fluence' can hardly be appreciated at this time, because its operation has only just begun. In his "last speech, delivered just before his tragic death, President McKinley called attention to the necessity for tariff reduction as a means of extending or increasing our exports. It was a prophetic utterance, to wliicbi the country has given a well-nigh universal response. We must show ourselves friendly if we would have, friends. We must buy if we would sell.. The new policy means a larger commerce between our nation and the world, and in this increase the Orient will, have her sharet and this . ad vantage -will be enjoyed not generally- the public but especially by those merchants and manufacturers now turning their eyes to the far east. Another factor must not be overlooked: the president has outlined a third reform whoso in fluence cannot bo bounded by national lines. Ho has declared war upon private monopoly, and this means the investment of capital that has heretofore been frightened away from in dustrial fields. If the new policy results in a reduction in the size of corporations that have become overgrown, it will mean n larger number of. independent and competing enterprises, nnd this competition will mean a better article at a lower "price. It is worth while to inquire whether, monopolization has not necessarily re sulted in the restriction of exports, for tho main tenance of an abnormally high price at home tends to prevent exportation, the manufacturer fearing that a reduction of price abroad might result in the loss of the advantage enjoyed at home. In proportion as industries rest upon their own merits rather than upon leg'slativc favor, just in that proportion will they be strengthened for successful contest with compet ing industries throughout the world.. In response to the suggestion made by Mr. Straight, with reference to the necessity or the protection of American interests in Asia, I rofor you to the assurance- given by the president him- . self. I would make this assurance stronger. No one need doubt that Americans engaged in busi ness in other countries will receive both en couragement and protection, and those who go with a legitimate purpose will not be alarmed by the fact that the president insists that our commercial representatives shall carry with them the highest ideals of business integrity. It will not be difficult to protect American interests so long as those who go abroad to assist in the development of other countries remember that they should give a dollar's worth of service for each dollar collected by them. The president in his pollc'efl thus far an nounced has laid even a br.oader foundation for the extension of our. tradfe throughout the Orient. He is 'cultivating the friendship of the. people across" the Pacific. Ho has already spoken "" a word of hope to the Filipinos. They are nota numerous people and their trade may hot seeni so large a prize as the trade of Japan and China, but the effect of our hat'on's Philippine policy will be felt throughout the Orient. A recogni tion of the rights of tho Filipinos to work out their own destiny will strike responsive chord wherever tho people have feared foreign in fluence. Tho people of China have long regarded the United States as a friend, and the attachment has been strengthened by the prompt recogni tion by th?s government of China's political as pirations. Although less than a year has elapsed since the president took oath of office, he has , had an opportunity to prove to Japan his respect for her position and achievements and his friendship for her people. In addition to these specific instances, the president's policy contemplates the formation of an environment which will encourage the growth of all that is good. Man is not a creator in a fundamental sense. The farmer cannot put life into a grain of wheat, but he can give to the grain an environment which it can utilize. So, the government while it cannot create trade, can give to trade an environment in which it can de velop, and that it is the duty or our government to do. If we can present to the world an ex ample worthy of imitation, we shall be assisting ourselves while we assist others, for we shall "reap a profit out of every nation's advance. If in any way we can stimulate education and bring it nearer to the ideal which contemplates the mental development of every human being, that larger intelligence will be of use to us as well as to the nations in which it is developed. If by our example we can assist any other nations in the improvement of their forms and methods of government, we shall share in the prosperity ' this better government brings. If by a cultiva tion of higher standards of morals we can as sist any people anywhere to improve their moral standards, we shall not be without our reward. The doctrine of universal brotherhood is not sentimentalism it is practical philosophy. As it is impossible for an individual to gain perma nent advantage by doing injury to his fellows, so it is -impossible for a nation to so isolate itself as to profit by another's downfall. Our nation pro.duces and consumes more than any equal population now living or that ever has lived.. Why?. Because there is more hope in the heart of tho average man in this country than anywhere else on earth, and in so far as this nation can instil hope into tho hoarts of people anywhere, it will enable them to dq a larger work and thus becomo moro valuable to tho world both as producer and consumer. Whether wo view tho world therefore from a purely material standpoint or from the utand point of religion, we must, if our force of reason is intelligent, reach the same conclusion, viz: that wo only build onduringly when we endeavor to ra'se the level upon which wo all stand. This is the president's purpose In what ho has done; it is the purpose of your president, Mr. Straight, and the purpose of overy member of this asso ciation; it must bo the real purpose of all who take a comprehensive view of our nation's posi tion and responsibility in dealings with the peo ple of the world. Cross-examination of tho railroad men who havo been boforo tho interstate commerce com mission asking for a five per cent horizontal in crease in rates has developed the interesting fact that they give away free service to indi vidual patrons who control large shipmont ton nage that, if charged for at reasonable rates, would increase revenues many milions a year. Yet no class of big business lias shown such heat as have railroad managers in declaring that they know moro about how to run their business properly than anybody else. MR. BRYAN AND THE COMMONER The Commoner, Mr. Bryan's great exponent of democracy, free representative government and popular rule, has entered upon its fourteenth year. When Mr. Bryan started the Commoner, he printed in the initial number this simple ex pression: "The Commoner will be satisfied if, by fidelity to the common people, it proves its right to the name which has been chosen." It must be a source of gratification to Mr. Bryan to know that by fidelity to the common . people the Commoner has richly won the right to be called by tho name it bears and the name it has honored. , In tin years .of doubt and peril, struggles and conflicts fierce, when it seeined that greed, cor rupt and powerful interests, and viciouB pub'lic policies would triumph over the right, the Com moner remained as true to its faith as its founder had already proved himself to bo, and in its teachings of corrupt principles and policies enlarged and strengthened that public sentiment which has been so emphatically expressed in the administration of President Wilson. There was an urgent public need for this paper when it was established. At that time there was need .for a quickening of the public conscience op questions that are vital to the rights and liber ties of the people, and the service the Commoner performed so well and so faithfully was to not only point the way but to arouse the people to action. Millions of people heard and heeded the whole some advice of this bold and fearless though cautious, counsellor, and, the great Commoner and its greater founder enjoy the honors that come to the faithful in the performance of public duty. Not only the newspaper which has, been so zealously fighting the battle of the people, but W. J. Bryan, himself, who has-been constant and faithful always, has won and deserves the name of the great commoner, for each, by fidelity to the common people in all the term applies, has earned the right to the name. Though there will be a time when Mr. Bryan's work must end, his influence will live with the enduring principles he has espoused, and when he shall have passed away, we hope, for the. wel-? fare of humanity, that his Commoner will live on and be what it is now the champion of human rights and the promoter and defender of good government. Nashville Tennessean. .. The republican editors, noting the distinctly reactionary character of Former President Taft's recent utterances, are asking whether he means what he says now or did he mer.n what he said when he was a candidate in 1908, or has ha changed? Unfortunately for the republican editors the witness who could give the .most positive testimony upon this point is touring South America. . . THE JANUARY COMMONER You should read the January Commoner; ,,It. is the-best we have seen. Crete (Neb,,) Dem'o crat.. . - : H