f-K H Ml M ',-tmmifaJKtf41i t pwpSOm """" jnttvr-wtK-r The Commoner VOL. 14, NO. 2 -MrW jBflFiw ' & TMHfllHB'VIIMIibTHHEkSflB ' ti iflH8yE4?JKissMtMSM3ssjrirMIIHtssVP?fcB8 jttesbsBSJBsm irtit" j'1 v "y- tf.PKiMy SBMKtB fsNvTfiuvnul'f'JinlE iH IHH NnR iB nf-?HPllsff5rllBlHfslsWcBJpfg jrk. K Afl lfcfsBT st1!sn TkSNsfeWJy KvsCflVr UVTATflBHnfiHrBTJHBVwipSVhVllaM sHKHPTt h-rfBwXirTlJnilnllllfWIMfcfc. CZyff" -' MARK ANTONY DELIVERING THE FUNERAL ORATION OVER THE BODY OF JULIUS CAESAR CAESAR'S name has stood through all the ages as the embodiment of imperial power. His untimely end, after reaching the pinnacle of earthly glory, is one of the great tragedies of history. The picture herewith, from Ridpath's History, is but ONE of TWO THOUSAND in the complete work, and serves to illustrate but ONE event out of all the THOUSANDS which make up the history of every empire, kingdom, principality, and Nation, all accurately and entertainingly told in the world-famed publication, Ridpath's History of the World Dr. John Clark Ridpath is universally recognized as the world's greatest historian. He was the friend and advocate of the masses of the common people. In 189G he was the democratic nominee for congress in his home' district and received the warm support of the Leader of the Party. Hundreds have already availed themselves of this remarkable opportunity to secure the greatest History of the World ever written. We have only a few sets of the last edition remaining, which we offer at a low price and on easy terms. gain Such a Book: Bargain as This! &f&r Wo will name our price only in direct letters to those sending in the coupon below. Tear off coupon, write name and address plainly and mail now before you forget it. Dr. Ridpath's family derive their income from his History, and to print our price broadcast for the sake of more quickly selling these few sets would cause great injury to future sales. SEND COUPON TODAY. President Cleveland b!1j "I am familiar with ttidnath's History of the World, and cordially commend it to the scholar as well as to tho people generally." President Angell, ! MlclilKnn UalverMltr. mmIiIi "I lmvn examined Ridpath's History of the World. As a popular history of the world, it may well be commended to the public." President Warren, IloMton University, until: "I should bo glad to sco It placed In. tho library of every young person in the United States, and oven in tho English-speaking world. In families Where there are bright children it will render excellent service to the cause of popular intelligence." Bishop Vincent NHlili "Ridpath's History is In cleai unci agreoablo style, comprehonslvt in treatment, roadablo typo and ad mirable illustrations. This set of books is a permanent college chair ui KuuiTui meiory in ones own nouso. ?' - ' m MZ. ;i HI aEP $ mm S59 WA sa -V '. fea ..-..a '.i;- YMW. VA- fft mm Wy m ypitp7-"' Hviiia7 'naii H tQHXi:k: ttmt":- ' mrii-i '""li'iV llrli.".l J.1--V V wrArn fit JfojORYJ '7 WM, Hi :M rK; mm, 'mmmm ! sZsZr ISTORV! UFTIII XPRLDi wmt WA ' wstorV- Cor u. -v: $m$ ,'ilOPATHr ' - J fi F ! Ilb,..,l l.t.llllHIKMIH UU&: Ti fife fcs 1 . ? Kli . 1 , . V ;J . bzr, 1 rg 'ijf Nine Royal Octavo Volumes II (?)i Btm2 W win mail f k beautiful a 'inee ery L3 history 2 us S,"p ffer wi!nerested ,otif' BrSrre and dM' "'so snpofV 0.1 i; ?! .V CMKMH HM1UH1 1. FREE COUPON Prof. Ridpath's Graphic Style n'4" '7Jt vlVilL usimpie, yer glows witti the fervency erf the orator, lie puts life ill the dry WULi; u; "w past, wnen lie vntes, the departed blui "lo ils rcaito you as your own neighbors, ;v x " b ron t events pi history pass before vou '' i. a sories of lh1nS lectures. The great W-7. names of historv AiAYnnrior oB . Nanoleoii. Blsm.irlr Vncitinffto' , T ,..., vwniutjtuu H1U o Western Newspaper Association H. E. SEVER, Presldont 140 S. Dearborn St., Chicago V1.11.. infttl ufltinhl -t. ... . naeei M Uldi tlk't Mliisrr ofth it.ri.i ' . UlnhiB photogravures ql Napolrun and Ourn lIITaht)i iltrr4tIriro nl C..... t. c r 1 rr ' "'w- ,vi uvtaics, i.a:sr ind r.ium Cn.il. nmt write me fuU , ,V icuUrfof ?u,' jpecUJolfertoXhtCoKioKiurreijer. 9 NAME W uuiiiqs no longer tney are men. moving, breathing, pulsating with life and high purpose. Rid path's is praised by all for A ADDRESS """'"7. ju wnie niroa u! idreu (eu 0ff n1 mit. its wealtii of learnings, for us Driuiant style, for its fascination as a story; for its edu- catlvo value to old and young. .To read It iu a liberal edu cation, ; ft izA ?3Zs-5?S i0?ff$!& a&!f0-l$!$ '': "ft 's TV ' t. '. . IC'J.j i ...m r 7 WwmWWwWM 3C i llSMt5 S ia;S; Y& fej.-ig '. ? MM. y.W, rrnKs -s- WJ. mmMmmmmm, WM. ;.&, 'l .;'.. Y7.a 'rfrfftffff,f-ir-xwi r 'ftUM .' 'ffjfffl??mmmSiT ;-y7r:yoi.i)C-: ' '$ fffJ ' YmJymj " ! !, l". 1 :' t4-' ti- !' "-i.oicor.-.. ?C NlHrvr. nrcW J-oyvM p .'TWeHTItTH.; J-MTWRV.V I ' j J4A 'fi.7i 'Myyin 7-iX.s .''. ir'iv .'.': L'arfrfjTm WM 'm&m. ;- WmM mm "; sP rf & fBli VM SSSSi .: YiWmmn :vf 34 L'.OOO double column phscs, Nuperb illustrntlosiM. Six Thousand Years of History Eidpath tal?es the reader back to the beginning of history 4,000 years before the timn nf- ni,,.; ,,,1 ,:.., 1 ,, - ... ..k.v inniu juuu whs ui.ue more 1 than savage; wathout clothes save the skins of. beasts-; with- - ,.,.. ,. 1U Urtves awl over-nanging-rooks.and traces his, fall of tZV ",e higl"Va5' the- tUrWli the 'rise and lau 01 empires unf-.il Iia vnnm i, . .. .," .. tag the. powers of earth 7b to to SHiSSS aeTSrr, ntine"tS 8?d lmder oceans eroding alfwfth tne glonous achievements of the nineteenth centurv It is An u toSTS vTK h!e' . tt,is a -ork you will valne ' cronap vmir ft,n,i i 1 , ana over aSain. It will in- 2 S t ?,u ow edge-imirove yOT pwer f onvcr- sation and ennoble your character. p. jviauHopcx j '