The Commoner FEBRUARY, 1914 ii ium or a tax assessment or a bill that 3rou wero not expecting. Somebody always is asking ques tions at the window when you are in a hurry to buy a ticket. When you think you are going to be ablo to save money there always is something that has to be repaired. However, there always is a good timo coming. Chicago , Record-Herald. TIio Xiaconic Senator Not for the multitude but for the fewness of his words is Senator Lane of Oregon likely to becomo famous. Asked to contribute a sketch of him self to that annual of shrinking INTEREST aaSAFETY Both can be securedfor your idle funds if deposited with this bank. We pay 4 per cent on Time Deposits and Savings Ac counts, compounded semi annually. You receive in addition ab solute protection under the Oklahoma Guaranty Law, which has been in success ful, operation for six years, Write for booklet on "Bank ing by Mail" and copy of law. Free on applicaton. Accounts from 30 states. GUARANTY STATE BANK 3IUSKOGEB, OKLAHOMA M. G. HASKEajL, President modesty, the Congressional Directory, Mr. Lane wrote: "Harry Lane, democrat, of Oregon, term expires March 3, 1919." When asked how he liked his sen ate job ho replied; "I feel perfectly at homo here. 1 was superintedent of tho Oregon in sane asylum before I was sent here." From "The Office Window" in tho N. Y. Mail. Tho Fatal Stop Automobile Salesman And what ever speed you may bo going, when you put on this brake you stop in five yards dead. Prospective Woman Purchaser How dreadful! I've always thought they were so dangerous." Punch. Poor Ikoy "Don't fool, Ikey is a sick man," said a Hill dweller to Tom Itellly. "All the time he hollers mit one.hand for ice water and mit the other"hand for the doctor." Newark News. Usual Treatment "Mrs. Brown has thekleptomania." "Indeed; what is she taking for it?" "Anything that looks good to her?" New York Times. ' Ruptured People Get This On 60 Days Trial You know you can't possibly tell anything about a truss o anything olse lor mpture merely by trying It on. for a truss or so called "appliance" may seem all right at first ami afterr ward prpyc utterly worthless. ' But here Is something you can try sixty days Just as a test without having to risk a single cent. JSIRiil liiip Away With Keg-Strap hiuI SpriiJff Trusses So far as e know, our guaran teed rupture holder is the only thing of any kind for rupture that you eau get on 60 days trial the only thing we know of pood enoughto stand such a long and thorough test. It's Xhe famous Cluthe Automatic Massaging Truss made on an absolutely new principle has J8 patented features. Self-adjusting. Does a way with the misery of wearing belts, leg-straps and springs. Guaranteed to hold at all times Includtmg "wheu ou are worklng.itaking a bath, etc Has cured in case alter case that fccemed hopeless. VTriU fo Vrte Book or idtlee Cloth-bound, 104 pages. Explains the dangers of operation. Shows Just what's wrorig with elastic and spring trusses, and why drugstores should no more be allowed to fit trusses than to perform operations. Exposes the humbugs shows how oUMashloned worthless trusses are sold under false and misleading names. Tells ail about the care and attention we give you. Endorsements from over 5000peopJc. Including physicians. Write to-day-find out how you can prove every word we say by making a 40 day, test without risking a penny. Bex 7 71 -Cluthe Ce., 125 E.23rd St., New-York City Village Philosophy Light reading lights no candles in the dark places of the mind. Some folks wait for success as though it had a special track laid right by their door, and was due to arrivo on scheduled time. Religion with somo people is a thing to be endured with fortitude. To keep a friend you must be such a friend to him as not to lay the pain of your own troubles upon him. The midnight of ignorance is the ignorance of one's own ignorance. Advice is so cheap that nobody even makes a pretense of respect ing it. If somo folks knewi themselves as they really are they would scratch their names off their own visiting lists. An empty mind is so small that it doesn't note the vacuum. Tho only good thing about worry Is that it gives somo folks an occu pation that keeps them from med dling with other folks' busiuess. M. G. R., in Sioux City Journal. Pointed Paragraphs Enthusiasm makes heavy work light. And many a toothless person in dulges in biting sarcasm. A .mean man always measures tho world by his own standard. When a man puts his foot in it he feels like kicking himself. And many a self-made man has been unmade by a tailor-made woman. Tho more rights a woman has the less she cares to talk about them. When a. couple are divorced the real reason doesn't always show on the books. The high. cost of living still enables home to pose as the deadest place on earth. Chicago Newa Quaker Quips Flattery among friends is a case of either mako or break. Many a man has ono wife too many who has only been married once. Many a man's wasted energy is re stricted entirely to praising himself. The fellow who pats himself on the back is quite satisfied to stand pat. Instead of taking time by the fore lock some people are satisfied to hang onto his coat tails. Tell a, girl she has dreamy eyes and she will generally prove that she is wide aw.ake. Philadelphia Record. SOME DEFINITIONS Life Insurance. A contract by which a com pany, in consideration of ' tho payment of certain premiums, agrees to pay a definite sum at tho death of the person whoso life is insured, either to his estate or to his beneficiary. An endowment policy as dis tinguished from a life policy is ono that is payable to tho in sured should he survive a cer tain period, called the endow ment period. In case of his prior death then the insurance is payable to his beneficiary. Dividends. Tho return bv tue company to the policy holder of the over charge in the premiums paid. These vary according to the death rate of the company, the inter est earned on its investments and the cost of conducting the business. Dividends on life in surance policies do not repre sent profits. This should al ways be kept in mind. Annual Dividend. The amount . . s returned at the end of each policy year,, being the over payment niadc at the beginning of the year. Deferred Dividends. T h o amount returned at the end of 10, 15 or 20 years, being the aggre gate over payments made at tho beginning of each year. Only those policy holders who live to the end of tho deferred dividend period and who pay all tho premiums on their poli cies participate in this return of tho overcharge. The portion belonging to those who lapse their policies, or die before the distributing period, is forfeited. , Guaranteed Dividends. T h e repay ment of a stipulated amount of the premium collected, as five per cent or nine per cent. Tho amount returned is collected at the beginning of tho policy year and repaid at the end. In other words the premium paid is in creased by just the amount which tho company agrees to return. When the insuring public understands the nature of so called dividends in insurance, that these dividends do not represent profits at all, but tho return of an overcharge pure and simple, a very pertinent inquiry is, "Do not some companies issue policies at a lower premium rate and thereby let the policy holders keep the 'dividends' or 'over charge in their own pockets?" For rates on such policies write, The Midwest Life N. Z. SNELX, President A NEBRASKA STOCK COMPANY SELLING HON-PARTICIPATING LIFE INSURANCE ONLY FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. LINCOLN. BARGAIN OFFER for Limited Time to New or Renewing Subscribers THE COMMONER and THRICE-A-WEEK NEW YORK WORLD, both One Year for Only One Dollar. I Addrew Order to THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Nebr ftmmammmmMmmmmmamMMtmammmmmmmmMaBmmmmmmmmiammamimmammmmnmmmmBimnmammmimmmmmammmmm SOUTHERNi IDAHO IRRIGATED LANDS No drouths. No floods. No crcr failures. Mild winters. Cool summers. Good water rights. Land very fertile and pro ductive. Price $45.00 per acre up for fully paid up water right. For further information write W B. MILLSON Jerome, Idaho, Box266 r - 1 S