VOL, 14, NO. 2 28 The Commoner .. ?.; , &', ' ? ';, tr in iyt ' T 4 j. bvm'i t 3' ' Kl . li.U ' i " has been steadily improved from year to year. Land where crimson clover has been fallowed under for several years in succession makes an ideal place for 'spuds.' After select ing the place for the patch it should bo broken deeply during the month of Decombor, If possible, If not, early in January. Leave it after breaking, until you are ready to plant, which should be between the first and fifteenth of February in this section of the country, if weather conditions are favorable. Wo manure the patch broadcast with manure from the hog pen or finely pulverized stable manure. In this way not so much manure will be needed In the row at planting time. When ready to plant, I replow the land and disk with harrow until a finely pulverized con dition. Then lay off the rows three and one-half feet apart, using a one horso turn 'plow with large-sized mold board. As for seed, "Early Rose" was used. We cut from one to two eyes, using all the potato. The larger the piece the better the germ ination and the start the young plant will have. Cut two eyes if possible. Drop the pieces about twelve inches apart in the rows, and then nearly fill the row with good rotten manure (manure from the hog pen pre ferred). Then with the turn plow throw two good furrows on the potato row. "As soon as all indications of win ter are past, drag down these rows until they are level, or nearly so. As soon as the young potatoes begin to show above the rows, sow a good potato fertilizer, a grade that con tains a goodly percentage of potash, on each side of the row at the rate of 600 to 800 pounds per acre. "Cultivate shallow and frequently until the crop is laid by. At the last working, use a larger sized hoe to throw somo soil close up to the plants. Never throw great amounts of soil around them." The above methods can be adapted to conditions in other sections of the country by changing the date of planting for northern or southern latitudes. The writer points out that in his section earlier potatoes can be secured by planting in February than in March. He says that potatoes planted In February start off and be gin to grow, If covered with two good furrows, although the winter Is cold. There the ground freezes down to the manure. Although too cold for young potatoes to come up, the pieces sprout and roots and- young potatoes begin to form quickly. Try a small patch under this method and compare results with your old way of raising potatoes. I'ltUXIXG THE APPLE TREE That a knowledge of the structure and nature of a tree is essential to every person who undertakes to prune, when the object of the work is not only to shape the tree, but to di rectly induce the same to bear fruit of commercial value, is tho opinion of Prof. W. H. Lawrence, horticultur ist of the Arizona experiment station. An examination of a bearing tree will reveal the presence of branches of all sizes, a large number of dormant buds and many buds in various stages of development. There is a constant strife between these buds and the branches, since there are a much greater number of each of them than the tree has any use for or can sup port. Unless assistance is rendered tho treo by the removal of these limbs and buds, much of the strength of the plant is wasted in the produc tion of parts that are useless, with the results, the frnit will be small, of poor quality, and characteristic of crops. To train trees perfectly they must bo pruned at least once a year. The amount of pruning, tho number of times and the times of the year that the work must be done, varies with different climatic conditions, soil, culture, varieties and ages of the trees. To secure tho desired results the primer must be able to study the treeT and the factors influencing It, and tell why, how and when pruning must be dono to correct the undesirable con- kfcaMMMhtfhi rBBBBBBBBBBYL&xFSBTXSellBM eHPrBBBSBflEAMCirLjlRr SBBBBBBSFBslLemBifBBfe r i ire wrmm .hhium n.i i oMiaaMI 600,000 FLOWER FOLKS F?Atx1 Tnrr'm MnwiiM Tlui1- ..... . -m . . MM IntlllL ThtThra litl, t7 flna Bitli, Sow ParIto n.Dii Pn.k'. 1,'ia. n...i.. . . .. .. aceus, Park's Floral Maflazine orYtfiffi girt?!6 brlBbt 4ra,ct,Cftl- Tho "Se"towM&htnWM,SJk 100 Gladiolus Frce.S iSi BKSVTiif lVli5,0, nnil. 1M1 M1 you- bulb.and Marine a year. hWtJS Mft" WWIiaiUUt.lt.I.r.. Hf, ""' , S lti4 ttalM. S ttlirt. IS. lll 8tft Frtt.) LT? .WW. ""b ,' ffS" ' J" 5'pral MnRMlno 1 war and 10 packets Choice Fin. h7j. T- ,n ,.. , ., ,nw, , onlJ , c,, 8r Mh Uu M M.krti.Viih M.??.ZVSi.t" - i "- TSb I GEO. W.PARK. Bl. La Park, Pa. $60 A WEEK and Expenses Tht' tho monoy you ihouM got this ictr. I mi.n It. I n p cA. ... .,... ""-. "" '"'i"r.: "". by." '" J'": n ". I wn Coantr KI. M.-. -i.i. ... u. nviuninwi IWIIOVO lit 1110 S(UrO Ufal. WllO Wilt EO Into nurtn.rel.ln T -.l.i. "'""- pcrlenro nreiled. My folillne llalh Tuli tiki Tukcn , th JKu PMHjerhlp w th me. No ex MMI roll. lutnUy n unibrolu! 1 .11 Tolt'reJt OuV-Iti n l? f. J00" VMa .. SStSHSL S IP? r P? Month "lnuluojj ot your own. 0EM0N .STRATING TUB FURNISHED tH hf.YtotyyWpWEMBI fl H. S. ROBINSON IrIJl 236 Vanco St., Toledo, 0. Walkorsvill , Ont, Canada . - tltlla cplut . nsMed. I grant ere- fin. ii&i . ..& i. iv,.?k . ,oa uP-Don' t doubt- n"TP"crg for trM,WoOffe?0y,Klu,,Ju,t ttam ditlons or characteristics. The most important rules that can bo followed are to prune regularly and lightly, tho work to bo done at least once and preferably twice, a year. In practic ing both winter and summer pruning, excellent results are obtained when conditions are such as to require such treatment. The time to prune varies for differ ent varieties grown under the same conditions and the same variety grown under different climatic condi tions. In general, vigorous growers and shy bearers should be pruned during the summer, while thi slow growing and heavy bearing ones should be pruned during the winter. When pruning at any time of the year the important facts to remember are, winter pruning has a tendency to produce wood growth at the expense of fruit production; both winter pruning and heavy summer pruning, or summer pruning done at the wrong time, has a tendency to make a tree non-productive, while summer pruning, if done at tho right time, and judiciously, will tend to produce heavy fruit production with a corre sponding decrease in the production of stem and foliage. CATTLEMEN MOST PROSPEROUS FARMERS In an address before a farmers' in stitute, W. A. Cochel, chief animal husbandman at the Kansas agricul tural college, said that the reason why cattlemen were usually the most prosperous farmers is because they are growing more corn, more oats, and more hay to the acre than the men who grow grain only. It is not necessarily because they are making a big profit on their beef. The rea son why they are getting better yields of corn and oats is because they are building up the fertility of their farms, the professor told the farmers. Cattle form a market for the waste products of grain farming. The wheat farmer often burns straw. The best farmer feeds it, and thus puts his straw on the market and also increases the fertility of his land. Prof. Cochel urged the growing of more live stock. There has been a consistent, steady advance in the price of beef for the last forty years, he says, and there is nothing that can be seen which indicates that beef will be any cheaper in the future than it is at present. WINTER FEED FOR FOWLS An ample as well as a varied sup ply of green feed fed to hens during the winter is important for the health of the fowls. This value does not lie in the amount of nutriment it con tains, but as an agent of digestion. Fowls will eat more when fed green feed than otherwise. Vegetables in duce increased eating, hence the in creased egg production. Nearly all of the common vegetables are relished by the fowls, and they should be fed at regular intervals. Mangels are easy to raise and keep well. Cab bage is a good food; the hens like it and it does not flavor the egg. Tur nips are an excellent vegetable for fowls when grown right, stored and cooked. Rape is an excellent green food to plant in the runs. Potatoes are good only when boiled, but as a rule they are too expensive to feed to poultry. Onions, when Ihey can be had, are an excellent feed and like lettuce, are excellent for chicks! HOW TO MAIvE DOLLARS IN DAIRYING To become skillful" and successful in the care, feeding, selecting and breeding of dairy cows means to be successful in the business of dairy! ing, is a statement by George C Humphrey of the University of Wis! Two N ' .Tv Hogs Weigh 2806 lbs. 1 Why lose profits breeding and feeding scrub noers. iwo or our o. I. C. Hoes weighed 280G lbs. Will ship you sample pair of thesofaraous hogrs on time and jive acrency to first applicant We are origi nators, most extensive breeders andship pers of thoroughbred hogs In the world. II. S. Govt. Inspected Herd Write for Free Book. "Tho Hog from Birth to Sale." FREE One 15-oz. can of our celebrated Silver Live Stock Powder for free trial. Send for it today. THE L. B. SILVER CO. 1539 Vkkers Boildiag Cleveland, Ohio Established 1863-58 Years' Sacccss B This offer is made by tho Lake County Land Owners' Association in order to se cure new settlers ana to develop the district. We WiB Take YourFirstCrop In Full Payment for the Land Regardlaas of the Mtze or value of the crop, and without any cath payment to us on yoar pqrt whatsoever. We have very little money to spend for advertising, but wo know what our land will produce, and we will give a new set tler 10 acres and take his first crop of watermelons in full payment for same. This crop can bo produced at small ex pense and is marketed within a few months. We take only the first crop. You can raise other crops for yourself the same year. Our lands He on either side o three hard roads and two railroads, with 12 stations, including five towns and one city: they are high, rolling, well drained, with beautiful clear water lakes and boautlful homes throughout district; elevation over 100 feet; Ideal climate and pure drinking water. No bettor grapefruit or orange land on the continent. Over one million boxes of fruit shipped from this part of omiowscycar, jnouern pactung nouses. wur growers matto bg money out of tomatoes, eyrop cane, winter vegetables, staple cropa and i ,T:-" lOEUUtEZannCrjinn hnOOM hOM nna anlmrf aanaAn Como now and pick out your land while prices wo low. Our land is Belling at $35 an acre and up on easy terms. You can have It planted on shares or Bet out to grapefruit, which bears in 4 years. a lo-acro erapofruit grovo means an income for lire old age insurance. For particulars, address Lake County Land Ovmera'Anociation rrmuana fork, florid Dept. E2 R. R.fare refunded to Oumert, not agents, buytre. "D&A" Cement Fence Post MAKE YOUR OWN ikd-SfVP PSTS made at onco, ualnjr "D & A Molds. Cost loss than lCc ouch; will not rot, rust or burn. D& A" Single ALL STEEL MOLDS at $2,75 each illustrated cataloRue doscrlbes tho "Shaking S?iSr m ln lloUU1, Tollfl how t0 m,JC concrete; rolnrqrco, cure and sot Doata and fasten fenclnff. y. . ,,pU JAST" 24 Ry. Co.'sand land own era In all parte of the world uo "D& A" Molds. i.y -ur t?eaI?F dooa not soil "JJdfcA" Posts, write for Preo Cataloguo and Prices, BoT ,Sft D' & A. POST MOLD CO. BOX Ifrtt Th-. laM Mfi.li. .. f f ... Stop STUA?tf? Tfl B . 1MB) D 1 I PUWfhPAwB I I RUPTURE I I Using A Truss STUART'S PLA PAD-PADS are different from the truss, being medicine applicators mado nseW adhesive purposely nb hold the parts securely in place. No straps er buckles attached no obnoxious spring. Cannot slip, so cannot chafe or press against tho bone. Thousands have successfully treated themselves at homo with out hindrance from work most obstinate cases cured. Sett as velvet easy te aply Ibok pensive. Awarded Gold Medal. Process ! recovery Is natural, so afterwards no f urthor use for trusses. We prove It by sending you Trial of Plapao absolutely free. Write teday. fUrttCe., Mtl2iS.lil,M -M umrxJL . SjaTsfrrfTTretaAsaitasfci eaaMMMB&sa