The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, February 01, 1914, Page 23, Image 23

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The Commoner
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ship of Woodrow Wilson, tho coun
try' Would hdt liavo a now curroncy
law or any other legislation worthy
of tho name.
He paid a high tribute to tho abil
ity of John Skelton Williams, ex
pressing the belief In this connection
that Richmond would sorvo tho region
better with a regional bank than
Richmond would bo served by a
branch regional bank.
Mr. Glass said ho could readily un
derstand why Vanderllp would at
by . tho officers of . tho. People' N
tional bank.
"Telegrams of regret wore re4
tonight from President Wilson an A
Governor Mann over their Inability
to bo prooent. At tho mooting were
prominent bankers from central and
southwest Virginia, sqmo of these oc
cupying seats on tho platform."
Tl o appointment of Col. Gocthals aa
civil, govornor of tho Panama canal
zone will bo welcomed by everyone
tempt to frighten foreign financiers , who believes in honoring faithful
about tho new law, because it would)'' " ivo service. It Is the well
be tho means of taking millions from I nri'vi rownrd of a man who has
tho bank reserves In New York, but given the best that was in him to hjd
for Senator Root to declare the cur-' l s as a soldier and a servant of a
rency established by tho now bill pront romibl'c, and who has acliloved
was fiat money was little short of wonderful success, America delights
treason, because Senator Root knew t- "ir R""h a man as Goethdls arid
it would not bo fiat money. Ho said would bo glad to bestow much greater
the law jrpvidds for no inflation buj, honor than this. ''-.
an expansion of curroncy. The staid " tho appointment -of Col.
the south the whole country want Gocthals moans oven ' nfdro lhan
to expand, and nothing has kept thorn tnv fnithful sorvit'e.
from expanding but an obsolete cur- In making him tho first civil fcover-
1 s
K- ' 7,
Ohio State Journal.
i t i
Glass Honored by His Fellow! Townsmen
rency Bystom.
"Mr. Glass declared tho American
people are indebted to Secretary Mc
Adoo, who taught the people ho could
help them m6vo their crops withoilL
going to Wall street. It was a
pleasure as well as a duty, ho said,
foi; him icr follow the leadership of
such men "as President Wilson and
Secretary McAdoo. Ho declarod
President Wilson has a passion for
service for tho people; that there is
no. cowardice in him, and that his
patriotism, putpnso and desire is to
serve tho American people
"Referring to the preliminary work
leading up to the preparation of tho
bill, Mr. Glass told of being sum
moned to Princeton Inftt. Dnn.mnhor
for a conference with Mr. Wilson and
nf flirt Irlrwllv ilirtsin n wl mlmnnlltnn
ho received -therer
nor of tho d'strict, President Wilsdn
sets the precedent of basing the office
on proved efficiency, of making it
wholly free from politics. Her gives
nMMnrann to this country, to the
other American republics and t6
1 onean nations whose ships will
uso tho canal that the d'strict Is to
be governed on tho basis of high
It is a happy opportunity that al
lows him thus to honor a faithful
servant and at the same time to raiso
the whole standard of public service
h ?nnWnr? 'nnsp'cuouB merit tne
basis of appointment. Milwaukee
1 The following special dispatch,
dated Lynchburg, Va., January 17,
. appeared in the Richmond Times-
i Dispatch:
; "Carter Glass, . representative in
congress from this, the Sixth Virginia
1 district, tonight rendered an account
' of his connection with the recent cur
. rency legislation the fight for which
- was led by him in the house, When
.' he addressed an audience of, 1,500
'people at the academy of music.
Probably never before did Mr. Glass
,haye.,a more sympathetic audience,
' for during the hour and a half he
was speaking not a person left the
t theatre, -and at all times the people
gave .him strict attention. When he
had been speaTcing an hour he atr
, tempted, to stop, but the crowd called
! for liim to go on.
The' public appearance of Mr.
When the congressman .arose he was
given arf( extended oyatiqn. Mr. Glass
was visibly affected by tho tribute.
He struggled to retain his composure
but he had. not been speaking long be
fore he '.was overcome. His voice
broke and tears came to his" eyes. He
talked brokenly for a moment, then
regained his composure and for an
hour and a Iialf in a conversational
way told his fellow townsmen what
his conpectbn with tho currency
legislation had been., A ieature of
the address was . the prediction ,jthat
the country would never, suffer a
panic under tbe operation of the bill,
and that the country "would progress
as much in the next ten years under,
jt as it nas m tjie past century.
''Mr. Glass said he could not ex
plain the keen appreciation of thel
high 'honor that was "being done him;
Otai tonSSS a LnauetsTven'm Ms ''i!.,0. ;."
honor at the Virginia hotel by the
. commercial bodies of the city, Ernest
; Williams, president of the chamber
of commerce, presiding. Governor
. Elect Henry Stuart, a-snest of honor
,, at the banquet, sat upon the stage
) and he was presented by Mr. Wil-
v liams. He was given a hearty recep-J
tion. The governor-elect said he was
? grateful for the opportunity to ,join in
v honoring Lynchburg's distinguished,
. citizen? He declared Mr, Glass a liv
zing contradiction of the statement
that the south no longer produces
I statesmen, declaring that Mr. Glass
;had written more constructive legis
lation -Upon the Statute nooks of this
country than any other man from
the south since the civil war.
?'N. C, Manson, jr.. a life-long
' friend of Mr. Glass, and a college
mate of President Wilson, presented
VMr. Glass, in a brief' introduction.
Citizens of all parties as well as of
all creeds welcome, to Kansas City
the distinguished cabinet officer who
is to address tho Student Volunteer
II X Irt.... .. ...(11 1.-.11.. U-'1t.. - i..
i nuuw yjx hiii lltwu'J UtJJlUVU UUJ1 VUI1L1UJ1.
it,' he asserted, 'but I sat at the head As secretary of state Mr. Bryan is
of that long committee table for three more than a great democrat. He is
weoks without once losing my tern- a great American. His loyal service
per,' and the audience joined Mr to tho progressive policies of tho
Glass in a hearty laugh. He referred present administration, his readiness
to his experiences in the caucus fight to lose himself in his devotion to a
as a 'fine time,' declaring the bill was common cause, his lofty conception
not changed In a single fundamental of the duties nd obligat'ons of his
principle from the time it was draft- office in promoting international
ed until it was signed. friendship and the world's peace,
"Following the theatre meeting, have impressed tho nation with a
Mr. Glass was a guest of honor at a new sense of tho bigness of the man,
banquet at tho Piedmont club, given j avuuhus City Star.
honored by the presli of the country
and by many people. whom he d'd
not know, but, Ho said, "I beg to as
sure you ,that nothing, on earth has
so keenly touched me arid nothing J
so gratified me as' this reception to-
night from my own people. Here 1 1
was born. Here thet . people are
familiar with 'my delinquencies,', as
welf as my good qualities; if I have
any, where there 'is no'glimmeri but
a tribute of love Upd affectioi that
l cnensn anove any otnert no matter
what source it may come' from.'
"Mr. Glass paid a high tribute to
President Wilson and to Secretary of
the Treasury McAdoo, characterising
Mr. Wilson as the greatest statesman
this country has yet produced, and
M. McAdoo the. greatest man in his
position in fifty years. . He declared
that but ..for the courage, extraordi
nary patience' and 'masterful. leader-
I ff) vtiBBBHBUMPi'JBHBBHKS'nlBB) attitiiw
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f&mz I 1
Six Handy Tools in One
, 'i'Jis CMOCopiljt.WKRNCH 1 drop forged from the finest tool stoel ahd
',$clflntliciiMy tempered J3very wrench guaranteed against breakage. It Is'
8 Inches long and weighs ten ounces. A pipe wrench, a nut wrench, a
screw driver and three dies for cleanl ng up and re-threadihg- mated andv.
battered threads;, also for cutting new threads on blank bolts. Diee will fit
;all bolts used on standard farm machinery. Teeth and dies arc case-hard-'
ened in bone-black, making them hard and keen. Tho dies on this, wrench
alono would :ost 1.50, and would bo worth moro than that to every farmer,
as t"cy would often save valuable time, besides an extra trip to town for.
One 01 these wrenches will bo sent prepaid to any address, without extra
cost, In combination with a year's subscription to both Tho Commoner and
The American Homestead at $1.25. Send $1.25 today and make renilttatictf.'
payable to THE COMMONJBIt, UhcoIh, Neb.
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