The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, February 01, 1914, Page 21, Image 21

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The Commoner
Siibscriftm' Advertising Dept.
This department Is for the benefit of
Commoner subscribers, and a special
rate of six cents a word per insertion
tho lowest r.ate has been mado for
them. Address all communications to
Tho Commoner,. Lincoln, Nebraska.
J7AMIL.Y Medicine Case. Save doctors'
bills. 12 remedies for 12 common
diseases. Colds, coughs, croup, cramps,
diarrhoea, fever, rheumatism, sick head
ache, soro throat, etc. 300 doses in
tabloid form. Convenient, pleasant to
take, absolutely safe. Contain no
opium, alcohol, morphine, cocalno or
similar drugs. $2.00 prepaid. Satisfac
tion guaranteed. Information on re
quest. Tho Tabloid Remedies Co., P. O.
Box 1333, Denver, Col- Reference, The
Denver National Bank.
FCZEMA SPECIFIC Will absolutely
- cure eczema, salt rheum, barbers
itch and other skin diseases. Sent by
mail. $1.50. Send for recommendations.
Almklov's Pharmacy, Cooperstown,
North Dakota. '
DHOTHER Accidentally discovered
J root cures tobacco habit, indigestion.
Gladly sent particulars. J. "W. Stokes,
Mohawk, Fla.
POR prices and particulars on highly
1 improved farms, with good market
for all kindtf of farm produce, address
M. C. Brady, G43 Prospect St., Flint,
PRACTICAL business, English or liter
1 nry course by mail. Certificated ex
perienced teacher, B. Sc. in Education.
Write for plan of work. Easy terms.
Address Clarenco Rodgers, 271 Seventh
street, Portland, Oregon.
TOR SALE Fine plantation, 315 acres,
x near Richmond; flno stock, grain,
grass and tobacco farm. Routo 3, Box
37, Blackstone, Va.
w town, Florida; exceedingly attrac
tive to small investors; most rapidly
growing town in Florida's best citrus
and farming county. Solid, substantial,
pro&perous, permanent. Ira W. Porter,
B. C, Omaha, Nebraska.
5 END for freo sample copy of the only
exclusive foxhound and fox hunter's
magazine published. Red Ranger Pub
lishing Co.', Rushville, Mo.
WRITE C. D. Baker, Fergus Falls,
Minnesota, for list and prices of
Otter Tail County, central Minnesota,
improved farms. Prices will surprise
you. Deal direct and savo commission.'
"Always a good title."
EAVEN AND HELL, Swedenborg's
400 page work, 15 cents postpaid.
Pastor Landenberger, Windsor Place,
St. Louis, Mo.
ALFALFA SEED G. Farms for sale
and Rent. J. Mulhall, Sioux City,
CHEAPEST Virginia Farms. List free.
A. C, Buchanan, Chester, Virginia.
WE will pay you $120.00 to distribute
religious literature in your com
munity. Sixty days' work. Experience
not required. Man or woman. Oppor
tunity for promotion. Spare time may
be used. International Bible Press, 595
Winston Bldg., Philadelphia.
KEEP YOUNG We tell you how and
and furnish tho means. Safe,
sensible, scientific; approved by high
est medical authority. Instrument and
full instructions prepaid, $3. Address,
Perfect Health Company, 1025 Michigan
Avenue, Portland, Oregon.
FOR pure Maple Sugar or Syrup write
H. Colvenbach, Perrysburg, N. Y.
THE most popular song of tho day
a sure hit. Tho latest and one of
tho greatest hits In classical music.
"The Queen of Panama." Copies can
be had for twenty-five cents each.
Send for ono at once. Geo. F. Senner
Pub. Co., Miami, Arizona.
SELL cheap for half cash, by owner,
5094 Quitman St., 5 room modern,
pressed brick bungalow, 50 ft. corner,
walks, shade, fruit trees, lawn. Best
location Denver for health seekers.
Denver, Colo.
1720 Colorado
Denver, Colo.
For information
. about the best
part of Florida
V. D. Tumley, Sec'y F. Mcsde, Fla.
among its employees February 2
The distribution was made on the
basis of a 20 per cent bonus to all
employees who have been continu
ously in the employ of the company
for a period of six months or more.
The agricultural school of the Uni
versity of Nebraska announced that
it had completed arrangements for
holding schools at county fairs in the
fall. Lantern slides will form a part
of the equipment and all phases of
farm life that will admit of graphic
description will be shown.
Forty-one persons drowned when
the steamship Nantucket rammed the
old dominion liner Monroe in a fog
off Cape Charles, Va., January 30.
It was estimated that between
150,000 and 200,000 Chicago women
took advantage of their first oppor
tunity to register as voters.
i. 0
A census of the United States and
Canada showed that 642 cities were
engaged in the business of play, em
ploying 6,000 leaders of recreation.
Free Trial
Send u joar name no Bioney and we will mail
you D'Arcy'a Vnleaa Itazor for 36 day fre trial. It
you iiJta iv pay bi.yo. n nonreturn u. SMMMmtiMV.
JOHN B'ARCY CO., Dtp!. (24 St. Loali, Mt.
The members of the Jefferson club
of Columbus, Ohio, have expressed
their approval of the president's
policies in the following resolutions:
"Resolved, By the Jefferson club of
Columbus, Ohio, that in his recent
expression of Views upon the interna
tional relations of tho United States
and of the Latin-American, republics
to the south of us, as well as upon
our commercial, financial and diplo
matic relations with them, President
Wilson has attained the highest!
political and moral ground ever taken
by any American statesman;
"Resolved, That if the president be
sustained in his views, so expressed,
by congress, a new era in interna
tional diplomacy in the western hem
isphere, If not In the world will have
been successfully inaugurated by our
"Resolved, That as a democratic
political organization this club cor
dially indorses President Wilson's
administration, its policies and meas
ures, and commends the president for
his courage and fidelity in his efforts
toward the redemption of the pledges
and principles of his party at its last
national convention;
"Resolved, That the president's re
cent declaration 'that the United
States would never again by force,
either annex or arbitrarily govern any
territory without the consent of the
governed' is a political pledge and
principal worthy, of our declaration
of national independence, artf relates
our first and last presidents by
kindred sentiments and statesman
ship; "Resolved, That in his last message
to congress of January 20th, 1914,
the president's endeavor to preserve
and enforce the provisions of the
Sherman anti-trust law with certain
amendments thereto (in the message
suggested) to the end that the busi
ness of the country may be conducted
within the laws of the country and
controlled by the enlightened public
conscience, the president should be
supported by congress and the people
regardless of party lines;
"Resolved, That these resolutions
be incorporated in the minutes of this
meeting and a copy of them be sent
by the chairman and secretary to
President Wilson, Secretary Bryan
and "The Commoner" with the com
pliments and best wishes of the
Jefferson club.
"Luke J. Byrne, chairman; Walter
S. Snyder, secretary."
"Whereas, In a recent lecture to
the law class at Yale university, New
Havenr Connecticut, (and . ju$t print
ed and published in book form and
for sale in all the principal book
stores of the country) ex-President
William Howard Taft, Kent professor
of law in Yale university, in an effort
to detract from the great name and
reputation of Thomas Jefforson, said:
" 'It is noteworthy, as a matter of
history, that when President Jeffer
son was in the presidency and felt
called upon to fill a vacancy in the
supremo court, he appointed Mr.
Joseph Story, of Massachusetts, a
member of the then republican party,
evidently with the expectation that
his views of the constitution would be
opposed to that of Chief Justice Mar
shall. Tho personality and great
ability of the illustrious chief justice,
however, exercised groat Influence
over the young justice, appointed at
thirty-two, and when he came to pro
nounco his first great constitutional
judgment, as the organ of tho su
preme court, his views were in ac
cord with former opinions of Mar
shall.' "Now, therefore, As a means
toward the vindication of the historic
name of Thomas Jefferson as well as
that of Justico Story,
"Resolved, By the Jefferson club of
Columbus, Ohio, that in as much as
Joseph Story was appointed a justice
of the supremo court of the United
States by President James Madison in
the year 1811, about three years after
Mr. Jefferson had retired from tho
presidential office, President TafVs
statement and his attempt to cast re
proach upon the great reputation of
Mr. Jefferson as well as that of Jus
tico Story, is not likely to accomplish
its obvious design; but its blundering
inaccuracy for a purpose so unworthy
clearly indicates that Mr. Taft is an
unreliable historian;
"Resolved, That these resolutions
be incorporated in the minutes of the
meeting and that a copy be sent to
Professor William Howard Taft at
Yalo university, New Haven, Con
necticut. "Luke G. Byrne, chairman; Walter
S. Snyder, secretary."
The Greatest Tiling in the World
"Workmen's Compensation." A
treatise on the law of compensation
for injuries to workmen under
modern industrial statutes. By James
Harrington Boyd, A. M., Sc. D.
(PrincetonjT chairman of the Ohio
employers' liability commission and
member of the Toledo bar. The
BoDbs-Morrill . company, publishers,
Indianapolis, Ind.
"Taxation and the Distribution of
Wealth." Studies in the economic,
ethical and practical relations of
fiscal systems to social organizations.
By Frederic Mathews. Doubleday,
Page & company, Garden City, New
York. Price $2.50, net.
"Trusts Good and Bad," by Louis
F. Post. The Public, Ellsworth Bldg.,
Chicago, 111. Price 15 cents.
"Tho Renewal of the Body," by
Annie Rix Militz. Cloth. 170 pages.
Price $1.00, postpaid. The Elizabeth
Towne Co., Holyoke, Mass.
A O O D I'lIl'SKll K
And those thing;, are depondrnt upon a
right relation of each part of tho Human
Mechanism to every other Part. Tho
purpose of the Stretcher Is to put tho
frame work of tho Body, the musctila
ture, and cartilages In proper condition.
Overcome contractures, deformities, Im
pinged nerveH, and tho things that pro
duco disease. It will make you over
Physically. Address,
TUB STURTCIIKIt CO., Cleveland, Ohtft
Six Pure Irish Linen
By a special combination offer wo can
send you Six Pure IrlMh Mhch Ladle'
HflHilkcrcIiIeM, 12x12 Inches, Imported
direct from Belfast, Ireland, together
with ono full year's subscription to
both The Commoner and The American
Homestead for only IU8; regular prlco
of all 2. Address The Commoner, Lin
coln, Net;.
Don t ahio a ainsto fnr ta nnvnnn
until you our nriea lint. It will ,
prove that wo pay hlahett prieca for
W Chars: Ne CammlaalanJCVrt
.We want 10.000 Skunk and Odi. Z.,W
urn and will pay Wsr price for 6('
s' thetn. Bend far riire nrirm f.x
" . . - w --.... - . H
. lut today. ). 'O-zmi
'J81N.MaInSt.St.Loub.Mo. JC?
400 ACRES of good farm land In
Tuu Perkins County, Neb. This land
is a dark sandy loam, very productive
and is increasing In value. "Will sell
all or part. Wrlto for price and terms
to T. & Allen, Fraternity Bldg, Lin
coln, Neb.
UDOnCCUO Turkeys. I lardy, northern
raised, pure bred, of finest plumage Fowl,
egg and Incubators at lowcot prices. Araer
ka'agreatcflt poultry farm. Send 4c for Urge,
line lOtli Annual Catalog and Poultry Book.
High Yielding Sted CornJU
Sample. Dept.3. WHITE SEED CO.. St. Louto, He.
The Hicks Almanac for 1914
will be sent postpaid, without additional coat, to all who accept the follow
ing special limited club offer: Send u& only $1.00 at once, and we will send
you Tfce Commoner and Word ad Work, both for ono full year each, and
one copy of Rev. Irl R. Hicks' Almanac for 1914.
Never has the great Hicks Almanac been more valuablo or more needed
by all classes than tho 1914 Almanac will be. The great Omaha tornado,
tho drouth of the past summer, the various earthquake phenomena of the
past year, besides many storms of less note, were forecasted by Prof. Hicks
For over a quarter of a century The Hicks Almanac haa predicted storms!
tornadoes, blizzards, hot 'waves, cold waves with wnndorfni onJ
Tho 1914 Hicks Almanac contains 160 pages with a cover printed In colors'.
xi is muHiraieu wnn me usuai numoer or nairtone engravings, wood-cuts
and other diagrams. Word ad Works is a high-class home monthly maga
zine for all tho family. Contains Rev. Hicks famous monthly weather fore
casts. Total regular price of all three, $2.00;. now for only fl.M.
If now a subscriber to either publication, your present expiration date
will be extended for ono year. Send your order today,
Address Order to Hie Commoner, Lincoln, Nehratka