The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, February 01, 1914, Page 18, Image 18

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Veils cop shoflld be attft'wed, boC' for
getting the extra one tec tke Pt
Boiled coffee aa Banally ftde, fa aa
abomination. A weak decoction oi
coffee, rnade by boiling, especially I
used with sngar and creamr 1 raoet
Injurious, aa It will ferment ra the
stomach, and prevent digestion, pro
ducing gas and flatulence. Boffins
the grounds draws out the ftmd ofl,
and alao gives a btterr rank flaTor
and a bad color.
Salt Rising Bread
Several readers have aked that
tve give this recipe again:
Take one-half pint of warm, fresh ;
sweet milk, let Jnat come to a Don;
stir enough corn meal to keep the
milk from rising on top, cover close
ly and set in a warm corner over
night; next morning thte should be
puffed up, and this is the sponge.
Now take one-half pint of fresh sweet
milk, one-half pint of warm water,
and add one-half teaspoonful of salt,
one teaspoonful of sugar; add the
aponge and enough well sifted flour
to make a good, stiff batter; beat
well, so there will be no lumps. This
makes the yeast, and must be kept
warm and at an even temperature.
This can best be done by setting the
vessel containing the sponge, or yea3t
In a kettle of quite warm water, cov
ering, and setting where the water
will keep quite warm, but not scald
ing. Do not stir this mixture after
beating smooth; the hot water
should be deep enough to come up
well around the sides of the vessel
containing the yeast. Sift three,
quarts of flour into the bread pan or :
tray, add one teasp mful of sugar
and one of salt before sifting. When
the yeast Is raised well and looks
foarny on top, empty it Into a hole
which, you have made In the pan of
flour, and add one-half teacup of lard
and warm water enough to work up
' the flour, and knead It well, until the
outside of the dough is smooth and
satiny to the hands. Have your bak
ings pan well greased, make the
dough into loaves, put into the pans,
and grease the top of each loaf; set
in a warm place to ri3e, where no
cold air may blow over it. When it
has raised nearly to the top of the
paii, put into a moderately hot oyen
and. bake. It will raise some In bak
ing, .and a little space should be al
lowed for that, or it may run over
the aides. The loaves should not be
allowed to rise too much, or the
bread will be coarse-grained and full
of holes. To make salt rising bread,
requires judgment and careful
watchfulness, but it is worth hc
trouble. Do not try to make very
much the first time. You will have
to .learn much by experience.
The Commoner
TOL. 14, NO. 2
' aaa
Mr i i x sitfj;fi fm a - "s
l YMPtI 9 1 ffK
I t Itxi n r,
frrrrA Id A ill i U I
0 u : . r l.kaL !.,r C uu-
lli.Jl I Tri rm
G335 Tit TA G355
m yoBBoF (V nJ
IlfiL (J Tt f ! I HI III
Y i
olEMter. Blrthdar aod other post card botcHIm for 4c
ooitare If you r you wl how mycarf to your frirad.
KF0GELSAN6:ER,233 So.5th St ,PWte Wphta.Pau
t tcilMwr t cattial anu
ll tm fiunalc tUI Alt Uap ii
frWat, Agtmit ITjtlnf.
jj) mi at mT mt wish
rerfocfr hearing 14 now bolnt
rtstorcd In orory condition of
dMtncas or defoctUo hoftrlne
Jrora canicfl each u Catarrhw
pernML IlAtazod or Sunken
Prams, Thickened Drama,
Roaring uxA nisatnr Bonnds,
Perforated. Wholly or Pftttl
tUlr Dtatroyed Drama, Dlft
i chATte from Er, etc
PQsM Coraen-Stnse Ear Drams
PZtHU Wlrele Phone for the Stars" roqntro no
HMdtclaetmtetfeetlTolrrvplACo vrha Is Ucklnz or
4ctlrlnthaBtunaeardruma. TboyaroBlmpla
4nMLrtilchtha weutir tally flta Into tho ew
9rtwnHi7ArlaTilbla. Soft, sfe and comfortbl.
Writ totia forourlUpco HllOC book on DEAK
jMWM, slrlBf yoa full prtloaUni nd toetlmonl!
tm laier-Southcra BldK., IiOulsvUIc, Ky.
Cured His Rupture
I was badly ruptured while lifting a
trunk Several years ago. Doctors said
.. i. i,nnn nf nre- was n.n ooeratlon.
Trusses did mc no pood. Finally I got
t. l.1 nnmnflllntf that fllllPklV aiKI
completely cured me. Years have passed
and the rupture nas never iciuucu, -though
I am doing hard work as a
carpenter. There was no operation, no
lost time, no trouble. I have nothing
to sell, but will give lull information
about how you may find a complete
cure without operation, if you write to
me, Eugene M. Pullen. Carpenter, 21
Marcellus Avenue. Manasquan, . N. J.
Better cut out this notice and show it
to anv others who are ruptured yoit
mav save a life or at least stop the
misery of rupture and the worry ana
danger of an operation.
dress. The waist is made with a pep
lum and tho sleeves can bo made either
long or short, as preferred. Tho skirt
la cut in tVvo pieces. Tho pattern 6319
is cut in sizeH 34 to 42 Inches bust
measure. Medium size requires 5
yards of 3C inch material.
437 Iitullcii SklrtwnlHt. Suitable
for either a shirtwaist or a costumo
waist (his bodico has one of the new
very deep yokes, made without any
seam whatever. It comes down on tho
arm and tho slecvo is gathered whero
it is inserted as well as at tho wrist.
Tho pattern 6437 is cut n sizes. 34 to
42 inches bust measure. Medium slzo
requires- 2 yards of 36 Inch material.
025: Iiiullen1 DrcMH, Any of the
woolen materials can be used to make
this dress with the collar and cuffs of
contrasting material. Tho dress closes
at the front and can bo mado with
either tho long or short sleeves. The
four-gored skirt can be made with or
without tho belt. The pattern 6253 is
cut in sizes 84 to 42 Inches bust meas
ure Medium slzo requires 4 yards of
44 Inch material and yard of 27 Inch
contrasting goods.
Oimnoyh' Dox-plnltcd Dress. This
dress Is for tho small boy who has not
yet worn "the regulation trousers. It
closes at tho back and can bo mado
wim cuncr mo long or short sleeves.
Tho "pattern '6335 Is cut in sizes r, 2
yards of 36 Inch material and yard
of 27 inch contrasting goods.
G355 Cklldren'M Drew. Serge or
linen can be used for this dress with
the collar and cuffs of contrasting ma
terial. Tho dress closes at the front
and san be made with either the long
or short sleeves. The separate bloom
ers are attached to an underwalst. Tho
pattern 6355 is cut in sizes 2, 4 and 6
years. Age 4 years requires 3 yards of
36 inch material and yard of 27 inch
contrasting goods. Tho underwalst re
quires yard of 36 Inch material.
C203 Mtase.t' and Small "Vomen'
Dres. Any of the woolen materials
can bo used to make tills dress. The
dress can bo mado with either the lone
or short sleeves. The three gored skir?
can be madq with either the hltrh or
regulation waistline. The pattern 6293
Is cut In sizes 14, 16 and 18 years.
Medium size requires 2 yards of 44
inch material and yard of 24 Inch
satin for tho girdle. men
0207 I.ailiefi Skirt. Serge ehovJnf
or broadcloth onn i ,W 2ei.-r.lieYi?5
.skirt The skirt closes at the front and
can be mafln with Aitm. , i.i.. "
.regulation waistline. The closing Is at
tho front. Tho nrt.tfnm rq-? i, ..? T
sizes 22 to 30 Inches waist measure;
fnechlrateSrKLreqUlreS yards of
and i years. Age 2 yeara requires 2 1 t3-ImdlcS' NeBUec or House Gowa
m vmjm
Trf "BL
V v-
jB I wM 9 m LIQ
The Moat Talked Of
The Beit Thought OF
Power Washer in all the
world. M&deineightmodelstostiit
every home washing requirement.
Don't buy a washer -until' yoy.
investigate the A. jb. u. write
today tor .Booklet, Uree Trial
Olter and nearest dealer.
Dept. 6(0
mode by Jos.Hancock.Lanioni.Ia. Schear-
er. Jilontann, made $ZZ5 in 5 hours.
Miller. Iowa, mnde 13.65 In ono afternoon.
We have proof of this and hundreds of
similar reports. No Mntter Who You Are
or Where You Live, here's your chance to
double your presentsalary orlncome. work
ing daring spare time or permanently as a
one minute photographer. Ne experi
ence needed. A business otbier
cash profits.You can work athotneortravel,
enjoy the healthful, outdoor work and be
come independent in your own business.
BEND A 108TAL ask ns tor proof of
what othora aro doing ot what" you caa eara
with a
Mantle! Post Card Machine
A.nortablo Boat card gallery. Takoa. fin.
lanes and dollvora photo post oards and but.
tona In a mtnuto'a ttmo makoa firo different
Btyloa ot pictures in 8 alzoa. Ne pUtcs, Mm
or earn room, uno minuto pictures sou iiko
nnpir rnrnflra cmnll
larcro o.tioa. a e HMtvEtamMrt.
This PictHra-TakM
nnrtitvs ywi.a eompleM
.. " "reiT-aUcla brntn
?Bl produeaa
for. yo
mi atones; You emn
En ola brinira Sato
I6c iproflt. Sawtleapiul. 8aU
nf flnat ftiJ -m a.. .
practically your entlra Invrat-
ment. writ at o.
.IB (I Chlraon Formlvna ftn
i - wu ivf ava
TT IMa.AafaV
M vlaiarBBk.
H Haatt w2 JBH
r aWffjfaHBBBB
4 r
-Cashmere, figured crepa or Unen 4janf
bo used to make' this garment.. ' It can
bo made ylth elthof the lon ot short
alcoves. Tho skirt Is cut lri throo gores
and can bo mado In either the short
rePc , 1ioun,d l0?Bth. The pattoru
l3o ls-cutin I zes 84Jt0 inc"es bust
measure. Medium size requires 4
yards p 36 Inch material and 2 yarda
of rlbb sleeves and 2 yards
Baa 2 ) . i