The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, February 01, 1914, Page 17, Image 17

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The Commoner
the milk; beat thoroughly, and stir
in the well beaten whites; pour. at
onco into twelve greased gem pans
or muffin rings, and bake in a quick
oven for twenty minutes.
Cream Biscuit One cup of sweet
cream, two cups of sweet milk, one
rounding teaspoonful of salt, and two
heaping teaspoonfuls of baking pow
der sifted with flour enough to make
a rather soft dough, and stir quickly.
With a large spoon, dipped in cold
water, dip up the soft dough (or very
stiff batter), and drop in a well
greased biscuit- pan and bake in
quick oven. Sour milk and cream,
with baking soda will answer, and
some like it better. The dough
should be soft enough to handle well,
but do' not handle dough any more
than you can help. It may be patted
out with the hand and cut as
Pineapple Honey Wash the pine
apple before peeling, then pare and
save the peel; put this and the core
into two cupful s of water, to each
pineapple used, and leave for some
hours. Then put it on the stove and
bring to a boil; strain through a
cloth when soft, and add to the water
three cups of sugar to each pine
apple. Bring to a boil again, and let
boil ten minutes. It should be very
thick and a clear amber color; turn
the syrup into a jar, cover well and
keep in a cool place.
Pineapple Ambrosia Peel a pine
apple and cut into small pieces and
lay in a glass dish; sprinkle with
sugar and squeeze over it a juicy
orange; then strew over with dessi
cated cocoanut, and repeat this layer
until the dish is fiill. Pour over all
a small cupful of the syrup of pre
served strawberries or cherries, cover
with cocoanut and let stand for two
or three" hours before- serving; The
peel and cores' of 'the pineapple may
be used as above.
Keeping Hams
Mrs. B. G., of California, tells us:
"When taking hams out of the salt,
have a large kettle and set it ovei a
fire. Fill over half full of water, put
into it about twenty cents worth of
red pepper, and let come to a boil, do
not keep boiling. Have the ham
with twine in the end ready for hang
ing up, and holding by the twine, dip
into the pepper tea. Have a large
scrubbing brush, and scrub well all
over the ham, and then hang it in the
smoke house to dry for a few days.
Then smoke, if you like. It can hang
in the smoke house until warm
weather, then it should be hung in a
cool, dark, dry place. For us, they
keep fine."
Making Con'eo
Very few people will refuse a cup
of well-made coffee but there are few
indeed who will take with relish a
poorly made cup of the same. Yet
there are thousands of families who
do not know what really well-made
coffee is like. In the first place the
coffee pot should be clean not only
emptied and rinsed out, but thor
oughly cleaned, as you would wash
any other cooking vessel. The kettle
in which the coffee water is cooked
should be clean, also, and the water
should be freshly drawn and just at
the point of boiling when poured over
the coffee grounds. If you use the
ordinary coffee pot, the freshly
ground coffee should be put into the
clean pot, and the freshly drawn, just
at the point of boiling, water from a
clean teakettle, should be poured over
the grounds, the pot covered and set
where the water will keep just at the
point of boiling, but not allowed to
boil, for five to ten minutes before
Using. An infusion made moderate
ly strong, using,, if finely ground, one
leaping teaspoonful of coffee to each
cup of water and one for the pot; if
coarsely ground, a tablespoonful to
We have made arrangements to supply our readers with high grade, perfect
fitting, seam allowing and easy to use patterns, designed by a leading ilrm of
New York fashion publishers. Full descriptions accompany each pattorn as
well as a chart showing how to cut your material with the least possible
amount of waste. Any pattern will bo sent postage prepaid upon receipt of
ten cents. Wo will also issuo a ew fashion book quarterly, Spring, Summer,
Autumn and Winter, Illustrating hundreds of new styles Autumn number
now ready. Wo will send this book for two cciits postage prepaid if ordered
at the same time that a pattern is ordered, or for live cents, postago prepaid
if ordered without a pattern. Besides illustrating hundreds of patterns, this
fashion book will tell you how to bo your own dressmaker. When ordering
patterns please givo pattern numbor and slue desired. Address all orders
Futrftion Department, The Commoner, IjIucoIb, Xcbrnnlcn.
Wanted Ideas
Write for TMt of inven
tion wanted- by manu
facturers nnd prize ofTorcil for Invention. Our tout
hooka fent'frco. Patent rccur&l or Pee Kftturncd
VIOTOK J. KVAN8 fc CO. WnJhhiKton, V. 0
I have a simple herbal recipe that
positively Cures Rheumatism in all Its
various painful forms. I have given it
to many who had abandoned all hope of
ever getting well, and Ihcy wero com
pletely cured. It cured mc after many
years of terrible suffering from muscu
lar and inflammatory Rheumatism. It
has also cured many of the worst cases
on record of Sciatica as well as Neu
ralgia. I know you will consider It a
Ood-Send after you have tested It.
There is nothing contained In It that la
in any way injurious, and jou can seo
for yourself exactly what you arc tak
ing. I will gladly send this Recipe
absolutely free to any sufferer who
will send name and address. II. A.
SUTTON, iWr.l Orvhnrd Avenue, Ie
AukcIcM, California.
will make an Elegant
Gift for Anyone
crn If.
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H raw
0385 GIrI' Dress. Sorge or cheviot
can bo used for this dress with the
collar and belr of contrasting material
The dress is made with the body and
sleovo sections in ono pieco and can he
made with or without tho seam at the
back. Tho pattern 6385 is cut in sizes
G, 8, 10 and 12 years. Ago 8 years re
quires 2 yards of 36 inch material
and yard of 27 inch contrasting,
mm 1 iid
S273 LaieM Skirt. Serge, Cheviot
or broadcloth can bo used to make this
sKlrt. The skirt is cut in two pieces
and closes at tho .front or at the back,
as preferred. The pattern C273 is cut
in sizes 22 to 30 inches waist measure.
Medium size- requires 2 yards of 44
Jnch material.
C400 Children's DresM. Ono or two
materials can ho used to make this
dress. The dress closes at tho right
sido of the front and can be made with
either the long or short sleeves. Tho
pattern 6409 is cut in sizes 2, 4( 6 and
8 years. Ago 6 years requires, if made
as represented, 1 yards, of 36 inch
plain goods, 1 yard of 36 Inch plaid
goods and 2 yards of ribbon.
0318 IxJIeft Dress. Serge, chevlqq
or, can ua uaeu 10 inune cms
(Continued on next page.)
Send Thi Order Today
The Commoner, Lincoln, Neb. I
enclose $1.15 for abovo offer which
includes a pair of your Fancy Gold
IlaBdled ScIxor, prepaid, by return
P. O.
;. ut.jrfy