itv. .is& te-. i . The Commoner ? , V-. .CI rV t V jHI A 3il r-V.- . 11 1 i?" 5V ,' S - in. 'i'.l ,i -v fN . Ev ' v- IT . ?i t. -I . il "i I- SP Mi vflWLJ' c' 7 m rmlb'-. 'it. fv' ''' ft v Rv k K P: v, SV i1 The Minority Veto in the Senate Must End Speoeh of lion. Robort L. Owen, of Okla homa, in, tho Homito of iho United Statos, July 14, .19X3, on an ainontlinont to tho rules of tho enato proposing tho cloture, or termination of debate and dilatory motionu. Mr. Owon. Mr, President, I offer tho follow ing resolution: "Rosolvod, That Rulo XIX of tho standing rules of tho sonato ho amendod by adding tho following: " 'Soc. 0. That tho senate may at any time, upon motion of a sonator, fix a day and hour for a final voto upon any matter pending in tho sen ate: Provided, howovor, That this rulo shall not ho invokod to provont dobato by any sonator who requosts opportunity to express his views upon such ponding matter within a timo to bo fixed by tho senate. " 'Tho notice to bo given by tho sonato under this section, oxcopt by consent, shall not bo less than a woolc, unless such requests bo made with in tho last two weeks of tho session.' "For tho foregoing stated purpot.? tho follow ing rules, namely, VII, VIII, IX, X, XII, XXII, XXVI, XXV11I, XXXV, and XL, aro modified: " 'Any sonator may demand of a sonator mak ing a motion if it bo made for dilatory or ob structive purposos, and if tho sonator making the motion declines or evades an answer or con codes tho motion to havo boon mado for such purpose, tho president of tho sonato shall declare such motion out of order.' " Mr. President, tho minority voto in tho sonate, with its power to provont tho majority from ful filling its pledges to tho American people, must ond. Tho right to obstruct tho public businoss by a factional filibuster mujjt coaso. Tho power of an individual sonator to blackmail the sonato must bo terminated. Thoao national evils can no longer bo concealod by tho false cloak of "freedom of debate." Those who defend the antiquated rulo of un limited parliamentary debate do so chiefly on tho ground of precedent. Tho precedents of the intellectual world, of tho parliamentary world, aro entirely against the preposterous rule which has been pormitted to survive in tho Unitod States sonato alone. What are tho precedents of tho world? PRECEDENTS Tho precedents in tho state of Maine and in every New England state, in every Atlantic state, in every gulf state, in every Pacific state, in every Rocky mountain state, in every Mississippi valley state, and in every state bordering on Canada aro against unlimited dobato or tho minority voto. In both tho seiiae and house of every stato tho precedent is to tho contrary. Tho precedent is against- it- in Now Hampshire; . The precedent is against it in Vermont. , Tho precedent is against it in Massachusetts. The precedent is against it in Rhode Island and Connecticut. . What senator from the Now England statos will venture to say uut the precedents of every single ono of tho New England states aro unsound, un wise, and ought to bo modified to conform to tho superior wisdom of tho senate rulo? Tho precedent is against it in New York, and In Pennsylvania, and in Now Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virglnlr, and Qjtf Virginia. What senator uponJhs flojpn presenting these com monwealths - 11 venture to say that the people Of his state liac.d adopted a false standard of par liamentary practice wjiich they ought to abandon for the superior virtue of the minority veto es tablished in the senate by an archaic rule in 1806? - The precedent in North Carolina, in South Carolina, In Georgia, in Alabama, in Florida, in Mississippi, and Tennessee is against it. Will tho senators from these states say that the par liamentary rulo and practice of their own states, which they have the honor to represent upon this floor, are unwise and not safe and should be modified to comply with the superior rule of tho minority veto? The precedents of Louisiana, Michigan, Indi aua, .Illinois, and Kentucky, of Missouri, lown Wisconsin, and Montana, of the Dakotas, of Ne braska and Kansas, are all against this unwise practice of the United Statos senate. Tho precedents of Colorado, Wyoming, and Minnesota, of Idaho, of Nevada, of Arizona and Now Mexico, and of the great Pacific states Washington, Oregon, and California provide for the closing of debate and are against the evil practice which still remains in vogue in the United States senate. Why, Mr. President, the precedent of every city, big and little, in the United States is against the right of minority veto under the false pre tense of "freedom of debate." Every one of the 48 states of the union, while permitting freedom of debate, has set us the wise and virtuous precedent of permitting the control by tho majority. I remind every senator In this body that in his own state his legislative assembly, whether in the house or in the senate, does not permit a minority veto under the pre tense of freedom of debate. It is the rule of common sense and of common honesty. In the house of representatives of the congress of the United States the right to r.ove the pre vious question and limit debate has been wisely and profitably practiced since its foundation. ENGLISH PRECEDENTS The rule of tho majority is the rule in all the parliaments of English-speaking people. In the parliament of Great Britain, in the house of lords, the "contents" pass to the right and the "not contents" pass to the left, and the majority rules. In the house of commons the "ayes" pass to the right and the "noes" pass to the left, and tho majority rules. (Encyclopedia Britannica, vol. 20, p. 856.) The great English statesman, Mr. Gladstone, having found that the efficiency of parliament was destroyed by the right of unlimited debate, was led to propose cloture in the first week of the session of 1882, moving this resolution on the 20th of February, and expressing the opinion that the house should settle its own procedure. The acts of Mr. Gladstone and others of like opinion finally led to the termination of un limited debate in tho procedure of parliament. In these debates every fallacious argument now advanced by those who wish to retain unlimited debate in tho United States senate has been abundantly answered, leaving no ground of sound reasoning to reconsider these stale and exploded arguments. The cloture of debate is vey commonly used' in the houses of parliament in Great Britain, for example, in standing order No. 26. The return to order of the house of commons, dated Decem ber 12, 1906, it appears that the cloture was moved 112 times. (See vol. 94, Great Britain House of Commons, sessional papers, 1906.) FRANCE In France the cloture is moved by one or more members crying out "La cloture!" "The president immediately puts the question and if a member of the minority wishes to speak ho is allowed to assign his reasons against the close of- the debate, but no one can speak in sup port of tho motion and only 6ne member' against it. The question is then put by the president 'Shall the debate be closed?' and if it is resolved in tho affirmative the debate is closed and the main question Is put to the vote." M. Guizot, speaking on. the efficacy of the cloture before a committee of the house of com mons in 1848, said: "I think that in our chamber it was an in dispensable power, and I think it "has not been used unjustly or improperly generally. Calling to mind what has passed of late years. I do not recollect any serious and honest complaint of the cloture. In the French chambers, as they have been during the last 34 years, no member can imagine that the debate would have been properly conducted without the power of pro nouncing the cloture." He also stated in another part of his evidence "Before the introduction of the cloture in 1814 the debates were protracted indefinitely and not only were they protracted, but at the end, when the majority wished to put an end to the debate and the minority would not, the debate became very violent for protracting the debate, and out of the house among the public it was a source of ridicule." The French also allow tho previous question, and it can always be moved; it can notjbe pro posed on motions for which urgency is claimed, except after the report of the committee of 'in itiative. (Dickinson's Rules and Procedure of Foreign Parlianents, p. 426.) GERMANY The majority rule controls likewise in the German ehipire and they have the cloture upon, the support of 30 members of the house, which is immediately voted on at any time by a' show of hands or by the ayes and noes. .. " AUSTRIA-HUNGARY In Austria-Hungary, motions, for the closing of the debate are to be put to the vote at once by the president without any question, and there-, upon the matter is determined. If the majority decides for a close of debate, the members whose names are put down to speak for or against the motions may choose from amongst them one. , speaker on each side, and the matte: is disposed, of by voting a simple yes or no. (Ibid., p. 404.) AUSTRIA Austria also, in its independent houses of parliament, has the cloture, which may be put to. the vote at any. time in both houses, and a, small majority suffices to carry it. This is done, however, without interrupting any speech in actual course of delivery; and when the vote to. close the debate is passed each side has one. member represented in a final speech on 'the question. (Ibid., p. 409.) . -...-, BELGIUM In Belgium they have the cloture, and if the1 prime minister and president of the chamber are satisfied that there is need of closing the uenate a nmt is given to some member to raise . the cry of "La cloture," after a member of the opposition has concluded his speech, and upon the demand of 10 members, granting permission, however, to speak, for or against the "motion under restrictions. The method, here does not prevent any reasonable debate, but permits a termination of the debate by the. will of the majority. The same rule is followed in the sen ate of Belgium. (Ibid., p. 420.) DENMARK In Denmark also they have the cloture, which can be proposed by the president of the Danish chambers, which is decided by the chamber without debate. Fifteen members of the Lands thing may demand the cloture. (Ibid., p; 422.) NETHERLANDS In both houses, of the parlia. lent of Nether lands they have the cloture. . Five members of the first chamber may propose it and five mem bers may propose it in the second chamber They have the majority rule. (Ibid., p. 461.) PORTUGAL - In Portugal they have the cloture in both chambers, and debate may be closed by a special motion, without discretion. - In the. upper house they permit two to speak in favor of and- two AgamsUt. . The. cloture may be voted. (Ibid., p. 409.) - ' SPAIN . The. cloture in Spain may be said tb'exist in directly, and to result from the action allowed the president on the order of parliamentary dis cussion. (Ibid., jp. 477.) . , eniary ais- SWITZERLAND The cloture exists in Switzerland both in the conseil des etats and conseil national " Many of the ablest and best senators who have ever been members of this body have urged the abatement of this evil, including uchmln' Senator George G. Vest, of Missouri- SSILtSS BrVHi S-MPlat C ecticut;SS Senator Da B Hill of New York; Senator George F Hoar nf Massachusetts; and Senator Henry Cabot Lori of Massachusetts, who introducedesoiutions ?f fLthe amendnt ot this evil practice of the senate. Mr. President, the time has come in tho Mo tory of the United States when congress shal be directly responsive to the will of the malowtv ? 90,000000 of people without delay, eviiof or obstruction. We are in the midst ; of the 1R gigantic century in the history of the i worid when every reason looking to the welfare and advance of the human race bids r.s march for ward in compliance with the magnificent intim gem and humane impulses of theAmein v We have the most important problems before us-,financial, commercial, sociological! jFifteen iifl '" ""Jii.g