The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, January 01, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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The Commoner
. JANUARY, 1014 '
The Way to Indorse President Wilson's Great Work
is to Make the 64th Congress Democratic
The 1914 Elections Will Tell the Story
Jn a period of less than ten months, the pres
ent democratic administration has made a record
for political action scarcely equalled in the his
tory of legislation.
These great accomplishments have heen
brought about in the face of a fight to continu
ally delay action, but, under President Wilson's
courageous leadership, the democratic party has
effectively demonstrated its capacity to serve the
In signing the currency bill, President Wilson
said: "I have always felt when the democratic
party was criticised as not knowing how to serve- -
t;he business interests of the country that there
was no use replying to that in words. The- only
satisfactory reply was in action. We have .
written the first chapter of that reply."
President Wilson has sounded the keynote of
continued democratic success ACTION. He
terms the currency bill as the "first of a series
of constructive measures by which the demo
cratic party will show that it knows how to serve
the country."
President Wilson's incentive for action lies in
the fact that the time is now ripe for the enact
ment of measures so long demanded by the peo
ple. He believes that the democratic party is
the most effective Instrument for the bringing
about those needed reforms. He realizes that
the time for action is NOW. He realizes that
the democratic party is on trial, and that the
taost effective answer to criticism is' the getting
of RESULTS, while the opportunity for action
is at hand. Let there be no halt in this work.
Now is the most critical period in the life of
the democratic party. To continue its groat
work the democratic party must have a good
working majority in the next congress. There
will be an election in every stato this year for
members of congress. In the present congress
there are 281 democrats and 144 republicans.
A change of but 74 members in the house would
give the republicans control of that body.
The way to indorse President Wilson's great
work is to make the 64th congress democratic.
The 1914 elections "will tell the story. The his
tory of our politics shows that the control of
the lower house is easily shifted, and that only
twice during the past ten years have the demo
crats obtained control. The election of two suc
ceeding democratic congresses is a c'ganttc task,
and should enlist the services of every earnest
democrat In every congressional' district of the
country from now until election.
The Imperative need of the hour is to make
every voter realize the importance of the out
come of this year's elections. If you favor the
continuation of the splendid work already ac
complished by this administration, it is your
duty to lend your hand In the work of a cam
paign of education in your district. The people
must know what the democratic party is doing;
the people must know what it is going to do.
This can beBt be accomplished by the circulation
of democratic literature.
The Commoner has started a movement in this
direction by making a special congressional cam
paign rate of 60 cents in clubs of five or more,
which is as near cost as it can be safely esti
mated. Some readers have. already started this
work in -their precincts. . i
The Commoner will publish from month to
month a list of the names of those who are help
ing in this congressional campaign, together
with the number of subscriptions sent in or the
amount contributed. The publication of these
names is for the purposo of letting democrats
throughout the country know what is bo'ng done
in other sections of thd country in the way of
placing democratic literature In the hands of
voters and also to give proper credit to those
who are co-operating with Tho Commoner to
bring about the election of a democratic con
gress. Subscription cards, each good for one year's
subscription to The Commoner, will be furnished
in lots of five or more at the rate of $3 per lot.
This places the yearly subscription rate at 60c.
Anyone ordering subscription cards may sell
them for $1 each, tho regular subscription price,
thus earning a commission of $2 on each lot of
five sold, or he may sell them at the cost of 60c
each and find compensation in tho fact that he
has contributed to the efforts being made to
elect a democratic congress this fall. These
cards may be pa'd for when ordered or remit
tance may be made as they are .old.
Two pledges are printed below for the con
venience of those who are willing to assist in the
coming contest. One pledge is for those who
will make an effort to place The Commoner in
the hands of several acquaintances. The other
pledge is for tho convenience of those who are
not in a position to secure subscribers from
among their acquaintances, but who are willing
to contribute a sum for the placing in the hands
of voters Tho Commoner for tho coming-twelve
months. Kindly fill out the pledge that meets
with your approval and send It to The Commoner
at once.
Publisher Commoner: Believing that the way to endorse President
Wilson's administration is to elect a democratic congress in 1914; and
believing that The Commoner placed in the hands of worthy democrats
and the Independent voters will materially assist in the election of a
democratic congress as an approval of the administration of President
Wilson, I request that you send me the subscription cards indicated
below and I pledge myself to use my utmost endeayor to sell .the cards
and will remit for them at the Congressional Campaign Special; Rate of
60 cents each. .
w (-..
i, --
Box or St: No . . ; :V. .,...-. .. .'. : ;.!.?; ; . . . ;
p. O i . State. . T
Indicate the number of cards wanted by marking X op
posite one of the numbers printed at the end. of this blank.
If you are willing to assist The Commoner In the educational and or
ganization work to bring about a congiessional victory, fill out the above
coupon and mall it to THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb.
' w
Publisher Commoner: Desiring to assist in upholding the hands of
President Wilson's administration, and believing that circulating The
Commoner as current campaign literature in close congressional dis
tricts will materially aid in bringing, about the. election of .the
democratic candidates, I hereby agree to contribute the amount indi
cated below, the same to be used in sending The Commoner at the
special rate of 60c per year to persons in my county or district or in
another state or district, as I may designate later.
Nam . " ' --.
Box or St. No .;...: ;
$1.00 1
$25.00 J
P. O State.
Indicate theamoui-t you are willing to contribute by
marking X opposite the figure printed on the end of
this blank.
The amount pledged above may be sent In with the pledge, or it may
bo paid anytime within 60 days. This pledge is not negotiable, and
collection of it will not be forced. Kindly fill in the pledge and mall
at once to THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb.
E. J. Tair, - ilton, Pa. The new monthly
Commoner is a very nice plan. It comes to my
address just like my Uncle Madison and Aunt
Catharine used to come to our house when-1 was
a ,0y a welcome visitor and we were always
glad to see them. The paper is full of good
things that you do not get in any other paper.
I wish you all success.
Mr. J. M. Davis, Sterling, Colo. Herewith"
find my check for $5.40 to pay for the enclosed
list of nine yearly subscriptions to The Com
moner at your special clubbing rate of (TO cents
each. I have been a subscriber to The Commoner
ever since tho first issue. Mr. Bryan deserves
credit for the great fight he has made for. re
forms. He kept on fighting and it must be satis
fying to him to know that everyone has come to
see the true lls,t even tho strongest republi
cans. I am perfectly satisfied with President
Wilson and Mr. Bryan at the helm. I know the
common people will get a square deal from them.
. A. J. Ellas, Buffalo, N. Y. Enclosed find my
check for . -.00 for which you will please send
The Commoner for one year to tho names here
with, who are not now Commoner subscribers.
Andrew Carnegie's effort to start a boom for
Senator Elihu Root as a republican candidate
for president fell flat. In Uk- interest of history
it might be added that this was not entirely due
to the refUEal of Mr. Root to allow his name to
be used. A ver. lively recollection Is entertained
by the people of the Identity of the lawyer who
built the legal foundations for the big trusts.
It is hinted very broadly that if Colonel
Roosevelt is given the republican nomination for
president in 1916 ho will make the race for
president as a candidate of that organization.
Meanwhile r e progressive national organization
is planning to place its own candidates in nomi
nation for congress and for state officers this
year, and otherwise displaying no evidence of
being aware of any republican party. Here is a
political puzzle that even Senator Cummins doefc
not attempt to solve.
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