The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, January 01, 1914, Page 23, Image 23

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The Commoner
JA2TOAEY, 1914
nBInrrUanVrlrwa. Hvd.iurtkm
ratoed, pure-bred, of finest piurago. Fowte.
eggs rbu incuotivuni i iuwbiv tnicw. nvi
Boa ltu Annual GatalegRndPoultry Book.
tF. w., wx mi ah?cat,mikh
Make Homo Cosy
LAMP will add to tlio com
fort and enjoyment of long
winter cvcnlncs. 400 candlo
power! No wioka to trim, no
chimneys to clean. No smoke,
smell or dirt- Cheaper than
kerosene, better than gaa or
electricity. Write for circulars.
American Gas Machine Co.,
364 Clark Bt., Albert Lea, MUn.
Griswold'a BEAUTY"
Fall Bearing Strawberry
Everbearing Raspberry.
Both are vijro rows grow
ers: yield early excellent
in flavor $rood keepers
picked. Write f orcatnloE
and details o f crcat oiler.
Qrisvrold Seed Company
242 So.' 10th St.
Liacola' Nebraska
rBraraEsNa" i 'flrKraM
ft i
;Cairry . ,
This Pen
In Your
LIST of places you tovld .carry, a
Jack KniFe Safety Peri without
' fear of its leaking:
t InlyoUrl trouiirt potht. Iwyour
t taUar,ibbx.' -Upildr down in your o
xahlt veit pocket, tn your thane,
' pocket. In your crip. Behind your
tar. In your hat. In your clear ttt
tate. In the envelope with your
rlrVi Utter. Etc.. etc.. ad lib.
For this pen in any pocket, in any
position, refutes to leak.
Writeslikeabreezcl Getoneon
trial from your dealer." Return it any
time within 10 days if you find a place
it will leak in. We authorize dealer
to refund. Prices, $2.50 up.
I f your dealer ddcsn' t keep Parkers,
write us today for catalog.
CO Mill St. Jaaeavillo, Wis.
Jack Knife Safety
loses its sugar rapidly, and to be en
joyed at its best must be taken di
rect from the garden. A borne gar
den, for the city dweller, for the
suburban or town resident, has so
many advantages that it is hard to
understand Why everybody don't have
a garden of some kind. Aside from
Its advantages in sunnlying the fam
ily with a variety of healthful foods
during a long season, a good garden
contributes to the health and morals
of every person who acquires a love
for the work. It takes qualities of
thrift and persistence of purpose to
make a good gardener, qualities that
are needed to make a success of any
business, and if you are lacking in
these a good garden will help to
train you. A good gardener learns
to plan ahead and is forever looking
ahead to the rich promises of nature.
He knows froiri experience that na
ture rewards all his efforts abundant
ly. If you hayen't the garden habit,
get it this year. Make plans now.
You. may not succeed just as you ex
pect this, year. m Next year you will
know how to plan better. Keep at
it a few years and you will never
give it up, for it, will become a part
of your nature. A good start in this
direction is to get the catalogues of
the seedsmen, and take advantage of
the many helps they contain. Some
of these advertisers may be found in
this issue vf The Commoner. It will
pay you to look them up.
$10,000,000 A Year
Wasted On Trusses
Wrong to Buy Anything for Rupture
Without Getting Sixty Days Trial
A c onservatlve estimate shows that nearly ten million dol
lars a year In this" country alone 5s practically wasted on
worthless rupture appliances all because people- trust to a
mcei try-on Instead of making a thorough test.
It is well ' to know how organic
matter from plants and animals is
converted into food for plants, says
Farm and Ranch. Everyone is
familiar with the odor of fermenting
manure. This Is a eood example of
I Hi a nrocess of -nitrification -which
Changes organic matter into avau-
nhlVv rlnnf.' food. Certain bacteria
.attlaclc the1 manure and convert it
into ammonia, wbich gas has the foul
smell. Other bacteria convert the
ammonia into nitrous acids or ni
trites, which are 'further transformed
into nitric acid' or nitrates by other
bacteria. In the form of nitrates
this is soluble in water and is
renrtllv takcri tin by plants. This
same process is constantly taking
place in the soil. Leaves, stalks or
other organic matter in the soil pass
through this process called nitrifica
tion, a portion being transformed
into nitrates and a larger portion
being broken down into mold called
humus. After the nitrates are used
by the plants and the plants build up
their tissues, produce and die they
go back through the same process
and thus the cycle in nature con
tinues so long as man is wise enough
to permit it. But when he gathers,
sells off and burns nature is defeated
in her plan of maintaining fertility
and feeding man and animals.
ures. His hens gave him 120 eggs
each a year, twenty of which he paid
to tho owner; the rest brought 30
cents a dozen; including the owner's
$200 ho received $1,000 from his
400 hens. His two cows gave almost
300 pounds of butter fat each. His
400 fruit trees were worth to him
more than 40 cents each, not, a year.
His garden was heavily manured and
gave great returns and tho general
conditions of his land were constant
ly improving. There are thousands
of such plots lying adjacent to our
cities, many of them aro handled by
people "short" on their management,
yet there are thousands of farm boys
who could make a success of this
work who rush to the cities with the
idea that a $1,000 a year job is a
munificent salary. Tho result is that
city dwellers suffer because of these
undeveloped resources right at their
very doors.
Away With tec-Strap
and Spring Trusses
Sofaraswe know, our guaran
teed rupture holder Is the only
thins of any kind for,xupturethat
you can get on 60 days trial the
only thing we know 01 rj o u a
cnoughto stand such a long and
thorough test. It's the famous
Cluthe Automatic Massaging
ft IUa3 lUKut " Mfcwiwcijr
new principle uas iBpaieniemeaiurcs. sen-adjusting, uoesa
way with the misery ol wearing helts, leg-straps and springs.
Guaranteed to hold at all times including when you are
working, taking a bath, etc. Has cured in case alter case that
seemed hopeless.
Writs- for Free Kook or Adrltf Cloth-bound. 1M pages.
Explains the dangers of operation. Shews Just what's wrong
with clastic and spring trusses, and why drugstores should
no more be allowed to fit truss rtlian to perform operations.
Exposes the humbugs shows how old-fashioned worthless
trusses are sold under false and misleading names. Tells all
abeut the care and attention we give you. Endorsements
from oyer 5000 people; Including physicians. Write to-day
find out how you can prove every word we say by making a
10 day test without risking a penny.
Bex 771Cluths Co., 125 E.23rd St., New York City
Small farms have great value
when near large cities and under
proper management. This does not
follow that anyone can go out and
take up this kind' of work and make
a success of it simply because he has
the best markets right at his own
doors, but there are many of just
such opportunities open to men who
can do just common, everyday farm
work. The owner of a twenty-four
acre1 farm near Providence, Rhode
Island, leases it for $18 an acre, or
4 per cent on $10,000. The tenant
agrees to bring to the owner eggs to
the value of $200 and garden vege
tables to the value of a little more.
The owner lives in the city and these
are as good as cash. The manage
ment was not unusual and the prices
were not high. His greatest asset
was the ability to do the most com
mon farm work in a sane, common
sense manner. And here are his fig-
There is no combination of feeds
so economical for tho "production of
beef, pork, butter and 'eggs, and for
growing animals as corn and alfalfa,
according to Prof. Holden. Neither
will give the best results alone. We
need alfalfa because it balances up
the' corn ration and saves the largo
waste, of starch which always takes
Milk YMIhl Stf Ciii jEMS
ypt ffw a fall Hse of VeettW uA
flower seeds, Mewefie MireM,
Ree. pereaniaw, inn
Ornamental Trees. Beet irO0 Mii ta
duality only. Law Mf . . yw ne m
price, iryo
have had
with Rowers, ttt
our free expert advice.
We can help yob. Ifhitnln4
largo Uaniea Hook free, en maesC
torn xeroriH & in mm
(Carl Seedereifer)
401 German Bkfc. Beatrice. Neb.
OwnJA IBrahchS Agency!
(iHOrTIMI lit AI.1K8H. As branch owner you Airto'.utelr
control ,a!l of the business In your field on six excluslre
specialties of sterling worth- just the same as though you
owned the patents and had your own factory. Youton
duct Hie business entirety in your own name and reap tne
benefit of repeat orders and growing demand. One day's
profit! ollcn equal ne enure investment required to cttti"
Mill you In thr iiuslnes.
County rishts on these modern utilities are worth hundreds'
i4 dollais but are given you nee ol cliaiec, by
legal, biiidinir contract, a soon a you begin
dullness. Write for sample contract for jour
ounty, If not lredr taken. AnVre
Hiiw&ii.i nrti.itiiii in,
fAkr fllre.t, Hariri. Mlcip'ri
FOR SIX MONTHS. It Is worth SXO a eopy to rtny one
inUndlnc to Invcit any monty. howsrtr small, who lias In
teated nionoy unprofitable or who can st J&.fiO or more pr
month, hut who luuu't Uarnsd tin art of Invtttlng lor profit.
It dmonitrsUs the real arnlnr power uf monty, tfc kaowl
ed(e financiers and hanktrs hide from the masres. It rereale
tho enormous profile laukere jnke and shows how to make the
tine prnflle. It explains hew ituprndoas fortenes are made
and why made, how l,fXW grows to IW.000. To Introdnee my
macaxfne, write uie new. Ill send Iteu months absolutely FREE,
H. L BABIER, Pub. 474, M". J"!"" W., CHICM0, ILL.
r . .eT, Jf m3Ai WeW
Six Handy Tools in One
The CROCODILE WltElVCH is drop forged from tho finest tool steel and
scientifically tempered. Every wrench tyuaranteed against breakage. It is
8 inches long and weighs ten ounces. A pipe wrench, a nut wrench, a
screw driver and three dies for cleanl ng up and re-threadini? rusted and
battered threads; also for cutting new threads on blank bolts. Dies will fit
all bolts ufeed on standard farm machinery. Teeth and dies arc case-hardened
in bone-black, making them hard and keen. The dies on this wrench
alone" would cost $1.00, and would bo worth moro than that to every fanner,
as tMey would often save valuable time, besides an extra trip to town for
One of these wrenches will bo sent prepaid to any address, without extra
cost, incombination with a year's subscription to both The Commoner and
The American Homestead at $1.25. Send $1.25 today and make remittance
payable to TIIE COMMONER, Lincoln, .Neb.
$60 A WEEK and Expenses
That's the mosey yoa should get tilts year. I mean It I want
men or women who bo!Ieo In the square deal, who will ro into
Ir foldlne uata T
problem. Hoplumbinr, no waterworks required,
perience needed. My folding liath
small roll, handy as an umbrella.
listen! I wsat TOO to handle your ecuutr.
236 Vane SL, Toledo, 0.
ub has taken the country
Full length bath In any room, roias la
1 1 II you It's xreatl GREAT! Rivals $109 bath reosa. Kow
r ecuiilr. I'll furnish demomtratinr tub oa liberal visa.
I'm positive abeolately certain you can get bigger nosey la a week
wiia tne tnan you ever maae in a-monia Deiore i asuw m
Two Sates a Day $30O m Month
That's what yon should get every month. Needed la every heme,
badly wanted, eagerly bought. Modern bathing facilities for all the
people. Take the orders right and left. Quick sales, Immejise proSU.
took at these men. Smith, Ohio, got 18 orders first week;Kejers,
Wise . 2.V profit first month J Newtori, California. fin three days.
You should do as well. 2 SALES A DAY JJEANS $300 A KOnTlI. The
sVtQikJjtij easy, jlcosaat, permanent, fascinating. It means a
v posiaess or. jour own.
Utile capital
Heeded. I graat cre
dit Help too out
Back too no Don't doubt
Don't hesitate Don't hoW back
Yon cannot lom. Hv other tne are
bnDdlnr boosts bank seeoanLf. eo caa TOU.
Act then quick, SEND UO HOXET Jott aaaie est
runny post eart for iree tub offer. H stlet
SaiiiaaiiJ ar
BpHIBV .dsOHiiiHHirBrrBrBrBrBrl
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