. The Commoner JANUARY, 1914 19 FrS a dish of some kind of cereal, is a poor foundation for the beginning of the business of the day, whatever its character. Many children, naturally bright and active, are classed with the stupid, when they are only poorly nourished. The brain-worker, as well as the physical laborer, cannot possibly do justice to themselves, or to. their tasks, without proper foods to begin the day on. A little fruit or coarse, fibrous food, or a bit of whole wheat bread, is a better laxative then cathartic medicines, and will leave no bad after effect. All children crae sour foods in some form, but a pickle is not to be advised. Sour fruits are far more digestible and palatable, and at the same time harmless. Woman's Inhumanity to Herself When we think of the habits of many women in regard to their mealr, we should not be surprised to know that they are always worn out and feeling "draggy." Many a wo man does not eat at all at noon un less some one drops in to eat with her. If she is alone, she will either not eat at all, or just take a cup of tea and a crust, or whatever comes handy. Too much can not bo said in favor of regular meals, and the "meal" should be something sub stantial not a sip and a bite as she passes by. Very few housewives are kind enough to themselves to feed their bodies properly at the break fast table, and thus they take up the duties of the day with a practically empty stomach, and thq noon luncheon is always a "pick-up;" when night comes, they are so Tvorn "that they do not eat enough, or eat too rapidly, or of unsuitable food, "nervous exhaustion" is much of the time only the result of a starved stomach. This is too often what "light housekeeping" amounts to where the woman or girl lives alone. Starved stomachs are responsible for starved, nerves, and there is no end to the trouble a set of starved nerves can bring about. THE MODERN MISSIONARY The philosophy of Kipling that "West is West and East is East and never the twain shall meet" was chal lenged in the news of yesterday. In St. Louis Archbishop Harty, speak ing of his experience in the Philip pines, said ho felt "as if in a cate chism class, so earnest and anxious were the natives to learn about Christianity." Ai.J in Kansas City, addressing the student volunteer con vention, Dr. Kato of Japan told of conditions in his country; how "the old faiths are losing their hold, but as yet nothing has taken their place." From Latin America came a similar message, voiced by Dr. Speer and Bishop -Kinsolving, emphasizing the needs of more missionaries there. As laymen we may not fully share the religious enthusiasm of him who wears the chasuble or of him who carries the cross into pagan lands; but the practical point of this strik ing array of testimony adduced, with out design, by the day's news is the tremendous fact that the world, humanly speaking, is a very small place; that the problems of the brown man and the yellow man are about the same as those of the white man, and are solved, or may be solved, by the same agencies. What, then, is our duty? Our missionaries make answer. In the same way the enlightened stranger, like Dr. Kato of Japan, re plies. They tell us that the fellow in Tokio or Manila or Rio Janeiro is much the same sort of chap as we here in St, Louis. He has ihe same desires, the , same needs, the same measure of strength, the samo weak ness, the samo kind of fight to make. He knows the same joy at victory, the same remorse at defeat. In short, wo are all members of God's great family, and if one branch of the house has discovered a bettor way of living it is incumbent upon it, for the honor of the name of manhood, to give the other members of the family the benefit of our knowledge. The modern American missionary is not solely concerned- with substi tuting o'he ritual for another. That change is necessary and justifiable because of the changes that accom pany it the cleaner, higher, more hopeful ways of living, thinking and being. A 'religion muBt be judged by what it doos for its followers in the very practical business of everyday . life. In the acid test of comparison Chris tianity comes out with colors flying as high and bright as the stars. It is on that proposition, and that it is aB practicable in the east as in the west, that the Amer'can missionary asks for our support. St. .Louis Republic. THE ATTACK ON METCALFE Springfield, Mass., Republican: The moment T.ichard L. Metcalfe, former associate editor of the Com moner, vas made a member of the Panama canal commission he became a target of widespread attack. Ho had incurred all of the enmities long felt toward Mir. Bryan. To slam Metcalfe became rather fashionable in Philadelphia, New York and Boston. Now he vas introducing the spoils system on the isthmus; now he was maliciously thwarting Col. Goethals in his great work. But Col. Goethals has lately written a letter that affoids Mr. Metcalfe sweet vengeance. He testifies how friendly and helpful Mr. Metcalfe has been. But, most devilishly ein- Write for "Betty" That's the name of the beautiful girl on the W VprrfYM wnmi Mlfl Tu I1U.J mm? 1914 Calendar (Size, 13 X 12 Incbei) Send your name and address and a 2c tamp (it pays part of the postage) and we'll send you Free and poupaM thU beautifully Iltbo craphed and perfect reproduc tion of tie oil painting D:uy."palnlc! especially for ui. 1914 calendar ii attached. r FREE Coca-Cola booklet endoted. THfc COCA-COLA CO. Atlanta, G. ' barrasslng is tho revelation that to Mr. Metcalfe is due the exposure of the graft in the case cf Mr. Burke, the buyer for the canal commissary department. It is too bad the knock ing of Metcalfe should end in this way. Tho man is really a useful public ofilcial which is quite in tolerable. Cannot Col. Goethals be reprimanded for speaking well of him? The mill consumption of cotton in the United States for 1913 was the largest in the history of tho country. 'The value of con goods of domestic I manufacture exported was greater than for any previous year. a am i ii ii' t ra Freight Prepaid Free Trial 30 Days Guaranteed 25 Years No References $175 is the price of our lowest priced piano. $325 is the price of our highest priced piano. We have other pianos that we sell at prices between $1 75 and $325. No matter which you buy you save from $100 to $175 in the pur chase of a high grade, sweet-toned piano and our terms are the same to all. A small payment down and a few dollars a month or if you prefer to make payments semi-annually or annually, we will be glad to Icl you try any piano you may select FREE for 30 days at absolutely no expense to you. If it does not please you in every way send it back to ub at our expense. This offer is made to you, readers of The Commoner, and we do not believe an offer more cquare or fair can be made. Fill in the attached coupon and mail to us today and we will send to you at once a letter ?' frilly describing our plan, also our beautifully illustrated catalogue of SCHMOLLER & ' ,. ' MUELLKR SWEET-TONED PIANOS sold at FACTORY -TO HQME PRICES. W mmmmmmmmmmmMVS39mfmmm0i9mmmWpOmmm KH mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmSttSm.mnttsOmmmVUmmMmWmKmTm JiiKiiH m3fBmmwTinS$V!m fokkHHMHBkHMlkkkkHn?.ikM ''zmmmmmmmmWEkmmLWfmmmWnkmWmJlmmmW WmWSSWLWKWLm SCHMOLLER & PIANO CO CAPITAL AND SURPLUS OVER $1,000,000 MPAN MUELLER Y Established 1859 DEPARTMENT T. C. 41 OMAHA, NEBRASKA SCHMOLLER & 3MUJ3LLE11 :IAN0 CO., Dept. T. 0. 41, Omaha, Neb. Gentlemen: Please send me all information re garding your plan. ' . ' Name ." Address , . . . '...,.....,;... -o