The Commoner 14 Bk. Ul lV l.4 ' 1 with knowlodgo of Biich Jmpondfnj? failure, shall ho llablo to the sumc oxtont as If they had made no such transfer, to the extent that the sub sequent transferee falls to meet such liability; but this provision shall not bo construed to affoct in any way any recourse which such shareholders might otherwiso have against those in whoso names such shares are reg istered at tho tlmo of such failure. LOANS ON FARM LANDS Sec. 21. Any national banking association not situated in a central rosorvo city may make loans secured by improved and unencumbered farm land, sltuatod within its Federal ro sorvo district, but no such loan shall bo madq for a longer tlmo than five years; nor for an amount exceeding llfty por contum of tho actual value of tho property offered as security. Any such bank may make such loans in an aggregate sum equal to twonty fivo por contum of its capital and sur plus or to one-third of its time de posits and such banks may continue hereafter as heretofore to receive timo deposits and to pay interest on tho sanio. Tho Foderal Reserve Board shall have powor from tlmo to timo to add to tho list of cities hi which national banks shall not be permitted to mako loans sdcurod upon real estate in the manner described in this section. FOREIGN BRANCHES Sec. 25. Any national banking as sociation possessing a capital ana sur plus of $1, 000, 000 or moro may iilo application with tho Foderal Reserve Board, upon such conditions and under such regulations as may be proscribed by tho said board, for the purpose of securing authority to establish branchos in foreign coun tries or dependencies of tho United States for tho furtherance of the foreign commerce of tho United States, and to act, if roquired to do so, as fiscal agonts of tho Unitod States. Such application shall specify, jh1 addition to tho namo and capital ,of the banking association filing it, the place or placos whero tho bank ing oporatioiiB proposed are to bo carried on, and tho amount of capital act ' asido for tho conduct of its toroign businoss. Tho Federal Ro sorvo Board shall have powor to ap prove or to roject such application if, In' Its judgment, the amount of cap ital proposed to bo sot asido for the conduct of foroign business is in adequate, or if for other reasons tho granting of such application is deemed inexpedient. 1 Every national banking association which shall rocoivo authority to es tablish foroign branches shall be re quired at all times to furnish infor mation cone "ijng the condition of such branchou to tho Comptroller of tho Currency upon demand, and the Fodoral Rosorvo Board may order spe cial examinations of the said foreign branches at such timo or times as it may deem best. Every such national banking association shall conduct the accounts of each foreign branch inde pendently of - 'S accounts of other foroign branchos established by it and of its homo olllce, and shall at the ond of each fiscal period transfer to its gonoral ledger tho profit or loss accruing at each branch as a separate item. Sec. 2G. All provisions of law in consistent with or superseded by anv of the provisions of this Act are tb that oxtont and to that extent only hereby repealed: Providod, Nothing in this Act contained shall be con strued to ropoal the parity provision or provisions contained in an Act ap proved March fourteenth, nineteen hundred entitled "An Act to define and fix tho standard of value to maintain tho parity of all form's of money issued or coined by the United States, to refund the public debt, and for other purposes," and tho Secre tary of tho Treasury may for the pur pose of maintaining such parity and to strengthen tho gold reserve, borrow gold on the security of United States bonds authorized by section two of the Act last referred to or for one-year gold notes bearing interest at a rate of not to exceed three per centum por annum, or sell the same if necessary to obtain gold. When tho funds of the Treasury on hand Justify, ho may purchase and retire such outstanding bonds and notes. Sec. 27. The provisions of tho Act of May thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight, authorizing national cur rency associations, the issub of addi tional national-bank circulation, and creating a National Monetary Com mission, which expires by limitation under tho terms of such Act on the thirtieth day of June, nineteen hun dred and fourteen, aro hereby ex tended to Juno thirtieth, nineteen hundred and fifteen, and sections flfty-ono hundred and fifty-three, ilfty-ono hundred and seventy-two, flfty-ono hundred and ninety one, and fifty-two' hundred and fourteen of the Revised Statutes of tho United States, which were amended by the Act of May thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight, aro hereby reenacted to read as such sections read prior to May thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight, subject to such amendments or modifications as aro prescribed in this Act: Provided, however, That section nino of tho Act first referred to in this section is hereby amended so as to chango tho tax rates fixed in said Act by making ihe portion ap plicablo thereto read as follows: National banking associations hav ing circulating notes secured othe'' wise than by bonds of the United States, shall pay for tho first three months a tax at the rate of three per centum per annum upon the average amount of sue of their notes in cir culation as ai based upon the de posit of such securities, and after wards n additional, tax rate of one half of one por centum for each month until a tax of six per centum is reached, and thereafter such tax of sly per centum por annum upon tlv iM'age amou :t of such nolcp. Sec. 28. Section Jifty-one hun dred .and forty-ihvee of tho Revised Statutes is hereby siuiendGcl nd re enacted to read as follows: Any as sociation formed under this title may, by tho vote of shareholders .owning two-thirds of its capital stock, veduco its capital to any sum not below the amount required by this title to au thorize the formation of associations; but no such reduction shall be allow able which will reduce the capital of the association below the amount re quired for its outstanding circulation, nor shall any reduction be made until the amount of tho proposed reduc tion has been reported to tho Comp troller of the Currency and such re duction has been approved by tho said Comptroller of tho' Currency and by the Federal Reserve Board, or by tho organization committee pending the organization of the Federal Re serve Board. Sec. 29. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, or part of this Act shall for any reason Ire adjudged by any com. t of competent jurisdiction o bo inval.d, such judgment shall not af fect, impair, or invalidate tho re mainder of this A.t, but shall be con fined in its operation to the clause, sentence, paragraph, or part thereof directly involved in tho controvert in which such judgment shail have beon renderd. Sec. 30. Tho right to amend, alter or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. LTublic Document No.. 43 C3d Congress H. R, 7837. - , , The Administration Currency Bill Becomes a Law The Owen-Glass currency measure, known as the administration currency bill, became a law on its approval and signing by President Wilson, De cember 23, 1913. The final stage of its enactment was reached in the senate December 19, when it passed that body by a vote of 54 to 34. Every democrat present voted for it. Seven republi cans and progressives Senators Crawford and Sterling of South Da kota, Norris of Nebraska, Jones and Poindexter of Washington, Perkins of California, and Weeks of Massa chusetts voted for the bill. Previous to the passage of the bill, Senator Hitchcock, the only democrat who stood out against the admin istration currency bill, offered the substitute measure drafted by the re publican members of the banking and currency committee. The Hitchcock republican substitute bill was de feated by a vote of 43 to 41. The final moments of the bill's con sideration were enlivened by tho un expected presentation of two amend ments by Senator La Follette. His proposal forbidding interlocking di rectorates either with banks or in surance companies Was rejected by a vote of 30 to 51. Another amend ment by Senator LaFollette, forbid ding members of congress from be coming members of the federal re serve bank, directors of the regional reserve banks or officers or directors of member banks, was acccptel with out a roll call. Vice President Marshall named the following conferees: Senators Owen of Oklahoma, O'Gorman of New York, Reed of Missouri, Pomerene of Ohio, Shafroth of Colorado, and Hollis of New Hampshire, democrats; Senators Nelson of Minnesota, Bris tow of Kansas and Crawford of South Dakota, republicans. The house conferees were: Mr. Glass of Virginia, chairman of the committee on banking and currency, and Mr. Kerbly of Indiana, demo crats, and. Mr. Hayes of California, republican. The house of representatives, by a vote of 298 to 60, adoited the con ference agreement shortly before 11 p. m., December 22. Only two demo crats, Calloway of Texas, and With erspoon of Mississippi, voted against the adoption of tho conference agree ment, while 49 republicans and pro gressives voted for it. It was not until the small hours of the morning of December 22, hat the democratic senators and representa tives of the conference committee, after an all-night session, harmonized their differences and drafted the bill in its final shape. The conference re port was submitted to the house at 6 p. m., and the time taken up until its final acceptance was devoted the reading of the text of the conference form of the bill and a debate which lasted over two hours, and aftev the agreement of the conferees was con firmed it was hurried to the senate, which had previously agreed to merely receive it and then adjourned until December 23. The senate approved the confer once report December 23 by a vote of 43 to 25. The bill was then signed by the vice president and speaker of tho house and sent to the president for his signature. SIGNING 01? THE BILL BY PRESI DENT WILSON- The Associated Press dispatches from Washington, dated December 23, contain the following story of the signing of the bill: r President Wilson signed the Glass-Owen currency bill at 6:01 o'clock tonight in the presence of members of his cabinet, the congres sional committees on banking and currency and democratic leaders in congress generally. With a few strokes of the pen the president con verted into law the measure to be known as the federal reserve act, re organizing the nation's banking and currency system, and furnishing, in the words of the president, "the ma chinery for free and elastic and un controlled credits put at -the disposal of the merchants and manufacturers of this country for the first time in fifty years." An enthusiastic applause ran through the ceremony, not only as the president affixed his .signature, but as he delivered an extempora neous speech characterizing the de sire of the administration -to take common counsel with the business men of the country and the latter's efforts to meet the government's ad vances as "the constitution of peace." The event came at the close of a day of rejoicing in the national capital, for congress had recessed for two weeks for the first time since it convened last April. The democratic leaders were jubilant because they had completed two big pieces of legis lation the tariff and the currency reform, in nine months a perform ance which they consider unprece dented in the history of the country. The scene at the signing of the' measure was not unlike that which attended the completion of the tariff law. The conference report on the bill which passed tho house last night by an overwhelming vote was like wise adopted by the senate this after noon by a vote of 43 to 25, republi cans voting again with the demo crats. The engrossed bill, with the signatures of the vice president and the speaker of the house, was finally brought to the white house shortly before 5 o'clock. By 6 o'clock, the hour set for the ceremony, Speaker Clark, Represent ative Underwood, Senator Owen and Representative Glass, Secretaries Mc Adoo, Garrison, Daniels, Lane and Wilson and Pcjtmastor General Burleson were grouped around the president's desk, and in front of him crowded members of congress and" many government officials. -The group also included Mrs. Wilson and her daughters, Miss McAdoo and Mrs.' Owen. There was an atmosphere of joyousness rather than solemnity ap parent. The president inquired if. Senator James had come. The husky form of the Kentucky senator ap peared from behind the crowd and some one remarked: "A majority of tho sennin bn nrnv - .. . " .tvr." arrivea. i, - Four gold pens were used by the president in writing the bill into law. He wrote the words "23 December, 1913. annrovfirl." wit'i ,, .,.i 1 three pens in writing "Woodrow Wilson," splitting the first name into syllables. The last three pens he presented to Senator Owen, Repre sentative Glass and Secretary Mc Adoo. co-authnvH nf , The president answered the curiosity . u. ,owu as to uie disposition of the fourth with the laughing remark: xus is tne 4U per cent goll -reserve." n.ter jt developed that Senator Chilton Of West VlrHnin h,i .7 a gold pen of his own to be used in writing the date of the law. Tu 4 Fjpc muQ i t iin... Ti 4$