V " w &&- The Commoner DECEMBER, 1913 5 isr "jSrurF W" Senator Shafroth on Gold Reserve In a speech delivered In the U. S. Benate In discussing Senator Hitchcock's amendment to the administration currency bill Senator Shaf roth said: Senator HItchocock's amendment to the hill provides that no less than 33 1-3 per cent of gold shall be kept as a reserve and that the amount ordinarily to be kept shall be 45 per cent, with a permit to let the reserve be depleted to 33 1-3 per cent upon there being paid an Interest charge of 1 per cent on each 2 1-2 per cent ex haustion of the gold reservev In other words, under normal conditions the reserve" required under the Hitchcock amendment will be 45 per cent In gold, and the amount required according to the house bill and the Owen amendment will bo 33 1-3 per cent. In most of the issue banks of Europe there Is no minimum reservo required. The Bank of France, while it usually holds a very large re servo in gold, has no minimum fixed by law. The Reichsbank of Germany prescribes that a reserve of 33 1-3 per cent shall bojnaintained in gold. The Bak of Belgium maintains a gold re servo of 19 per cent. STRAIN ON GOLD The result of requiring the maintenance of a very large gold reserve will be to produce in creased demands for gold; and as gold is the international money of the world, any increase by one nation necessarily makes the struggle for gold which is now going on a little more severe. The flow of gold to or from a country is regu lated by the banks of issue of the various coun tries raising or lowering the rate of discount. In order to attract gold the bank of issue of a European country will raisi the .te of discount; that is, raise the rate of interest which the banks charge. That, tempts money from other coun tries to make investments at the higher rate of interest, and therefore brings the money with which to pay for such securities; and as inter national balances must bo paid in gold, the trans action tlioroCoro brings gold to the country that raises the rate of discount. The other nations that have lost gold by that process must, in order to get It back, raise their rate of discount, a little higher. Thus this see Baw in raising the interest rates with the ob ject of attracting gold continues until interest rates become very high. This competition and raising the rate of discount among the various nations of the world ta get more gold is counter acted only when enterprises that are contem plated are confronted with a rate of interest too high to make such enterprises profitable, and thus a less demand sets In for money, whieh, according to the principle of supply and demand, effects the lowering of the rate of interest. HIGH DISCOUNT RATE PRODUCES STAGNATION When the rate of discount gets high through out the world it generally produces stagnation in business, commerce, and enterprise. Conse quently, the least strain upon gold that can safe ly be made and yet maintain the gold standard comes nearest permitting business and enter prises to continue in a prosperous way. It is said that at the present time there is less gold in circulation in .proportion to the credits outstanding than ever existed at any other period in the history of the world. That means that there is more of a strain upon gold for reserve and redemption purposes In proportion to the business conducted than at any other time In the world's history. In the general policy, there fore, of relieving the strain on gold there is a tendency to let commerce thrive, while requir ing large reserves increases the strain on gold and thereby makes a depressing effect on busi ness and commerce. At the end of the first six -months of thp pres ent year the aggregate gold reserves of all-the principal banks and treasuries of the world amounted to $4,693,104,000. At the end of the first six months of the year 1911 the gold holdings of the yarious institu tions were $466,867,000 less than In 1913. Not withstanding this increase within the last two years in tho gold holdings of the treasuries and banks of the gold-standard nations, the great banks of issue assert that they have not gold enough and view with each other in raising their discount rates, so that .they may jealously pro tect their holdings. This struggle for gold among the nations of tho earth in tho last fifteen years has produoed great increases in tho rates of interest. At the close of tho nineteenth century tho dis count rate of the Bank of England remained normally in the vicinity of 2 to 2 1-2 per cent per annum, but has sinco been gradunlly climb ing to 4 per cent, which It reached in 1912; and recently the rate has gone still higher to 1 1-2 per cent, and later still to 5 per cent per annum. According to Mr. Paul Leroy-Beaulieu, an eminent French economist, the following ad vances in the rates of discount charged by the banks of issue of various countries have been made from June 30, 1911, to June 30, 1913: 1911 1913 Per ct. Per ct. Bank of France '......... 3 4 Bank of England , 3 4 & National Bank of Belgium 3 5 National Bank of Switzerland.. 3 5 Imperial Bank of Germany 4 6 Bank of Austro-Hungary 4 '6 National Bank of Denmark....;- 4 ,5 National Bank of Norway. ....: 4 Mr fJ V6 National Bank of Spain . 4 Vfc 4 Russian State Bank i 6 Bank of Issue of Italy 5 5 M- Bank of Japan 4.74 6 . 54 It can be readily seen from these extracts that the greater the gold reserves are made the greater the strain upon gold will become, nnd that the way to retain gold will be by increasing the rate of discount. This may bo very satis factory to the bankers, because they reap more profits when they lend out their money at a higher rate of interest, but it is not to tho in terest of the people who are compelled to pay the higher rate of interest fixed by banks of issue under the claim that they are trying to get more gold. A BOUQUET OF REFORMS After devoting space to each one of the larger reforms" the president groups a number of minor ones which he is not willing to pass by un noticed a sort of bouquet of remedial flowers, whose perfume is expected to draw forth a favor able response from the legislators. These remedial measures are as follows: "Three or four matters of special importance and significance I beg that you will permit me to mention in closing. "Our bureau of mines ought to bo equipped and empowered to render even more effectual service than it renders now in improving the conditions of mine labor and making the mines more economically productive as well as more safe. This is an all-important part of the work of conservation; and the conservation of human life and energy lies even nearer to our interest than the preservation from waste of cur ma terial resources. "We owe It, in mere justice to the railway em ployees of the country, to provide for them a fair and effective employers' liability act; and a law that we can stand by in this matter will be no less to the advantage of those who administer the railroads of the country than to tho advan tage of those whom they employ. The experience of a large number of the states abundantly proves that. "We ought to devote ourselves to meeting pressing demands of plain justice like this as earnestly as to the accomplishment of political and economic reforms. Social justice comes first. Law is the machinery for its realization and is vital only a3 it expresses and embodies It. "An international congress for the discussion of all questions that affect safety at sea is now sitting in London at the suggestion of our own government. So soon as the conclusions of that congress can be learned and considered we ought to address' ourselves, among other things, to the prompt alleviation of the very unsafe, unjust, and burdensome conditions which now surround tho employment of sailors and render It ex tremely difficult to obtain the services of spirited and competent men such as every ship needs if it is to be safely handled and brought to port." " W. J. BRYAN. nctual deliberations, after the democratic caucus had decreed its form. After which ho talked not to exceed sixty minutes. Copies of tho speech may bo secured during tho next campaign for tho republican nomination for president. GOOD WORDS Senator Cummins, who hopes to be the next republican nominee for president, told his fellow members that he hesitated to participate in the debate over the currency bill because he did not wish to give it, before the country, the color of Lee Rlddlo, Los Angeles, Cal. I wish to state that I havo been much pleased with tho course of "Tho Commoner." Tho domandB upon tho time of an active business man are so numoroufl as to make it almost impossible for him to got tho meat of what is going on In political life by moans of tho dally press. And bosldos, on ac count of factional interest, ono who desires tho truth and nothing hut the truth is discouraged by the loose methods of tho newspapers In re porting facts. But I find that, by means of "The Commoner," a holiday or Sabbath day at home enables me to get the truth relative to political questions and that from the pon of men who are broad and patriotic enough to uso as their bases correct moral and spiritual principles. I certainly am highly pleased with tho course which has boon pursued by our preiddont up to tho present time. If I understand him aright, ho is using his best endeavors to turn tho promises of the last platform into enactments of law and in this he has and will, in my judgment, continue to have the earnest and faithful sup port of every unselfish, honest member of his party, and will gradually seiMirc tho respect, confidence, and added support of all other con scientious, intelligent men. To aid him In this undertaking "The Commoner," In my judgment, is doing a great work and I hope that it may con tinue steadfast and faithful to the principles It now champions and to the cause of humanity ns now exemplified by Its columns. Patrick II. Dunn, Bangor, Maine. Enclosed please find check to renew my Commoner which I value among the highest periodicals coming to my notice away down here In Maine. Wo appre ciate tho valuable service It Is rendering to humanity nnd are prouder than ever of tho great Commoner and his associates at Washington In spite of the criticisms of those who would havo a nation deluged In blood for a money con sideration. Edward S. Corser, Minneapolis, Minn. I am very glad to evidence my continued approval of tho Commoner, and enclose a renewal subscrip tion. I am, however, fully aware that my loyal attachment to the publishers of the Commoner and my personal admiration of and loyalty to Mr. Bryan, are well known by both of you, and 1 could not give you any further and stronger assurance of this than you already possess. Tho hard work of the administration, which was certainly known and understood by our citizens who have average good sense, seems to have been very carefully scrutinized by the nation, and has a general and more than usual approval, with but few openly dissontlng. r Eternal vigi lance is needed to obtain control of the finances of the nation by the people, and I am Buro that the wisdom and high moral purpose of tho ad ministration has general appreciation and ap proval. To go as you are now and holding your selves unshaken to the level of the high purpose of tho administration, all will bo well with you. Editor The Commoner: I am highly elated, and exceedingly pleased with the change in The Commoner. It is a great inspiration to mo to read its contents and to know I am reading the truth of government affairs, although I am like tho young lady that was receiving tho atten tions of a young man. Sho was rather anxious to know when he would call again. Ho hesi tated a moment and asked how would five weeks do. She said It would do, but it looked liko ho never was coming again. So The Commoner, Seems to me a long tlmo coming, but when It does come I am well paid and rejoice in read ing it in every detail. I havo great confidence in the present administration to do things that will be an .everlasting blessing to mankind. I do know that tho light of a new day has dawned and I thank God we havo men now at tho head of this government that have the courage to do right. L. W. Beaman, Sterling, Tex, Editor The Commoner: I received your big monthly and highly esteemed Commoner all O. K., and must say it Is a hummer. It wa3 always good, but I esteem your monthly much raoro than the former stylo and predict success for it. Tho articles are more full, explicit and certainly convincing to the most skeptical, if fair minded. Vive La Commoner. William Dt Roop, Marion, Ind. ..1 ' 2t "'yA ,jfcitaat4fc .jfcjrtMM