The Coinmorier 2G VOL. 13, XO. 32 Gleaned From the Month's News THJ3 SUMMONS I m v- Sf h& Tho Now Jersey supremo court de cided as unconstitutional the law providing for tho sterilization of criminals. A now era of prosperity for the farmer as a result o the new tariff law was predicted by Secretary of tho Navy Daniels in a speech at the annual John Jay banquet of the Kansas City Commercial club. defense of the United States Shoe Machinery company in the federal dissolution suit. The law placing all Pennsylvania cities, except Philadelphia, Pitts burgh and Scranton, under commis sion government, went into effect De cember 1. The "Wilson policy" in opposition to "dollar diplomacy" was the key note of an addross by Secretary of j by a majority of the legislature aiato uryan oeioro tno credit men s At the November election Massa chusetts adopted a constitutional amendment authorizing a popular referendum on measures submitted association of Baltimore, November 20. He said the Panama canal would mdan a large development of the countries in the far south and he exp6cted to seo an expansion of the (nflnnnnn rf tlin TTtiltn.l O. .... in I IIU1UCHWU VI .UJ UUIICU OLUIL'B III those countries within tho next qtiar to.r of a century "through President Wilson's wiso and far-seeing policy which lifts tho level on which we stand." He said tho president be lieved that a man should not go into another country and leave" his honesty and business ideals at home. Progressives from forty counties in the state of Kansas cheered the statement of Former Governor Stubbs that "Theodore Roosevelt was the only man who could defeat President Wilson for re-election." The con vention, held tit Topeka, November 20, also adopted resolutions calling for comploto state, district, county and township ofllces in Kansas- in 1914 and decided the progressives could bettor afford to lose in the next election than to amalgamate with the republican party. 'I-n a speech in Now York city, No-1 vembor 20, Joseph H. Choate, 0x ambassndor to Great Britain, praised President Wilson's Mexican policy ahdJ called upon all Americans to stand by the nation's chief - magistrate. Colorado may undertake the oper ation of its own coal mines as a re sult of the strike in the Trinidad dis trict. Already a bill providing for such operation has been initiated and will bo voted upon by the people the coming year. deneral Jose Santos Zdlaya, ex president of "Nicaragua, who was ar rested In New York at the instance of his government, was released from the Tombs in New York and will re turn to Spain. The Stockton state hospital, of California', reported that 15 per cent of the insane patients were cured by the new water treatment. Comptroller Prendergast, of New Vorir citv. in a lecture at Phila delphia, deplored the indifference of tho public to problems Of municipal government. ' v Led by ex-Secretary of War Stlm son. tho rndifils ruled the republican stafo conference in New York city and procured the- adoption- of a reso-!"tion-for a direct "statewide primary law. t I 4 t . i . - ' ) From the Los Angeles Tribune. race of armaments, for the people could .not support further burdens of this nature'. .-. - It waB announce! in St. Louis that the Interstate ' Commerce coramls-sio'n-'s report on tho Frisco receiver ship will show, among other things', that the company was forced to pay interest pn $40,000,000 fictitious in debtedness. .k - . W. J. Calhoun, tho retiring Unit'ed States minister to China, was deco rated by President Yuan Shi Kai with the first class of the order of "Tho Excellent Crop." Fourteen doaths and 175 serious injuries wore the figures given for , tJQ football season, ending with the iaivnuai Army ana isavy game. r ' - m'Tiio anti-slavery bill which was fta488ed recently by tho Philippine1 na tional assembly, was ratified b. (the jP,hilipplne commission and is now a Colonel David DuBose Gaillard, engineer in charge of the Culebra cut division of the Panama canal, died in the Johns Hopkins hospital at Baltimore, Md., December 5, a victim of his service to the United States. Seven years of arduous labor in the tropical zone, combatting the vexing problems of engineering, Which continuously were compli cated by the shifting lands and' quick sands, undermined his health. A I11U11L11 UqU tl Mill YtlO illUIUUUCOU 1111 Vrtnf?roRa nrnmnt.inir him t.n tho rank of' colonel In recognition of his dis tinguished services whioh culmi nated in the great engineering feat in the Culebra section of the Panama canal. Lord Cowdray, head of the Pear son syndicate, which has heavy in terests in Mexico, announced the sur render of mineral concessions in Columbia. Since the inauguration of the parcel post system.. the express com panies have Buffeted heavy losseB in t$r earnings. During the year. 1911-12 the profits of. the leading companies were $5,772,000 but in ,1912-18 they have' fallen to $3,290,-000. H. G. Dunn. & Co. report fewer failures so far this year over the same period last year. One hundred and ,thirty-five per sons were killed in 21 states during the hunting season, Wisconsin being the chief sufferer. Louvre in. Paris more than two years ago, has .been found In Florence, Italy. The Nobel peace prize for 1912 was awarded to Senator Elihu Root, of New York, and that for 1913 to Senator Henry "La Fontaine, of Brussels. .Germany signified her acceptance of tUe iavitaticn of the United States to send warships tp '.represent her at the opening of the Panama canal. "Progress and Plenty - By JAS. 5. PA1UN Presents a plan for r money sys ? . It is estimated that the Wisconsin compensation act would give $750, 000 a year to disabled men. An attack on the constitutionality of the income tax law was begun be fore Judge Landis, of the United States court for the northern district of Illinois. tern that will expand and contract automatically with requirements of trade, and that cannot be con trolled by usurers but will be fair to all. A new book. Price $1.25. Address JAS. S. PATON, Faii hope, Ala. A total of $4,061,500 was secured by campaigners raising a fund for the New York city Y. M. and Y. W. C. A,s "Andrew Carnegie's secrothryv fur nished a list of the ironmasterene- lxi a period of two weeks' lime. iug $400,000,000, and reduolng his wealth almost to the $25,000,000 "sinking fund" reserved for himself : uifd family. . ' . QoYornor John K, Tenor of Penn sylvania was unanimously chosen for ;afour year term as president of the Leeded only by tho totals of tho four The year's returns from farm pro ducts in the state of Kansas, despite tho droughty conditions prevailing last summer, will reach an aggregate value of $507,000,000 according to a summary issued by tho stato board of agriculture. The year 1913 Is ex- Natlonal baseball league. The New York legislature com pleted the passage of many reform measures and adjourned sine die De cember 12. The principal bills passed provide for compulsory workmen's Compensation for all .hazardous em ployments; direct primary; Massa chusetts ballot; direct nomination and election of United States sena tors, a constitutional convention and payment of the expenses of the Sul zer impeachment trial.. i Motion -pictures are to bo Intro- duced as a regular part-of 'the 'course m vo study of the West High scliool in Dqs Moines, la. ' , A-.moving picture show 'Wnsglven in court In Boston1 as a pErf oftffe yoars preceding tho present. An initial estimate of the 1912-13 cotton crop places the numbe'r of bales at 14,000,000. The premier of Bavaria, the sec ond stato in tho German empire, de clared there must be a pause In the The new British battleship, "War- spite," recently launched at Devon port, is pronounced the most formid able battleship afloat. The cost of this latest addition to the British navy is $14,000,000. It. is driven entirely by oil engines, and has stor age facilities for sufficient oil to take it around the world, GOVERNMENT SAIiE OF TIMBi.Il LADS TUoro will bo oITorcd at public aucton atthe places and times horoln named at not loss inan appraised valuations about 1,279.000 acroa or umber lands with standlnR timber tboreon, which iclmlos about 1,043,867,500 foot of pine, as estimated In 1911, and approximately 141,309,000 foot of lmrcl wood, bocatedln the Choctaw Nattom south.ecrn Oka- noma. Bales win oo uoia at "Voti. wiiiiurtdii Huco January 8th. I'otcau January 12th, WUurtoB TuTnrv iRth and McAlestor January 17IH, MM. thio mnv v,n RuhmittRd either In person or uy i "'u'u"' .,...---------- - . It was announced that ."Mona Lisa," Leonardo da Vinci's great painting, wlilch was stolen from tho '"" " w: ...:. i.j with po v, or of attornoy. Laud and M"r ","'.11 sVld topothor. Land Jada3nlcuUura I land H bo ofTorcd In tracta not oxccedlner 1CT"f,V?"nro landK in tract3notoxcoodlnp0i0acro8.andiiot imira uVari 100 acres of agricultural n np. S-wrt one-nnh oftho total of noulcultural w nd w in bd sold to any ono. person. Terms 25 per cont casj, balance In turoo annual installments or - -per otu Sach wltlx interest, butpaymonts may bo complotea anytime immoaiaio possoaaivw 5"1-" "-,,1 proval of sale. Besldenco on land not fcqwlrcu ltSnoval of portions of timber Permitted as paid forTTlui lmpVovoments on land consls tins : ofa ;W scattered bouses will nWlf Were land and tho owners thorcor re nioursou """ thoy are unsuccessful blddors. Tho rlpbt to wal , e technical doiecta In advertisements and big ami to of Indian Affairs. jti 'Tl 4 1 1 i fc. w . r )l-