VPpRww""""" 'w wi" -t 1 DECEMBER, 1913 both the senate and the house, that of the latter being a diamond la valliere which Miss Genevieve Clark, daughter of the speaker, bought for the representatives in New York. MRS. SAYRE A SOCIAL WORKER Mrs. Sayre was born in Gainsville, Pa., twenty-five years ago. Sho at tended the Women's college at Balti more and was an honor member of tho class of 1908, being also elected a member of Phi Beta Kappa. For two years after her graduation she engaged in settlement work in Ken sington, Pa., and she is a member of the executive board of the National Young Woman's Christian associa tion. She has delivered several ex cellent addresses in public. Francis Bowes ' Sayre is twenty eight years old, and was born at South Bethlehem, Pa., a son of the late Robert Heysham Sayre, who built the Lehigh Valley railroad and at one time was assistant to the presi dent of the Bethlehem iron works, sinco known as tho Bethlehem steel works. Ho was also once president of the board of trustees of the Lehigh university. Francis Bowes Sayro graduated from Lawrenceville school, Lawrence ville, N. J., in 1904, and from Wil liams college in 1909. Ho entered Harvard law school and graduated "cum laude." He was a member of tho Sigma Phi fraternity, Gargoyle society and the Phi Betta Kappa at Williams. For the past year he has been working in the office of District Attorney Whitman of New York. During the summer he was admitted to the bar of New York state. Mr. Sayre's mother is Mrs. Martha Finlay Sayre, daughter of the late William Nevin, who was president of Franklin and Marshal college at Lancaster, Pa. She is a descendent of. JIugh Williamson of North Caro lina, one of the framers of the con stitution of the United States, and is a sister of tho lato Robert Nevin, head of the American church at Rome, and a cousin of Ethelbert Nevin, tho composer. OTHER WHITE HOUSE WED- DINGS The wedding of Jessie Wilson and Francis Sayro was the thirteenth to be solemnized in th.e White House. The first was that of Anna Todd, a niece of Dolly Madison's first hus band, and John G. Jackson. Then Mrs. Madison's sister, Lucy, was mar ried to Judge Todd of Kentucky The third wedding, that of Maria Monroe, daughter of President Monroe, to Samuel Lawrence GouVerneur in 1820 marked tho first social use of tho east room. Eight years later John, tho' second son of President John Quincy Adams, married his cousin, Mary Hellen, in the blue room. Whilo General Jackson was president there were three weddings in the White House, thoso of Delia Lewis to Alphonso Joseph Yver Pa geot of the French legation; Mary Eaton to Lucien B. Polk, and Emily Martin to Louis Randolph. Many years passed before thero was an-, other marriage ceremony in the pres ident's mansion, tho next being of Nellie, the only daughter of General j Grant, and Algernon C. F. Sartoris, j In 187G Emily Piatt, a niece of Mrs. Hayes, was married in the blue room to Gen. Russel Hastings. The elev enth of this series of weddings was that of President Cleveland tot Frances Folsom, and the twelfth that of President Roosevelt's daughter, , Alice, to Nicholas Longworth. , ENCOURAGING 'Why, my dear s'r, cried went the en on and thusiastic agent, "if told you all about this car, you'd think I was lying!" "I think so, anyhow," said prospective victim, with a smile, on it interests me." Judge. The Commoner mni 3 -l r Vi A,ti8S$5 ftSSixjVcS' J r tfmWi- W VPM There should be music in every home on L-hnstmas rffi wr morning m trap "V2&. Victor-Victrola VI, $25 Oak Will th Victor-Victrola VIII, $40 Oak ere oe a V ictrola in your home this Christmas? You can search the whole world over and not find another gift that will bring so much pleasure to every member of the family. There are Victors and Victrolas in great variety of styles from' $10 to $200, and any Victor dealer will gladly demonstrate them to you. Victor Talking Machine Co. ; Camden, N. J. New Victor Records demonstrated at all dealers on the 28th of each month Victor-Victrola XVI, $200 2Inhogany or oak the i I jli !! IIHIM ' !!""" iiiiiiiii.i 10 Q ter t 4 "I a i 1 1 4 I I J Sf