The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 01, 1913, Page 25, Image 25

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The Commoner:
jKfj Writo him now for price RJy
VhSS1 list No. 02 JgSJggggr
At ft email cost by lining our Attach
oblO OUtflt. HITS ANY IilCYCLR. Km.
lly attached. No special tooln required.
Vvrlto today for bar- EDEE DAAtf
gain lint and free book rKElC ElUUIa
Ooncriblng tlioSHAW Ulcyclo Motor At
tachment. Motorcycled, all makes, now
and second -Land, 135 and up.
Dept.40, Galeaburg, Kansas.
are feed ami lnlior pavers
Host and cheapest li tho
lonir run. No lenity or
filthy troughs to contend
with. JIoks can't crowd.
Each rcU Its shore.
Addross "Dpt. C" Fremont, Ohio.
I havo a simple herbal recipe that
positively Cures Rheumatism in all Its
various painful forms. I have given it
to many who had abandoned all hope of
ever getting well, and they were com
pletely cured. It cured mo after many
years of terrible suffering lvom muscu
lar and inflammatory Rheumatism. It
has also cured many of the worst cases
on record of Sciatica as well as Neu
ralgia. I lenow you will consider it a
God-Send after you have tested it.
Thero is' nothing contained in it that is
in any way injurious, and you can see
for yourself exactly what you aro tak
ing. I will gladly send this Recipe
absolutely free to any sufferer who
will send namo and address. II. M.
SUTTON, 251 Orchard Avenue, Ia8
AngcICH, California.
You mm ami
bora who add to your nor If -
et fflonev hv tranntntr nnrf nrtointr
fur LiBtenI finrhlcrnow nwilnn I
1 TraDOintr ia fust off thn nrcm Wa
have a CODY free for even slnn or hnv
Who intends to trail. Th moat rnmnletn
tntDDintr book vet Dnhlinhivl. TV1U hour nml '
When to trat baJtn to UM.nmdlna cram a lawn
..j ...1 '.;7" ' 'T7 .."-."":- mi
aitu cauuoK ot uuppcre Buppnee. ivafrceiz
you wmo looay.
of all kinda are in great demand
mis season . u vcr ten minion dol
lars will be paid to trappers thia
wnuer. oenu us every mryou can
trap or ouy ana gecyour enure
01 tnia biff money. Write today
zor iree dook on trapping, pneo
iiBia, snipping xage, etc.,
F. C. Tavlnr A. Co.
mill ilmfQio f
1 560 FarExckaaceBlor.
at. LsaU, Mo.
Law Should Stop Sale of
Leg-Strap and Spring Trusses
Wrong to Buy Anything Tor Itupturo
Without (jetting OO Days Trial
UepcwllnE on leg-strap or sprlntr trusses-Ilkc shown below
1 little less than slow suicide. They are almost sure to
iiorten your life. It's next to impossible to make them hold
ithout hurtingThey are simply a curse to w ear.
Awny With Leg-Strap
and Spring Truases
So far as we know, our cuaran
'd rupture holder Is the only
tiling ( any kind for rupture that
jou can get on 60 days trial the
"My thing we know of rood
enoughto stand such a long and
'h.oruS test. It's the famous
uuthe Automatic Massaeine
r.e hb7i-ri" . :s uA,y . - .. .. :
way with the misery of wearing belts, leg-straps and springs.
?t?nt . . it0 h1'd .at u times inchidiag when you are
. F;.taWP a balhl etc- cured In case alter case that
v. 1 l hot1".
pJIV!' ftr Krt lMk ' -Cloth-bound. 104 pages.
'"Wains the dangers of operation. Shws Just what's wrong
" eUsc and spring trusses, and why drugstores should
no more be allowed to fit trusfe. than to perform operations.
tEes the .numbugs show ow old-lashloned worthless
Ik? "sa'C sold under false at sleading names. Tells aU
i.V. tte ??e and attention ,c give you. Endorsement
!iSP.0.eJ People. Including physicians. Write to-day
iK?u I how you can prove eery nord we cay by making a
a Uai,t nout risking a penny.
Box 77I-Cluth C., 125 E. 23rd St., New York City
culture indicate that U will, be more
than half a million bushels less in
size than the record crop of last year
and the smallest since 1903. Based
on the department's figures of 70.7
cents per bushel, the average farm
value on November 1, the crop of
2,463,017,000 bushels, as now esti
mated, is worth $1,741,353,019,
while the value of the 1912 record
crop was $1,520,454,000.
The new Lincoln highway, to ex
tend from coast to coast, was dedi
cated by celebrations in towns and
villages along the, route.
The impeachment and rnmnvnl
of Governor Sulzer cost the state
of New York more than $125,000.
Winston Churchill announced that
tho personnel of the British navy
would be increased next year to 3 50,
000 men, which will exceed the larg
est numbers ever raised in the great
est crisis.
Secretary of War Garrison, on his
return from a trip of inspection to
the Panama canal zone, described the
Panama canal as a succession of
marvels, and said there was no sign
of friction among those directing its
A street car strike at Indianapolis,
lasting a week and resulting in four
deaths and injuries to a hundred or
more people, Including sevral police
officers, was settled through the ef
forts of Governor Ralston.
An early November blizzard start
ing November 3, held the middle west
and the lake region in its grip for
several days, causing considerable
loss of life and property damage
amounting to millions. The storm
was .remarkable in its intensity for
this time of the year. In its heavy
snowfall, accompanied by howling
winds and low temperatures, it more
nearly resembled a full-fledged mid
winter blizzard. Those states and
cities which lay directly in its path
were cut off from the outside world
for many hours. Cleveland, Ohio,
was one of the worst sufferers. Pitts
burgh was entirely cut off for more
than twenty-four hours. Buffalo, De
troit, Chicago, and other points on
tho great lakes were heavy sufferers,
and report heavy .loss to shipping,
which would have been far heavier
had not the season for navigation
been almost, at an end.
The board of arbitration appointed
to settle differences between the east
ern railroads and their conductors
and trainmen filed its award in the
United States district court at New
York. November 10. Wages were in
creased approximately 7 per cent, as
against about 21 per cent asnea oy
the men. The payrolls of the forty
one roads will be increased about
$6,000,000, as against $18,000,000
which the entire demands would
have called for. The increase was
granted to date from October 1,
1913, involving considerable back
pay to the men.
Right, All Right, but ,
Dr. Talcott Williams, head of
Columbia's School of Journalism,
said the other day in New York:
"Newspapers snouia never steai
from one another. If a paper copies
a news item, an anecdote or an edi
torial, it should give suitable credit
"Right, eminently rigni, at least m
spirit, was that young Nola unucKy
editor, who copied m ma imvvi u
poem beginning 'Full fathom five thy
father lies,' and at the poem's end
put these words of credit:
" .'William Shakespeare in the New
Orleans Call.' "-Washington Star.
Since 1846
the Estcys have been building organs in Brattlcboro,
, Vermont. If "practice makes perfect" Estcy Organs
certainly ought to be nearly perfect Ask any of
our 390,000 purchasers.
Estey Organs for Churches,
Schools, Theatres, Residences .
For sale in every city and town of importance,
throughout the world.
Brattlcboro, Vermont
JEllt worth JHiltf., Chicafo
By Louis V Post
Do you regard the Single Tax as a panacea for the cure
of all kinds of social disorder?
Would the Single Tax yield revenue sufficient for all
kinds of Government?
Would not the Single Tax increase the rent of houses?
What would the Single Tax do for the poor and how?
These questions are taken at randum from Part IV of "The Tax
ation of Land Values." This section is devoted exclusively to Ques
tions and Answers.
Taxation Methods, Land Value Taxation ls a Tax Reform and
as an Industrial Reform are dealt with in' other parts of the book,
which is illustrated by colored charts.
Send only one dollar and a copy will be mailed you and your
name entered for one year's .subscription (.12 Jssiick) for The Public,
which is recognized as orte of the great weekly, publications in the
world for those who want to understand current political and
economic problems.
Money back any time within three months if any reader of the
Commoner feels dissatisfied with The Public. Send $1.00 to
The Commoner for On Yoar. ....'... .$1.00
American Homestead Or' Year 2.1
The Excelsior Wonder Knife 1.00
Tolnl Ilrciilnr I'rlcc Wi2Z
MA, FOR 1 r
o.M-V $lr&3
This illustration thovrs
the actual size of holes
that may be cut with
the leather punch blade.
The Excelsior Wonder Knife
Is tho handiest and best knife over manufactured. Built for practical use, with
especial care to make the knife sufficiently strong for use of farmers, fciockmen,
teamsters, and sportsmen. Both blades are of the flnest tempered tool fttee),
ilnely ground and polished. Illustration shows reduced size of knife. Beside
large blade, this knife has a smaller puneh or reamer blade 26 inches long, and
cuts holes exactly as shown above. The Leather Punch will be found indispens
able for making various sized holes in leather for buckles, rivets, belt lacing,
etc" This knife is thoroughly finished in every detail, Is brass lined, has Ger
man silver mountings, and a handsome stag handle.
Trre are enabled to make this extraordinary offer by special arrangement with
the manufacturer to send each knife direct from the factory, with a full guar
antee by the maker. Accept the above offer, and you will receive a WHrfe'r
BttcelAfor Knife mailed direct to you from tho factory by prepaid Injured parcel.
wont Address order for above offer to The Cemmoaer, LIhcoIb, Xcfc.
a i
i 7