The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 01, 1913, Page 24, Image 24

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The Commoner
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tion; ill conformance with the willies
of President Wilson, to allow lier to
enter the United States to fill her
lecture engagements, subject to a
promise not to advocate militant
methods for American suffragists.
Milwaukee has adopted a new
inethod of handling inebriates, under
Which county guardians will "be
jiamed for them, and they will bo
sent to a hospital instead of a jail.
JTA- ' . ."
Horace Havemeyer states that the
Colorado beet sugar interests, which
he represented, Svoiild go right along
with their business, regardless of the
hew free sugar provision of the new
tariff law.
tfOli. 13, NO. 31
Datlinj? in, .tUo'l-jes 'follies' Register' and' Leader.
Gleaned From the Month's News
At the convention of the National
Confectioners and Ice Cream Manu
facturers' Protective association in
Atlantic City the practice of offering
prizes to induce children to , buy
cjheap candy- whs' ' vigorously de
nounced, . .;. . ,.
I ' -
1 Delegates to the Upper, .Mississippi
Ajttver association, in session ) at. an-
liibai, Mo., declared iii " favor ' of a
.deep sea charinel'for the. tipper river,
and said millions were reau' hid'
in tho lhiprovement.
V'.t. o
as the flagship of the new German
aerial navy, was intended as a test of
the ascending properties of the ship,
which took on 'board an- unusually
large ,orew. to take the, place of the
machine" guns, the bombs; the wire
less kequipmeut and other, fittings
with which the air vessel was eventu
ally to have been provided.
. The last fiscal year of the Panama
Railroad and Steamship company
proved highly successful. The opera
tions across and to and from the
isthmus, under government owner
ship and administration, shows net
earnings of $2,179,175. The steam
ship company, which is worked in
conjunction with the railroad, made
a profit of $221,000 approximately,
whereas last year, according to spe
cial reasons explained in the annual
report just made public, the- opera
tions showed a deficit of approximate
ly $201,000.
affinnno 4-lin- r,i.i.a
vv mv uut;u mucn to its his.
toric glamour. President Wilson nar
ticipated in the ceremonies and made
a, notable address, standing as ho
spoke on the spot where Washington
delivered his farewell address. Champ
Clark, speaker of the national house
of representatives, was among tho list
of notable speakers. The old structure
has been restored to almost its orig
inal appearance by architects who
sought to make tho building look juBt
as it did when Washington delivered
his 'farewell address within its walls
Troops of all warring Balkan
states committed gross attrocities,
according to. the evidence gathered
by the Carnegie commission in Us
inquiry just ended.
Colonel Oliver II. Payne, a grad
uate of Yale, gave $4,000,000 to
Cornell university medical college.
The Central Presbyterian church
of Detroit, Mich., personally invited
11,000 persons to attend its services
in a neighborhood canvas, and card
indexes were made from the infor
mation obtained for use in a "follow
up" campaign.
The indictment' (charging Thomas
iC. Watson, Georgia' editor, with' hav
ing sent obscene rhrttter through the
mails; was quashed.
The demand for horsehair to make
artificial aigrettes; the real article
blpg .barred, by . the new tarjff , sent
,th'e Nqw,' Xork. price up -to the record
, marie or $y.&,u a pound.
The probate of the will of. J. Pier- . ' . ty , '; , , ; . .
pont Morgan in London showed that The German' Permanent , Exhibi
ts British estate amounted to' tions' commission announced that it
$5,8d9,lf)C, of which the' government' would lend its moral support to the
will receive about $950,000 in death German unofficial exhibition at the
duties. .' ' Panama-Pacific fair at San Francisco.'i
The new graduate college connect
ed with Princeton university was
dedicated in the presence vof a dis
tinguished gathering 'of eminent men.
Ex-President Taft delivered an ad
dress in which lie paid an eloquent
tribute to ex-President Grover Cleve
land. The new' graduate college is a
building of ' remarkable' feeaUty, strik
ing fitness and 'high' appeal; whose
dominating 'architectural feature is
the stately Grovel' Cleveland Mem
brial'Tower, the gif.t bf citizens 6f all
the states to Princeton as a tribute
jtftlie life 'and services of the former
nrpRiffivrit' " .' ' "
E. H, Gary announced at a meet
ing of the c! iefs of the United States
Steel Corporation that the company
would close none of its mills and 'lay
off none of its' men unless forced hy
trade dullness. It was expected that
normal business 'conditions would re
turn in the spring.'
American Ambassador Gerard has
succeeded in obtaining a house in
Berlin suited for an embassy. He
has rented the"Voh Schwabach Palace
for $157000 a year.
. The first French aerial mail was
carried from Villacoubia' to Pauline,
aj distance of 400 mileSi by Lieu
tenant Andre Roin, in seven hours
and a quarter, beating the mail trains
byanoro than an hour. "
Winston Churchill, first lord of the
British admiralty, in a speech at
Manchteter, invited Germany, in the
name of the British government, to
join in a "naval holiday" and made
an offer for delaying naval construc
tion for a period of one year, malipjg
the proposal for the year 1014,, pr of
that is too near, in 1015. This dfCer,
was made while he was discussing
the question of the expenditure next
year4of$37 5,000,000 oriHh&havy.
?&,;; .t ' :- r;: ,:... ...
RettUulrug 'and cfgar ,:d6rs.;crl
clare" that "they., anticipate a lively
price war as a result 01 uio proposeu
combination of the United ..Cigar
Stores and the Riker-Hagemrih-Jaynes
interests. ..-.;
The largest monument in the world
was dedicated at Leipsic, Germany,
in comemmoration of the centenary
of the "Battle of the Nations," which
ended just 100 years ago in a victory
for the allies against the French and
resulted in tlie. emancipation of Ger
many. Fifteen years of labor were
expended on-the monument and the
cost amounted to $1,00,0,000.
Secretary RedfielcF, in an address
at "Flint, Mich., declared 'that the de
partment of commerce had not aban
doned its' intention to 'investigate
general wage redactions made under
the plea that the hew tariff com
pelled retrenchment; ' '
Prof. August .yon Wasserman, di
rfeqtorbt 'tjienew intifjutp of .exueri
mental I'tHerapeutics, .declared that
the investigation "of cancer has made
such pro'gress ' j?hal there is now hope
that a solution, of -the 'problem of its
cure Would- be- reached- iliortly.
For the first timesince 1SS6, when
Pasteur .began tlife trgatment of
hydrophobia, no patient at. the Pas
teur lns.tjtute , has .&$d during the
year., Tiiree hundred and ninety-five
persons nave been .treated iu this
period. '.- ;" ; .. , .'" -
Captain George Wellington Street
er, on legal advice, has "eoccupied
Chicago lake front -land worth millions,-
to which he hoi's claim by
reason of his "squatter rights," and
prepared--to repel all invaders.
Preliminary stepB were taken in
Berlin for the formation of a German-American,
economic, association
devoted to the cultivation of friendly
relations in the fields of business and
economic politics. .
. Te,hty-eight r-en, all except
German naval officers,, were, killed
w11pu the L-2. the latost and1 largest
of 'the Zeppelin air ships, exploded 'at!
Johannisthal. The disaster occurred
jiVmast above :he main street V bf
.Toh$Vulsthal on the morning "pf bpt.o-i
oer' ine nignt, wnicn was; pre
liminary to the dirigable's acceptance1
The.-Austrian; pbji'.o cl.)sid all. the of the Qaiidih Pacific railway
uiivuitBiiuut Lue.ouiiJiit),. xujbauuon
Svas taken .it "is said, a. a sequel to
tho arrest of Samuel Altmann, the
coinijany's agent at Vienna, in con
nection with a charge that he had as
sisted Atistrtans to t evade military;
service by emigrating ' to Canada',
without passports.' ; -Altmann . is an
American. ' .
The Austrian budget for the first
half of 19 14 showed a deficit of $30,
000,000 due to the Balkan war.
President Wilson sent his first veto
to congress when he disapproved a
resolution to reinstate a cadet who
had failed in Ills West .Point examinations.
.1 . . , . ., , , , ...
Mrs. . Emmeline Pankhurst ,was re
leased from Ellis 'Islr.nd- where she
was' diataindd by the'.ihlmigratidn au
thorities; following a decision of. the,
'commissioner- goheral of immigra-
Mrs. Emmeline ' Pankhurst de
nounced agents of the white slave
trade as being responsible for attacks
oh her magazine, the "Suffragette."
. Congress Hall, 'in Philadelphia, the
building wherein George Washington,
first president of the' United States,
was inaugurated for his'second term,
wliere he m'ade his farewell address
and where Johri Adams,. 'second presi
dent, also took the bath of office, was
rededicated October 25 undet circum-
Federal Judge' McPherson, of the
southern district, of Iowa, and Fed
eral Judge H-.' Tv Reed, of the nortli
erji district, have placed themselves
along side .FedeVal -Judge Van Vliet,
of California, in their interpretation
of the Mann "white slave" law, by
holding that the Mann act is intended
to punish men who transport women
to other states for immoral purposes,
regardless of whether it is done for
commercial gain. Judge Polloc or
Kansas, in his interpretation of tlie
law, held that it is-necessary to show
an element of commercialized vice m
order to convict.
Arnold Martin of Dubois, Neb., is
the champion all-around farmer 01
the eighth international dry fai;ml"fr
congress. At the exposition ol ur
farmed produots held in connect on
with' the congress ' at Tulsa, pitm..
Martin showed fifty-five .vaneu -crops
grown,. on thirty-six acres. e
won a $r750 hay baler, and gas engine
for grass, and forage seeds ania"
took' first for best general collectne
exhibit best, -grasses and toiab
crops, best sheaf, grain, best coin aim
best threash.ed., grain. The total 0
his winningsamounts to $1'10 ' s.
eighth congress is the most 1 uc cess
ful in its history, Delegates ftom
twenty states were present.
Construction of tlie San Francisco
position buildings was sa id to
progressing so. satisiajAu.
they would all be completed foi
opening, February 20, .1915.
w z A in .tills country "
1913 promises to be the mos
able this or- any other nation
produced', 'although the. Pfe,nIml";ri.
reports of the department of aDr
a . V .
.1 '-.,..' ...tiliiksft.