The Commoner "VOL. 13, NO. 31 20 c f it"' iv i 4w V r. .! w ffi YOUR LIFE INSURED? I vDo-you know that, nt ages 20 to 70, out of every 1,000 in i sifrablo men that is, men found on medical examination to p& of 1 Jodlconstitutlon and in good health that :jtf Wroni ages 20 to 30, about 8 will die each year ill each 1,060 j'wKFrdm ages 30 to 40, about 9 will die each year in each 1,.000 :. Wrrom ages 40 to 50, about 3 2 will die each year in eack-1,000 wr s . . .- ..-.' - .- n oFrom ages 00 to 60, about z) wm mo eacn year in eacn x,uuu L ' ' . . i , nn " r ' From ages 00 to 70, about 44 win die eacn year in eacn i,vvv r Vhat is, that about.920 of the 1,000 will be in their graves before the ago of JO years is reached. Tot from a physical point of view each f ' one in each thousand had an equal chance to live seventy years. n i Your chances are worth just that much; no more. Have you a Wife or Children, or an old Mother or Father, or ? debts exceoding your estate You may,.be one of these l,000healthy dio before reaching 70 years.. '' ) '.- '- , p J ' v M r '" ' - Do you not know that Life Insurance is by all odds the very - cheapest way you can provide with absolute certainty against any of I these contingencies, and secure your dear ones against poverty and . I distress in the event of your death? i Isn't it up to the man who creates a family to provide for it? ' '.,' i ' ' Do you know that by certain plans you cannot only protect those de- . , pendent on you, but that you can at the same time also receive back I '. in cash at the end of 10, 15, 20 or 25 years, nearly all the money 1 i you have paid for this protection? , i , , ; ' ? m Why delay? Why take chances? Think; fthen insureyour life in t. k i THE MIDWEST LIFE N. Z.nell, President, , r ""KA i ? . -i liililVXlO J,VXX .OJ.W.IV V;VJiJJl il.131 J. Selling Non-participating Iiife liisiirupce 6ji,lyV First National Bank Building, Lincoln I (, " t t 1 ii t ! i The $1,575 Seven Passenger Studebaker "SIX" is unapproached in price by any other "SIX" in the world. The $1,050 Five Passenger Studebaker "FOUR" .will give you as much in actual performance as any other -"FOUR"- no matter what price you pay. J J5'! ot car are Electrically lighted md ( startedcom-;, ffiW ana mqpemiy ccpppea mevery, respect. - ;: , , & tv ', - k. -Catalog-on request.' jj ?s VA,v'"fc. "' D4troit,-Micfi.. . "Sr- v" 'T ) Huertas Note to the Powers A Washington dispatch, dated Nov. 10, says: Secretary Bryan made public the text of the note presented by the Huerta provisional government last night to the foreign diplomats in Mexico City. The note, which was aligned by Querido Moheno, minister of foreign relations, follows in full: "In conformity with the provisions of article 81 of the constitution, and in view of the lack of a president or vice president and of the secretary of state and of the department of for eign relations, the provisional presi dency devolved upon the secretary of state and of the department of gober nacion, General Victoriano Huerta, who from that time by the ministry of the law has discharged the duties of the offices. Thus, in accordance with the will of the Mexican people formally made manifest in the consti tution of February 5, 1857, there re mained established the presidential succession and the unquestionable legality of the present government. The union and the supreme court of justice of the nation solemnly recog nized without objection the new ruler. Act According to Constitution, "In this way the three branches of the government continued the func tion by whose conduct the Mexican people exercise' the national sov ereignty in accordance with articles 89 and 50 of the same constitution The political program of the pro visional government, constituted in this manner from that time, has been defined perfectly and concentrated on two fundamental propositions; "To re-establish peace in order that extraordinary elections might be held in compliance with the already cited article 81 of the constitution, in order to- turn over tjie1 executive, power to the one designated at these elections and the one to make re spect for the law". l "In compliance with this program, the executive launched a call for elections, taking care that there should be fixed for their holding a time which he deemed prudent, not only that the preparatory work might be carried out, but also that the re public might return to a state of order which has been deeply dis turbed in some of the northern fron tier states and also, though in a much less degree, in other states. Acting in accord with the initiative of the executive and in compliance with the constitutional precept quoted, the congress of the union convoked spe cial elections to be held 'October 26, past, since it was believed by that time peace successfully would :be established in all the republic arid fair elections guaranteed. Dissolve the Congress. "In order to comply with the sec ond of these proposals the executive made clear his respect for the other governmental powers, but unfortun ately one of the houses of the legis Jative power, the chamber of depu ties, attempted in such manner to invade the prerogatives of the execu tive as to refuse in some cases to recognize the judicial j)ower, and the conduct of some of the members who were shielded by their constitutional oxemption from arrest, publicly were fomenting and even, leading an. armed rebellion, reached such a pass as to make impossible harmonious action with the executive, without which any government Would go to pieces. "The president of the rnmihHp. was forced to determine to disanivA tha chamber of deputies as a necessary juHunure ior me salvation of the re public, foreseeing as ho rilrT th affn. of anaTchy which' - inevitVihiv wouih Vhave been brought about if lie had continued to tolerate revolution in the midst of one of the constituted branches of the government. As the senate alone could not function con stitutionally he declared the congress dissolved. "But as it has never been the pro posal of the executive to govern out side the constitution he took care im mediately to convoke elections to constitute a new congress and solely in the meantime assumed extraordi nary faculties in the departments of hacienda, gobernacion and war, where such action was indispensable and this was done with the solemn promise to give account of the use which he has made of such powers to the new congress as soon as it shall be installed. Judicial Powers Upheld. "It was also a motive of especial care and attention of the ad interim government to respect and uphold the judicial power, which continued without any let in its august mission of Beeing that individual guarantees are respected, so that the march of the public administration has con tinued without other obstacles than those which a state of internal strife, which even yet prevails in some por tions of the republic, perforce brings with it. "The elections of president and vice-president of the republic and of deputies and. senators to the congress of the union already have been held. Congress will be installed within a few days and in accord with the con stitution will pass upon the election of president and vice-president and will render a decision as to their, validity or nullity. "At the approach of the date fixed' What are Post J, '.'if it: 1 oasties I Thin, wafery bits of choice Indian Corn perfectly cooked; delicately flavoured; then toast ed to on appetizing goldca brown, and packed in tightly sealed packages without being touched by hand, "Toasties" are for break fast or any other meal served direct from package with cronm or milk, and a sprinkling of sugar. e 0 Post Toasties ai'e conven ient, save a lofc."of time and please the palate immensely! t . But after all, a trial is the best answer. Grocers everywhere sell Post Tpastie 4 v -? -'T ' ' V t.