""..fSW"! The Commoner VOL. 13, NO. 31 18 K 'A- $ s Mr. W f t . p K W i . k km No not-roasted after being jointed. fowMtfwf6tgh ad fin old goose:.: Jf lertiFibfolfSUi old; do not think of serving v at'.' table but fatten for a while; than ccok Blowly and'fqr n louKkirao in a very small "quantity or watfejv;the kettle well covered to keep" m tnojnoam. delightful model and ohe suitable for of co lar a drVasv -Wear or for general service. 6148 is cut TJ?o SreMUio conventional front Medium size fc J"?? -" ? .j.nss'fflSJffiaj sssas &r'E&. &$s irocK BimwB hovwu. 3 ; -v.-- hnv.nln.lted atvl features j.t ia a i"iw.-:;wr";x; 2? V.iini. n n hamI. The nattorn in Bises 55 to iu years, rcaulres 3 yards of 3G Inch skirt. The material witn z yarua oi nraiu. i1nolnn oflfl f1iro IfOrCd pattern G10S Is out In. sizes i 14. 16 and 18 years. Medium sizo r6qulres 4 yards of 80 inch material. 0288 Iiadlen Drew,- This model is one of the popular ono pieco designs. It Has a blouso with diagonal closing. n.n oDen necic ana ubjnu.ii uunui. .. Itemiestcd Itecoints, Minde Meat -Five of six pounds of leanfresh beef the scraggy, cheap pieqea. infill do, and put to boil in watbr Qtiotlgh to cover it; as thourbtfr rises:, add hot water. to ror newTvirHat1 boils away, until the mca.t, is tender; then remove the lid and salt'tb taste, and lot boil until almost dryjlirning the meat often; then tak$!rom the Are arid lot stand, in theater over night to gej;, thor ough jy'.cd'ld. Pick all bones, gristle and-jstrjhpy bits from the meat, chop very'flnc and mince -with it three pounds "of nice beef suet. Seed and chop.ur pounds of raisins, wash andftlry'Jour pounds of currants,-slice thiri-sa, pound of citron, vhop fino four quarts1 bf. good tart cooking apples. Put'$(l,,tliis into a large pan -or Jar together, add two ounces of cinna monVbne of cloves, one of ginger, foutfjijntmegs grated, the juice and graa pintls'of two lemons, one table spooirful of salt, one teaspooriftil of peppei; and two pounds of brown Busang Put in a porcelain-lined Icettle one quart of boiled cider, or one quart of currant or grape juice, one quat,of nice molasses, a good lump of butter, and. let all come to .a boil ing p.oint, and then pour this into the ingr,ev$ibnts in the pan or jar, mix thoroughly and cover closelyv When coldj pack in jars and pour thick molasses over the top an inch thick, and cover tightly. Beef's heart boileli will do as well as the mpnt. If to61 Iflry, vhen wanted tdisel'ada' a little' more cider or hat'watertf "V Pumpkin Pie Cook- and- inash verydry two cupfuls"of pumpl'dnj welJL. sweetened, stirring in gradually while, still warm three. yeU-heatn, egg&brie tablespoonful cf sfftedfiour, uie.graieu rina ouayiQmDnJa.v;nincii eacgpT .ground cinnamon,!; agijifcj muue, ana two taoiespoontms or butter and a cupful of rich milk, or enough to thin to a thick batter; beat well, folding in one cupful of chopped figs and one-fourth pound, ol shaded raisinschqpped. Mix thoroughly .ancV nu into.nastry Biieils; bako -a. golden bow,n in a moderately hoajecj ,ove.n, . For tho Kitchen JThe wire meat rack for putting in tljo bottom of roasting pans a con- vuniuuo every uousewue suouiu havejnit iB adjustable, and Vlimt any t pan. Place tho roast upon it atid the potatoes, or any vegetable to b$ cooked with it under the rack: tliis -will permit tho juices from the rnat to drop down on the vegetables as the roast cooks. A pie fork' should oe on hand to lift any bake pan, pie or meat, out of the oven while very hot. These things cost hut little, and if jcared for, will last a long time. If the housewife would go through tho house.-furn.ishing de partment of tho city store, she would Und many useful things at a very lowoprice, often not more than two or three cents each. These things copt much more in the country stores. ,'!Aniong the articles every h6uawifevr should supply herself wfthAre. tho necessary "tools" foi" panning time. "Wooden, or enaniWed spoons should be in every kitchen:; there are now funnels colander, and cups and ladles tot ute abo,ut-vthe fruit and vegetables, apoWCVorie an stand the price, it wU. ay Qi get the aluminum cook inr.anH preserving kettles, and then take caf,tff them. Enameled wate, u)ss qf .the very best make, is apt to "chip11' or crack, when carelessly used, and must soon be thrown in..n -... .A nlnirnplv In fil'intumtlf frock ifl shown here. There also has a drop shoulder and a long or fs a Vretty vrangement of buttons short sleeve. Tho four piece skirt id - - v JKm &. .JPfSi&i ;'n' tflH Wftn w&Ei '' . Tr r t W i!wL (tJKI. "' Smm (mmh. XmWm riBS Mm Wilffl Mjti 'Ite' :'i i AimniEUlLvr WtmlimKA fhlftw&L A l f nraM'Jfflw ' TIM iWl i rIV -c W'fMiM mm mfflm 1 lYmWm '-KISII- , wooT-v i Bflfl T '111 Ilia ll 'lVm i WttWikKI ft ll lortillll I Pall i I ti 1 I j i tyffiM&Ell WiU BnlHfl Ihi HI I ll I Mi LJJ- afffiJW flmi 'PHrafl 1 "t'Iii i i NfaiiiTfa ill i Fulls l tiVti --. i" mmMM v-' " wH s "111 mt mm kt - Itemuujry if?-M- i m'Vjmmw fv.-Vv.V.F-1 " miA&Mb i lM-tt1lt ttifflft lr.'?S:.-2 iW: t . i. i jxtm " fstHHifi'tf vii :..--Jji; i - . &&M r '630.0 t&m jW . i ti th,4Iv,i!Iv ?frk, w: , i - .-. .- - 'J '"'ii't'Ji '".tl -MTi vL . r. i j . WJ . i vrfeogo :ttffia Ni ;. a ir x i i if j nm s -f . i w-'fc. iihtv. .!i. jf.i i ir nx j'iaJM if '! jp- a ii;:M ri ia wimA :t.';;PBsTi'B'lJU il!,-"v.7R'.'i-J il VsTiwi Ihl it I I. IV A tMHP t ri.p it. X 14 '. wir II Wl l 1V fflB4 !mv will iFiflX TT " I '" 1 vr 1 u mt-t 3n ILai . HIM 1 llll B T"7S mall w .raij ti I'Bf. "n. i i rrr nfrrrpfl ii h i t v i A r A I I kuKi V ' 4B I nf VZc ill V Y ti jiMJi i? JF J ft I Hi !l ft uZH' vbuSItJ 11 I n I III n i' ifTfTn JsmXt? I I 111-ilj 11 "" IMiH i' v I I J away, wliilo tho aluminum will iagt as long as It is taken care of. No matter "what other convenience must be done without, there are few things that can be omitted with more loss than the window ana door screens. Once having become used to the freedom from ily and iusect nuisance which they give, one finds it hard to do without them. If tho wire can not be had, try mosquito netting on the windows. Aside from the flies; heing disease carriers, the disagreeable crawling over and dip ping into everything is disgusting, and will spoil tho finest dinner. For the night terror, the mosquito, the screens are especially necessary, as loss of sleep induces ill health, to1 say nothing of the malaria brought in by tho insects.- Leave other things go, if you must, but get the screens. Odds and Ends Now- that little lingerie caps are used, so much about the house, it is a good thing to know that they can be most economically made from the fronts of discarded embroidered shirts. Get a good pattern, which is sold by the paper pattern com panies, and cut the cap out of the. prettiest part of the fronts; then sew a inn .or iace auout tne euge, run an elastic through a casing at the joining, and you will find no end of use of the dainty head wear. For small uses of paste, a good way is to buy a few cents worth of paper-hanger's dry paste, to be had at the wall paper store. A very small quantity can be mixed with cold water at a .moment's- notice and only as much as wanted at one time used. It is claimed -that rubbing the cotton rope usually employed as a plow line in the .country, with a cake of '.warmed,, beeswax, ,w,orKing iue wax well in, will prolong the life of the -rope,. Where the rope receives extra pressure, the amount of wax rubbed in shoull he Increased. It is 'claimed that,, while lemon juice is a- very .nice .thing to use for toilet purposes, one should not be cut, or laid on oil cloth, marble. porcelain,, enamel, or varnished or polished surfaces. It is claimed that it v roughens the enamel of the batn tub and hand basin. .is cut in qlzes for dolls from 14 to 2j inches in length. For a 21 inc h dol n "lh l ' ",i",b.t"' , "t .o ,Vh material 1 yards of edging and ard oi ribbon. 0350 Girls' Drcss.-This little clrwj shows the stylish low-belted effect which is tho -newest thing n chiWrenj fashions. Tho short skirt is kilted ana the blouse Is fulled slightly into tne stitched belt. A long or short sleeje may bo used and the shield may w wofn or omitted. Tho pattern M s cut in sizes 4, C, 8, 10 and 12 5 ears Medium size requires 2 yards ot o inch material. down the front of tho blouso and on attached to tho blouso and closes In the iront. Tno pattern 0300 Is cut in sizes 34 to 42 inches bust measure. . Medium size requires 5 yards of 36 Inch material. G020CliiarcH'a Nlsht D"?"'.g Quito an original design for chiUlrena night drawers is here offered. Tlio gar ment Is made with a square yoke J l 'jj front to which tho body portion . gathered. There is a scam at rrwu and a band accommodates the fastening at tho back. The pattern i 6020 -is cui in sizes 1.- 3, 5. 7 and 9 years. Medium sizo Tequlres 3 yards of 27 incn in torlal. 02MLiidlea- Three Gred Sklri. Thlff model shows ?no of the ne" styles for tailored skirts. It opens .";n4- mimrn th material IS SUB""' cnoolmdles-Work Apron ami Cap.-, draped at about knee depth. A jro MS -.LAOl.; hnittHW, -.Tills case it can be worn ov . tffd drert! th toot 'Aot only tailored goods ,ta SSB?S2?d-a8 Ly SfJSi?6 hur' S " W ? Lle the Place of & l?So Vb. and oropa ffatorWs can b WBht dMwVpnT has an Empire Tatetflne. with T plain gout In sizes 22 to 30 fnolies wa fnSKfln101 bilouso and ,aplaln eathedskirf, ahSrt meSsire" Medium sizo requires 2T, The long or short sleeves can -bo used, sleeves and patch pockets. The clos- yards of 44 Inch material. Silk, flannel, or linen may bo us.ed.for ing is in the back. Tho pattern 6300 ia , , , smart this shlrt-wahjt with tho. collar and cut In slzos 34 to 42 inches bust fl"SO Glrla Dreg.--This is a smart cuffs of contrasting goods. 'Tho pat- measure. Medium size reoulres B iittTodeaien for heavy cottons ,or sorte. t6rn 0343 is cUt'in sizes 34 to 42 Inches yards of 27 inch material. Q B The frock is closed in front with J bust measure. Medium alze requires . i;ttt.i B.frni?cfl T effect and is nLsJiS 1 yards ot U ihch rta,trtal, W00-D.HM Dr.WItl, hMldaya Srtttf'bStJSi.aSa loops. Te , wjJJ wwMffi SfMsfftfsawS aSBfl.,'f'Jl! It can bo made with either the straight closing In tho back. The pattern 6400 2 yards of 36 inch material. tho skirt. . Tho low shoulder lino Is a pretty point. Serge, chbvlot -or linen can bo used for this dress. The pat tern' 6330 1b cut In sizes 4, 6, 8. 10 and 12 years. Medium size .requires 2 yards of 36 inch material. il I "1 ' 19 ..-wr V . ftj4s .? iiiJ?iferf t ifca&fa&MMa A..t; i.ifctli&