The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 01, 1913, Page 16, Image 16

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    - jj T" f ,-0."JF,
The Commoner
VOL. 13, NO. 31
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. i w 3 t -r -"-i n c 1 ' vvhumwhui i mm
tifelen Watts WJtyi
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"When 4 LIo Dpwn to Sleep.1'
Novemberw1ods are bare and still,
November days are clear . and
Each nodiV burns up the morning's
Each morning's snow Is gone by
Each. day iny steps grow, slow, grow
t Itfijht. ,
As through the woods I reverent
Watching all things "lie dpwji
'' sleep." 4'v:
.T never knew before what bods"
Fragrant to smell and soft io
touch, ' ' :
The forest sifts and shapes and
I liove'r knew how much .
Of hjiinan sound there Is In such ,
Low j tohes as through ' the' forest
' sweop ?X
Whefn all wild things "lie dbwivVtp
sleep." ;
Eacli day T find new coverlids '
Tucked in, and more sweet eyes
shut tight,
Som.otimqs the viewloss mother bids
Her ferns kneel down full in- my
I hear their chorus of "good night,"
And half 1 smile and half I weep, J
Listening while they "lie down .lb'
November, woods are bare and still,
Novqmbor. days arobrlght and
Lifo.'s noon burns p the morning
Life's night rests feeZ that long
:havo stood. ' ,- , '' '
Some warm, soft bed in field on wpod
The mother will not fall to keep 1 ,
Whdre we can "lay us down ttfsleep."
Helen Hunt Jackson.
young mind the fact that responsibili
ties for certain tasks must be as
sumed by each one, they will be as
sumed with less friction as the child
becomes older. They can be taught
to make play of many little helps, but
should bo made responsible for the
efllcacy of the play. Little hands can
lift little loads and make the big ones
lighter for the stronger shoulders,
and the children thus kept off the
street may be learning useful lessons.
Many times it is the parent, rather
than the child, who needs correction
and training. A wise parent puts
herself in the child's place, now and
then. The view-point is different.
Try praising the little one for what
it wants to accomplish, whether it
has failed - or not. Nothing en
courages more than encouragement
and praise. . Lead the baby rather
than drive it, and give the child more
Kisses' than cuffs.. Everything is new
and strange to the dawning intelli
gence, and many things are mysteries
to even our own minus, we an make
mistake's, and when the little hands
fail of accomplishment, help
overcome their helplessness.
the mixture, and the whole stirred to
gether and put into a baking dish or
pan. There should be just enough
water added to thoroughly moisten it.
Bake In a hot oven for fifteen to
twenty minutes and serve hot.
For using the end of a ham, put it
over the fire in cold water and let
simmer until tender. When about
half done, add to the water four
tablespoonfuls of vinegar; when it is
done, let cool in the waer,-' then re
move the skin from the bone and pick
off all the meat, rejecting the hard
parts. Run the meat through the
chopper; measure, and to each pint
of meat allow a gill of milk, a table
spoonful of dry mustard, a dash of
tobasco pepper and two eggs. Cook
all this in a double.- boiler for Cwpor
three minutes, then turn into a.'Dowl
or small jar. It can " be usdd for
sandwiches, or sliced cold for s'upper.
For the end of a cooked ham, put
over the fire withK potatoes or other
vegetables, or cook dumplings with
it. The bone and the little meat left
on it will season the i'esi of the dish.
For Thanksgiving.
Try to get "a good bird, and one
that is not too" old. 'A hen turkey hi
more tender than a pale bird, and is
never so large. One weighing -nine
to twelve pounds, with smooth black
legs, plump' breast Hand flexible breast
bone, the flesh firm and pink, withja
white tinge -will usually prove satis-,
factory. Do not buy one with long
hairs, as long hairs indicate age, and1
the bird will probably be tough. If
. . . . , . I , .. - ... I J. 1 1 TTT1 ' -. 1 I
tno Dim is- a young one, uiere win "Qt proven. wnen,,apne, aau salt to
Canned Meats. '
One of our dear friends, who has
been with us a long time, asks how to
can chicken. We give two 'methods,
ana also tne metnocis wnicn our
friend has seen used. '
Canned Chicken r Prepare the
chicken as for frying or. fricassee, by
merely jointing, or the bones
taken from the flesh, cooked, or tin
cooked. If the bones are not' removed
cover with water in a porcelain-lined
kettle and bring slowly to a boil;
simmer until the flesh ir tender but
not brine), and fill the jars full to
overflowing, . and keep on filling as
long as there is a space to be found.
When you are sure there is no more
space, put "on new rubbers and seel
as you would fruit. Turn each can
upside down to see if it leaks, and if
there is the slightest sign of moisture
about the rubber, press the edge of
the cap down where the moisture is,
with either a small hammer or knife
handle. Bo very sure there is no
leak. If care is taken to seal air
tight, it will keep, and be nice either
re-heated, or used cold. Other meats
may be canned the same way.
Our Querist, Mrs. E. S., gives
us the following, which certainly
"sounds good": "The best chicken
I ever tasted was cooked done, and
had but little fc-oth when taken out.
The bones were removed and the
meat was cut quite fine; when the
broth cooled, the oil was skimmed off,
the chicken put back in the broth and
brought to a boil, then the cans were
filled and sealed as fruit."
Another friend wants to know how
to put away sau: age for next tummer.
The following was contributed by a
Southern sister: Grind the meat fine;
to fifteen pounds of meat add one tea
cupful of salt, and foui level able
spoonfuls of black pepper nothing
else. Mix well with the hands and
make into cakes; fry nearly done.
Then, read this carefully: Put the
cooked sausage where they will get
cold. After they are cold, pack in a
tin can closely, and pour the fryings
over the packed cakes which should
be packed in very closely, and the
fryings or lard should be hot enough
to pour. If not enough fat, heat
more' lard and pour until the cakes
are covered half an Inch deep; if on
getting cold, there are holes in the
lard,, melt' more lard and fill. When
to be used next, summer scrape the
lard oft bo you c;an'got' a mess of the
meat, then press It back 'so' as to ex
clude all air.
Training the Children. ,.. , ,
A child will get an education i:i the
street, and may learn some useful
things; but it depends very much on
the child what the lessons are. The
useless and vicious predominate, and
everything attracts the child to this
class of learning, because evil is so
brafeen nndpersistent. While we can
not keep the child from contact with
evil at all times, we should 'do the
best we can to counteract the in
fluence! and to keep the plastic mind
full"' of better things. The 'good
les$on$,are better learned at home or
iiuthe school room. The night school
ovt"hd street never yet made good,
pure men or women.
In 'every household there is always
enough to' keep the child healthfully
probably benult'e a few pin-feathers.
If the birdi is already dressed when
you get it, Wash thoroughly inside
with cold water in which a little
baking soda has been dissolved, then
wipe dry with a soft cloth. If the
bird has any appearance of being
older than you like have the butcher
pull out the tendons from the drum
sticks, and ihe meat on these parts
will be quijLe ascender as the rest of
the bird. The butcher will do this
if you ask him. After the turkey is
dressed a"nd ready to cook, it is better-
to steanu it ..than, to either boil or
roast. Set, the carcass in a bake or
roasting pan, aud cover; 'then set the
pan Into a boiler- having enough
water in it to admit of boiling for
some time, but set the pan on some
thing that will lift it above the water,
so the water can not boil up into the
pan. upver tne Doner with a heavy
towel, then the tin lid, And keep the
water boiling tuntil the flesh of the
turkey is well done about as long as
you wouia let "the bird boil in the
liiimr I'rkM no l'f nf fliA Hiiln ! loo of
uujv uv . p.v Ui tU . .v 'aV. wja- W1, U 4-.l.. . , ..
If pains1 are taken to make the work ,",:,, ,. "" , ', ruuer" iaKQ Ule
nrthort. nnri to inmrflss on Mia blld 9, make dressing and stuff it.
"v ys '- . covering if-with the dressing then
set in the oVen and roast the outside
orown. The boiler must be kept
covered, Us it is the steam that cooks
the bird, not the water, and if the
water should evaporate too freely
refill with ; boiling water. It will
evaporate but little if kept closely
'f?ivt taftltent elettrta lltht and efficient rower tt Toor
comoiind lwyi Jy or ilsht. -Mlte jour" own ejoci
trlltrf&t- fraction of tb coit of city current. Tills out
fitJvUl produce II eh. from 18 lampi for 5 hourit running
from bittery oulj 5 lnmpi ou euclne only And 45 lampt
from botli. It coiU yon ntxmt Sc an hour to run. No
jfp.rlenco or jklll needed. Wrlt Now jot ja-
Electrlc Debt I r roiltlvo Ininr- Atretlnc Faotil
nd flr6-rrdtieci Jmnnmco cost
Rn,aoniti(UHcie.iy o-cui
fort. Tlil;plntu ft complete .
Snit ana cojnpritti xerozeno
Board" and itorago battery.
htpnd.conipUUrUli full
I initiations, Easy to In
iUU. "WriU lor dtUlli.
283. Fuller Ave. D.trelt, Mich.
Loft-Overs from Dinnoi
Usually, after the Thanksgiving
dinner- there will be more or less
scraps and dressing from the turkey,
and those -should be gathered up, the
meat picked cleanly from the bones,
shredded into fine pieces, and to this
add the dressing, scrans of Ht?hr
biscuit, and gravies left poured over I same salt used on the r!
the watery as for thevtablp", and boil
up once, ;tnen remove th.e cluqken,
and take out the boned, andpaclc the
meat in ivid.e-mouth.ed jars, packing
as closely as. possible; stand the jars
in a pan. of boiling water While and
after filling, to keep very hot if there
is much broth, boil it by itself until
there is just enough tofill lie jars of
chicken to overflowing, and then seal
at once. Be sure the cans are air
tight. Glass jars are claimed to be
Another Way Make the chicken
into. ..pieces .that- will go into wide-
moutlied jars nicely. If preferred,
cut out all large or long bones. Salt
as for the table. Have the salt ready,
with one tablespoonful o saltpetre
and one of brown sugar to every tea
cupful of salt, well mixed, Pack the
meat m your jars, nressin&r down
tightly with a blunt stick (a piece of
broom handle will do); do not put
any water in the can, but pack very
tightly with meat. Hawe.a board full
of holes to set, in the bottom of your
boiler, set in the cans and fill the
uuuer wnn warm wn.f-.Ai inf ,.i.
the caps' (which should be loosefy put
on .without rubbers). Let stand until
warmed through .so they will not
break, then set the boiler" on ' the
stove, bring to' a boil, and boil until
done, as you would fruit.' It will take
from one hour and a half to three
hours, according to the age of the
??A??V.4T6.know "i H is clone!
";; I Tt?uz a ta6te . Then set
olf Vf uu"er; uuce out each jar and
set it on a cloth to keep from crack
ing and when the juice or broth has
settled the can will not be ?u 11, as
the chicken will shrink as it cooks
Have ready a nan of i,ui Jlfl
water (have it boiling, not merely
boiling hpt, strongly salted wltnthe
aw meat, but
Boneless -Turkey.
, This delicacy 'is expensive, if
bought ready prepared, but with a
little practice, one can bone her own
bird. Here is the way it is done:'
Select a young turkey hen and pick
All Dranlc CoJTcc From Infancy.
It is a common thing in this coun
try to see whole families growing up
with nervous systems weakened by
coffee drinking.
That is because many parents do
not realize that coffee contains a drug
caffeine which causes the trouble.
(The same drug is found in tea.)
"There are five children in my fam
ily," writes an Iowa mother, "all of
whom drank coffee from infancy up
to two years ago.
"My husband and I had heart trou
ble and were advised to quit coffee.
We did so and began to use Postuni.
We now are doing without medicine
and are entirely relieved of heart
finfffthiA nniiRAci Tmnrt trouble when
continually used as in coffee drink
ing.) "Our eleven-year-old boy had a
weak digestion from birth, and yet
always craved and was given coftee.
When we changed to Postum ho HKea
it and we gave him all he wanted.
He has been restored to healtn vy
Postum and still likes it." .
Name given by-Postum Co., Batt e
Creek, Mich. Write for the, Uttie
book, "The Road to Wellville.
Postum comes in two ioiwo
Regular Postum must be Jol,eU'
Instant Postum is a soluble poj
deiV A teaspoonful dissolves -lulcwy
in a cup tf hot water and, , w th ei ea
and sugar, makes a delicious beve
age instantly. Grocers sell a
"There's a reason" for Postum.
- . .w4tf!AMtid