The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 01, 1913, Page 15, Image 15

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The Commoner
. I
Nebraska Citizens Urge Passage of
the Currency Bill. .
The following communication signed
by eighty-five residents of Custer
county, Nebraska, has been sent to
Nebraska's United States senators,
urging them to support the Class
Owen currency bill.
Broken Bow, Neb., Oct. 24, 1913.
To lion. G. M. Hitchcock and the Hon.
George V. Norris, Unite: States Sen
ators from Nebraska: We, the under
signed, who claim to be representa
tive citizens of Broken Bow, Custer
county, Nebraska, regardless of poli
tics, most respectfully but firmiy in
sist that you give your support to the
passage of the bill :.ow pending in
the United States senate known as
the Owen-Glass currency bill. We
claim to know what the bill is and
since it is opposed generally by. the
element who have U3ed the govern
ment as an asset to exploit the people,
wq are thoroughly convinced that the
bill would promote the welfare of
those whose interests, have for many
years, .not been consulted in the ad
ministration of government.
C. W. Beal, county attorney; C. R.
Deming; T. C. Grimes, county super
intendent; M. S. Edd.y, Clyde D. Wil
son, Scott Cooper, Robert 'Farley, J.
h. Stfbpe, D. E. Moses, W. H. Pred
more, J. W. Johnson, J. R. Dean, W.
B. Easthara, A, P, Johnson, H. L.
Dean, J. E. Deming, J. M. Deming,
Ross-G. Moore, J. G. VanCott, G. E.
Pennington, A. H. Soud'ers, J. J. Wil
son,, H. H. Spracklen, John Cramer,
J. C. Lovitt, A. L. Umpleby, H. C.
BrUggemahn,' J. M. Sweeney, C.
C. Biggerstaff, R. W. Buckner, H.
B. Drake, O. H. Ward, F. A. Reed, H.
T?. Hanson, E. Taylor J."h. Ferguson,
Warren Deming, Wi F. Dunbar, O. W.
Barnard, Wm. B. Schaefer, W. II!
Coulter, M. E. Harris, N. B. Harris,
R. L. Lutz, Frank Boyd, E, L. Curtis,
H. W. Lovelace, J. E. Pease, farmer;
W. II. Deming, W. M. Deming, .1. D.
Ream, Jesse Gandy, TVW. Edwards,
George Kiflln, Geo A. Preissor, James
Osborn, 0. G. Ross, A. M. Drew, J. F.
Wilson, Fred J. Pulver, E. C. Scott, E.
C. House, W. J. Wilson, Ray Jenkins,
E. M. Thompson, Raa Anderson, E. R.
Purcell, H. J. Mead, H.F. Grabert, G.
W. Apple, J. Simonson, S. P. Simon
son, W. M. Drake, P. N. Barcus, E.
W. Morrison, C. R. Luce, W. F.
Foerst, W. C. Lessley, R. L. Lock
hart, C. T. Orr, Edgar C. Graham,
Charles W. Galpin, Walter Doming..
Wm. Dailty, Wm. Wutson, II. E. Sel
lers, J. W. Webber, W. T. Mudd, J. A.
Galloway, H. M. Stover, J. A. Sals
bury, C. W. Gilman, Fred D. McCIay,
L. E. Hayes, J. C. Broady, Fred
Lampe, W. D. Culwell, W. S Cochran,
George Hayes, J. N. Simmons, Adura
liable, V II. Bock.
Auburn, Nebraska. To Hon. Gil
bert M. Hitchcock: We, the under
signed democrats of Nemaha county,
Nebraska, having faitli in the policies
of the present democratic administra
tion, and believing it; the part of
wisdom to uphold the hands of the
president, who has proven himself
the master of the situation and a
friend of the people, suggest that you,
as one of our representp.ti es in the
United States senate, lay aside your
personal opinion as to minor details
and get squarely behind the president
in the important matters now before
the senate, the currency bill, and by
so doing claim a part of the glory due
this democratic administration as the
greatest moral uplift in the history
of our country. G. W. Hopkins, M.
T. Conner, Edw. T. Lambert,, Geo.
'Fablinger, II. L. Feistnor, A. C, Mutz,
J. M. Demoree, Fred G. Hawxby, H.
A Lambert, ' Allen D. May, P. L,
'Langford, Frank Snyder, W. H. Linn,
An Albion, Neb., dispatch, dated
October 24, says: Forty-seven Boone
county democrats have wired to Sen
ator Gilbert M. Hitchcock at Wash
ington, urging that he support the
GhiBs-Owen currency bill. The peti
tion read as follows: "Wo, as demo
crats of Boone county, Nebraska, afo
heartily in favor of the Glass-Owens
currency bill. Wo most earnfcstly re
quest you aa our representative In
the United States senate to give your
undivided support to this bill, We
see by the dally dispatches that some
of the Omaha bankers havo made
the statement before the committee
that 'Nebraska is opposed to this bill.'
This may be true of the Omaha bank
ers, but we can assuv you that this
,is not true of the voters of the state'
An Associated Press dispatch says:
Attorney General McReynolds has
decided that the sub-section of the
new tariff law authorizing a discount
of 5 per cent on all goods imported
in American vessels Is nullified by its
provision that "nothing in this sub
section shall bo so construed as to
'abrogate or in any manner impair or
affect the provisions of .any treaty
concluded between the United States
and any foreign nation."
Secretary ;McAdoo, of the treasury
department, made public the attorney
general's opinion and announced
,that in accordance with it, collect
tors Of Customs would rfUrAVArJ
sub-section as they had bee
structed to do on October 8. JSntrfor
held up ponding tho decision now will
bo liquidated, leaving Importers who
Insist upon the f. per cent discount to
protest with the right of finally
carrying the question to the. court of
customs appeals. This ends for the
present ut least the long drawn dul
discussion over the proposed tllfTer
entlal duty provision, the subject of
much debate In congrosH while tho
tariff bill was under consideration.
Mr. McReynolds said:
"That the & per cent discount to
American vessels only, which is the
primary object of the sub-section In
question, cannot ho given wl(hout
Impairing the stipulations of existing,
treaties between tho United State
and various other powers and that
consequently the sub-section, by the
expressed terms of the proviso is In
operative," Twenty-three natloriB have treaties
with tho United States under Which
they claimed their ships had a right
to the differential in common with
American ships. Theso included Ger
many, Great Britain, France, Austra-
Hungary, Italy, Japan, Belgium, Den
mark, Greece, The Netherlands,"
Spain, Norway and Sweden,
Soveral foreign governments, in
cluding those of Germany, France,
and Spain, made strong protests to
tho state department against the pro
posed discrimination and there" was
some indirect threats of a trade war
If the preference duty was enforced.
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