t"Wfiwytm!$ 'yiimwffrrtfiV'fsa, The Commoner VOL. 13, NO. 31 u ' Jy' Jkfcit Mr m IB' i Hfi t.til Ml o. II.- N. 11. Free Froo Freo coc Froo Artlclo Gfidno, manure, basic , Hitter, and Huiu nitrogen,.. Free Oiim copal, , damur, Gum' amber, lii- chips. . . . ; . .Froo Qmipowdov and oxplo- - alvcs worth under UOc Mii' 2e Hi Free Halnoi worth over -Oc ID, , ,, 4c lb Frco Hair' of lorsc, cuttlo M&c, not manufac- ' t'urod . . . . . .Free Free IJido out.tings, raw and blue stock, Frpc Frco llldo ropo ". . .Frco Froo Hides of cattle, un- , cured u. Frco Freo llonos and whetstones Free Froo Hoop' oi'' hand iron for baling cotton 3-10c 11) Frco Hop roots for eultiva ' ton ....: Horns and parts of, un manufactured ..-.. Frco Frco Ico and crude India . vtifiber .Free Frco Indigo, crude Free Freo Indigo, extracts Mo lb Freo Indigo, carmined 10c lb Free Iodine, crAulo ..Free Froo Iodine, rosubliinod 20c lb Free ipecac and jalap Froc Frco Iridium, &c, eoiliblna- tions Frco Frco Iron ore 1 5c ton Frco Ir,on n pigs $2.50 ton Froo Spjegelelson ?2.R0 ton Frco Scrap iroii and steel $1 ton Froo Forromanganeso $2.50 ton Froo Jet, unmanufactured Free Frco Josh stick and old flunk Frec-t-Freo ICplp, kieserlte, kyanito. . . . Free Freo Lac dyo and luctareno Free Freo Lard 1 c lb Froo Lava and leeches Free Froo Kleins for morocco, un finished Gpc Frco Skins- for morocco, lln- . ished 15pc Frco Bookbinders' skins 15pc Frco Leather, band, band, bolting 5pc Freo Leather, grained, buffed, split 7pc Freo Patent leather under 10 lbs -. . .27c lb Frco plus lGpc Same, 10 to 25 lbs 27c lb Freo f plus 8pc Same, over 25 lbs 20c lb Frep . " . plus lOpc Upper leather , 15pc-r-Freo Calfskins . , ; t ,15pc Freo Other leather, 15pc Free Leather in vamps and uppers I5pc Freo Chamois skin vamps 80pc Freo Boots and shoes of eat- tie skin lOpc Free Other boots and shoes 45pc Fret Harness and saddlery 35pc Free Jip&thcr shoo laces 50c gross plus lOpc Freo Lemon juice; lifo-sav- l .' . I ving apparatus , . .-. ,Fr6e4Frce limestone" rock, as- . v ' 'i 'bitumen .... 50c tOV Lithographic stones not -'?: ' enirraveu. l t m us. $-'kv,j loadstones, inaddor, magneslto, mangan ese ore, inanna, man ! uscripts, crudo mar I row, marshmallow i i o o t or flowers, liatural tuta., 4 o . ' - ,I3acon and hams 4c lb Pro e , irl'oali U o e 1 . v e n 1 v j.r h ."' . m-m - v w , X '"V - '-t I F.roe Freo 1 I -...1.4. l..l. 1- I , 1J1UIIU1I, IIMIUI, lUIUv - iprcpared' and pro- t servedVmoats - I lBolognu..f'sausages . . . TVOphy andprlzo mod Ma of gold, silver, copper, as Honorary 1 v if. , . . 25p(i-Fre.e . . .25pC,7Frco1 ..Free-i-Free .Free-r-Freo lOclb Frob j;distinctlons Free Froo lfh milk 2c'gaT Free Cream, f resli 5c gal Frco (Sdndcnsed milk 2c lb Froc ugar of milk Sclb Free Mineral salts. exapoc I Seated; cnido miner- , , . jas, miners1 rescue appliances and safe t'y lamps, models of ., . (inventions, moss and seaweed not special- ' ' ? . Jy provided for, niyr- 'obolans fruit liti nails and spikes 4 l-XaKi.arkelinn ilfitlo linll- T :nUlfl ' I-YaQ lb Free1 Wrought iron or stool i iiails l'ic lb Freo "Wi,io nails . under 1G I'gaugo 4-10o lb Free "Wire naila under " inch... c lb Freo Sotkos c;lb Freo HiArso, imulo and ox ' alioes c lb Free qutl tacks, brads, or .siirlgs; v's c per 3MFree SaHlio oyer 1G ov. to tho 1 ;t,000 V c lb Free Nllehles. hand sowing v land darning: news- aiaperiJ, pntiev-cover- Jltid perloai.qeji, puxr- . , , . . , . , - iTOns. . coeoXiiuts In isliells, cotonuf I Wheat not aS jraddod. ' l.'rinx vomlcavvibakum-. 4tk: "i.; . .Free Free Article O Oatmeal and rolled oats. ...lclb Free Oat hulls ... 10c 100 lbs Free Oil cake, oleostearin, orange and lemon peel, orchil liquid gold, silver, nickel and platinum ores, - crude paper stock Free y rec Oils, Birch tar oil, cajc put oil, cocoanut oil, cottonseed oil, cro ton oil, ichthyol oil, , palm oil, soya bean oil, ollvo oil u n lit for food, Chinese nut oil, crude m Incral oil, American llsh and whalo oil and para ffin Free Free Cod liver oil 15o gal Free News and bookprint paper, valued under 2V4c lb .'....3-lGclb Freo Same, value 2,io to 2c lb. K-lOc lb Free Parchment and vellum, mother of pearl and shells in natural state, personal ef fects of U. S. dying ' , , abroad, old pewter, ' philosophical and sci entific apparatus for institutions, crude phosphates Free Free Paris green and Lon don purplo 1 5pcr Froc Phosphorus 18c lb Free Photographic and mov ing picture films not exposed or developed 25pc Free Plants, trees, seeds, imported by Depart ment of Agriculture; platinum unmanufac tured ingots, vases, &c, plumbago, crude potash; sulphate of potash; carbonate of potash; caustic pot ash, not. refined; ni trate and muriate of potash Free Froo Cyanide of potassium. .. .12 ',4c lb Free Caustic potash, refined lc lb Free Potatoes . . . 25o bu Prco Professional books, implements, tools, of immigrants; pulu; sulphato of qulnia; alkaloids of cinchona bark, radium and its salts and rags, not specially mentioned Froc Free Railway bars. T rails flat rails .'.7-40clb Rennets, raw or pre pared Free Ryo 10c bu Rye flour c lb Sago, crude and s sago flour Free Salicin: salep; salon, Free Free Santonin 50c lb Freo Salt in bags and packa- ' ges lie 100 lbs Free Salt in bulk 7c 100 lbs Freo Sheep dip; shot gun barrels in single ' .lubes, rough bored Froo Freo rSceds: Cardamon, cau- ' ' ' liflower, coriander, -"cotton, cummin.fen-' ' hqI, flower, - clover, ' grass, h e m p s o o d, mustard, rapeseed, evergreen seedlings Free Free Celery seed 1 0c lb Freo Shrimps, lobsters, oth er shell fish, , silk cocoons and waste; - . raw silk not twisl.ed; silkworm eggs? skel- etohs and other pre paration of anatomy Free Free Skins of hares, rabbits, dogs, goats, and sheep, undressed .' .Free Free Raw hides & skins ; . .-.Free Free Arseniato of soda ' lclb Free Cyan Ida of soda Free Sulphato of Soda $i t'n Free Silicate of soda c lb Free Sotla.. ash , . . ; : .. . y, o Ib-Freo Nitrate of soda Free Freo Sova beans 4 fie. fou Free Natural history, botany and mineral speel ' mens, for scientific ' .collections; s w u n ic: . . : spurs' and stilts used r, in china making: , postal stamps and "canceled postal cds.... .Statuary and sculpture casts for art educa tional mo d:o Us; re- -galia and gems im- ' ported for religious and similar purposes; rough burnstono;'' Cliffstone, Tripoli &' sand; strontia f Steel engraved forms and plates for bonds, stack certificates, and securities New Freo Steel ingots, cogged ingots, &c, of Les- somor and similar process not contain ing high alloys k .21.98pc Free Strychnine and its salts. . ,15c oz Freo Sulphur, refined ...-, I5.72pc Freo Sulphur, sublimed or O. R. N. R. -Free -Freo -Free -Freo -Free '- :Fr()T5-Froo .Free Free .Free-iFreo- -Free -Free Artlclo SulDhur. lao or precipi tated, crudo sulphur . . or brimstone. and sul-. phur ore as pyrites Free Free Sumac $3.10 Jb Free Swine $1.50 head Free .Swinc for breeding Free Free Cattle not 1 year old $2 head Freo Other cattle, not worth $14 head $3.75 head Free Same, worth over $14 head 27,,aPC Free Sheep, not 1. y-car old. . .75c head Free Sheep, over 1 year old. $1.50 head Free Tagua nuts, tamarinds; crudo material for tanning and dyeing Free Free Talcum and French chalk, unground Ngw Froo Tallow Vzc lb Free Quebracho extract . . c lb Free Tapioca, tapioca Hour, . , cassava, tar and pitch . of wood, tea and tea plants, teeth, terra- . japonlpa, tin ore, v black ' oxide of tin, tin in bars, tobacco ' stems i Free Free Tungsten ores lOpc Free Turmeric-, turpentine, turtles, u r a n i u m, .valonia, vegetable or mineral wax, whale bone, unmanufae'd. . . Old ' type, stereotype metal and linotype composition, fit only for remanufacture . . . Wafers, unleavened, not edible Wearing apparel, artl- ' cles of ersonal ad ornment, . toilet or ticlos and like per . sonal effects arriv ing in tho U. S. (not merchandise) Free Free Wheat 25e bu Free Wheat flour, semolina 25pc Free (Note. Attached to the -provision for free wheat, wheat flour, semolina, is a proviso that wheat shall -bo dutiable at 10c a bushel, wheat flour at 45 cents a barrel, and semolina at 10 -per cent when imported directly or indirectly from tho country which imposes a duty on wheat, wheat fldur or seminola im ported from the United States.) ' Barbed wire , 23.44pc Free Witherite, zaffor Free Freo Logs & rd. timber Free Freo Kindling wood Free Free Timber, . hewn, not sawed M-coax ft Freo Sawed boards of white wood, sycamore and basswood 50c ar ft Free Sawed 1 u m b e r not specially named $1,25 M ft Free Firewood Free Free Fence posts . .Five Fmc Clapboards $j 25 M Free Laths o0c M-.Free taVGs . . .' .., ."... . lOpc Free !lJnel?B ; ; 50c MFree amp ijmmtui ana um wr ..........,,, Wood Hour Rough cab. woods, silcli as box cedar, ebonv, mahdgany, rosewood, walnut, &c Rough sticks of bam .booj melacca, orange &c, for umbrellas, whips, fishing rods or canes , Vvno, i M e fi h n. n i n n 1 1 .r n-,i -. , wood pulp, and . . ' ' cneniioai wood- pulr " bled. and unbleached .'.ll.SOpc Froc wool of sheep, unman ufactured, until Dee. '' ' -1, 1913 43.61nc 4,3.tlpc wools, unman'f'd after Dee. 1, 1013 43.C1PC Free Wool noils, until Dec. ' 1, 1913 .... . 20c lb 20c lb Wool noils, after Dec. 15)13 ; 20c lb Freo Wool wastes of various Kinas after Dec. l, 1 0 1 't .V J.l ...... ...... ... Original paintings in oil water or other colors, past ol s, original drawings. &c origi nal . sculptures or statuary, the profes sional productions of sculptors only, .&c '. .;,."Ffclo JTee Works of art, except ,;, v ' ijugs and carpets,- ( .'". collections illustrat ing art progress and .Free Tree .35 pc Frco Froe-r Free roe !0clb- t -Free mrm eeFreo flowers .18.02pc? Freo 0. 11.-N. u. .Free Free Article artistic anttqultlos over 100 years old.... Works of art,.&c, bro-t by professional art--ists and lecturers for temporary exhibition. Works of art produced by American artists temporarily abroad... Works of art for pre sentation to nation, state, city, or to re- " llgious college or .. public institutions, except stained glass windows Fro- !' FEATURES OF THE INCOME V THE NEW TARIFF J,A. ' Free Fire .Free Fr. )r IV al 00 Returns made thus far to the Inionv Revenue Service indicate that rr. ..fi navemm ( t- fltn TTnltn.1 ot.. ...n. . ' yt.. ,,... ... Un.-mlw oittws Will (JO UT- feeted by the income tax. The incomes covered are: Those of all citizens of tho T'nitr.i States residing at home or abroad. Those of all persons residing in the United States although not citizens. All not incomes from property ami from every other business, trade or pro fession carried on in the United .Stilus by persons,, aliens or cltlaens, residing elsewhere. The tax to bo paid Is: Normal tax, 1 per cent per annum upon the amount.of net income exceeO ing $3,000 for individuals and above $4,000 for husband and wife living to gether. Additional tax, 1 per cent on net in comes between $20,000 and $50,000; 2 per cent on incomes- between $f)0,000 and $75,000; .3 per cent on incomes be tween $75,000 And $100,000; 4 pr e.-nt on incomes between $100,000 and $50, 000: 5 per cent on incomes between $250,000 and $500,000; 6 per cent on in comes exceeding $500,000. Included. In Net Income All gain6, profits and incomes derived from salaries, wages or compensation for personal .services of any kind, profes sions, business, trade or commerce, sales or dealings in property, interest, rent, dividends and securities. Deductions . Allowed. Necessary ex penses actually Incurred in carrying on any b'uslness from which the income arises. All interest accrued and payable within the year on indebtedness. All national, state, county, school and municipal taxes. Losses actually .sustained during tl.o year in connection with the" busings from which the. income is. derived. Debts actually ascertained to be worthless. Deductions Not Allowed All per sonal, living .and family expense.6. Taxes assessed against local benefit. All expenses of restoring property ov making good, the exhaustion thereof for which an allowance has beta made Am'ounts paid for new .buildings, per manent improvements, or betterments made to increase the value of any prop erty. Exemptions Interest upon the olilN Rations of a state or any political sub division thereof. ' Interest upon the obligations of the United States and its possessions. Tho compensation of the present President "during the term for which r-o has been elected. , ' The compensation of Judges of I e Supreme and Inferior . Courts of tu United States now in attic"." , Tho compensation oalJ ofiioer nm employees of a-state, or any polltieai subdivision thereof, Lut : ot inoluilinj,' Senators and Representatives in con gress. , . Three thousand dollars shall be de ducted from the net income above as certained of each person and $4,000 ir husband and wife living together. The taxpayer must file a return wu;' tho Internal Revenue collector by Man 1. 1914, showing all sources of Iiicon and the deductions to which he is .1 titlcd. - . , , ,. All incomes are to bo computed i.y the calendar veav.' but taxes l or U'' first year will be levied only 1Jl March 1, 1913, to December 31 next. Notification of assessments will " sent out by thq Government beioi Juno 1 ne.t, , T ,, .Taxes must bo paid by June ..u. Failure to file a return means f- R of from $2 to $500. . lUt ,0. A fraudulent return Wk"'u.. paver liable to a fine of $2jOOM ,' .'," urisonment for ono ye.ai or uo Cincinnati Enquirer. IjHJK rw FONSTEN&CASHieF FOHSTEU BROS. & CO. Will Sell fit 0. S. eovernment Seals I uieecs nricesi ufiier rraoinn w.nt tns.n ,- ..n. .m w y. (hn i.n-H!nin wu.iu . --- , I- -lift" H".1' '" "! nuropean bnyere nro rorrestutcd at our replar fl t. 1 J , tre tvIU bamllo the ovrnmenf Alatncelontput. Morobujcri nud better price Hhrvrier. ;ur in Uwr niiantHlw., cet more rpot caih and pay jcu pioro ca?b, than you can -et ?"''"" " our business direct with von v ni m wm An .h f nr.-nTthin!r from one rtln -V , . Big Monev in Tranninv HIn,r' cocn' ka,ik nwkrt, . wow, n.Jfpv'raioEs rUnSlBll nnimai Kail; rnici wmcmM jour wicu w mivii ""- -v... .-n!ifoarntoi.r 1 T""olr" 1HHII DdHa World. Fair In 1BOI. II R. Gornmenl usci tliem. poacancroofu " -"--J" ------- .- ,, . T-,r Mill IJH'I'V. man $1,109 clear urofit, n..i i, . """u."2r."", "u,'" LIL X"' "'".'."A. , .' "riS Laws iml Trrr cmlH ...i... ... . . T y . ... .T.i.ciM'uaT iuj- uvd ,ni)i'r. v"lli- ' w t'j-.j vow.ut-t ur jaartei iieport, FunsUn Fur Sblppins Tate, etc. Ahit SU.ua. 1 FMnsttn Bros. 4 C;t 1850 Fimtn Rita St. Louis, Mq v tr . 18.